#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Smoke tests for gclient.py. Shell out 'gclient' and run basic conformance tests. This test assumes GClientSmokeBase.URL_BASE is valid. """ import logging import os import re import subprocess import sys import unittest ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0, ROOT_DIR) from testing_support.fake_repos import join, write, FakeReposTestBase import subprocess2 GCLIENT_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'gclient') COVERAGE = False class GClientSmokeBase(FakeReposTestBase): def setUp(self): super(GClientSmokeBase, self).setUp() # Make sure it doesn't try to auto update when testing! self.env = os.environ.copy() self.env['DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE'] = '0' def gclient(self, cmd, cwd=None): if not cwd: cwd = self.root_dir if COVERAGE: # Don't use the wrapper script. cmd_base = ['coverage', 'run', '-a', GCLIENT_PATH + '.py'] else: cmd_base = [GCLIENT_PATH] cmd = cmd_base + cmd process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=self.env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=sys.platform.startswith('win')) (stdout, stderr) = process.communicate() logging.debug("XXX: %s\n%s\nXXX" % (' '.join(cmd), stdout)) logging.debug("YYY: %s\n%s\nYYY" % (' '.join(cmd), stderr)) # pylint: disable=E1103 return (stdout.replace('\r\n', '\n'), stderr.replace('\r\n', '\n'), process.returncode) def untangle(self, stdout): tasks = {} remaining = [] for line in stdout.splitlines(False): m = re.match(r'^(\d)+>(.*)$', line) if not m: remaining.append(line) else: self.assertEquals([], remaining) tasks.setdefault(int(m.group(1)), []).append(m.group(2)) out = [] for key in sorted(tasks.iterkeys()): out.extend(tasks[key]) out.extend(remaining) return '\n'.join(out) def parseGclient(self, cmd, items, expected_stderr='', untangle=False): """Parse gclient's output to make it easier to test. If untangle is True, tries to sort out the output from parallel checkout.""" (stdout, stderr, returncode) = self.gclient(cmd) if untangle: stdout = self.untangle(stdout) self.checkString(expected_stderr, stderr) self.assertEquals(0, returncode) return self.checkBlock(stdout, items) def splitBlock(self, stdout): """Split gclient's output into logical execution blocks. ___ running 'foo' at '/bar' (...) ___ running 'baz' at '/bar' (...) will result in 2 items of len((...).splitlines()) each. """ results = [] for line in stdout.splitlines(False): # Intentionally skips empty lines. if not line: continue if line.startswith('__'): match = re.match(r'^________ ([a-z]+) \'(.*)\' in \'(.*)\'$', line) if not match: match = re.match(r'^_____ (.*) is missing, synching instead$', line) if match: # Blah, it's when a dependency is deleted, we should probably not # output this message. results.append([line]) elif ( not re.match( r'_____ [^ ]+ : Attempting rebase onto [0-9a-f]+...', line) and not re.match(r'_____ [^ ]+ at [^ ]+', line)): # The two regexp above are a bit too broad, they are necessary only # for git checkouts. self.fail(line) else: results.append([[match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3)]]) else: if not results: # TODO(maruel): gclient's git stdout is inconsistent. # This should fail the test instead!! pass else: results[-1].append(line) return results def checkBlock(self, stdout, items): results = self.splitBlock(stdout) for i in xrange(min(len(results), len(items))): if isinstance(items[i], (list, tuple)): verb = items[i][0] path = items[i][1] else: verb = items[i] path = self.root_dir self.checkString(results[i][0][0], verb, (i, results[i][0][0], verb)) if sys.platform == 'win32': # Make path lower case since casing can change randomly. self.checkString( results[i][0][2].lower(), path.lower(), (i, results[i][0][2].lower(), path.lower())) else: self.checkString(results[i][0][2], path, (i, results[i][0][2], path)) self.assertEquals(len(results), len(items), (stdout, items, len(results))) return results @staticmethod def svnBlockCleanup(out): """Work around svn status difference between svn 1.5 and svn 1.6 I don't know why but on Windows they are reversed. So sorts the items.""" for i in xrange(len(out)): if len(out[i]) < 2: continue out[i] = [out[i][0]] + sorted([x[1:].strip() for x in out[i][1:]]) return out class GClientSmoke(GClientSmokeBase): """Doesn't require either svnserve nor git-daemon.""" @property def svn_base(self): return 'svn://random.server/svn/' @property def git_base(self): return 'git://random.server/git/' def testHelp(self): """testHelp: make sure no new command was added.""" result = self.gclient(['help']) # Roughly, not too short, not too long. self.assertTrue(1000 < len(result[0]) and len(result[0]) < 2000) self.assertEquals(0, len(result[1])) self.assertEquals(0, result[2]) def testUnknown(self): result = self.gclient(['foo']) # Roughly, not too short, not too long. self.assertTrue(1000 < len(result[0]) and len(result[0]) < 2000) self.assertEquals(0, len(result[1])) self.assertEquals(0, result[2]) def testNotConfigured(self): res = ('', 'Error: client not configured; see \'gclient config\'\n', 1) self.check(res, self.gclient(['cleanup'])) self.check(res, self.gclient(['diff'])) self.check(res, self.gclient(['pack'])) self.check(res, self.gclient(['revert'])) self.check(res, self.gclient(['revinfo'])) self.check(res, self.gclient(['runhooks'])) self.check(res, self.gclient(['status'])) self.check(res, self.gclient(['sync'])) self.check(res, self.gclient(['update'])) def