# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Utilities for requesting information for a gerrit server via https. https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api.html """ import base64 import httplib import json import logging import netrc import os import time import urllib from cStringIO import StringIO try: NETRC = netrc.netrc() except (IOError, netrc.NetrcParseError): NETRC = netrc.netrc(os.devnull) LOGGER = logging.getLogger() TRY_LIMIT = 5 # Controls the transport protocol used to communicate with gerrit. # This is parameterized primarily to enable GerritTestCase. GERRIT_PROTOCOL = 'https' class GerritError(Exception): """Exception class for errors commuicating with the gerrit-on-borg service.""" def __init__(self, http_status, *args, **kwargs): super(GerritError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.http_status = http_status self.message = '(%d) %s' % (self.http_status, self.message) def _QueryString(param_dict, first_param=None): """Encodes query parameters in the key:val[+key:val...] format specified here: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#list-changes """ q = [urllib.quote(first_param)] if first_param else [] q.extend(['%s:%s' % (key, val) for key, val in param_dict.iteritems()]) return '+'.join(q) def GetConnectionClass(protocol=None): if protocol is None: protocol = GERRIT_PROTOCOL if protocol == 'https': return httplib.HTTPSConnection elif protocol == 'http': return httplib.HTTPConnection else: raise RuntimeError( "Don't know how to work with protocol '%s'" % protocol) def CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='GET', headers=None, body=None): """Opens an https connection to a gerrit service, and sends a request.""" headers = headers or {} bare_host = host.partition(':')[0] auth = NETRC.authenticators(bare_host) if auth: headers.setdefault('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % ( base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (auth[0], auth[2])))) else: LOGGER.debug('No authorization found in netrc.') if 'Authorization' in headers and not path.startswith('a/'): url = '/a/%s' % path else: url = '/%s' % path if body: body = json.JSONEncoder().encode(body) headers.setdefault('Content-Type', 'application/json') if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): LOGGER.debug('%s %s://%s%s' % (reqtype, GERRIT_PROTOCOL, host, url)) for key, val in headers.iteritems(): if key == 'Authorization': val = 'HIDDEN' LOGGER.debug('%s: %s' % (key, val)) if body: LOGGER.debug(body) conn = GetConnectionClass()(host) conn.req_host = host conn.req_params = { 'url': url, 'method': reqtype, 'headers': headers, 'body': body, } conn.request(**conn.req_params) return conn def ReadHttpResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True): """Reads an http response from a connection into a string buffer. Args: conn: An HTTPSConnection or HTTPConnection created by CreateHttpConn, above. expect_status: Success is indicated by this status in the response. ignore_404: For many requests, gerrit-on-borg will return 404 if the request doesn't match the database contents. In most such cases, we want the API to return None rather than raise an Exception. Returns: A string buffer containing the connection's reply. """ sleep_time = 0.5 for idx in range(TRY_LIMIT): response = conn.getresponse() # If response.status < 500 then the result is final; break retry loop. if response.status < 500: break # A status >=500 is assumed to be a possible transient error; retry. http_version = 'HTTP/%s' % ('1.1' if response.version == 11 else '1.0') msg = ( 'A transient error occured while querying %s:\n' '%s %s %s\n' '%s %d %s' % ( conn.host, conn.req_params['method'], conn.req_params['url'], http_version, http_version, response.status, response.reason)) if TRY_LIMIT - idx > 1: msg += '\n... will retry %d more times.' % (TRY_LIMIT - idx - 1) time.sleep(sleep_time) sleep_time = sleep_time * 2 req_host = conn.req_host req_params = conn.req_params conn = GetConnectionClass()(req_host) conn.req_host = req_host conn.req_params = req_params conn.request(**req_params) LOGGER.warn(msg) if ignore_404 and response.status == 404: return StringIO() if response.status != expect_status: raise GerritError(response.status, response.reason) return StringIO(response.read()) def ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True): """Parses an https response as json.""" fh = ReadHttpResponse( conn, expect_status=expect_status, ignore_404=ignore_404) # The first line of the response should always be: )]}' s = fh.readline() if s and s.rstrip() != ")]}'": raise GerritError(200, 'Unexpected json output: %s' % s) s = fh.read() if not s: return None return json.loads(s) def QueryChanges(host, param_dict, first_param=None, limit=None, o_params=None, sortkey=None): """ Queries a gerrit-on-borg