You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

375 lines
15 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Splits a branch into smaller branches and uploads CLs."""
import collections
import os
import re
import subprocess2
import sys
import gclient_utils
import git_footers
import scm
import git_common as git
# If a call to `git cl split` will generate more than this number of CLs, the
# command will prompt the user to make sure they know what they're doing. Large
# numbers of CLs generated by `git cl split` have caused infrastructure issues
# in the past.
# The maximum number of top reviewers to list. `git cl split` may send many CLs
# to a single reviewer, so the top reviewers with the most CLs sent to them
# will be listed.
FilesAndOwnersDirectory = collections.namedtuple("FilesAndOwnersDirectory",
"files owners_directories")
def EnsureInGitRepository():
"""Throws an exception if the current directory is not a git repository."""'rev-parse')
def CreateBranchForDirectories(prefix, directories, upstream):
"""Creates a branch named |prefix| + "_" + |directories[0]| + "_split".
Return false if the branch already exists. |upstream| is used as upstream
for the created branch.
existing_branches = set(git.branches(use_limit=False))
branch_name = prefix + '_' + directories[0] + '_split'
if branch_name in existing_branches:
return False'checkout', '-t', upstream, '-b', branch_name)
return True
def FormatDirectoriesForPrinting(directories, prefix=None):
"""Formats directory list for printing
Uses dedicated format for single-item list."""
prefixed = directories
if prefix:
prefixed = [(prefix + d) for d in directories]
return str(prefixed) if len(prefixed) > 1 else str(prefixed[0])
def FormatDescriptionOrComment(txt, directories):
"""Replaces $directory with |directories| in |txt|."""
to_insert = FormatDirectoriesForPrinting(directories, prefix='/')
return txt.replace('$directory', to_insert)
def AddUploadedByGitClSplitToDescription(description):
"""Adds a 'This CL was uploaded by git cl split.' line to |description|.
The line is added before footers, or at the end of |description| if it has
no footers.
split_footers = git_footers.split_footers(description)
lines = split_footers[0]
if lines[-1] and not lines[-1].isspace():
lines = lines + ['']
lines = lines + ['This CL was uploaded by git cl split.']
if split_footers[1]:
lines += [''] + split_footers[1]
return '\n'.join(lines)
def UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directories, files,
description, comment, reviewers, changelist, cmd_upload,
cq_dry_run, enable_auto_submit, topic, repository_root):
"""Uploads a CL with all changes to |files| in |refactor_branch|.
refactor_branch: Name of the branch that contains the changes to upload.
refactor_branch_upstream: Name of the upstream of |refactor_branch|.
directories: Paths to the directories that contain the OWNERS files for
which to upload a CL.
files: List of AffectedFile instances to include in the uploaded CL.
description: Description of the uploaded CL.
comment: Comment to post on the uploaded CL.
reviewers: A set of reviewers for the CL.
changelist: The Changelist class.
cmd_upload: The function associated with the git cl upload command.
cq_dry_run: If CL uploads should also do a cq dry run.
enable_auto_submit: If CL uploads should also enable auto submit.
topic: Topic to associate with uploaded CLs.
# Create a branch.
if not CreateBranchForDirectories(refactor_branch, directories,
print('Skipping ' + FormatDirectoriesForPrinting(directories) +
' for which a branch already exists.')
# Checkout all changes to files in |files|.
deleted_files = []
modified_files = []
for action, f in files:
abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(repository_root, f))
if action == 'D':
if deleted_files:*['rm'] + deleted_files)
if modified_files:*['checkout', refactor_branch, '--'] + modified_files)
# Commit changes. The temporary file is created with delete=False so that it
# can be deleted manually after git has read it rather than automatically
# when it is closed.
with gclient_utils.temporary_file() as tmp_file:
tmp_file, FormatDescriptionOrComment(description, directories))'commit', '-F', tmp_file)
# Upload a CL.
upload_args = ['-f']
if reviewers:
upload_args.extend(['-r', ','.join(sorted(reviewers))])
if cq_dry_run:
if not comment:
if enable_auto_submit:
if topic:
print('Uploading CL for ' + FormatDirectoriesForPrinting(directories) +
ret = cmd_upload(upload_args)
if ret != 0:
print('Uploading failed.')
print('Note: git cl split has built-in resume capabilities.')
print('Delete ' + git.current_branch() +
' then run git cl split again to resume uploading.')
if comment:
comment, directories),
def GetFilesSplitByOwners(files, max_depth):
"""Returns a map of files split by OWNERS file.
A map where keys are paths to directories containing an OWNERS file and
values are lists of files sharing an OWNERS file.
files_split_by_owners = {}
for action, path in files:
# normpath() is important to normalize separators here, in prepration
# for str.split() before. It would be nicer to use something like
# pathlib here but alas...
dir_with_owners = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(path))
if max_depth >= 1:
dir_with_owners = os.path.join(
# Find the closest parent directory with an OWNERS file.
while (dir_with_owners not in files_split_by_owners
and not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_with_owners, 'OWNERS'))):
dir_with_owners = os.path.dirname(dir_with_owners)
files_split_by_owners.setdefault(dir_with_owners, []).append(
(action, path))
return files_split_by_owners
def PrintClInfo(cl_index, num_cls, directories, file_paths, description,
reviewers, cq_dry_run, enable_auto_submit, topic):
"""Prints info about a CL.
cl_index: The index of this CL in the list of CLs to upload.
num_cls: The total number of CLs that will be uploaded.
directories: Paths to directories that contains the OWNERS files for
which to upload a CL.
file_paths: A list of files in this CL.
description: The CL description.
reviewers: A set of reviewers for this CL.
