mirror of https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation
GPU: Split command handlers into seperate file
@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
#include "YBaseLib/Log.h"
#include "YBaseLib/String.h"
#include "gpu.h"
#include "interrupt_controller.h"
static u32 s_cpu_to_vram_dump_id = 1;
static u32 s_vram_to_cpu_dump_id = 1;
constexpr GPU::GP0CommandHandlerTable GPU::GenerateGP0CommandHandlerTable()
GP0CommandHandlerTable table = {};
for (u32 i = 0; i < static_cast<u32>(table.size()); i++)
table[i] = &GPU::HandleUnknownGP0Command;
table[0x00] = &GPU::HandleNOPCommand;
table[0x01] = &GPU::HandleClearCacheCommand;
table[0x02] = &GPU::HandleFillRectangleCommand;
table[0x03] = &GPU::HandleNOPCommand;
for (u32 i = 0x04; i <= 0x1E; i++)
table[i] = &GPU::HandleNOPCommand;
table[0x1F] = &GPU::HandleInterruptRequestCommand;
for (u32 i = 0x20; i <= 0x7F; i++)
table[i] = &GPU::HandleRenderCommand;
table[0xE0] = &GPU::HandleNOPCommand;
table[0xE1] = &GPU::HandleSetDrawModeCommand;
table[0xE2] = &GPU::HandleSetTextureWindowCommand;
table[0xE3] = &GPU::HandleSetDrawingAreaTopLeftCommand;
table[0xE4] = &GPU::HandleSetDrawingAreaBottomRightCommand;
table[0xE5] = &GPU::HandleSetDrawingOffsetCommand;
table[0xE6] = &GPU::HandleSetMaskBitCommand;
for (u32 i = 0xE7; i <= 0xEF; i++)
table[i] = &GPU::HandleNOPCommand;
for (u32 i = 0x80; i <= 0x9F; i++)
table[i] = &GPU::HandleCopyRectangleVRAMToVRAMCommand;
for (u32 i = 0xA0; i <= 0xBF; i++)
table[i] = &GPU::HandleCopyRectangleCPUToVRAMCommand;
for (u32 i = 0xC0; i <= 0xDF; i++)
table[i] = &GPU::HandleCopyRectangleVRAMToCPUCommand;
return table;
constexpr GPU::GP0CommandHandlerTable GPU::s_GP0_command_handler_table = GPU::GenerateGP0CommandHandlerTable();
bool GPU::HandleUnknownGP0Command(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
const u32 command = *(command_ptr++) >> 24;
Log_ErrorPrintf("Unimplemented GP0 command 0x%02X", command);
return true;
bool GPU::HandleNOPCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
return true;
bool GPU::HandleClearCacheCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
Log_DebugPrintf("GP0 clear cache");
return true;
bool GPU::HandleInterruptRequestCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
Log_WarningPrintf("GP0 interrupt request");
if (!m_GPUSTAT.interrupt_request)
m_GPUSTAT.interrupt_request = true;
return true;
bool GPU::HandleSetDrawModeCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & UINT32_C(0x00FFFFFF);
// 0..10 bits match GPUSTAT
const u32 MASK = ((UINT32_C(1) << 11) - 1);
m_GPUSTAT.bits = (m_GPUSTAT.bits & ~MASK) | param & MASK;
m_GPUSTAT.texture_disable = (param & (UINT32_C(1) << 11)) != 0;
m_render_state.texture_x_flip = (param & (UINT32_C(1) << 12)) != 0;
m_render_state.texture_y_flip = (param & (UINT32_C(1) << 13)) != 0;
Log_DebugPrintf("Set draw mode %08X", param);
return true;
bool GPU::HandleSetTextureWindowCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & UINT32_C(0x00FFFFFF);
Log_DebugPrintf("Set texture window %02X %02X %02X %02X", m_render_state.texture_window_mask_x,
m_render_state.texture_window_mask_y, m_render_state.texture_window_offset_x,
return true;
bool GPU::HandleSetDrawingAreaTopLeftCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & UINT32_C(0x00FFFFFF);
const u32 left = param & UINT32_C(0x3FF);
const u32 top = (param >> 10) & UINT32_C(0x1FF);
Log_DebugPrintf("Set drawing area top-left: (%u, %u)", left, top);
if (m_drawing_area.left != left || m_drawing_area.top != top)
m_drawing_area.left = left;
m_drawing_area.top = top;
return true;
