#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Generate fake repositories for testing.""" import logging import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys def addKill(): """Add kill() method to subprocess.Popen for python <2.6""" if getattr(subprocess.Popen, 'kill', None): return if sys.platform.startswith('win'): def kill_win(process): import win32process return win32process.TerminateProcess(process._handle, -1) subprocess.kill = kill_win else: def kill_nix(process): import signal return os.kill(process.pid, signal.SIGKILL) subprocess.kill = kill_nix def rmtree(path): """Delete a directory.""" if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) def write(path, content): f = open(path, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close() join = os.path.join def call(*args, **kwargs): logging.debug(args[0]) subprocess.call(*args, **kwargs) def check_call(*args, **kwargs): logging.debug(args[0]) subprocess.check_call(*args, **kwargs) def Popen(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('stdout', subprocess.PIPE) kwargs.setdefault('stderr', subprocess.STDOUT) logging.debug(args[0]) return subprocess.Popen(*args, **kwargs) def commit_svn(repo): """Commits the changes and returns the new revision number.""" # Basic parsing. to_add = [] to_remove = [] for item in Popen(['svn', 'status'], cwd=repo).communicate()[0].splitlines(False): if item[0] == '?': to_add.append(item[8:]) elif item[0] == '!': to_remove.append(item[8:]) if to_add: check_call(['svn', 'add', '--no-auto-props', '-q'] + to_add, cwd=repo) if to_remove: check_call(['svn', 'remove', '-q'] + to_remove, cwd=repo) out = Popen(['svn', 'commit', repo, '-m', 'foo', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username', 'user1', '--password', 'foo'], cwd=repo).communicate()[0] rev = re.search(r'revision (\d+).', out).group(1) st = Popen(['svn', 'status'], cwd=repo).communicate()[0] assert len(st) == 0, st logging.debug('At revision %s' % rev) return rev def commit_git(repo): """Commits the changes and returns the new hash.""" check_call(['git', 'add', '-A', '-f'], cwd=repo) check_call(['git', 'commit', '-q', '--message', 'foo'], cwd=repo) rev = Popen(['git', 'show-ref', '--head', 'HEAD'], cwd=repo).communicate()[0].split(' ', 1)[0] logging.debug('At revision %s' % rev) return rev class FakeRepos(object): """Generate both svn and git repositories to test gclient functionality. Many DEPS functionalities need to be tested: Var, File, From, deps_os, hooks, use_relative_paths. And types of dependencies: Relative urls, Full urls, both svn and git.""" def __init__(self, trial_dir, leak, local_only): self.trial_dir = trial_dir self.repos_dir = os.path.join(self.trial_dir, 'repos') self.git_root = join(self.repos_dir, 'git') self.svn_root = join(self.repos_dir, 'svn_checkout') self.leak = leak self.local_only = local_only self.svnserve = [] self.gitdaemon = [] addKill() rmtree(self.trial_dir) os.mkdir(self.trial_dir) os.mkdir(self.repos_dir) # Format is [ None, tree, tree, ...] self.svn_revs = [None] # Format is { repo: [ (hash, tree), (hash, tree), ... ], ... } self.git_hashes = {} def setUp(self): self.setUpSVN() self.setUpGIT() def tearDown(self): for i in self.svnserve: logging.debug('Killing svnserve pid %s' % i.pid) i.kill() for i in self.gitdaemon: logging.debug('Killing git-daemon pid %s' % i.pid) i.kill() if not self.leak: logging.debug('Removing %s' % self.trial_dir) rmtree(self.trial_dir) def _genTree(self, root, tree_dict): """For a dictionary of file contents, generate a filesystem.""" if not os.path.isdir(root): os.makedirs(root) for (k, v) in tree_dict.iteritems(): k_os = k.replace('/', os.sep) k_arr = k_os.split(os.sep) if