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# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Author: mpcomplete
# This script updates and does a clean build of chrome for you.
# Usage: python C:\path\to\chrome\trunk
# It assumes the following:
# - You have gclient.bat and in your path (use the wrapper batch
# file to ensure this).
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import httplib
import re
import shutil
import optparse
def Message(str):
"""Prints a status message."""
print "[chrome-update]", str
def FixupPath(path):
"""Returns the OS-ified version of a windows path."""
return os.path.sep.join(path.split("\\"))
def GetRevision():
"""Returns the revision number of the last build that was archived, or
None on failure."""
HOST = ""
PATH = "/buildbot/continuous/LATEST/REVISION"
EXPR = r"(\d+)"
connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST)
connection.request("GET", PATH)
response = connection.getresponse()
text =
match =, text)
if match:
return int(
return None
def SetRevisionForUpdate(chrome_root):
"""Prepares environment so gclient syncs to a good revision, if possible."""
# Find a buildable revision.
rev = GetRevision()
if rev == None:
Message("WARNING: Failed to find a buildable revision. Syncing to trunk.")
return "trunk"
# Read the .gclient file.
gclient_file = chrome_root + FixupPath("\\.gclient")
if not os.path.exists(gclient_file):
Message("WARNING: Failed to find .gclient file. Syncing to trunk.")
return "trunk"
scope = {}
execfile(gclient_file, scope)
solutions = scope["solutions"]
# Edit the url of the chrome 'src' solution, unless the user wants a
# specific revision.
for solution in solutions:
if solution["name"] == "src":
splitter = solution["url"].split("@")
if len(splitter) == 1:
solution["url"] = splitter[0] + "@" + str(rev)
rev = int(splitter[1])
# Write out the new .gclient file.
gclient_override = gclient_file + "-update-chrome"
f = open(gclient_override, "w")
f.write("solutions = " + str(solutions))
# Set the env var that the gclient tool looks for.
os.environ["GCLIENT_FILE"] = gclient_override
return rev
def DoUpdate(chrome_root):
"""gclient sync to the latest build."""
# gclient sync
rev = SetRevisionForUpdate(chrome_root)
cmd = ["gclient.bat", "sync"]
Message("Updating to %s: %s" % (rev, cmd))
return, cwd=chrome_root)
def DoClean(chrome_root, type):
"""Clean our build dir."""
# rm -rf src/chrome/Debug
rv = [0]
def onError(func, path, excinfo):
Message("Couldn't remove '%s': %s" % (path, excinfo))
rv[0] = [1]
build_path = chrome_root + FixupPath("\\src\\chrome\\" + type)
Message("Cleaning: %s" % build_path)
shutil.rmtree(build_path, False, onError)
return rv[0]
def DoBuild(chrome_root, chrome_sln, clean, type):
"""devenv /build what we just checked out."""
if clean:
rv = DoClean(chrome_root, type)
if rv != 0:
Message("WARNING: Clean failed. Doing a build without clean.")
# devenv chrome.sln /build Debug
cmd = ["", chrome_sln, "/build", type]
Message("Building: %s" % cmd)
return, cwd=chrome_root)
def Main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("", "--clean", action="store_true", default=False,
help="wipe Debug output directory before building")
parser.add_option("", "--solution", default="src\\chrome\\chrome.sln",
help="path to the .sln file to build (absolute, or "
"relative to chrome trunk")
parser.add_option("", "--release", action="store_true", default=False,
help="build the release configuration in addition of the "
"debug configuration.")
parser.add_option("", "--nosync", action="store_true", default=False,
help="doesn't sync before building")
parser.add_option("", "--print-latest", action="store_true", default=False,
help="print the latest buildable revision and exit")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if options.print_latest:
print GetRevision() or "HEAD"
if not args:
Message("Usage: %s <path\\to\\chrome\\root> [options]" % sys.argv[0])
chrome_root = args[0]
if not os.path.isdir(chrome_root):
Message("Path to chrome root (%s) not found." % repr(chrome_root))
if not options.nosync:
rv = DoUpdate(chrome_root)
if rv != 0:
Message("Update Failed. Bailing.")
chrome_sln = FixupPath(options.solution)
rv = DoBuild(chrome_root, chrome_sln, options.clean, "Debug")
if rv != 0:
Message("Debug build failed. Sad face :(")
if options.release:
rv = DoBuild(chrome_root, chrome_sln, options.clean, "Release")
if rv != 0:
Message("Release build failed. Sad face :(")
if rv != 0:
if __name__ == "__main__":