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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Tool to perform checkouts in one easy command line!
fetch <config> [--property=value [--property2=value2 ...]]
This script is a wrapper around various version control and repository
checkout commands. It requires a |config| name, fetches data from that
config in depot_tools/fetch_configs, and then performs all necessary inits,
checkouts, pulls, fetches, etc.
Optional arguments may be passed on the command line in key-value pairs.
These parameters will be passed through to the config's main method.
import json
import optparse
import os
import pipes
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import git_common
from distutils import spawn
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Checkout class definitions.
class Checkout(object):
"""Base class for implementing different types of checkouts.
|base|: the absolute path of the directory in which this script is run.
|spec|: the spec for this checkout as returned by the config. Different
subclasses will expect different keys in this dictionary.
|root|: the directory into which the checkout will be performed, as returned
by the config. This is a relative path from |base|.
def __init__(self, options, spec, root):
self.base = os.getcwd()
self.options = options
self.spec = spec
self.root = root
def exists(self):
def init(self):
def sync(self):
def run(self, cmd, **kwargs):
print 'Running: %s' % (' '.join(pipes.quote(x) for x in cmd))
if self.options.dry_run:
return ''
return subprocess.check_output(cmd, **kwargs)
class GclientCheckout(Checkout):
def run_gclient(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
if not spawn.find_executable('gclient'):
cmd_prefix = (sys.executable, os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, ''))
cmd_prefix = ('gclient',)
return + cmd, **kwargs)
def exists(self):
gclient_root = self.run_gclient('root').strip()
return (os.path.exists(os.path.join(gclient_root, '.gclient')) or
os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.root)))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.root))
class GitCheckout(Checkout):
def run_git(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
print 'Running: git %s' % (' '.join(pipes.quote(x) for x in cmd))
if self.options.dry_run:
return ''
return*cmd, **kwargs)
class GclientGitCheckout(GclientCheckout, GitCheckout):
def __init__(self, options, spec, root):
super(GclientGitCheckout, self).__init__(options, spec, root)
assert 'solutions' in self.spec
def _format_spec(self):
def _format_literal(lit):
if isinstance(lit, basestring):
return '"%s"' % lit
if isinstance(lit, list):
return '[%s]' % ', '.join(_format_literal(i) for i in lit)
return '%r' % lit
soln_strings = []
for soln in self.spec['solutions']:
soln_string= '\n'.join(' "%s": %s,' % (key, _format_literal(value))
for key, value in soln.iteritems())
soln_strings.append(' {\n%s\n },' % soln_string)
gclient_spec = 'solutions = [\n%s\n]\n' % '\n'.join(soln_strings)
extra_keys = ['target_os', 'target_os_only', 'cache_dir']
gclient_spec += ''.join('%s = %s\n' % (key, _format_literal(self.spec[key]))
for key in extra_keys if key in self.spec)
return gclient_spec
def init(self):
# Configure and do the gclient checkout.
self.run_gclient('config', '--spec', self._format_spec())
sync_cmd = ['sync']
if self.options.nohooks:
if self.options.no_history:
if self.spec.get('with_branch_heads', False):
# Configure git.
wd = os.path.join(self.base, self.root)
if self.options.dry_run:
print 'cd %s' % wd
'submodule', 'foreach',
'git config -f $toplevel/.git/config submodule.$name.ignore all',
'config', '--add', 'remote.origin.fetch',
'+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*', cwd=wd)
self.run_git('config', 'diff.ignoreSubmodules', 'all', cwd=wd)
'gclient': GclientCheckout,
'gclient_git': GclientGitCheckout,
'git': GitCheckout,
def CheckoutFactory(type_name, options, spec, root):
"""Factory to build Checkout class instances."""
class_ = CHECKOUT_TYPE_MAP.get(type_name)
if not class_:
raise KeyError('unrecognized checkout type: %s' % type_name)
return class_(options, spec, root)
# Utility function and file entry point.
def usage(msg=None):
"""Print help and exit."""
if msg:
print 'Error:', msg
print textwrap.dedent("""\
usage: %s [options] <config> [--property=value [--property2=value2 ...]]
This script can be used to download the Chromium sources. See
for full usage instructions.
Valid options:
-h, --help, help Print this message.
--nohooks Don't run hooks after checkout.
--force (dangerous) Don't look for existing .gclient file.
-n, --dry-run Don't run commands, only print them.
--no-history Perform shallow clones, don't fetch the full git history.
Valid fetch configs:""") % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
configs_dir = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, 'fetch_configs')
configs = [f[:-3] for f in os.listdir(configs_dir) if f.endswith('.py')]
for fname in configs:
print ' ' + fname
def handle_args(argv):
"""Gets the config name from the command line arguments."""
if len(argv) <= 1:
usage('Must specify a config.')
if argv[1] in ('-h', '--help', 'help'):
dry_run = False
nohooks = False
no_history = False
force = False
while len(argv) >= 2:
arg = argv[1]
if not arg.startswith('-'):
if arg in ('-n', '--dry-run'):
dry_run = True
elif arg == '--nohooks':
nohooks = True
elif arg == '--no-history':
no_history = True
elif arg == '--force':
force = True
usage('Invalid option %s.' % arg)
def looks_like_arg(arg):
return arg.startswith('--') and arg.count('=') == 1
bad_parms = [x for x in argv[2:] if not looks_like_arg(x)]
if bad_parms:
usage('Got bad arguments %s' % bad_parms)
config = argv[1]
props = argv[2:]
return (
'dry_run': dry_run,
'nohooks': nohooks,
'no_history': no_history,
'force': force}),
def run_config_fetch(config, props, aliased=False):
"""Invoke a config's fetch method with the passed-through args
and return its json output as a python object."""
config_path = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, 'fetch_configs', config))
if not os.path.exists(config_path + '.py'):
print "Could not find a config for %s" % config
cmd = [sys.executable, config_path + '.py', 'fetch'] + props
result = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
spec = json.loads(result)
if 'alias' in spec:
assert not aliased
return run_config_fetch(
spec['alias']['config'], spec['alias']['props'] + props, aliased=True)
cmd = [sys.executable, config_path + '.py', 'root']
result = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
root = json.loads(result)
return spec, root
def run(options, spec, root):
"""Perform a checkout with the given type and configuration.
options: Options instance.
spec: Checkout configuration returned by the the config's fetch_spec
method (checkout type, repository url, etc.).
root: The directory into which the repo expects to be checkout out.
assert 'type' in spec
checkout_type = spec['type']
checkout_spec = spec['%s_spec' % checkout_type]
checkout = CheckoutFactory(checkout_type, options, checkout_spec, root)
except KeyError:
return 1
if not options.force and checkout.exists():
print 'Your current directory appears to already contain, or be part of, '
print 'a checkout. "fetch" is used only to get new checkouts. Use '
print '"gclient sync" to update existing checkouts.'
print 'Fetch also does not yet deal with partial checkouts, so if fetch'
print 'failed, delete the checkout and start over ('
return 1
return checkout.init()
def main():
options, config, props = handle_args(sys.argv)
spec, root = run_config_fetch(config, props)
return run(options, spec, root)
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt: