# Copyright (c) 2010 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/ # Copyright 2010 Google Inc. # Copyright (c) 2010, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2011, Nexenta Systems Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ This class encapsulates the provider-specific header differences. """ import os from datetime import datetime import boto from boto import config from boto.gs.acl import ACL from boto.gs.acl import CannedACLStrings as CannedGSACLStrings from boto.s3.acl import CannedACLStrings as CannedS3ACLStrings from boto.s3.acl import Policy HEADER_PREFIX_KEY = 'header_prefix' METADATA_PREFIX_KEY = 'metadata_prefix' AWS_HEADER_PREFIX = 'x-amz-' GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX = 'x-goog-' ACL_HEADER_KEY = 'acl-header' AUTH_HEADER_KEY = 'auth-header' COPY_SOURCE_HEADER_KEY = 'copy-source-header' COPY_SOURCE_VERSION_ID_HEADER_KEY = 'copy-source-version-id-header' COPY_SOURCE_RANGE_HEADER_KEY = 'copy-source-range-header' DELETE_MARKER_HEADER_KEY = 'delete-marker-header' DATE_HEADER_KEY = 'date-header' METADATA_DIRECTIVE_HEADER_KEY = 'metadata-directive-header' RESUMABLE_UPLOAD_HEADER_KEY = 'resumable-upload-header' SECURITY_TOKEN_HEADER_KEY = 'security-token-header' STORAGE_CLASS_HEADER_KEY = 'storage-class' MFA_HEADER_KEY = 'mfa-header' SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'server-side-encryption-header' VERSION_ID_HEADER_KEY = 'version-id-header' STORAGE_COPY_ERROR = 'StorageCopyError' STORAGE_CREATE_ERROR = 'StorageCreateError' STORAGE_DATA_ERROR = 'StorageDataError' STORAGE_PERMISSIONS_ERROR = 'StoragePermissionsError' STORAGE_RESPONSE_ERROR = 'StorageResponseError' class Provider(object): CredentialMap = { 'aws': ('aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key'), 'google': ('gs_access_key_id', 'gs_secret_access_key'), } AclClassMap = { 'aws': Policy, 'google': ACL } CannedAclsMap = { 'aws': CannedS3ACLStrings, 'google': CannedGSACLStrings } HostKeyMap = { 'aws': 's3', 'google': 'gs' } ChunkedTransferSupport = { 'aws': False, 'google': True } MetadataServiceSupport = { 'aws': True, 'google': False } # If you update this map please make sure to put "None" for the # right-hand-side for any headers that don't apply to a provider, rather # than simply leaving that header out (which would cause KeyErrors). HeaderInfoMap = { 'aws': { HEADER_PREFIX_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX, METADATA_PREFIX_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'meta-', ACL_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'acl', AUTH_HEADER_KEY: 'AWS', COPY_SOURCE_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'copy-source', COPY_SOURCE_VERSION_ID_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'copy-source-version-id', COPY_SOURCE_RANGE_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'copy-source-range', DATE_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'date', DELETE_MARKER_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'delete-marker', METADATA_DIRECTIVE_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'metadata-directive', RESUMABLE_UPLOAD_HEADER_KEY: None, SECURITY_TOKEN_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'security-token', SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'server-side-encryption', VERSION_ID_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'version-id', STORAGE_CLASS_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'storage-class', MFA_HEADER_KEY: AWS_HEADER_PREFIX + 'mfa', }, 'google': { HEADER_PREFIX_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX, METADATA_PREFIX_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX + 'meta-', ACL_HEADER_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX + 'acl', AUTH_HEADER_KEY: 'GOOG1', COPY_SOURCE_HEADER_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX + 'copy-source', COPY_SOURCE_VERSION_ID_HEADER_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX + 'copy-source-version-id', COPY_SOURCE_RANGE_HEADER_KEY: None, DATE_HEADER_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX + 'date', DELETE_MARKER_HEADER_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX + 'delete-marker', METADATA_DIRECTIVE_HEADER_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX + 'metadata-directive', RESUMABLE_UPLOAD_HEADER_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX + 'resumable', SECURITY_TOKEN_HEADER_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX + 'security-token', SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY: None, # Note that this version header is not to be confused with # the Google Cloud Storage 'x-goog-api-version' header. VERSION_ID_HEADER_KEY: GOOG_HEADER_PREFIX + 'version-id', STORAGE_CLASS_HEADER_KEY: None, MFA_HEADER_KEY: None, } } ErrorMap = { 'aws': { STORAGE_COPY_ERROR: boto.exception.S3CopyError, STORAGE_CREATE_ERROR: boto.exception.S3CreateError, STORAGE_DATA_ERROR: boto.exception.S3DataError, STORAGE_PERMISSIONS_ERROR: boto.exception.S3PermissionsError, STORAGE_RESPONSE_ERROR: boto.exception.S3ResponseError, }, 'google': { STORAGE_COPY_ERROR: boto.exception.GSCopyError, STORAGE_CREATE_ERROR: boto.exception.GSCreateError, STORAGE_DATA_ERROR: boto.exception.GSDataError, STORAGE_PERMISSIONS_ERROR: boto.exception.GSPermissionsError, STORAGE_RESPONSE_ERROR: boto.exception.GSResponseError, } } def __init__(self, name, access_key=None, secret_key=None, security_token=None): self.host = None self.access_key = access_key self.secret_key = secret_key self.security_token = security_token self.name = name self.acl_class = self.AclClassMap[self.name] self.canned_acls = self.CannedAclsMap[self.name] self._credential_expiry_time = None self.get_credentials(access_key, secret_key) self.configure_headers() self.configure_errors() # allow config file to override default host host_opt_name = '%s_host' % self.HostKeyMap[self.name] if config.has_option('Credentials', host_opt_name): self.host = config.get('Credentials', host_opt_name) def get_access_key(self): if self._credentials_need_refresh(): self._populate_keys_from_metadata_server() return self._access_key def set_access_key(self, value): self._access_key = value access_key = property(get_access_key, set_access_key) def get_secret_key(self): if self._credentials_need_refresh(): self._populate_keys_from_metadata_server() return self._secret_key def set_secret_key(self, value): self._secret_key = value secret_key = property(get_secret_key, set_secret_key) def get_security_token(self): if self._credentials_need_refresh(): self._populate_keys_from_metadata_server() return self._security_token def set_security_token(self, value): self._security_token = value security_token = property(get_security_token, set_security_token) def _credentials_need_refresh(self): if self._credential_expiry_time is None: return False else: # The credentials should be refreshed if they're going to expire # in less than 5 minutes. delta = self._credential_expiry_time - datetime.utcnow() # python2.6 does not have timedelta.total_seconds() so we have # to calculate this ourselves. This is straight from the # datetime docs. seconds_left = ( (delta.microseconds + (delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6) if seconds_left < (5 * 60): boto.log.debug("Credentials need to be refreshed.") return True else: return False def get_credentials(self, access_key=None, secret_key=None): access_key_name, secret_key_name = self.CredentialMap[self.name] if access_key is not None: self.access_key = access_key boto.log.debug("Using access key provided by client.") elif access_key_name.upper() in os.environ: self.access_key = os.environ[access_key_name.upper()] boto.log.debug("Using access key found in environment variable.") elif config.has_option('Credentials', access_key_name): self.access_key = config.get('Credentials', access_key_name) boto.log.debug("Using access key found in config file.") if secret_key is not None: self.secret_key = secret_key boto.log.debug("Using secret key provided by client.") elif secret_key_name.upper() in os.environ: self.secret_key = os.environ[secret_key_name.upper()] boto.log.debug("Using secret key found in environment variable.") elif config.has_option('Credentials', secret_key_name): self.secret_key = config.get('Credentials', secret_key_name) boto.log.debug("Using secret key found in config file.") elif config.has_option('Credentials', 'keyring'): keyring_name = config.get('Credentials', 'keyring') try: import keyring except ImportError: boto.log.error("The keyring module could not be imported. " "For keyring support, install the keyring " "module.") raise self.secret_key = keyring.get_password( keyring_name, self.access_key) boto.log.debug("Using secret key found in keyring.") if ((self._access_key is None or self._secret_key is None) and self.MetadataServiceSupport[self.name]): self._populate_keys_from_metadata_server() self._secret_key = self._convert_key_to_str(self._secret_key) def _populate_keys_from_metadata_server(self): # get_instance_metadata is imported here because of a circular # dependency. boto.log.debug("Retrieving credentials from metadata server.") from boto.utils import get_instance_metadata timeout = config.getfloat('Boto', 'metadata_service_timeout', 1.0) metadata = get_instance_metadata(timeout=timeout, num_retries=1) # I'm assuming there's only one role on the instance profile. if metadata and 'iam' in metadata: security = metadata['iam']['security-credentials'].values()[0] self._access_key = security['AccessKeyId'] self._secret_key = self._convert_key_to_str(security['SecretAccessKey']) self._security_token = security['Token'] expires_at = security['Expiration'] self._credential_expiry_time = datetime.strptime( expires_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") boto.log.debug("Retrieved credentials will expire in %s at: %s", self._credential_expiry_time - datetime.now(), expires_at) def _convert_key_to_str(self, key): if isinstance(key, unicode): # the secret key must be bytes and not unicode to work # properly with hmac.new (see http://bugs.python.org/issue5285) return str(key) return key def configure_headers(self): header_info_map = self.HeaderInfoMap[self.name] self.metadata_prefix = header_info_map[METADATA_PREFIX_KEY] self.header_prefix = header_info_map[HEADER_PREFIX_KEY] self.acl_header = header_info_map[ACL_HEADER_KEY] self.auth_header = header_info_map[AUTH_HEADER_KEY] self.copy_source_header = header_info_map[COPY_SOURCE_HEADER_KEY] self.copy_source_version_id = header_info_map[ COPY_SOURCE_VERSION_ID_HEADER_KEY] self.copy_source_range_header = header_info_map[ COPY_SOURCE_RANGE_HEADER_KEY] self.date_header = header_info_map[DATE_HEADER_KEY] self.delete_marker = header_info_map[DELETE_MARKER_HEADER_KEY] self.metadata_directive_header = ( header_info_map[METADATA_DIRECTIVE_HEADER_KEY]) self.security_token_header = header_info_map[SECURITY_TOKEN_HEADER_KEY] self.resumable_upload_header = ( header_info_map[RESUMABLE_UPLOAD_HEADER_KEY]) self.server_side_encryption_header = header_info_map[SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY] self.storage_class_header = header_info_map[STORAGE_CLASS_HEADER_KEY] self.version_id = header_info_map[VERSION_ID_HEADER_KEY] self.mfa_header = header_info_map[MFA_HEADER_KEY] def configure_errors(self): error_map = self.ErrorMap[self.name] self.storage_copy_error = error_map[STORAGE_COPY_ERROR] self.storage_create_error = error_map[STORAGE_CREATE_ERROR] self.storage_data_error = error_map[STORAGE_DATA_ERROR] self.storage_permissions_error = error_map[STORAGE_PERMISSIONS_ERROR] self.storage_response_error = error_map[STORAGE_RESPONSE_ERROR] def get_provider_name(self): return self.HostKeyMap[self.name] def supports_chunked_transfer(self): return self.ChunkedTransferSupport[self.name] # Static utility method for getting default Provider. def get_default(): return Provider('aws')