4. Compile the source code. For the example above, run `ninja`.
5. Run the binary, located in the build directory under `src/duckstation-sdl/duckstation-sdl`, or `src/duckstation-qt/duckstation-qt`.
### macOS
**NOTE:** macOS is highly experimental and not tested by the developer. Use at your own risk, things may be horribly broken.
- CMake (installed by default? otherwise, `brew install cmake`)
- SDL2 (`brew install sdl2`)
- Qt 5 (`brew install qt5`)
1. Clone the repository. Submodules aren't necessary, there is only one and it is only used for Windows.
2. Create a build directory, either in-tree or elsewhere, e.g. `mkdir build-release`, `cd build-release`.
3. Run cmake to configure the build system: `cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DQt5_DIR=/usr/local/opt/qt/lib/cmake/Qt5 ..`. You may need to tweak `Qt5_DIR` depending on your system.
4. Compile the source code: `make`. Use `make -jN` where `N` is the number of CPU cores in your system for a faster build.
5. Run the binary, located in the build directory under `src/duckstation-sdl/duckstation-sdl`, or `src/duckstation-qt/duckstation-qt`.
Application bundles/.apps are currently not created, so you can't launch it via Finder yet. This is planned for the future.
### Android
**NOTE:** The Android frontend is still incomplete, not all functionality works and some paths are hard-coded.
**The Android app is currently broken and fixing it is not a priority. However, this will change in the future.**