You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
781 lines
32 KiB
781 lines
32 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE).
# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Arista Networks, Inc.
# --
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""basic checker for Python code"""
from logilab import astng
from logilab.common.ureports import Table
from logilab.astng import are_exclusive
from pylint.interfaces import IASTNGChecker
from pylint.reporters import diff_string
from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker, EmptyReport
from pylint.checkers.utils import check_messages, clobber_in_except, is_inside_except
import re
# regex for class/function/variable/constant name
CLASS_NAME_RGX = re.compile('[A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]+$')
MOD_NAME_RGX = re.compile('(([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+))$')
CONST_NAME_RGX = re.compile('(([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$')
COMP_VAR_RGX = re.compile('[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$')
DEFAULT_NAME_RGX = re.compile('[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$')
# do not require a doc string on system methods
NO_REQUIRED_DOC_RGX = re.compile('__.*__')
del re
def in_loop(node):
"""return True if the node is inside a kind of for loop"""
parent = node.parent
while parent is not None:
if isinstance(parent, (astng.For, astng.ListComp, astng.SetComp,
astng.DictComp, astng.GenExpr)):
return True
parent = parent.parent
return False
def in_nested_list(nested_list, obj):
"""return true if the object is an element of <nested_list> or of a nested
for elmt in nested_list:
if isinstance(elmt, (list, tuple)):
if in_nested_list(elmt, obj):
return True
elif elmt == obj:
return True
return False
def report_by_type_stats(sect, stats, old_stats):
"""make a report of
* percentage of different types documented
* percentage of different types with a bad name
# percentage of different types documented and/or with a bad name
nice_stats = {}
for node_type in ('module', 'class', 'method', 'function'):
total = stats[node_type]
except KeyError:
raise EmptyReport()
nice_stats[node_type] = {}
if total != 0:
documented = total - stats['undocumented_'+node_type]
percent = (documented * 100.) / total
nice_stats[node_type]['percent_documented'] = '%.2f' % percent
except KeyError:
nice_stats[node_type]['percent_documented'] = 'NC'
percent = (stats['badname_'+node_type] * 100.) / total
nice_stats[node_type]['percent_badname'] = '%.2f' % percent
except KeyError:
nice_stats[node_type]['percent_badname'] = 'NC'
lines = ('type', 'number', 'old number', 'difference',
'%documented', '%badname')
for node_type in ('module', 'class', 'method', 'function'):
new = stats[node_type]
old = old_stats.get(node_type, None)
if old is not None:
diff_str = diff_string(old, new)
old, diff_str = 'NC', 'NC'
lines += (node_type, str(new), str(old), diff_str,
nice_stats[node_type].get('percent_documented', '0'),
nice_stats[node_type].get('percent_badname', '0'))
sect.append(Table(children=lines, cols=6, rheaders=1))
def redefined_by_decorator(node):
"""return True if the object is a method redefined via decorator.
For example:
def x(self): return self._x
def x(self, value): self._x = value
if node.decorators:
for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
if (isinstance(decorator, astng.Getattr) and
| ==
return True
return False
class _BasicChecker(BaseChecker):
__implements__ = IASTNGChecker
name = 'basic'
class BasicErrorChecker(_BasicChecker):
msgs = {
'E0100': ('__init__ method is a generator',
'Used when the special class method __init__ is turned into a '
'generator by a yield in its body.'),
'E0101': ('Explicit return in __init__',
'Used when the special class method __init__ has an explicit \
return value.'),
'E0102': ('%s already defined line %s',
'Used when a function / class / method is redefined.'),
'E0103': ('%r not properly in loop',
'Used when break or continue keywords are used outside a loop.'),
'E0104': ('Return outside function',
'Used when a "return" statement is found outside a function or '
'E0105': ('Yield outside function',
'Used when a "yield" statement is found outside a function or '
'E0106': ('Return with argument inside generator',
'Used when a "return" statement with an argument is found '
'outside in a generator function or method (e.g. with some '
'"yield" statements).'),
'E0107': ("Use of the non-existent %s operator",
"Used when you attempt to use the C-style pre-increment or"
"pre-decrement operator -- and ++, which doesn't exist in Python."),
def __init__(self, linter):
_BasicChecker.__init__(self, linter)
def visit_class(self, node):
self._check_redefinition('class', node)
@check_messages('E0100', 'E0101', 'E0102', 'E0106')