cq_dry_run: If the CL should also be sent to CQ dry run.
enable_auto_submit: If the CL should also have auto submit enabled.
topic: Topic to set for this CL.
description_lines = FormatDescriptionOrComment(description,
indented_description = '\n'.join([' ' + l for l in description_lines])
print('CL {}/{}'.format(cl_index, num_cls))
print('Paths: {}'.format(FormatDirectoriesForPrinting(directories)))
print('Reviewers: {}'.format(', '.join(reviewers)))
print('Auto-Submit: {}'.format(enable_auto_submit))
print('CQ Dry Run: {}'.format(cq_dry_run))
print('Topic: {}'.format(topic))
print('\n' + indented_description + '\n')
def SplitCl(description_file, comment_file, changelist, cmd_upload, dry_run,
cq_dry_run, enable_auto_submit, max_depth, topic, repository_root):
""""Splits a branch into smaller branches and uploads CLs.
description_file: File containing the description of uploaded CLs.
comment_file: File containing the comment of uploaded CLs.
changelist: The Changelist class.
cmd_upload: The function associated with the git cl upload command.
dry_run: Whether this is a dry run (no branches or CLs created).
cq_dry_run: If CL uploads should also do a cq dry run.
enable_auto_submit: If CL uploads should also enable auto submit.
max_depth: The maximum directory depth to search for OWNERS files. A
value less than 1 means no limit.
topic: Topic to associate with split CLs.
0 in case of success. 1 in case of error.
description = AddUploadedByGitClSplitToDescription(
comment = gclient_utils.FileRead(comment_file) if comment_file else None
cl = changelist()
upstream = cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream()
files = [
(action.strip(), f)
for action, f in scm.GIT.CaptureStatus(repository_root, upstream)
if not files:
print('Cannot split an empty CL.')
return 1
author ='config', '').strip() or None
refactor_branch = git.current_branch()
assert refactor_branch, "Can't run from detached branch."
refactor_branch_upstream = git.upstream(refactor_branch)
assert refactor_branch_upstream, \
"Branch %s must have an upstream." % refactor_branch
if not CheckDescriptionBugLink(description):
return 0
files_split_by_reviewers = SelectReviewersForFiles(
cl, author, files, max_depth)
num_cls = len(files_split_by_reviewers)
print('Will split current branch (' + refactor_branch + ') into ' +
str(num_cls) + ' CLs.\n')
if not dry_run and num_cls > CL_SPLIT_FORCE_LIMIT:
'This will generate "%r" CLs. This many CLs can potentially'
' generate too much load on the build infrastructure.\n\n'
'Please email to ensure that this won\'t'
'break anything. The infra team reserves the right to cancel'
'your jobs if they are overloading the CQ.\n\n'
'(Alternatively, you can reduce the number of CLs created by'
' using the --max-depth option. Pass --dry-run to examine the'
' CLs which will be created until you are happy with the'
' results.)' % num_cls)
answer = gclient_utils.AskForData('Proceed? (y/n):')
if answer.lower() != 'y':
return 0
cls_per_reviewer = collections.defaultdict(int)
for cl_index, (reviewers, cl_info) in \
enumerate(files_split_by_reviewers.items(), 1):
# Convert reviewers from tuple to set.
reviewer_set = set(reviewers)
if dry_run:
file_paths = [f for _, f in cl_info.files]
PrintClInfo(cl_index, num_cls, cl_info.owners_directories,
file_paths, description, reviewer_set, cq_dry_run,
enable_auto_submit, topic)
UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream,
cl_info.owners_directories, cl_info.files, description,
comment, reviewer_set, changelist, cmd_upload,
cq_dry_run, enable_auto_submit, topic, repository_root)
for reviewer in reviewers:
cls_per_reviewer[reviewer] += 1
# List the top reviewers that will be sent the most CLs as a result of
# the split.
reviewer_rankings = sorted(cls_per_reviewer.items(),
key=lambda item: item[1],
print('The top reviewers are:')
for reviewer, count in reviewer_rankings[:CL_SPLIT_TOP_REVIEWERS]:
print(f' {reviewer}: {count} CLs')
# Go back to the original branch.'checkout', refactor_branch)
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as cpe:
return 1
return 0
def CheckDescriptionBugLink(description):
"""Verifies that the description contains a bug link.
Bug: 123
Bug: chromium:456
Prompts user if the description does not contain a bug link.
bug_pattern = re.compile(r"^Bug:\s*(?:[a-zA-Z]+:)?[0-9]+", re.MULTILINE)
matches = re.findall(bug_pattern, description)
answer = 'y'
if not matches:
answer = gclient_utils.AskForData(
'Description does not include a bug link. Proceed? (y/n):')
return answer.lower() == 'y'
def SelectReviewersForFiles(cl, author, files, max_depth):
"""Selects reviewers for passed-in files
cl: Changelist class instance
author: Email of person running 'git cl split'
files: List of files
max_depth: The maximum directory depth to search for OWNERS files.
A value less than 1 means no limit.
info_split_by_owners = GetFilesSplitByOwners(files, max_depth)
info_split_by_reviewers = {}
for (directory, split_files) in info_split_by_owners.items():
# Use '/' as a path separator in the branch name and the CL description
# and comment.
directory = directory.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
file_paths = [f for _, f in split_files]
# Convert reviewers list to tuple in order to use reviewers as key to
# dictionary.
reviewers = tuple(
file_paths, exclude=[author, cl.owners_client.EVERYONE]))
if not reviewers in info_split_by_reviewers:
info_split_by_reviewers[reviewers] = FilesAndOwnersDirectory([], [])
return info_split_by_reviewers