testConfig(self): p = join(self.root_dir, '.gclient') def test(cmd, expected): if os.path.exists(p): os.remove(p) results = self.gclient(cmd) self.check(('', '', 0), results) self.checkString(expected, open(p, 'rU').read()) test(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/'], ('solutions = [\n' ' { "name" : "src",\n' ' "url" : "%strunk/src",\n' ' "deps_file" : "DEPS",\n' ' "managed" : True,\n' ' "custom_deps" : {\n' ' },\n' ' "safesync_url": "",\n' ' },\n' ']\n') % self.svn_base) test(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'], ('solutions = [\n' ' { "name" : "src",\n' ' "url" : "%srepo_1",\n' ' "deps_file" : "DEPS",\n' ' "managed" : True,\n' ' "custom_deps" : {\n' ' },\n' ' "safesync_url": "",\n' ' },\n' ']\n') % self.git_base) test(['config', 'foo', 'faa'], 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name" : "foo",\n' ' "url" : "foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : "DEPS",\n' ' "managed" : True,\n' ' "custom_deps" : {\n' ' },\n' ' "safesync_url": "faa",\n' ' },\n' ']\n') test(['config', 'foo', '--deps', 'blah'], 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name" : "foo",\n' ' "url" : "foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : "blah",\n' ' "managed" : True,\n' ' "custom_deps" : {\n' ' },\n' ' "safesync_url": "",\n' ' },\n' ']\n') test(['config', '--spec', '["blah blah"]'], '["blah blah"]') os.remove(p) results = self.gclient(['config', 'foo', 'faa', 'fuu']) err = ('Usage: gclient.py config [options] [url] [safesync url]\n\n' 'gclient.py: error: Inconsistent arguments. Use either --spec or one' ' or 2 args\n') self.check(('', err, 2), results) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(join(self.root_dir, '.gclient'))) def testSolutionNone(self): results = self.gclient(['config', '--spec', 'solutions=[{"name": "./", "url": None}]']) self.check(('', '', 0), results) results = self.gclient(['sync']) self.check(('', '', 0), results) self.assertTree({}) results = self.gclient(['revinfo']) self.check(('./: None\n', '', 0), results) self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['cleanup'])) self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['diff'])) self.assertTree({}) self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['pack'])) self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['revert'])) self.assertTree({}) self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['runhooks'])) self.assertTree({}) self.check(('', '', 0), self.gclient(['status'])) def testDifferentTopLevelDirectory(self): # Check that even if the .gclient file does not mention the directory src # itself, but it is included via dependencies, the .gclient file is used. self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src.DEPS']) deps = join(self.root_dir, 'src.DEPS') os.mkdir(deps) write(join(deps, 'DEPS'), 'deps = { "src": "%strunk/src" }' % (self.svn_base)) src = join(self.root_dir, 'src') os.mkdir(src) res = self.gclient(['status', '--jobs', '1'], src) self.checkBlock(res[0], [('running', deps), ('running', src)]) class GClientSmokeSVN(GClientSmokeBase): def setUp(self): super(GClientSmokeSVN, self).setUp() self.enabled = self.FAKE_REPOS.set_up_svn() def testSync(self): # TODO(maruel): safesync. if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) # Test unversioned checkout. self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', # This is due to the way svn update is called for a # single file when File() is used in a DEPS file. ('running', os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'file', 'other')), 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running']) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@2', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/foo'), ('trunk/other@2', 'src/other')) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) tree['src/svn_hooked1'] = 'svn_hooked1' self.assertTree(tree) # Manually remove svn_hooked1 before synching to make sure it's not # recreated. os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'svn_hooked1')) # Test incremental versioned sync: sync backward. self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--revision', 'src@1', '--deps', 'mac', '--delete_unversioned_trees', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'deleting']) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@1', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/fpp'), ('trunk/other@1', 'src/other'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/prout')) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) self.assertTree(tree) # Test incremental sync: delete-unversioned_trees isn't there. self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running']) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@2', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/fpp'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/foo'), ('trunk/other@2', 'src/other'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/prout')) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) tree['src/svn_hooked1'] = 'svn_hooked1' self.assertTree(tree) def testSyncTransitive(self): # TODO(maruel): safesync. if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) # Make sure we can populate a new repository with --transitive. self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--transitive', '--revision', 'src@1', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running']) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@1', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/fpp'), ('trunk/other@1', 