def visit_function(self, node):
if not redefined_by_decorator(node):
self._check_redefinition(node.is_method() and 'method' or 'function', node)
# checks for max returns, branch, return in __init__
returns = node.nodes_of_class(astng.Return,
skip_klass=(astng.Function, astng.Class))
if node.is_method() and == '__init__':
if node.is_generator():
self.add_message('E0100', node=node)
values = [r.value for r in returns]
if [v for v in values if not (v is None or
(isinstance(v, astng.Const) and v.value is None)
or (isinstance(v, astng.Name) and == 'None'))]:
self.add_message('E0101', node=node)
elif node.is_generator():
# make sure we don't mix non-None returns and yields
for retnode in returns:
if isinstance(retnode.value, astng.Const) and \
retnode.value.value is not None:
self.add_message('E0106', node=node,
def visit_return(self, node):
if not isinstance(node.frame(), astng.Function):
self.add_message('E0104', node=node)
def visit_yield(self, node):
if not isinstance(node.frame(), astng.Function):
self.add_message('E0105', node=node)
def visit_continue(self, node):
self._check_in_loop(node, 'continue')
def visit_break(self, node):
self._check_in_loop(node, 'break')
def visit_unaryop(self, node):
"""check use of the non-existent ++ adn -- operator operator"""
if ((node.op in '+-') and
isinstance(node.operand, astng.UnaryOp) and
(node.operand.op == node.op)):
self.add_message('E0107', node=node, args=node.op*2)
def _check_in_loop(self, node, node_name):
"""check that a node is inside a for or while loop"""
_node = node.parent
while _node:
if isinstance(_node, (astng.For, astng.While)):
_node = _node.parent
self.add_message('E0103', node=node, args=node_name)
def _check_redefinition(self, redeftype, node):
"""check for redefinition of a function / method / class name"""
defined_self = node.parent.frame()[]
if defined_self is not node and not are_exclusive(node, defined_self):
self.add_message('E0102', node=node,
args=(redeftype, defined_self.fromlineno))
class BasicChecker(_BasicChecker):
"""checks for :
* doc strings
* modules / classes / functions / methods / arguments / variables name
* number of arguments, local variables, branches, returns and statements in
functions, methods
* required module attributes
* dangerous default values as arguments
* redefinition of function / method / class
* uses of the global statement
__implements__ = IASTNGChecker
name = 'basic'
msgs = {
'W0101': ('Unreachable code',
'Used when there is some code behind a "return" or "raise" \
statement, which will never be accessed.'),
'W0102': ('Dangerous default value %s as argument',
'Used when a mutable value as list or dictionary is detected in \
a default value for an argument.'),
'W0104': ('Statement seems to have no effect',
'Used when a statement doesn\'t have (or at least seems to) \
any effect.'),
'W0105': ('String statement has no effect',
'Used when a string is used as a statement (which of course \
has no effect). This is a particular case of W0104 with its \
own message so you can easily disable it if you\'re using \
those strings as documentation, instead of comments.'),
'W0106': ('Expression "%s" is assigned to nothing',
'Used when an expression that is not a function call is assigned\
to nothing. Probably something else was intended.'),
'W0108': ('Lambda may not be necessary',
'Used when the body of a lambda expression is a function call \
on the same argument list as the lambda itself; such lambda \
expressions are in all but a few cases replaceable with the \
function being called in the body of the lambda.'),
'W0109': ("Duplicate key %r in dictionary",
"Used when a dictionary expression binds the same key multiple \
'W0122': ('Use of the exec statement',
'Used when you use the "exec" statement, to discourage its \
usage. That doesn\'t mean you can not use it !'),
'W0141': ('Used builtin function %r',
'Used when a black listed builtin function is used (see the '
'bad-function option). Usual black listed functions are the ones '
'like map, or filter , where Python offers now some cleaner '
'alternative like list comprehension.'),
'W0142': ('Used * or ** magic',
'Used when a function or method is called using `*args` or '
'`**kwargs` to dispatch arguments. This doesn\'t improve '
'readability and should be used with care.'),
'W0150': ("%s statement in finally block may swallow exception",
"Used when a break or a return statement is found inside the \
finally clause of a try...finally block: the exceptions raised \
in the try clause will be silently swallowed instead of being \
'W0199': ('Assert called on a 2-uple. Did you mean \'assert x,y\'?',
'A call of assert on a tuple will always evaluate to true if '
'the tuple is not empty, and will always evaluate to false if '
'it is.'),
'C0121': ('Missing required attribute "%s"', # W0103
