@ -479,10 +479,23 @@ bool GPU::HandleCopyRectangleCPUToVRAMCommand()
m_fifo . RemoveOne ( ) ;
const u32 dst_x = FifoPeek ( ) & VRAM_WIDTH_MASK ;
const u32 dst_y = ( FifoPop ( ) > > 16 ) & VRAM_HEIGHT_MASK ;
const u32 copy_width = ReplaceZero ( FifoPeek ( ) & VRAM_WIDTH_MASK , 0x400 ) ;
const u32 copy_height = ReplaceZero ( ( FifoPop ( ) > > 16 ) & VRAM_HEIGHT_MASK , 0x200 ) ;
const u32 coords = FifoPop ( ) ;
const u32 size = FifoPop ( ) ;
// Tenga Seiha does a bunch of completely-invalid VRAM writes on boot, then expects GPU idle to be set.
// It's unclear what actually happens, I need to write another test, but for now, just skip these uploads.
// Not setting GPU idle during the write command breaks Doom, so that's not an option.
if ( size = = 0xFFFFFFFFu ) [[unlikely]]
ERROR_LOG ( " Ignoring likely-invalid VRAM write to ({},{}) " , ( coords & VRAM_WIDTH_MASK ) ,
( ( coords > > 16 ) & VRAM_HEIGHT_MASK ) ) ;
return true ;
const u32 dst_x = coords & VRAM_WIDTH_MASK ;
const u32 dst_y = ( coords > > 16 ) & VRAM_HEIGHT_MASK ;
const u32 copy_width = ReplaceZero ( size & VRAM_WIDTH_MASK , 0x400 ) ;
const u32 copy_height = ReplaceZero ( ( size > > 16 ) & VRAM_HEIGHT_MASK , 0x200 ) ;
const u32 num_pixels = copy_width * copy_height ;
const u32 num_words = ( ( num_pixels + 1 ) / 2 ) ;