#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Unit tests for gclient.py. See gclient_smoketest.py for integration tests. """ import Queue import logging import os import sys import unittest sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import gclient import gclient_utils from testing_support import trial_dir def write(filename, content): """Writes the content of a file and create the directories as needed.""" filename = os.path.abspath(filename) dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(content) class SCMMock(object): def __init__(self, unit_test, url): self.unit_test = unit_test self.url = url def RunCommand(self, command, options, args, file_list): self.unit_test.assertEquals('None', command) self.unit_test.processed.put(self.url) def FullUrlForRelativeUrl(self, url): return self.url + url class GclientTest(trial_dir.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(GclientTest, self).setUp() self.processed = Queue.Queue() self.previous_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.root_dir) # Manual mocks. self._old_createscm = gclient.gclient_scm.CreateSCM gclient.gclient_scm.CreateSCM = self._createscm self._old_sys_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = gclient.gclient_utils.MakeFileAutoFlush(sys.stdout) sys.stdout = gclient.gclient_utils.MakeFileAnnotated(sys.stdout) def tearDown(self): self.assertEquals([], self._get_processed()) gclient.gclient_scm.CreateSCM = self._old_createscm sys.stdout = self._old_sys_stdout os.chdir(self.previous_dir) super(GclientTest, self).tearDown() def _createscm(self, parsed_url, root_dir, name): self.assertTrue(parsed_url.startswith('svn://example.com/'), parsed_url) self.assertTrue(root_dir.startswith(self.root_dir), root_dir) return SCMMock(self, parsed_url) def testDependencies(self): self._dependencies('1') def testDependenciesJobs(self): self._dependencies('1000') def _dependencies(self, jobs): """Verifies that dependencies are processed in the right order. e.g. if there is a dependency 'src' and another 'src/third_party/bar', that bar isn't fetched until 'src' is done. Also test that a From() dependency should not be processed when it is listed as a requirement. Args: |jobs| is the number of parallel jobs simulated. """ parser = gclient.Parser() options, args = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', jobs]) write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo" },\n' ' { "name": "bar", "url": "svn://example.com/bar" },\n' ' { "name": "bar/empty", "url": "svn://example.com/bar_empty" },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/dir1": "/dir1",\n' # This one will depend on dir1/dir2 in bar. ' "foo/dir1/dir2/dir3": "/dir1/dir2/dir3",\n' ' "foo/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4": "/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4",\n' ' "foo/dir1/dir2/dir5/dir6":\n' ' From("foo/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4", "foo/dir1/dir2"),\n' '}') write( os.path.join('bar', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' # There is two foo/dir1/dir2. This one is fetched as bar/dir1/dir2. ' "foo/dir1/dir2": "/dir1/dir2",\n' '}') write( os.path.join('bar/empty', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' '}') # Test From() write( os.path.join('foo/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' # This one should not be fetched or set as a requirement. ' "foo/dir1/dir2/dir5": "svn://example.com/x",\n' # This foo/dir1/dir2 points to a different url than the one in bar. ' "foo/dir1/dir2": "/dir1/another",\n' '}') obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self._check_requirements(obj.dependencies[0], {}) self._check_requirements(obj.dependencies[1], {}) obj.RunOnDeps('None', args) actual = self._get_processed() first_3 = [ 'svn://example.com/bar', 'svn://example.com/bar_empty', 'svn://example.com/foo', ] if jobs != 1: # We don't care of the ordering of these items except that bar must be # before bar/empty. self.assertTrue( actual.index('svn://example.com/bar') < actual.index('svn://example.com/bar_empty')) self.assertEquals(first_3, sorted(actual[0:3])) else: self.assertEquals(first_3, actual[0:3]) self.assertEquals( [ 'svn://example.com/foo/dir1', 'svn://example.com/bar/dir1/dir2', 'svn://example.com/foo/dir1/dir2/dir3', 'svn://example.com/foo/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4', 'svn://example.com/foo/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/dir1/another', ], actual[3:]) self.assertEquals(3, len(obj.dependencies)) self.assertEquals('foo', obj.dependencies[0].name) self.assertEquals('bar', obj.dependencies[1].name) self.assertEquals('bar/empty', obj.dependencies[2].name) self._check_requirements( obj.dependencies[0], { 