#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Splits a branch into smaller branches and uploads CLs.""" from __future__ import print_function import collections import os import random import re import subprocess2 import sys import tempfile import git_footers import owners import owners_finder import git_common as git import third_party.pygtrie as trie # If a call to `git cl split` will generate more than this number of CLs, the # command will prompt the user to make sure they know what they're doing. Large # numbers of CLs generated by `git cl split` have caused infrastructure issues # in the past. CL_SPLIT_FORCE_LIMIT = 10 def ReadFile(file_path): """Returns the content of |file_path|.""" with open(file_path) as f: content = f.read() return content def EnsureInGitRepository(): """Throws an exception if the current directory is not a git repository.""" git.run('rev-parse') def CreateBranchForDirectory(prefix, cl_index, directory, upstream): """Creates a branch named |prefix| + "_" + |cl_index| + "_" + |directory|. Return false if the branch already exists. |upstream| is used as upstream for the created branch. """ existing_branches = set(git.branches(use_limit = False)) branch_name = '_'.join([prefix, cl_index, directory]) if branch_name in existing_branches: return False git.run('checkout', '-t', upstream, '-b', branch_name) return True def FormatDescriptionOrComment(txt, directory, cl_index, num_cls): """Replaces $directory with |directory|, $cl_index with |cl_index|, and $num_cls with |num_cls| in |txt|.""" return txt.replace('$directory', '/' + directory).replace( '$cl_index', str(cl_index)).replace('$num_cls', str(num_cls)) def AddUploadedByGitClSplitToDescription(description): """Adds a 'This CL was uploaded by git cl split.' line to |description|. The line is added before footers, or at the end of |description| if it has no footers. """ split_footers = git_footers.split_footers(description) lines = split_footers[0] if not lines[-1] or lines[-1].isspace(): lines = lines + [''] lines = lines + ['This CL was uploaded by git cl split.'] if split_footers[1]: lines += [''] + split_footers[1] return '\n'.join(lines) def UploadCl(cl_index, num_cls, refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directory, files, description, comment, reviewer, changelist, cmd_upload, cq_dry_run, enable_auto_submit): """Uploads a CL with all changes to |files| in |refactor_branch|. Args: cl_index: The index of this CL in the list of CLs to upload. num_cls: The total number of CLs that will be uploaded. refactor_branch: Name of the branch that contains the changes to upload. refactor_branch_upstream: Name of the upstream of |refactor_branch|. directory: Path to the directory that contains the OWNERS file for which to upload a CL. files: List of AffectedFile instances to include in the uploaded CL. description: Description of the uploaded CL. comment: Comment to post on the uploaded CL. reviewer: The reviewer for the CL. changelist: The Changelist class. cmd_upload: The function associated with the git cl upload command. cq_dry_run: If CL uploads should also do a cq dry run. enable_auto_submit: If CL uploads should also enable auto submit. """ # Create a branch. if not CreateBranchForDirectory(refactor_branch, cl_index, directory, refactor_branch_upstream): print('Skipping CL ' + cl_index + ' for directory "' + directory + '" for which a branch already exists.') return # Checkout all changes to files in |files|. deleted_files = [f.AbsoluteLocalPath() for f in files if f.Action() == 'D'] if deleted_files: git.run(*['rm'] + deleted_files) modified_files = [f.AbsoluteLocalPath() for f in files if f.Action() != 'D'] if modified_files: git.run(*['checkout', refactor_branch, '--'] + modified_files) # Commit changes. The temporary file is created with delete=False so that it # can be deleted manually after git has read it rather than automatically # when it is closed. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp_file: tmp_file.write( FormatDescriptionOrComment(description, directory, cl_index, num_cls)) # Close the file to let git open it at the next line. tmp_file.close() git.run('commit', '-F', tmp_file.name) os.remove(tmp_file.name) # Upload a CL. upload_args = ['-f', '-r', reviewer] if cq_dry_run: upload_args.append('--cq-dry-run') if not comment: upload_args.append('--send-mail') if enable_auto_submit: upload_args.append('--enable-auto-submit') print('Uploading CL for ' + directory + '.') cmd_upload(upload_args) if comment: changelist().AddComment( FormatDescriptionOrComment(comment, directory, cl_index, num_cls), publish=True) class ChangeList(object): """Representation of a CL and the files affected by it.""" def __init__(self, path, owners_db, author, files): self._path = path self._files = files self._owners_db = owners_db self._author = author self._owners = None def _EnsureOwners(self): if not self._owners: self._owners = set() files = [f.LocalPath() for f in self.GetFiles()] if not files: files = [self.GetPath()] possible_owners = self._owners_db.all_possible_owners( files, self._author).keys() for owner in possible_owners: if 0 == len(self._owners_db.files_not_covered_by(files, [owner])): self._owners |= set([owner]) assert len(self._owners) def Merge(self, other): self._owners = self.GetCommonOwners(other) self._files |= other.GetFiles() def GetPath(self): return self._path def GetFiles(self): return self._files def GetOwners(self): self._EnsureOwners() return self._owners def GetCommonOwners(self, other): return self.GetOwners() & other.GetOwners() def HaveCommonOwners(self, other): return len(self.GetCommonOwners(other)) > 0 def GetChangeSizeInBytes(self): return sum( [c[0] + c[1] for f in self._files for c in f.ChangeSizeInBytes()]) def SplitCLs(owners_database, author, files): """Returns a map of files split by OWNERS file. Returns: A map where keys are paths to directories containing an OWNERS file and values are lists of files sharing an OWNERS file. """ # The target CL size in # of changed bytes. # TODO(yannic): Use # of changed lines instead and make this configurable. max_cl_size = 1000 candidates = trie.Trie() # Enable sorting so dry-run will split the CL the same way the CL is uploaded. candidates.enable_sorting() # 1. Create one CL candidate for every affected file. for f in files: path = f.LocalPath() candidates[path] = ChangeList(path, owners_database, author, set([f])) change_lists = [] # 2. Try to merge CL in common directories up to a maximum size of # |max_cl_size|. # This is O( len(files) * max([len(f.path) for f in files]) ). edited = True while edited: edited = False # 2.1. Iterate over all candidates and merge candidates into the candidate # for their parent directory if the resulting CL doesn't exceed # |max_cl_size|. for item in candidates.items(): path = ''.join(item[0]) candidate = item[1] # The number of CL candidates in subdirectories is equivalent to the # number of nodes with prefix |path| in the Trie. # Only try to merge |candidate| with the candidate for the parent # directory if there are no more CLs for subdirectories. sub_cls = len([''.join(k) for k in candidates.keys(path)]) - 1 if not sub_cls: parent_path = os.path.dirname(path) if len(parent_path) < 1: # Don't create CLs for more than one top-level directory. continue if parent_path not in candidates: candidates[parent_path] = ChangeList(parent_path, owners_database, author, set()) parent_cl = candidates[parent_path] if not parent_cl.HaveCommonOwners(candidate): # Don't merge if the resulting CL would need more than one reviewer. continue # Merge |candidate| into the CL for it's parent directory and remove # candidate. edited = True del candidates[path] parent_cl.Merge(candidate) # Add |parent_cl| to list of CLs to submit if the CL is larger than # |max_cl_size|. # TODO(yannic): Doing it this way, we might end up with CLs of size # 2 * max_cl_size if we merged two candidates that just don't exceed # the maximal size. if parent_cl.GetChangeSizeInBytes() > max_cl_size: change_lists.append(parent_cl) del candidates[parent_path] # 3. Add all remaining candidates to the list of CLs. for item in candidates.items(): change_lists.append(item[1]) return change_lists def PrintClInfo(cl_index, num_cls, directory, file_paths, description, reviewer): """Prints info about a CL. Args: cl_index: The index of this CL in the list of CLs to upload. num_cls: The total number of CLs that will be uploaded. directory: Path to the directory that contains the OWNERS file for which to upload a CL. file_paths: A list of files in this CL. description: The CL description. reviewer: The reviewer for this CL. """ description_lines = FormatDescriptionOrComment( description, directory, cl_index, num_cls).splitlines() indented_description = '\n'.join([' ' + l for l in description_lines]) print('CL {}/{}'.format(cl_index, num_cls)) print('Path: {}'.format(directory)) print('Reviewers: {}'.format(reviewer)) print('\n' + indented_description + '\n') print('\n'.join(file_paths)) print() def _SelectReviewer(possible_owners, used_reviewers): """Select a reviewer from |owners| and adds them to the set of used reviewers. Returns: The reviewer. """ # It's debatable whether we want to avoid reusing reviewers. It could be # easier to ask the smallest possible amount of reviewers to become familiar # with the change being split. However, doing so would mean we send all CLs to # top-level owners, which might be too much to ask from them. # We may revisit this decicion later. unused_reviewers = possible_owners.difference(used_reviewers) if len(unused_reviewers) < 1: unused_reviewers = possible_owners # Pick a random reviwer from the set of owners so we don't prefer owners # with emails of low lexical order. reviewer = random.choice(tuple(unused_reviewers)) used_reviewers.add(reviewer) return reviewer def SplitCl(description_file, comment_file, changelist, cmd_upload, dry_run, cq_dry_run, enable_auto_submit): """"Splits a branch into smaller branches and uploads CLs. Args: description_file: File containing the description of uploaded CLs. comment_file: File containing the comment of uploaded CLs. changelist: The Changelist class. cmd_upload: The function associated with the git cl upload command. dry_run: Whether this is a dry run (no branches or CLs created). cq_dry_run: If CL uploads should also do a cq dry run. enable_auto_submit: If CL uploads should also enable auto submit. Returns: 0 in case of success. 1 in case of error. """ description = AddUploadedByGitClSplitToDescription(ReadFile(description_file)) comment = ReadFile(comment_file) if comment_file else None try: EnsureInGitRepository() cl = changelist() change = cl.GetChange(cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream(), None) files = change.AffectedFiles() if not files: print('Cannot split an empty CL.') return 1 author = git.run('config', 'user.email').strip() or None refactor_branch = git.current_branch() assert refactor_branch, "Can't run from detached branch." refactor_branch_upstream = git.upstream(refactor_branch) assert refactor_branch_upstream, \ "Branch %s must have an upstream." % refactor_branch owners_database = owners.Database(change.RepositoryRoot(), file, os.path) owners_database.load_data_needed_for([f.LocalPath() for f in files]) change_lists = SplitCLs(owners_database, author, set(files)) num_cls = len(change_lists) if cq_dry_run and num_cls > CL_SPLIT_FORCE_LIMIT: print( 'This will generate "%r" CLs. This many CLs can potentially generate' ' too much load on the build infrastructure. Please email' ' infra-dev@chromium.org to ensure that this won\'t break anything.' ' The infra team reserves the right to cancel your jobs if they are' ' overloading the CQ.' % num_cls) answer = raw_input('Proceed? (y/n):') if answer.lower() != 'y': return 0 reviewers = set() for cl_index, cl in enumerate(change_lists, 1): # Use '/' as a path separator in the branch name and the CL description # and comment. directory = cl.GetPath().replace(os.path.sep, '/') file_paths = [f.LocalPath() for f in cl.GetFiles()] reviewer = _SelectReviewer(cl.GetOwners(), reviewers) if dry_run: PrintClInfo(cl_index, num_cls, directory, file_paths, description, reviewer) else: UploadCl(cl_index, num_cls, refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directory, files, description, comment, reviewer, changelist, cmd_upload, cq_dry_run, enable_auto_submit) # Go back to the original branch. git.run('checkout', refactor_branch) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as cpe: sys.stderr.write(cpe.stderr) return 1 return 0