'src/other'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/prout')) # Get up to date, so we can test synching back. self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1']) # Manually remove svn_hooked1 before synching to make sure it's not # recreated. os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'svn_hooked1')) self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--transitive', '--revision', 'src@1', '--deps', 'mac', '--delete_unversioned_trees', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'deleting']) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@1', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/fpp'), ('trunk/other@1', 'src/other'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/prout')) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) self.assertTree(tree) def testSyncIgnoredSolutionName(self): """TODO(maruel): This will become an error soon.""" if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) results = self.gclient( ['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '-r', 'invalid@1', '--jobs', '1']) self.checkBlock(results[0], [ 'running', 'running', # This is due to the way svn update is called for a single file when # File() is used in a DEPS file. ('running', os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'file', 'other')), 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running']) self.checkString('Please fix your script, having invalid --revision flags ' 'will soon considered an error.\n', results[1]) self.assertEquals(0, results[2]) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@2', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/foo'), ('trunk/other@2', 'src/other')) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) tree['src/svn_hooked1'] = 'svn_hooked1' self.assertTree(tree) def testSyncNoSolutionName(self): # When no solution name is provided, gclient uses the first solution listed. if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '-r', '1', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running']) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@1', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/fpp'), ('trunk/other@1', 'src/other'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/prout')) self.assertTree(tree) def testSyncJobs(self): if not self.enabled: return # TODO(maruel): safesync. self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) # Test unversioned checkout. self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '8'], ['running', 'running', # This is due to the way svn update is called for a # single file when File() is used in a DEPS file. ('running', os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'file', 'other')), 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running'], untangle=True) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@2', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/foo'), ('trunk/other@2', 'src/other')) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) tree['src/svn_hooked1'] = 'svn_hooked1' self.assertTree(tree) # Manually remove svn_hooked1 before synching to make sure it's not # recreated. os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'svn_hooked1')) # Test incremental versioned sync: sync backward. self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--revision', 'src@1', '--deps', 'mac', '--delete_unversioned_trees', '--jobs', '8'], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'deleting'], untangle=True) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@1', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/fpp'), ('trunk/other@1', 'src/other'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/prout')) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) self.assertTree(tree) # Test incremental sync: delete-unversioned_trees isn't there. self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '8'], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running'], untangle=True) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@2', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/fpp'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/foo'), ('trunk/other@2', 'src/other'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/prout')) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) tree['src/svn_hooked1'] = 'svn_hooked1' self.assertTree(tree) def testSyncCustomDeps(self): if not self.enabled: return out = ( 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name" : "src",\n' ' "url" : "%(base)s/src",\n' ' "custom_deps" : {\n' # Remove 2 deps, change 1, add 1. ' "src/other": None,\n' ' "src/third_party/foo": \'%(base)s/third_party/prout\',\n' ' "src/file/other": None,\n' ' "new_deps": "/trunk/src/third_party",\n' ' },\n' ' "safesync_url": "",\n' ' },\n' ']\n\n' % { 'base': self.svn_base + 'trunk' }) fileobj = open(os.path.join(self.root_dir, '.gclient'), 'w') fileobj.write(out) fileobj.close() self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running'], untangle=True) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@2', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/prout@2', 'src/third_party/foo'), ('trunk/src/third_party@2', 'new_deps')) tree['src/svn_hooked1'] = 'svn_hooked1' self.assertTree(tree) def testSyncCustomDepsNoDeps(self): if not self.enabled: return out = ( 'solutions = [\n' # This directory has no DEPS file. ' { "name" : "src/third_party",\n' ' "url" : "%(base)s/src/third_party",\n' ' "custom_deps" : {\n' # Add 1. ' "src/other": \'/trunk/other\',\n' ' },\n' ' "safesync_url": "",\n' ' },\n' ']\n\n' % { 'base': self.svn_base + 'trunk' }) fileobj = open(os.path.join(self.root_dir, '.gclient'), 'w') fileobj.write(out) fileobj.close() self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running'], untangle=True) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src/third_party@2', 'src/third_party'), ('trunk/other@2', 'src/other')) self.assertTree(tree) def testRevertAndStatus(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) # Tested in testSync. self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac']) write(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'other', 'hi'), 'Hey!') out = self.parseGclient(['status', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], [['running', join(self.root_dir, 'src')], ['running', join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'other')]]) out = self.svnBlockCleanup(out) self.checkString('file', out[0][1]) self.checkString('other', out[0][2]) self.checkString('svn_hooked1', out[0][3]) self.checkString(join('third_party', 'foo'), out[0][4]) self.checkString('hi', out[1][1]) self.assertEquals(5, len(out[0])) self.assertEquals(2, len(out[1])) # Revert implies --force implies running hooks without looking at pattern # matching. results = self.gclient(['revert', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1']) out = self.splitBlock(results[0]) # src, src/other is missing, src/other, src/third_party/foo is missing, # src/third_party/foo, 2 svn hooks, 3 related to File(). self.assertEquals(10, len(out)) self.checkString('', results[1]) self.assertEquals(0, results[2]) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@2', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/foo'), ('trunk/other@2', 'src/other')) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) tree['src/svn_hooked1'] = 'svn_hooked1' tree['src/svn_hooked2'] = 'svn_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) out = self.parseGclient(['status', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], [['running', join(self.root_dir, 'src')]]) out = self.svnBlockCleanup(out) self.checkString('file', out[0][1]) self.checkString('other', out[0][2]) self.checkString('svn_hooked1', out[0][3]) self.checkString('svn_hooked2', out[0][4]) self.checkString(join('third_party', 'foo'), out[0][5]) self.assertEquals(6, len(out[0])) self.assertEquals(1, len(out)) def testRevertAndStatusDepsOs(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) # Tested in testSync. self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--revision', 'src@1']) write(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'other', 'hi'), 'Hey!') # Without --verbose, gclient won't output the directories without # modification. out = self.parseGclient(['status', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], [['running', join(self.root_dir, 'src')], ['running', join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'other')]]) out = self.svnBlockCleanup(out) self.checkString('other', out[0][1]) self.checkString(join('third_party', 'fpp'), out[0][2]) self.checkString(join('third_party', 'prout'), out[0][3]) self.checkString('hi', out[1][1]) self.assertEquals(4, len(out[0])) self.assertEquals(2, len(out[1])) # So verify it works with --verbose. out = self.parseGclient( ['status', '--deps', 'mac', '--verbose', '--jobs', '1'], [['running', join(self.root_dir, 'src')], ['running', join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'other')], ['running', join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'third_party', 'fpp')], ['running', join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'third_party', 'prout')]]) out = self.svnBlockCleanup(out) self.checkString('other', out[0][1]) self.checkString(join('third_party', 'fpp'), out[0][2]) self.checkString(join('third_party', 'prout'), out[0][3]) self.checkString('hi', out[1][1]) self.assertEquals(4, len(out[0])) self.assertEquals(2, len(out[1])) self.assertEquals(1, len(out[2])) self.assertEquals(1, len(out[3])) self.assertEquals(4, len(out)) # Revert implies --force implies running hooks without looking at pattern # matching. # TODO(maruel): In general, gclient revert output is wrong. It should output # the file list after some ___ running 'svn status' results = self.gclient(['revert', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1']) out = self.splitBlock(results[0]) self.assertEquals(7, len(out)) self.checkString('', results[1]) self.assertEquals(0, results[2]) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@1', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/fpp'), ('trunk/other@1', 'src/other'), ('trunk/third_party/prout@2', 'src/third_party/prout')) self.assertTree(tree) out = self.parseGclient(['status', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], [['running', join(self.root_dir, 'src')]]) out = self.svnBlockCleanup(out) self.checkString('other', out[0][1]) self.checkString(join('third_party', 'fpp'), out[0][2]) self.checkString(join('third_party', 'prout'), out[0][3]) self.assertEquals(4, len(out[0])) def testRunHooks(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac']) out = self.parseGclient(['runhooks', '--deps', 'mac'], ['running', 'running']) self.checkString(1, len(out[0])) self.checkString(1, len(out[1])) def testRunHooksDepsOs(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--revision', 'src@1']) out = self.parseGclient(['runhooks', '--deps', 