'Used when an attribute required for modules is missing.'),
options = (('required-attributes',
{'default' : (), 'type' : 'csv',
'metavar' : '<attributes>',
'help' : 'Required attributes for module, separated by a '
{'default' : ('map', 'filter', 'apply', 'input'),
'type' :'csv', 'metavar' : '<builtin function names>',
'help' : 'List of builtins function names that should not be '
'used, separated by a comma'}
reports = ( ('RP0101', 'Statistics by type', report_by_type_stats), )
def __init__(self, linter):
_BasicChecker.__init__(self, linter)
self.stats = None
self._tryfinallys = None
def open(self):
"""initialize visit variables and statistics
self._tryfinallys = []
self.stats = self.linter.add_stats(module=0, function=0,
method=0, class_=0)
def visit_module(self, node):
"""check module name, docstring and required arguments
self.stats['module'] += 1
for attr in self.config.required_attributes:
if attr not in node:
self.add_message('C0121', node=node, args=attr)
def visit_class(self, node):
"""check module name, docstring and redefinition
increment branch counter
self.stats['class'] += 1
@check_messages('W0104', 'W0105')
def visit_discard(self, node):
"""check for various kind of statements without effect"""
expr = node.value
if isinstance(expr, astng.Const) and isinstance(expr.value,
# treat string statement in a separated message
self.add_message('W0105', node=node)
# ignore if this is :
# * a direct function call
# * the unique child of a try/except body
# * a yield (which are wrapped by a discard node in _ast XXX)
# warn W0106 if we have any underlying function call (we can't predict
# side effects), else W0104
if (isinstance(expr, (astng.Yield, astng.CallFunc)) or
(isinstance(node.parent, astng.TryExcept) and
node.parent.body == [node])):
if any(expr.nodes_of_class(astng.CallFunc)):
self.add_message('W0106', node=node, args=expr.as_string())
self.add_message('W0104', node=node)
def visit_lambda(self, node):
"""check whether or not the lambda is suspicious
# if the body of the lambda is a call expression with the same
# argument list as the lambda itself, then the lambda is
# possibly unnecessary and at least suspicious.
if node.args.defaults:
# If the arguments of the lambda include defaults, then a
# judgment cannot be made because there is no way to check
# that the defaults defined by the lambda are the same as
# the defaults defined by the function called in the body
# of the lambda.
call = node.body
if not isinstance(call, astng.CallFunc):
# The body of the lambda must be a function call expression
# for the lambda to be unnecessary.
# XXX are lambda still different with astng >= 0.18 ?
# *args and **kwargs need to be treated specially, since they
# are structured differently between the lambda and the function
# call (in the lambda they appear in the args.args list and are
# indicated as * and ** by two bits in the lambda's flags, but
# in the function call they are omitted from the args list and
# are indicated by separate attributes on the function call node).
ordinary_args = list(node.args.args)
if node.args.kwarg:
if (not call.kwargs
or not isinstance(call.kwargs, astng.Name)
or node.args.kwarg !=
elif call.kwargs:
if node.args.vararg:
if (not call.starargs
or not isinstance(call.starargs, astng.Name)
or node.args.vararg !=
elif call.starargs:
# The "ordinary" arguments must be in a correspondence such that:
# ordinary_args[i].name == call.args[i].name.
if len(ordinary_args) != len(call.args):
for i in xrange(len(ordinary_args)):
if not isinstance(call.args[i], astng.Name):
if node.args.args[i].name != call.args[i].name:
self.add_message('W0108', line=node.fromlineno, node=node)
def visit_function(self, node):
"""check function name, docstring, arguments, redefinition,
variable names, max locals
self.stats[node.is_method() and 'method' or 'function'] += 1
# check for dangerous default values as arguments
for default in node.args.defaults:
value = default.infer().next()
except astng.InferenceError:
if isinstance(value, (astng.Dict, astng.List)):
if value is default:
msg = default.as_string()
msg = '%s (%s)' % (default.as_string(), value.as_string())
self.add_message('W0102', node=node, args=(msg,))
@check_messages('W0101', 'W0150')
def visit_return(self, node):
"""1 - check is the node has a right sibling (if so, that's some
unreachable code)
2 - check is the node is inside the finally clause of a try...finally
# Is it inside final body of a try...finally bloc ?
self._check_not_in_finally(node, 'return', (astng.Function,))
def visit_continue(self, node):
"""check is the node has a right sibling (if so, that's some unreachable
@check_messages('W0101', 'W0150')
def visit_break(self, node):
"""1 - check is the node has a right sibling (if so, that's some
unreachable code)
