@ -581,17 +581,20 @@ std::string GPU_HW_ShaderGen::GenerateBatchFragmentShader(GPU_HW::BatchRenderMod
ss << "};\n";
ss << R"(
int3 ApplyDithering(uint2 coord, int3 icol)
uint3 ApplyDithering(uint2 coord, uint3 icol)
uint2 fc = coord & uint2(3u, 3u);
uint2 fc = coord & uint2(3u, 3u);
uint2 fc = (coord / uint2(RESOLUTION_SCALE, RESOLUTION_SCALE)) & uint2(3u, 3u);
int offset = s_dither_values[fc.y * 4u + fc.x];
return icol + int3(offset, offset, offset);
int3 TruncateTo15Bit(int3 icol)
icol = clamp(icol, int3(0, 0, 0), int3(255, 255, 255));
return (icol & int3(~7, ~7, ~7)) | ((icol >> 3) & int3(7, 7, 7));
return uint3(clamp((int3(icol) + int3(offset, offset, offset)) >> 3, 0, 31));
return uint3(clamp(int3(icol) + int3(offset, offset, offset), 0, 255));
@ -654,10 +657,10 @@ float4 SampleFromVRAM(uint4 texpage, uint2 icoord)
ss << R"(
int3 vertcol = int3(v_col0.rgb * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0));
uint3 vertcol = uint3(v_col0.rgb * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0));
bool semitransparent;
int3 icolor;
uint3 icolor;
float ialpha;
float oalpha;
@ -707,10 +710,27 @@ float4 SampleFromVRAM(uint4 texpage, uint2 icoord)
ialpha = 1.0;
icolor = int3(texcol.rgb * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0));
// If not using true color, truncate the framebuffer colors to 5-bit.
icolor = uint3(texcol.rgb * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0)) >> 3;
icolor = (icolor * vertcol) >> 4;
icolor = ApplyDithering(uint2(v_pos.xy), icolor);
icolor = min(icolor >> 3, uint3(31u, 31u, 31u));
icolor = (vertcol * int3(texcol.rgb * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0))) >> 7;
icolor = uint3(texcol.rgb * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0));
icolor = (icolor * vertcol) >> 7;
icolor = ApplyDithering(uint2(v_pos.xy), icolor);
icolor = min(icolor, uint3(255u, 255u, 255u));
// Compute output alpha (mask bit)
@ -721,17 +741,16 @@ float4 SampleFromVRAM(uint4 texpage, uint2 icoord)
icolor = vertcol;
ialpha = 1.0;
// However, the mask bit is cleared if set mask bit is false.
oalpha = float(u_set_mask_while_drawing);
// Apply dithering
icolor = ApplyDithering(uint2(v_pos.xy), icolor);
icolor = ApplyDithering(uint2(v_pos.xy) / uint2(RESOLUTION_SCALE, RESOLUTION_SCALE), icolor);
icolor >>= 3;
// However, the mask bit is cleared if set mask bit is false.
oalpha = float(u_set_mask_while_drawing);
// Premultiply alpha so we don't need to use a colour output for it.
@ -744,11 +763,10 @@ float4 SampleFromVRAM(uint4 texpage, uint2 icoord)
// We want to apply the alpha before the truncation to 16-bit, otherwise we'll be passing a 32-bit precision color
// into the blend unit, which can cause a small amount of error to accumulate.
icolor = int3(((float3(icolor) / float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0)) * premultiply_alpha) * float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0));
color = (float3(icolor >> 3) / float3(31.0, 31.0, 31.0));
color = floor(float3(icolor) * premultiply_alpha) / float3(31.0, 31.0, 31.0);
// True color is actually simpler here since we want to preserve the precision.
color = (float3(icolor) / float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0)) * premultiply_alpha;
color = (float3(icolor) * premultiply_alpha) / float3(255.0, 255.0, 255.0);