'mac'], []) self.assertEquals([], out) def testRevInfo(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac']) results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac']) out = ('src: %(base)s/src\n' 'src/file/other: File("%(base)s/other/DEPS")\n' 'src/other: %(base)s/other\n' 'src/third_party/foo: %(base)s/third_party/foo@1\n' % { 'base': self.svn_base + 'trunk' }) self.check((out, '', 0), results) results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac', '--actual']) out = ('src: %(base)s/src@2\n' 'src/file/other: %(base)s/other/DEPS@2\n' 'src/other: %(base)s/other@2\n' 'src/third_party/foo: %(base)s/third_party/foo@1\n' % { 'base': self.svn_base + 'trunk' }) self.check((out, '', 0), results) results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac', '--snapshot']) out = ('# Snapshot generated with gclient revinfo --snapshot\n' 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name" : "src",\n' ' "url" : "%(base)s/src",\n' ' "deps_file" : "DEPS",\n' ' "managed" : True,\n' ' "custom_deps" : {\n' ' "foo/bar": None,\n' ' "invalid": None,\n' ' "src/file/other": \'%(base)s/other/DEPS@2\',\n' ' "src/other": \'%(base)s/other@2\',\n' ' "src/third_party/foo": ' '\'%(base)s/third_party/foo@1\',\n' ' },\n' ' "safesync_url": "",\n' ' },\n' ']\n\n' % { 'base': self.svn_base + 'trunk' }) self.check((out, '', 0), results) def testRevInfoAltDeps(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/', '--deps-file', 'DEPS.alt']) self.gclient(['sync']) results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--snapshot']) out = ('# Snapshot generated with gclient revinfo --snapshot\n' 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name" : "src",\n' ' "url" : "%(base)s/src",\n' ' "deps_file" : "DEPS.alt",\n' ' "managed" : True,\n' ' "custom_deps" : {\n' ' "src/other2": \'%(base)s/other@2\',\n' ' },\n' ' "safesync_url": "",\n' ' },\n' ']\n\n' % { 'base': self.svn_base + 'trunk' }) self.check((out, '', 0), results) def testWrongDirectory(self): # Check that we're not using a .gclient configuration which only talks # about a subdirectory src when we're in a different subdirectory src-other. if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) self.gclient(['sync']) other_src = join(self.root_dir, 'src-other') os.mkdir(other_src) res = ('', 'Error: client not configured; see \'gclient config\'\n', 1) self.check(res, self.gclient(['status'], other_src)) def testCorrectDirectory(self): # Check that when we're in the subdirectory src, the .gclient configuration # is used. if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) self.gclient(['sync']) src = join(self.root_dir, 'src') res = self.gclient(['status', '--jobs', '1'], src) self.checkBlock(res[0], [('running', src)]) def testInitialCheckoutNotYetDone(self): # Check that gclient can be executed when the initial checkout hasn't been # done yet. if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', # This is due to the way svn update is called for a # single file when File() is used in a DEPS file. ('running', os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'file', 'other')), 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running']) def testInitialCheckoutFailed(self): # Check that gclient can be executed from an arbitrary sub directory if the # initial checkout has failed. if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/']) self.gclient(['sync']) # Cripple the checkout. os.remove(join(self.root_dir, '.gclient_entries')) src = join(self.root_dir, 'src') res = self.gclient(['sync', '--jobs', '1'], src) self.checkBlock(res[0], ['running', 'running', 'running']) class GClientSmokeGIT(GClientSmokeBase): def setUp(self): super(GClientSmokeGIT, self).setUp() self.enabled = self.FAKE_REPOS.set_up_git() def testSync(self): if not self.enabled: return # TODO(maruel): safesync. self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src']) # Test unversioned checkout. self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running']) # TODO(maruel): http://crosbug.com/3582 hooks run even if not matching, must # add sync parsing to get the list of updated files. tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'), ('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed')) tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1' tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) # Manually remove git_hooked1 before synching to make sure it's not # recreated. os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_hooked1')) # Test incremental versioned sync: sync backward. diffdir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'repo2', 'repo_renamed') self.parseGclient(['sync', '--jobs', '1', '--revision', 'src@' + self.githash('repo_1', 1), '--deps', 'mac', '--delete_unversioned_trees'], ['running', 'running', ('running', diffdir), 'deleting']) tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@1', 'src'), ('repo_2@2', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'), ('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4')) tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) # Test incremental sync: delete-unversioned_trees isn't there. expect3 = ('running', os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'repo2', 'repo3')) expect4 = ('running', os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'repo4')) self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', 'running', expect3, expect4]) tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'), ('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'), ('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'), ('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4')) tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1' tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) def testSyncIgnoredSolutionName(self): """TODO(maruel): This will become an error soon.""" if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src']) self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1', '--revision', 'invalid@' + self.githash('repo_1', 1)], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running'], 'Please fix your script, having invalid --revision flags ' 'will soon considered an error.\n') tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'), ('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed')) tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1' tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) def testSyncNoSolutionName(self): if not self.enabled: return # When no solution name is provided, gclient uses the first solution listed. self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src']) self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1', '--revision', self.githash('repo_1', 1)], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running']) tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@1', 'src'), ('repo_2@2', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'), ('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4')) self.assertTree(tree) def testSyncJobs(self): if not self.enabled: return # TODO(maruel): safesync. self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src']) # Test unversioned checkout. self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '8'], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running'], untangle=True) # TODO(maruel): http://crosbug.com/3582 hooks run even if not matching, must # add sync parsing to get the list of updated files. tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'), ('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed')) tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1' tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) # Manually remove git_hooked1 before synching to make sure it's not # recreated. os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_hooked1')) # Test incremental versioned sync: sync backward. expect3 = ('running', os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'repo2', 'repo_renamed')) self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--revision', 'src@' + self.githash('repo_1', 1), '--deps', 'mac', '--delete_unversioned_trees', '--jobs', '8'], ['running', 'running', expect3, 'deleting'], untangle=True) tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@1', 'src'), ('repo_2@2', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'), ('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4')) tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) # Test incremental sync: delete-unversioned_trees isn't there. expect4 = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'repo2', 'repo3') expect5 = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'repo4') self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '8'], ['running', 'running', 'running', ('running', expect4), ('running', expect5)], untangle=True) tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'), ('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'), ('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'), ('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4')) tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1' tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) def testRevertAndStatus(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src']) # Tested in testSync. self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac']) write(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'repo2', 'hi'), 'Hey!') expected1 = ('running', os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src')) expected2 = ('running', os.path.join(expected1[1], 'repo2')) expected3 = ('running', os.path.join(expected2[1], 'repo_renamed')) out = self.parseGclient(['status', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], [expected1, expected2, expected3]) # TODO(maruel): http://crosbug.com/3584 It should output the unversioned # files. self.assertEquals(3, len(out)) # Revert implies --force implies running hooks without looking at pattern # matching. For each expected path, 'git reset' and 'git clean' are run, so # there should be two results for each. The last two results should reflect # writing git_hooked1 and git_hooked2. expected4 = ('running', self.root_dir) out = self.parseGclient(['revert', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], [expected1, expected1, expected2, expected2, expected3, expected3, expected4, expected4]) self.assertEquals(8, len(out)) tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'), ('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed')) tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1' tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) results = self.gclient(['status', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1']) out = results[0].splitlines(False) # TODO(maruel): http://crosbug.com/3584 It should output the unversioned # files. self.assertEquals(6, len(out)) def testRunHooks(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src']) self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac']) tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'), ('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed')) tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1' tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_hooked1')) os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_hooked2')) # runhooks runs all hooks even if not matching by design. out = self.parseGclient(['runhooks', '--deps', 'mac'], ['running', 'running']) self.assertEquals(1, len(out[0])) self.assertEquals(1, len(out[1])) tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src'), ('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed')) tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1' tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' self.assertTree(tree) def testRevInfo(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src']) self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac']) results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac']) out = ('src: %(base)srepo_1\n' 'src/repo2: %(base)srepo_2@%(hash2)s\n' 'src/repo2/repo_renamed: %(base)srepo_3\n' % { 'base': self.git_base, 'hash2': self.githash('repo_2', 1)[:7], }) self.check((out, '', 0), results) results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac', '--actual']) out = ('src: %(base)srepo_1@%(hash1)s\n' 'src/repo2: %(base)srepo_2@%(hash2)s\n' 'src/repo2/repo_renamed: %(base)srepo_3@%(hash3)s\n' % { 'base': self.git_base, 'hash1': self.githash('repo_1', 2), 'hash2': self.githash('repo_2', 1), 'hash3': self.githash('repo_3', 2), }) self.check((out, '', 0), results) class GClientSmokeBoth(GClientSmokeBase): def setUp(self): super(GClientSmokeBoth, self).setUp() self.enabled = self.FAKE_REPOS.set_up_svn() and self.FAKE_REPOS.set_up_git() def testMultiSolutions(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', '--spec', 'solutions=[' '{"name": "src",' ' "url": "' + self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/"},' '{"name": "src-git",' '"url": "' + self.git_base + 'repo_1"}]']) self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running', 'running', # This is due to the way svn update is called for a single # file when File() is used in a DEPS file. ('running', self.root_dir + '/src/file/other'), 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running']) tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src-git'), ('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed')) tree.update(self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@2', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/foo'), ('trunk/other@2', 'src/other'))) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1' tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' tree['src/svn_hooked1'] = 'svn_hooked1' self.assertTree(tree) def testMultiSolutionsJobs(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', '--spec', 'solutions=[' '{"name": "src",' ' "url": "' + self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/"},' '{"name": "src-git",' '"url": "' + self.git_base + 'repo_1"}]']) # There is no guarantee that the ordering will be consistent. (stdout, stderr, returncode) = self.gclient( ['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '8']) stdout = self.untangle(stdout) self.checkString('', stderr) self.assertEquals(0, returncode) results = self.splitBlock(stdout) self.assertEquals(12, len(results)) tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@2', 'src-git'), ('repo_2@1', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@2', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed')) tree.update(self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@2', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/foo'), ('trunk/other@2', 'src/other'))) tree['src/file/other/DEPS'] = ( self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]['trunk/other/DEPS']) tree['src/git_hooked1'] = 'git_hooked1' tree['src/git_hooked2'] = 'git_hooked2' tree['src/svn_hooked1'] = 'svn_hooked1' self.assertTree(tree) def testMultiSolutionsMultiRev(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', '--spec', 'solutions=[' '{"name": "src",' ' "url": "' + self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/"},' '{"name": "src-git",' '"url": "' + self.git_base + 'repo_1"}]']) self.parseGclient( ['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1', '--revision', '1', '-r', 'src-git@' + self.githash('repo_1', 1)], ['running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running', 'running'], expected_stderr= 'You must specify the full solution name like --revision src@1\n' 'when you have multiple solutions setup in your .gclient file.\n' 'Other solutions present are: src-git.