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# coding=utf8
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Collection of subprocess wrapper functions.
In theory you shouldn't need anything else in subprocess, or this module failed.
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import threading
# Constants forwarded from subprocess.
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
STDOUT = subprocess.STDOUT
# Globals.
# Set to True if you somehow need to disable this hack.
class CalledProcessError(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
"""Augment the standard exception with more data."""
def __init__(self, returncode, cmd, cwd, stdout, stderr):
super(CalledProcessError, self).__init__(returncode, cmd)
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
self.cwd = cwd
def __str__(self):
out = 'Command %s returned non-zero exit status %s' % (
' '.join(self.cmd), self.returncode)
if self.cwd:
out += ' in ' + self.cwd
return '\n'.join(filter(None, (out, self.stdout, self.stderr)))
def hack_subprocess():
"""subprocess functions may throw exceptions when used in multiple threads.
See for more information.
if not SUBPROCESS_CLEANUP_HACKED and threading.activeCount() != 1:
# Only hack if there is ever multiple threads.
# There is no point to leak with only one thread.
subprocess._cleanup = lambda: None
def get_english_env(env):
"""Forces LANG and/or LANGUAGE to be English.
Forces encoding to utf-8 for subprocesses.
Returns None if it is unnecessary.
env = env or os.environ
# Test if it is necessary at all.
is_english = lambda name: env.get(name, 'en').startswith('en')
if is_english('LANG') and is_english('LANGUAGE'):
return None
# Requires modifications.
env = env.copy()
def fix_lang(name):
if not is_english(name):
env[name] = 'en_US.UTF-8'
return env
def Popen(args, **kwargs):
"""Wraps subprocess.Popen().
Forces English output since it's easier to parse the stdout if it is always in
Sets shell=True on windows by default. You can override this by forcing shell
parameter to a value.
Popen() can throw OSError when cwd or args[0] doesn't exist.
# Make sure we hack subprocess if necessary.
env = get_english_env(kwargs.get('env'))
if env:
kwargs['env'] = env
if not kwargs.get('shell') is None:
# *Sigh*: Windows needs shell=True, or else it won't search %PATH% for the
# executable, but shell=True makes subprocess on Linux fail when it's called
# with a list because it only tries to execute the first item in the list.
kwargs['shell'] = (sys.platform=='win32')
tmp_str = ' '.join(args)
if kwargs.get('cwd', None):
tmp_str += '; cwd=%s' % kwargs['cwd']
return subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
def call(args, timeout=None, **kwargs):
"""Wraps subprocess.Popen().communicate().
The process will be kill with error code -9 after |timeout| seconds if set.
Automatically passes stdin content as input so do not specify stdin=PIPE.
Returns both communicate() tuple and return code wrapped in a tuple.
stdin = kwargs.pop('stdin', None)
if stdin is not None:
assert stdin != PIPE
# When stdin is passed as an argument, use it as the actual input data and
# set the Popen() parameter accordingly.
kwargs['stdin'] = PIPE
if not timeout:
# Normal workflow.
proc = Popen(args, **kwargs)
if stdin is not None:
out = proc.communicate(stdin)
out = proc.communicate()
# Create a temporary file to workaround python's deadlock.
# When the pipe fills up, it will deadlock this process. Using a real file
# works around that issue.
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as buff:
start = time.time()
kwargs['stdout'] = buff
proc = Popen(args, **kwargs)
if stdin is not None:
while proc.returncode is None:
if timeout and (time.time() - start) > timeout:
# It's -9 on linux and 1 on Windows. Standardize to -9.
# Do not throw an exception here, the user must use
# check_call(timeout=60) and check for e.returncode == -9 instead.
# or look at call()[1] == -9.
proc.returncode = -9
# Now that the process died, reset the cursor and read the file.
out = [, None]
return out, proc.returncode
def check_call(args, **kwargs):
"""Similar to subprocess.check_call() but use call() instead.
This permits to include more details in CalledProcessError().
Runs a command and throws an exception if the command failed.
Returns communicate() tuple.
out, returncode = call(args, **kwargs)
if returncode:
raise CalledProcessError(
returncode, args, kwargs.get('cwd'), out[0], out[1])
return out
def capture(args, **kwargs):
"""Captures stdout of a process call and returns it.
Similar to check_output() excepts that it discards return code.
Discards communicate()[1]. By default sets stderr=STDOUT.
if kwargs.get('stderr') is None:
kwargs['stderr'] = STDOUT
return call(args, stdout=PIPE, **kwargs)[0][0]
def check_output(args, **kwargs):
"""Captures stdout of a process call and returns it.
Discards communicate()[1]. By default sets stderr=STDOUT.
Throws if return code is not 0.
Works even prior to python 2.7.
if kwargs.get('stderr') is None:
kwargs['stderr'] = STDOUT
return check_call(args, stdout=PIPE, **kwargs)[0]