@ -21,10 +21,6 @@ BIOSSettingsWidget::BIOSSettingsWidget(SettingsWindow* dialog, QWidget* parent)
SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.enableTTYLogging, "BIOS", "TTYLogging", false);
SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.fastBoot, "BIOS", "PatchFastBoot", false);
SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.fastForwardBoot, "BIOS", "FastForwardBoot", false);
connect(m_ui.fastBoot, &QCheckBox::checkStateChanged, this, &BIOSSettingsWidget::onFastBootChanged);
SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToEnumSetting(sif, m_ui.pioDeviceType, "PIO", "DeviceType",
&Settings::ParsePIODeviceTypeName, &Settings::GetPIODeviceTypeModeName,
@ -36,28 +32,8 @@ BIOSSettingsWidget::BIOSSettingsWidget(SettingsWindow* dialog, QWidget* parent)
connect(m_ui.pioDeviceType, QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this,
connect(m_ui.pioImagePathBrowse, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &BIOSSettingsWidget::onPIOImagePathBrowseClicked);
dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.fastBoot, tr("Fast Boot"), tr("Unchecked"),
tr("Patches the BIOS to skip the console's boot animation. Does not work with all games, "
"but usually safe to enable."));
dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.enableTTYLogging, tr("Enable TTY Logging"), tr("Unchecked"),
tr("Logs BIOS calls to printf(). Not all games contain debugging messages."));
dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.pioDeviceType, tr("Device Type"), tr("None"),
tr("Simulates a device plugged into the console's parallel port. Usually these are flash "
"cartridges, and require some sort of image dump to function."));
dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.pioImagePath, tr("Image Path"), tr("Empty"),
tr("Sets the path to the image used for flash cartridges."));
dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.pioSwitchActive, tr("Cartridge Switch On"), tr("Checked"),
tr("Simulates the position of the switch on the cartridge. Most cartridges require the "
"switch to be on for it to activate on startup."));
m_ui.pioImageWrites, tr("Allow Image Writes"), tr("Unchecked"),
tr("Stores any images made to the cartridge's flash storage back to the host's file system. <strong>This will "
"overwrite your cartridge dump,</strong> you should ensure you have a backup first."));
connect(m_ui.imageNTSCJ, QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [this](int index) {
if (m_dialog->isPerGameSettings() && index == 0)
@ -115,13 +91,20 @@ BIOSSettingsWidget::BIOSSettingsWidget(SettingsWindow* dialog, QWidget* parent)
m_dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.fastBoot, tr("Fast Boot"), tr("Unchecked"),
tr("Patches the BIOS to skip the boot animation. Safe to enable."));
m_dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.fastForwardBoot, tr("Fast Forward Boot"), tr("Unchecked"),
tr("Fast forwards through the early loading process when fast booting, saving time. "
"Results may vary between games."));
m_dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.enableTTYLogging, tr("Enable TTY Logging"), tr("Unchecked"),
tr("Logs BIOS calls to printf(). Not all games contain debugging messages."));
dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.pioDeviceType, tr("Device Type"), tr("None"),
tr("Simulates a device plugged into the console's parallel port. Usually these are flash "
"cartridges, and require some sort of image dump to function."));
dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.pioImagePath, tr("Image Path"), tr("Empty"),
tr("Sets the path to the image used for flash cartridges."));
dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.pioSwitchActive, tr("Cartridge Switch On"), tr("Checked"),
tr("Simulates the position of the switch on the cartridge. Most cartridges require the "
"switch to be on for it to activate on startup."));
m_ui.pioImageWrites, tr("Allow Image Writes"), tr("Unchecked"),
tr("Stores any images made to the cartridge's flash storage back to the host's file system. <strong>This will "
"overwrite your cartridge dump,</strong> you should ensure you have a backup first."));
dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.enableTTYLogging, tr("Enable TTY Logging"), tr("Unchecked"),
tr("Logs BIOS calls to printf(). Not all games contain debugging messages."));
BIOSSettingsWidget::~BIOSSettingsWidget() = default;
@ -141,13 +124,6 @@ void BIOSSettingsWidget::refreshList()
void BIOSSettingsWidget::onFastBootChanged()
const bool fast_boot_enabled =
m_dialog->getEffectiveBoolValue("BIOS", "PatchFastBoot", Settings::DEFAULT_FAST_BOOT_VALUE);
void BIOSSettingsWidget::populateDropDownForRegion(ConsoleRegion region, QComboBox* cb,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const BIOS::ImageInfo*>>& images,
bool per_game)