2 - check is the node is inside the finally clause of a try...finally
# 1 - Is it right sibling ?
# 2 - Is it inside final body of a try...finally bloc ?
self._check_not_in_finally(node, 'break', (astng.For, astng.While,))
def visit_raise(self, node):
"""check is the node has a right sibling (if so, that's some unreachable
def visit_exec(self, node):
"""just print a warning on exec statements"""
self.add_message('W0122', node=node)
@check_messages('W0141', 'W0142')
def visit_callfunc(self, node):
"""visit a CallFunc node -> check if this is not a blacklisted builtin
call and check for * or ** use
if isinstance(node.func, astng.Name):
name =
# ignore the name if it's not a builtin (i.e. not defined in the
# locals nor globals scope)
if not (name in node.frame() or
name in node.root()):
if name in self.config.bad_functions:
self.add_message('W0141', node=node, args=name)
if node.starargs or node.kwargs:
scope = node.scope()
if isinstance(scope, astng.Function):
toprocess = [(n, vn) for (n, vn) in ((node.starargs, scope.args.vararg),
(node.kwargs, scope.args.kwarg)) if n]
if toprocess:
for cfnode, fargname in toprocess[:]:
if getattr(cfnode, 'name', None) == fargname:
toprocess.remove((cfnode, fargname))
if not toprocess:
return # W0142 can be skipped
self.add_message('W0142', node=node.func)
def visit_assert(self, node):
"""check the use of an assert statement on a tuple."""
if is None and isinstance(node.test, astng.Tuple) and \
len(node.test.elts) == 2:
self.add_message('W0199', line=node.fromlineno, node=node)
def visit_dict(self, node):
"""check duplicate key in dictionary"""
keys = set()
for k, v in node.items:
if isinstance(k, astng.Const):
key = k.value
if key in keys:
self.add_message('W0109', node=node, args=key)
def visit_tryfinally(self, node):
"""update try...finally flag"""
def leave_tryfinally(self, node):
"""update try...finally flag"""
def _check_unreachable(self, node):
"""check unreachable code"""
unreach_stmt = node.next_sibling()
if unreach_stmt is not None:
self.add_message('W0101', node=unreach_stmt)
def _check_not_in_finally(self, node, node_name, breaker_classes=()):
"""check that a node is not inside a finally clause of a
try...finally statement.
If we found before a try...finally bloc a parent which its type is
in breaker_classes, we skip the whole check."""
# if self._tryfinallys is empty, we're not a in try...finally bloc
if not self._tryfinallys:
# the node could be a grand-grand...-children of the try...finally
_parent = node.parent
_node = node
while _parent and not isinstance(_parent, breaker_classes):
if hasattr(_parent, 'finalbody') and _node in _parent.finalbody:
self.add_message('W0150', node=node, args=node_name)
_node = _parent
_parent = _node.parent
class NameChecker(_BasicChecker):
msgs = {
'C0102': ('Black listed name "%s"',
'Used when the name is listed in the black list (unauthorized \
'C0103': ('Invalid name "%s" (should match %s)',
'Used when the name doesn\'t match the regular expression \
associated to its type (constant, variable, class...).'),
options = (('module-rgx',
{'default' : MOD_NAME_RGX,
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Regular expression which should only match correct '
'module names'}
{'default' : CONST_NAME_RGX,
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Regular expression which should only match correct '
'module level names'}
{'default' : CLASS_NAME_RGX,
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Regular expression which should only match correct '
'class names'}
{'default' : DEFAULT_NAME_RGX,
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Regular expression which should only match correct '
'function names'}
{'default' : DEFAULT_NAME_RGX,
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Regular expression which should only match correct '
'method names'}
{'default' : DEFAULT_NAME_RGX,
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Regular expression which should only match correct '
'instance attribute names'}
{'default' : DEFAULT_NAME_RGX,
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Regular expression which should only match correct '
'argument names'}),
{'default' : DEFAULT_NAME_RGX,
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Regular expression which should only match correct '
'variable names'}
{'default' : COMP_VAR_RGX,
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Regular expression which should only match correct '
'list comprehension / generator expression variable \