server for changes matching query terms. Args: param_dict: A dictionary of search parameters, as documented here: http://gerrit-documentation.googlecode.com/svn/Documentation/2.6/user-search.html first_param: A change identifier limit: Maximum number of results to return. o_params: A list of additional output specifiers, as documented here: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#list-changes Returns: A list of json-decoded query results. """ # Note that no attempt is made to escape special characters; YMMV. if not param_dict and not first_param: raise RuntimeError('QueryChanges requires search parameters') path = 'changes/?q=%s' % _QueryString(param_dict, first_param) if sortkey: path = '%s&N=%s' % (path, sortkey) if limit: path = '%s&n=%d' % (path, limit) if o_params: path = '%s&%s' % (path, '&'.join(['o=%s' % p for p in o_params])) # Don't ignore 404; a query should always return a list, even if it's empty. return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path), ignore_404=False) def GenerateAllChanges(host, param_dict, first_param=None, limit=500, o_params=None, sortkey=None): """ Queries a gerrit-on-borg server for all the changes matching the query terms. A single query to gerrit-on-borg is limited on the number of results by the limit parameter on the request (see QueryChanges) and the server maximum limit. This function uses the "_more_changes" and "_sortkey" attributes on the returned changes to iterate all of them making multiple queries to the server, regardless the query limit. Args: param_dict, first_param: Refer to QueryChanges(). limit: Maximum number of requested changes per query. o_params: Refer to QueryChanges(). sortkey: The value of the "_sortkey" attribute where starts from. None to start from the first change. Returns: A generator object to the list of returned changes, possibly unbound. """ more_changes = True while more_changes: page = QueryChanges(host, param_dict, first_param, limit, o_params, sortkey) for cl in page: yield cl more_changes = [cl for cl in page if '_more_changes' in cl] if len(more_changes) > 1: raise GerritError( 200, 'Received %d changes with a _more_changes attribute set but should ' 'receive at most one.' % len(more_changes)) if more_changes: sortkey = more_changes[0]['_sortkey'] def MultiQueryChanges(host, param_dict, change_list, limit=None, o_params=None, sortkey=None): """Initiate a query composed of multiple sets of query parameters.""" if not change_list: raise RuntimeError( "MultiQueryChanges requires a list of change numbers/id's") q = ['q=%s' % '+OR+'.join([urllib.quote(str(x)) for x in change_list])] if param_dict: q.append(_QueryString(param_dict)) if limit: q.append('n=%d' % limit) if sortkey: q.append('N=%s' % sortkey) if o_params: q.extend(['o=%s' % p for p in o_params]) path = 'changes/?%s' % '&'.join(q) try: result = ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path), ignore_404=False) except GerritError as e: msg = '%s:\n%s' % (e.message, path) raise GerritError(e.http_status, msg) return result def GetGerritFetchUrl(host): """Given a gerrit host name returns URL of a gerrit instance to fetch from.""" return '%s://%s/' % (GERRIT_PROTOCOL, host) def GetChangePageUrl(host, change_number): """Given a gerrit host name and change number, return change page url.""" return '%s://%s/#/c/%d/' % (GERRIT_PROTOCOL, host, change_number) def GetChangeUrl(host, change): """Given a gerrit host name and change id, return an url for the change.""" return '%s://%s/a/changes/%s' % (GERRIT_PROTOCOL, host, change) def GetChange(host, change): """Query a gerrit server for information about a single change.""" path = 'changes/%s' % change return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path)) def GetChangeDetail(host, change, o_params=None): """Query a gerrit server for extended information about a single change.""" path = 'changes/%s/detail' % change if o_params: path += '?%s' % '&'.join(['o=%s' % p for p in o_params]) return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path)) def GetChangeCurrentRevision(host, change): """Get information about the latest revision for a given change.""" return QueryChanges(host, {}, change, o_params=('CURRENT_REVISION',)) def GetChangeRevisions(host, change): """Get information about all revisions associated with a change.""" return QueryChanges(host, {}, change, o_params=('ALL_REVISIONS',)) def GetChangeReview(host, change, revision=None): """Get the current review information for a change.""" if not revision: jmsg = GetChangeRevisions(host, change) if not jmsg: return None elif len(jmsg) > 1: raise GerritError(200, 'Multiple changes found for ChangeId %s.' % change) revision = jmsg[0]['current_revision'] path = 'changes/%s/revisions/%s/review' return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path)) def