bool GPU::HandleSetDrawingAreaBottomRightCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & UINT32_C(0x00FFFFFF);
const u32 right = param & UINT32_C(0x3FF);
const u32 bottom = (param >> 10) & UINT32_C(0x1FF);
Log_DebugPrintf("Set drawing area bottom-right: (%u, %u)", m_drawing_area.right, m_drawing_area.bottom);
if (m_drawing_area.right != right || m_drawing_area.bottom != bottom)
m_drawing_area.right = right;
m_drawing_area.bottom = bottom;
return true;
bool GPU::HandleSetDrawingOffsetCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & UINT32_C(0x00FFFFFF);
const s32 x = SignExtendN<11, s32>(param & UINT32_C(0x7FF));
const s32 y = SignExtendN<11, s32>((param >> 11) & UINT32_C(0x7FF));
Log_DebugPrintf("Set drawing offset (%d, %d)", m_drawing_offset.x, m_drawing_offset.y);
if (m_drawing_offset.x != x || m_drawing_offset.y != y)
m_drawing_offset.x = x;
m_drawing_offset.y = y;
return true;
bool GPU::HandleSetMaskBitCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
const u32 param = *(command_ptr++) & UINT32_C(0x00FFFFFF);
m_GPUSTAT.draw_set_mask_bit = (param & UINT32_C(0x01)) != 0;
m_GPUSTAT.draw_to_masked_pixels = (param & UINT32_C(0x01)) != 0;
Log_DebugPrintf("Set mask bit %u %u", BoolToUInt32(m_GPUSTAT.draw_set_mask_bit),
return true;
bool GPU::HandleRenderCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
const RenderCommand rc{command_ptr[0]};
u8 words_per_vertex;
u32 num_vertices;
u32 total_words;
switch (rc.primitive)
case Primitive::Polygon:
// shaded vertices use the colour from the first word for the first vertex
words_per_vertex = 1 + BoolToUInt8(rc.texture_enable) + BoolToUInt8(rc.shading_enable);
num_vertices = rc.quad_polygon ? 4 : 3;
total_words = words_per_vertex * num_vertices + BoolToUInt8(!rc.shading_enable);
case Primitive::Line:
words_per_vertex = 1 + BoolToUInt8(rc.shading_enable);
if (rc.polyline)
// polyline goes until we hit the termination code
num_vertices = 0;
bool found_terminator = false;
for (u32 pos = 1 + BoolToUInt32(!rc.shading_enable); pos < command_size; pos += words_per_vertex)
if (command_ptr[pos] == 0x55555555)
found_terminator = true;
if (!found_terminator)
return false;
num_vertices = 2;
total_words = words_per_vertex * num_vertices + BoolToUInt8(!rc.shading_enable);
case Primitive::Rectangle:
words_per_vertex =
2 + BoolToUInt8(rc.texture_enable) + BoolToUInt8(rc.rectangle_size == DrawRectangleSize::Variable);
num_vertices = 1;
total_words = words_per_vertex;
return true;
if (command_size < total_words)
return false;
static constexpr std::array<const char*, 4> primitive_names = {{"", "polygon", "line", "rectangle"}};
Log_DebugPrintf("Render %s %s %s %s %s (%u verts, %u words per vert)", rc.quad_polygon ? "four-point" : "three-point",
rc.transparency_enable ? "semi-transparent" : "opaque",
rc.texture_enable ? "textured" : "non-textured", rc.shading_enable ? "shaded" : "monochrome",
primitive_names[static_cast<u8>(rc.primitive.GetValue())], ZeroExtend32(num_vertices),
DispatchRenderCommand(rc, num_vertices, command_ptr);
command_ptr += total_words;
return true;
bool GPU::HandleFillRectangleCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
if (command_size < 3)
return false;
const u32 color = command_ptr[0] & UINT32_C(0x00FFFFFF);
const u32 dst_x = command_ptr[1] & UINT32_C(0xFFFF);
const u32 dst_y = command_ptr[1] >> 16;
const u32 width = command_ptr[2] & UINT32_C(0xFFFF);
const u32 height = command_ptr[2] >> 16;
command_ptr += 3;
Log_DebugPrintf("Fill VRAM rectangle offset=(%u,%u), size=(%u,%u)", dst_x, dst_y, width, height);
// Drop higher precision when filling. Bit15 is set to 0.