'foo/dir1': ['bar', 'bar/empty', 'foo'], 'foo/dir1/dir2/dir3': ['bar', 'bar/empty', 'foo', 'foo/dir1', 'foo/dir1/dir2'], 'foo/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4': [ 'bar', 'bar/empty', 'foo', 'foo/dir1', 'foo/dir1/dir2', 'foo/dir1/dir2/dir3'], 'foo/dir1/dir2/dir5/dir6': [ 'bar', 'bar/empty', 'foo', 'foo/dir1', 'foo/dir1/dir2', 'foo/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4'], }) self._check_requirements( obj.dependencies[1], { 'foo/dir1/dir2': ['bar', 'bar/empty', 'foo', 'foo/dir1'], }) self._check_requirements( obj.dependencies[2], {}) self._check_requirements( obj, { 'foo': [], 'bar': [], 'bar/empty': ['bar'], }) def _check_requirements(self, solution, expected): for dependency in solution.dependencies: e = expected.pop(dependency.name) a = sorted(dependency.requirements) self.assertEquals(e, a, (dependency.name, e, a)) self.assertEquals({}, expected) def _get_processed(self): """Retrieves the item in the order they were processed.""" items = [] try: while True: items.append(self.processed.get_nowait()) except Queue.Empty: pass return items def testAutofix(self): # Invalid urls causes pain when specifying requirements. Make sure it's # auto-fixed. d = gclient.Dependency( None, 'name', 'proto://host/path/@revision', None, None, None, None, '', True) self.assertEquals('proto://host/path@revision', d.url) def testStr(self): parser = gclient.Parser() options, _ = parser.parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient('foo', options) obj.add_dependencies_and_close( [ gclient.Dependency( obj, 'foo', 'url', None, None, None, None, 'DEPS', True), gclient.Dependency( obj, 'bar', 'url', None, None, None, None, 'DEPS', True), ], []) obj.dependencies[0].add_dependencies_and_close( [ gclient.Dependency( obj.dependencies[0], 'foo/dir1', 'url', None, None, None, None, 'DEPS', True), gclient.Dependency( obj.dependencies[0], 'foo/dir2', gclient.GClientKeywords.FromImpl('bar'), None, None, None, None, 'DEPS', True), gclient.Dependency( obj.dependencies[0], 'foo/dir3', gclient.GClientKeywords.FileImpl('url'), None, None, None, None, 'DEPS', True), ], []) # Make sure __str__() works fine. # pylint: disable=W0212 obj.dependencies[0]._file_list.append('foo') str_obj = str(obj) self.assertEquals(471, len(str_obj), '%d\n%s' % (len(str_obj), str_obj)) def testHooks(self): topdir = self.root_dir gclient_fn = os.path.join(topdir, '.gclient') fh = open(gclient_fn, 'w') print >> fh, 'solutions = [{"name":"top","url":"svn://svn.top.com/top"}]' fh.close() subdir_fn = os.path.join(topdir, 'top') os.mkdir(subdir_fn) deps_fn = os.path.join(subdir_fn, 'DEPS') fh = open(deps_fn, 'w') hooks = [{'pattern':'.', 'action':['cmd1', 'arg1', 'arg2']}] print >> fh, 'hooks = %s' % repr(hooks) fh.close() fh = open(os.path.join(subdir_fn, 'fake.txt'), 'w') print >> fh, 'bogus content' fh.close() os.chdir(topdir) parser = gclient.Parser() options, _ = parser.parse_args([]) options.force = True client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) work_queue = gclient_utils.ExecutionQueue(options.jobs, None, False) for s in client.dependencies: work_queue.enqueue(s) work_queue.flush({}, None, [], options=options) self.assertEqual(client.GetHooks(options), [x['action'] for x in hooks]) def testTargetOS(self): """Verifies that specifying a target_os pulls in all relevant dependencies. The target_os variable allows specifying the name of an additional OS which should be considered when selecting dependencies from a DEPS' deps_os. The value will be appended to the _enforced_os tuple. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' }]\n' 'target_os = ["baz"]') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/dir1": "/dir1",' '}\n' 'deps_os = {\n' ' "unix": { "foo/dir2": "/dir2", },\n' ' "baz": { "foo/dir3": "/dir3", },\n' '}') parser = gclient.Parser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = "unix" obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(['baz', 'unix'], sorted(obj.enforced_os)) def testTargetOsWithTargetOsOnly(self): """Verifies that specifying a target_os and target_os_only pulls in only the relevant dependencies. The target_os variable allows specifying the name of an additional OS which should be considered when selecting dependencies from a DEPS' deps_os. With target_os_only also set, the _enforced_os tuple will be set to only the target_os value. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' }]\n' 'target_os = ["baz"]\n' 'target_os_only = True') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/dir1": "/dir1",' '}\n' 'deps_os = {\n' ' "unix": { "foo/dir2": "/dir2", },\n' ' "baz": { "foo/dir3": "/dir3", },\n' '}') parser = gclient.Parser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = "unix" obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(['baz'], sorted(obj.enforced_os)) def testTargetOsOnlyWithoutTargetOs(self): """Verifies that specifying a target_os_only without target_os_only raises an exception. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' }]\n' 'target_os_only = True') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/dir1": "/dir1",' '}\n' 'deps_os = {\n' ' "unix": { "foo/dir2": "/dir2", },\n' '}') parser = gclient.Parser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = "unix" exception_raised = False try: gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) except gclient_utils.Error: exception_raised = True self.assertTrue(exception_raised) def testTargetOsInDepsFile(self): """Verifies that specifying a target_os value in a DEPS file pulls in all relevant dependencies. The target_os variable in a DEPS file allows specifying the name of an additional OS which should be considered when selecting dependencies from a DEPS' deps_os. The value will be appended to the _enforced_os tuple. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' },\n' ' { "name": "bar",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/bar",\n' ' }]\n') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'target_os = ["baz"]\n' 'deps_os = {\n' ' "unix": { "foo/unix": "/unix", },\n' ' "baz": { "foo/baz": "/baz", },\n' ' "jaz": { "foo/jaz": "/jaz", },\n' '}') write( os.path.join('bar', 'DEPS'), 'deps_os = {\n' ' "unix": { "bar/unix": "/unix", },\n' ' "baz": { "bar/baz": "/baz", },\n' ' "jaz": { "bar/jaz": "/jaz", },\n' '}') parser = gclient.Parser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = 'unix' obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual(['unix'], sorted(obj.enforced_os)) self.assertEquals( [ 'svn://example.com/bar', 'svn://example.com/bar/unix', 'svn://example.com/foo', 'svn://example.com/foo/baz', 'svn://example.com/foo/unix', ], sorted(self._get_processed())) def testDepsOsOverrideDepsInDepsFile(self): """Verifies that a 'deps_os' path can override a 'deps' path. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' },]\n') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'target_os = ["baz"]\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/src": "/src",\n' # This path is to be overridden by similar path # in deps_os['unix']. '}\n' 'deps_os = {\n' ' "unix": { "foo/unix": "/unix",' ' "foo/src": "/src_unix"},\n' ' "baz": { "foo/baz": "/baz", },\n' ' "jaz": { "foo/jaz": "/jaz", },\n' '}') parser = gclient.Parser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = 'unix' obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual(['unix'], sorted(obj.enforced_os)) self.assertEquals( [ 'svn://example.com/foo', 'svn://example.com/foo/baz', 'svn://example.com/foo/src_unix', 'svn://example.com/foo/unix', ], sorted(self._get_processed())) def testRecursionOverride(self): """Verifies gclient respects the recursion var syntax. We check several things here: - recursion = 3 sets recursion on the foo dep to exactly 3 (we pull /fizz, but not /fuzz) - pulling foo/bar at recursion level 1 (in .gclient) is overriden by a later pull of foo/bar at recursion level 2 (in the dep tree) """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo" },\n' ' { "name": "foo/bar", "url": "svn://example.com/bar" },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}\n' 'recursion = 3') write( os.path.join('bar', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "baz": "/baz",\n' '}') write( os.path.join('baz', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "fizz": "/fizz",\n' '}') write( os.path.join('fizz', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "fuzz": "/fuzz",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.Parser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEquals( [ 'svn://example.com/foo', 'svn://example.com/bar', 'svn://example.com/foo/bar', 'svn://example.com/foo/bar/baz', 'svn://example.com/foo/bar/baz/fizz', ], self._get_processed()) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.stdout = gclient_utils.MakeFileAutoFlush(sys.stdout) sys.stdout = gclient_utils.MakeFileAnnotated(sys.stdout, include_zero=True) sys.stderr = gclient_utils.MakeFileAutoFlush(sys.stderr) sys.stderr = gclient_utils.MakeFileAnnotated(sys.stderr, include_zero=True) logging.basicConfig( level=[logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG][ min(sys.argv.count('-v'), 3)], format='%(relativeCreated)4d %(levelname)5s %(module)13s(' '%(lineno)d) %(message)s') unittest.main()