AbandonChange(host, change, msg=''): """Abandon a gerrit change.""" path = 'changes/%s/abandon' % change body = {'message': msg} if msg else None conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='POST', body=body) return ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, ignore_404=False) def RestoreChange(host, change, msg=''): """Restore a previously abandoned change.""" path = 'changes/%s/restore' % change body = {'message': msg} if msg else None conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='POST', body=body) return ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, ignore_404=False) def SubmitChange(host, change, wait_for_merge=True): """Submits a gerrit change via Gerrit.""" path = 'changes/%s/submit' % change body = {'wait_for_merge': wait_for_merge} conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='POST', body=body) return ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, ignore_404=False) def GetReviewers(host, change): """Get information about all reviewers attached to a change.""" path = 'changes/%s/reviewers' % change return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path)) def GetReview(host, change, revision): """Get review information about a specific revision of a change.""" path = 'changes/%s/revisions/%s/review' % (change, revision) return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path)) def AddReviewers(host, change, add=None): """Add reviewers to a change.""" if not add: return if isinstance(add, basestring): add = (add,) path = 'changes/%s/reviewers' % change for r in add: body = {'reviewer': r} conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='POST', body=body) jmsg = ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, ignore_404=False) return jmsg def RemoveReviewers(host, change, remove=None): """Remove reveiewers from a change.""" if not remove: return if isinstance(remove, basestring): remove = (remove,) for r in remove: path = 'changes/%s/reviewers/%s' % (change, r) conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='DELETE') try: ReadHttpResponse(conn, ignore_404=False) except GerritError as e: # On success, gerrit returns status 204; anything else is an error. if e.http_status != 204: raise else: raise GerritError( 'Unexpectedly received a 200 http status while deleting reviewer "%s"' ' from change %s' % (r, change)) def SetReview(host, change, msg=None, labels=None, notify=None): """Set labels and/or add a message to a code review.""" if not msg and not labels: return path = 'changes/%s/revisions/current/review' % change body = {} if msg: body['message'] = msg if labels: body['labels'] = labels if notify: body['notify'] = notify conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='POST', body=body) response = ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn) if labels: for key, val in labels.iteritems(): if ('labels' not in response or key not in response['labels'] or int(response['labels'][key] != int(val))): raise GerritError(200, 'Unable to set "%s" label on change %s.' % ( key, change)) def ResetReviewLabels(host, change, label, value='0', message=None, notify=None): """Reset the value of a given label for all reviewers on a change.""" # This is tricky, because we want to work on the "current revision", but # there's always the risk that "current revision" will change in between # API calls. So, we check "current revision" at the beginning and end; if # it has changed, raise an exception. jmsg = GetChangeCurrentRevision(host, change) if not jmsg: raise GerritError( 200, 'Could not get review information for change "%s"' % change) value = str(value) revision = jmsg[0]['current_revision'] path = 'changes/%s/revisions/%s/review' % (change, revision) message = message or ( '%s label set to %s programmatically.' % (label, value)) jmsg = GetReview(host, change, revision) if not jmsg: raise GerritError(200, 'Could not get review information for revison %s ' 'of change %s' % (revision, change)) for review in jmsg.get('labels', {}).get(label, {}).get('all', []): if str(review.get('value', value)) != value: body = { 'message': message, 'labels': {label: value}, 'on_behalf_of': review['_account_id'], } if notify: body['notify'] = notify conn = CreateHttpConn( host, path, reqtype='POST', body=body) response = ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn) if str(response['labels'][label]) != value: username = review.get('email', jmsg.get('name', '')) raise GerritError(200, 'Unable to set %s label for user "%s"' ' on change %s.' % (label, username, change)) jmsg = GetChangeCurrentRevision(host, change) if not jmsg: raise GerritError( 200, 'Could not get review information for change "%s"' % change) elif jmsg[0]['current_revision'] != revision: raise GerritError(200, 'While resetting labels on change "%s", ' 'a new patchset was uploaded.' % change)