// TODO: Force 8-bit color option.
const u16 color16 = RGBA8888ToRGBA5551(color);
FillVRAM(dst_x, dst_y, width, height, color16);
return true;
bool GPU::HandleCopyRectangleCPUToVRAMCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
if (command_size < 3)
return false;
const u32 copy_width = command_ptr[2] & UINT32_C(0xFFFF);
const u32 copy_height = command_ptr[2] >> 16;
const u32 num_pixels = copy_width * copy_height;
const u32 num_words = 3 + ((num_pixels + 1) / 2);
if (command_size < num_words)
return false;
const u32 dst_x = command_ptr[1] & UINT32_C(0xFFFF);
const u32 dst_y = command_ptr[1] >> 16;
Log_DebugPrintf("Copy rectangle from CPU to VRAM offset=(%u,%u), size=(%u,%u)", dst_x, dst_y, copy_width,
if ((dst_x + copy_width) > VRAM_WIDTH || (dst_y + copy_height) > VRAM_HEIGHT)
Panic("Out of bounds VRAM copy");
return true;
if (m_debug_options.dump_cpu_to_vram_copies)
DumpVRAMToFile(SmallString::FromFormat("cpu_to_vram_copy_%u.png", s_cpu_to_vram_dump_id++), copy_width, copy_height,
sizeof(u16) * copy_width, &command_ptr[3], true);
UpdateVRAM(dst_x, dst_y, copy_width, copy_height, &command_ptr[3]);
command_ptr += num_words;
return true;
bool GPU::HandleCopyRectangleVRAMToCPUCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
if (command_size < 3)
return false;
const u32 width = command_ptr[2] & UINT32_C(0xFFFF);
const u32 height = command_ptr[2] >> 16;
const u32 num_pixels = width * height;
const u32 num_words = ((num_pixels + 1) / 2);
const u32 src_x = command_ptr[1] & UINT32_C(0xFFFF);
const u32 src_y = command_ptr[1] >> 16;
command_ptr += 3;
Log_DebugPrintf("Copy rectangle from VRAM to CPU offset=(%u,%u), size=(%u,%u)", src_x, src_y, width, height);
if ((src_x + width) > VRAM_WIDTH || (src_y + height) > VRAM_HEIGHT)
Panic("Out of bounds VRAM copy");
return true;
// all rendering should be done first...
// TODO: A better way of doing this..
std::vector<u32> temp(num_words);
ReadVRAM(src_x, src_y, width, height, temp.data());
for (const u32 bits : temp)
if (m_debug_options.dump_vram_to_cpu_copies)
DumpVRAMToFile(SmallString::FromFormat("vram_to_cpu_copy_%u.png", s_cpu_to_vram_dump_id++), width, height,
sizeof(u16) * width, temp.data(), true);
// Is this correct?
return true;
bool GPU::HandleCopyRectangleVRAMToVRAMCommand(const u32*& command_ptr, u32 command_size)
if (command_size < 4)
return false;
const u32 src_x = command_ptr[1] & UINT32_C(0xFFFF);
const u32 src_y = command_ptr[1] >> 16;
const u32 dst_x = command_ptr[2] & UINT32_C(0xFFFF);
const u32 dst_y = command_ptr[2] >> 16;
const u32 width = command_ptr[3] & UINT32_C(0xFFFF);
const u32 height = command_ptr[3] >> 16;
command_ptr += 4;
Log_DebugPrintf("Copy rectangle from VRAM to VRAM src=(%u,%u), dst=(%u,%u), size=(%u,%u)", src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y,
width, height);
if ((src_x + width) > VRAM_WIDTH || (src_y + height) > VRAM_HEIGHT || (dst_x + width) > VRAM_WIDTH ||
(dst_y + height) > VRAM_HEIGHT)
Panic("Out of bounds VRAM copy");
return true;
CopyVRAM(src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, width, height);
return true;
Reference in New Issue