# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Pin resolved versions in the repo, to reduce trust in the CIPD backend. # # Most of these tools are generated via builders at # https://ci.chromium.org/p/infra/g/infra/console # # For these, the git revision is the one of # https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra.git. # # For goma client, generated via builders at # https://ci.chromium.org/p/infra-internal/g/goma-client/console # the git revision is the one of # https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/goma/client.git # # To regenerate them (after modifying this file): # cipd ensure-file-resolve -ensure-file cipd_manifest.txt $ResolvedVersions cipd_manifest.versions # Fully supported plaforms. $VerifiedPlatform linux-amd64 mac-amd64 windows-amd64 windows-386 # Platform with best-effort support: we have some binaries cross-compiled for # them, but we do not test they work. They also may not have all necessary # vpython packages. $VerifiedPlatform linux-386 linux-ppc64 linux-ppc64le linux-s390x $VerifiedPlatform linux-arm64 linux-armv6l $VerifiedPlatform linux-mips64 linux-mips64le linux-mipsle # vpython. infra/tools/luci/vpython/${platform} git_revision:b01b3ede35a24f76f21420f11d13f234848e5d34 # LUCI editor infra/tools/luci/led/${platform} git_revision:4799a3f4989e43e0dae5c35dfe5ce76cbdbb6125 # LUCI config generator infra/tools/luci/lucicfg/${platform} git_revision:7def9ec8cc89dd50904ee0d48ab268272116a1ce # Mac toolchain installer infra/tools/mac_toolchain/${os=mac}-${arch} git_revision:9a1adc55bf4a1173784da3ba2f8cb06421606748 # LUCI rpc command line tool infra/tools/prpc/${platform} git_revision:edd5644be66d37cdf82978efb0e5d6504d0d552f # LUCI authentication command line tool infra/tools/luci-auth/${platform} git_revision:41a7e9bcbf18718dcda83dd5c6188cfc44271e70 # LUCI Buildbucket CLI infra/tools/bb/${platform} git_revision:36780e0d5ac28dd0d8e2eeb69c67ae51a4ad2685 # CHROMEOS Buildjobs CLI chromiumos/infra/crosjobs/${platform=linux-amd64} git_revision:ed616d595eb7241d39d34907050d2949121d6ae8 # goma client infra/goma/client/${os}-${arch=amd64} git_revision:ae688f5dcfa14b4aca0bac4573707647c7c0ea07