# XXX use set
{'default' : ('i', 'j', 'k', 'ex', 'Run', '_'),
'type' :'csv', 'metavar' : '<names>',
'help' : 'Good variable names which should always be accepted,'
' separated by a comma'}
{'default' : ('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'toto', 'tutu', 'tata'),
'type' :'csv', 'metavar' : '<names>',
'help' : 'Bad variable names which should always be refused, '
'separated by a comma'}
def open(self):
self.stats = self.linter.add_stats(badname_module=0,
badname_class=0, badname_function=0,
badname_method=0, badname_attr=0,
@check_messages('C0102', 'C0103')
def visit_module(self, node):
self._check_name('module','.')[-1], node)
@check_messages('C0102', 'C0103')
def visit_class(self, node):
self._check_name('class',, node)
for attr, anodes in node.instance_attrs.items():
self._check_name('attr', attr, anodes[0])
@check_messages('C0102', 'C0103')
def visit_function(self, node):
self._check_name(node.is_method() and 'method' or 'function',
|, node)
# check arguments name
args = node.args.args
if args is not None:
self._recursive_check_names(args, node)
@check_messages('C0102', 'C0103')
def visit_assname(self, node):
"""check module level assigned names"""
frame = node.frame()
ass_type = node.ass_type()
if isinstance(ass_type, (astng.Comprehension, astng.Comprehension)):
self._check_name('inlinevar',, node)
elif isinstance(frame, astng.Module):
if isinstance(ass_type, astng.Assign) and not in_loop(ass_type):
self._check_name('const',, node)
elif isinstance(ass_type, astng.ExceptHandler):
self._check_name('variable',, node)
elif isinstance(frame, astng.Function):
# global introduced variable aren't in the function locals
if in frame:
self._check_name('variable',, node)
def _recursive_check_names(self, args, node):
"""check names in a possibly recursive list <arg>"""
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, astng.AssName):
self._check_name('argument',, node)
self._recursive_check_names(arg.elts, node)
def _check_name(self, node_type, name, node):
"""check for a name using the type's regexp"""
if is_inside_except(node):
clobbering, _ = clobber_in_except(node)
if clobbering:
if name in self.config.good_names:
if name in self.config.bad_names:
self.stats['badname_' + node_type] += 1
self.add_message('C0102', node=node, args=name)
regexp = getattr(self.config, node_type + '_rgx')
if regexp.match(name) is None:
self.add_message('C0103', node=node, args=(name, regexp.pattern))
self.stats['badname_' + node_type] += 1
class DocStringChecker(_BasicChecker):
msgs = {
'C0111': ('Missing docstring', # W0131
'Used when a module, function, class or method has no docstring.\
Some special methods like __init__ doesn\'t necessary require a \
'C0112': ('Empty docstring', # W0132
'Used when a module, function, class or method has an empty \
docstring (it would be too easy ;).'),
options = (('no-docstring-rgx',
{'default' : NO_REQUIRED_DOC_RGX,
'type' : 'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Regular expression which should only match '
'functions or classes name which do not require a '
def open(self):
self.stats = self.linter.add_stats(undocumented_module=0,
def visit_module(self, node):
self._check_docstring('module', node)
def visit_class(self, node):
if self.config.no_docstring_rgx.match( is None:
self._check_docstring('class', node)
def visit_function(self, node):
if self.config.no_docstring_rgx.match( is None:
ftype = node.is_method() and 'method' or 'function'
if isinstance(node.parent.frame(), astng.Class):
overridden = False
# check if node is from a method overridden by its ancestor
for ancestor in node.parent.frame().ancestors():
if in ancestor and \
isinstance(ancestor[], astng.Function):
overridden = True
if not overridden:
self._check_docstring(ftype, node)
self._check_docstring(ftype, node)
def _check_docstring(self, node_type, node):
"""check the node has a non empty docstring"""
docstring = node.doc
if docstring is None:
self.stats['undocumented_'+node_type] += 1
self.add_message('C0111', node=node)
elif not docstring.strip():
self.stats['undocumented_'+node_type] += 1
self.add_message('C0112', node=node)
class PassChecker(_BasicChecker):
"""check is the pass statement is really necessary"""
msgs = {'W0107': ('Unnecessary pass statement',
'Used when a "pass" statement that can be avoided is '
def visit_pass(self, node):
if len(node.parent.child_sequence(node)) > 1:
self.add_message('W0107', node=node)
def register(linter):
"""required method to auto register this checker"""