\n') tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_1@1', 'src-git'), ('repo_2@2', 'src/repo2'), ('repo_3@1', 'src/repo2/repo3'), ('repo_4@2', 'src/repo4')) tree.update(self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/src@1', 'src'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/fpp'), ('trunk/other@1', 'src/other'), ('trunk/third_party/foo@2', 'src/third_party/prout'))) self.assertTree(tree) def testRevInfo(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', '--spec', 'solutions=[' '{"name": "src",' ' "url": "' + self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/"},' '{"name": "src-git",' '"url": "' + self.git_base + 'repo_1"}]']) self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac']) results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac']) out = ('src: %(svn_base)s/src/\n' 'src-git: %(git_base)srepo_1\n' 'src/file/other: File("%(svn_base)s/other/DEPS")\n' 'src/other: %(svn_base)s/other\n' 'src/repo2: %(git_base)srepo_2@%(hash2)s\n' 'src/repo2/repo_renamed: %(git_base)srepo_3\n' 'src/third_party/foo: %(svn_base)s/third_party/foo@1\n') % { 'svn_base': self.svn_base + 'trunk', 'git_base': self.git_base, 'hash2': self.githash('repo_2', 1)[:7], } self.check((out, '', 0), results) results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac', '--actual']) out = ('src: %(svn_base)s/src/@2\n' 'src-git: %(git_base)srepo_1@%(hash1)s\n' 'src/file/other: %(svn_base)s/other/DEPS@2\n' 'src/other: %(svn_base)s/other@2\n' 'src/repo2: %(git_base)srepo_2@%(hash2)s\n' 'src/repo2/repo_renamed: %(git_base)srepo_3@%(hash3)s\n' 'src/third_party/foo: %(svn_base)s/third_party/foo@1\n') % { 'svn_base': self.svn_base + 'trunk', 'git_base': self.git_base, 'hash1': self.githash('repo_1', 2), 'hash2': self.githash('repo_2', 1), 'hash3': self.githash('repo_3', 2), } self.check((out, '', 0), results) def testRecurse(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['config', '--spec', 'solutions=[' '{"name": "src",' ' "url": "' + self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/"},' '{"name": "src-git",' '"url": "' + self.git_base + 'repo_1"}]']) self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac']) results = self.gclient(['recurse', '-j1', 'sh', '-c', 'echo $GCLIENT_SCM,$GCLIENT_URL,`pwd`']) entries = [tuple(line.split(',')) for line in results[0].strip().split('\n')] logging.debug(entries) bases = {'svn': self.svn_base, 'git': self.git_base} expected_source = [ ('svn', 'trunk/src/', 'src'), ('git', 'repo_1', 'src-git'), ('svn', 'trunk/other', 'src/other'), ('git', 'repo_2@' + self.githash('repo_2', 1)[:7], 'src/repo2'), ('git', 'repo_3', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed'), ('svn', 'trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'src/third_party/foo'), ] expected = [(scm, bases[scm] + url, os.path.join(self.root_dir, path)) for (scm, url, path) in expected_source] self.assertEquals(sorted(entries), sorted(expected)) class GClientSmokeFromCheckout(GClientSmokeBase): # WebKit abuses this. It has a .gclient and a DEPS from a checkout. def setUp(self): super(GClientSmokeFromCheckout, self).setUp() self.enabled = self.FAKE_REPOS.set_up_svn() os.rmdir(self.root_dir) if self.enabled: usr, pwd = self.FAKE_REPOS.USERS[0] subprocess2.check_call( ['svn', 'checkout', self.svn_base + '/trunk/webkit', self.root_dir, '-q', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username', usr, '--password', pwd]) def testSync(self): if not self.enabled: return self.parseGclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], ['running', 'running']) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/webkit@2', ''), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'foo/bar')) self.assertTree(tree) def testRevertAndStatus(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['sync']) # TODO(maruel): This is incorrect. out = self.parseGclient(['status', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1'], []) # Revert implies --force implies running hooks without looking at pattern # matching. results = self.gclient(['revert', '--deps', 'mac', '--jobs', '1']) out = self.splitBlock(results[0]) self.assertEquals(2, len(out)) self.checkString(2, len(out[0])) self.checkString(2, len(out[1])) self.checkString('foo', out[1][1]) self.checkString('', results[1]) self.assertEquals(0, results[2]) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/webkit@2', ''), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'foo/bar')) self.assertTree(tree) # TODO(maruel): This is incorrect. out = self.parseGclient(['status', '--deps', 'mac'], []) def testRunHooks(self): if not self.enabled: return # Hooks aren't really tested for now since there is no hook defined. self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac']) out = self.parseGclient(['runhooks', '--deps', 'mac'], ['running']) self.assertEquals(1, len(out)) self.assertEquals(2, len(out[0])) self.assertEquals(3, len(out[0][0])) self.checkString('foo', out[0][1]) tree = self.mangle_svn_tree( ('trunk/webkit@2', ''), ('trunk/third_party/foo@1', 'foo/bar')) self.assertTree(tree) def testRevInfo(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac']) results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac']) expected = ( './: None\nfoo/bar: %strunk/third_party/foo@1\n' % self.svn_base, '', 0) self.check(expected, results) # TODO(maruel): To be added after the refactor. #results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--snapshot']) #expected = ( # './: None\nfoo/bar: %strunk/third_party/foo@1\n' % self.svn_base, # '', 0) #self.check(expected, results) def testRest(self): if not self.enabled: return self.gclient(['sync']) # TODO(maruel): This is incorrect, it should run on ./ too. self.parseGclient( ['cleanup', '--deps', 'mac', '--verbose', '--jobs', '1'], [('running', join(self.root_dir, 'foo', 'bar'))]) self.parseGclient( ['diff', '--deps', 'mac', '--verbose', '--jobs', '1'], [('running', join(self.root_dir, 'foo', 'bar'))]) if __name__ == '__main__': if '-v' in sys.argv: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if '-c' in sys.argv: COVERAGE = True sys.argv.remove('-c') if os.path.exists('.coverage'): os.remove('.coverage') os.environ['COVERAGE_FILE'] = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), '.coverage') unittest.main()