len(k_arr) > 1: p = os.sep.join([root] + k_arr[:-1]) if not os.path.isdir(p): os.makedirs(p) if v is None: os.remove(join(root, k)) else: write(join(root, k), v) def setUpSVN(self): """Creates subversion repositories and start the servers.""" assert not self.svnserve root = join(self.repos_dir, 'svn') rmtree(root) check_call(['svnadmin', 'create', root]) write(join(root, 'conf', 'svnserve.conf'), '[general]\n' 'anon-access = read\n' 'auth-access = write\n' 'password-db = passwd\n') write(join(root, 'conf', 'passwd'), '[users]\n' 'user1 = foo\n' 'user2 = bar\n') # Start the daemon. cmd = ['svnserve', '-d', '--foreground', '-r', self.repos_dir] if self.local_only: cmd.append('--listen-host=') logging.debug(cmd) self.svnserve.append(Popen(cmd, cwd=root)) self.populateSvn() def populateSvn(self): """Creates a few revisions of changes including DEPS files.""" # Repos check_call(['svn', 'checkout', 'svn://', self.svn_root, '-q', '--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache', '--username', 'user1', '--password', 'foo']) assert os.path.isdir(join(self.svn_root, '.svn')) def file_system(rev, DEPS): fs = { 'origin': 'svn@%(rev)d\n', 'trunk/origin': 'svn/trunk@%(rev)d\n', 'trunk/src/origin': 'svn/trunk/src@%(rev)d\n', 'trunk/src/third_party/origin': 'svn/trunk/src/third_party@%(rev)d\n', 'trunk/other/origin': 'src/trunk/other@%(rev)d\n', 'trunk/third_party/origin': 'svn/trunk/third_party@%(rev)d\n', 'trunk/third_party/foo/origin': 'svn/trunk/third_party/foo@%(rev)d\n', 'trunk/third_party/prout/origin': 'svn/trunk/third_party/foo@%(rev)d\n', } for k in fs.iterkeys(): fs[k] = fs[k] % { 'rev': rev } fs['trunk/src/DEPS'] = DEPS return fs # Testing: # - dependency disapear # - dependency renamed # - versioned and unversioned reference # - relative and full reference # - deps_os # - var # - hooks # TODO(maruel): # - File # - $matching_files # - use_relative_paths self._commit_svn(file_system(1, """ vars = { 'DummyVariable': 'third_party', } deps = { 'src/other': 'svn://%(host)s/svn/trunk/other', 'src/third_party/fpp': '/trunk/' + Var('DummyVariable') + '/foo', } deps_os = { 'mac': { 'src/third_party/prout': '/trunk/third_party/prout', }, }""" % { 'host': '' })) self._commit_svn(file_system(2, """ deps = { 'src/other': 'svn://%(host)s/svn/trunk/other', 'src/third_party/foo': '/trunk/third_party/foo@1', } # I think this is wrong to have the hooks run from the base of the gclient # checkout. It's maybe a bit too late to change that behavior. hooks = [ { 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['python', '-c', 'open(\\'src/svn_hooked1\\', \\'w\\').write(\\'svn_hooked1\\')'], }, { # Should not be run. 'pattern': 'nonexistent', 'action': ['python', '-c', 'open(\\'src/svn_hooked2\\', \\'w\\').write(\\'svn_hooked2\\')'], }, ] """ % { 'host': '' })) def setUpGIT(self): """Creates git repositories and start the servers.""" assert not self.gitdaemon rmtree(self.git_root) for repo in ['repo_%d' % r for r in range(1, 5)]: check_call(['git', 'init', '-q', join(self.git_root, repo)]) self.git_hashes[repo] = [] # Testing: # - dependency disapear # - dependency renamed # - versioned and unversioned reference # - relative and full reference # - deps_os # - var # - hooks # TODO(maruel): # - File # - $matching_files # - use_relative_paths self._commit_git('repo_1', { 'DEPS': """ vars = { 'DummyVariable': 'repo', } deps = { 'src/repo2': 'git://%(host)s/git/repo_2', 'src/repo2/repo3': '/' + Var('DummyVariable') + '_3', } deps_os = { 'mac': { 'src/repo4': '/repo_4', }, }""" % { 'host': '' }, 'origin': 'git/repo_1@1\n', }) self._commit_git('repo_2', { 'origin': "git/repo_2@1\n" }) self._commit_git('repo_2', { 'origin': "git/repo_2@2\n" }) self._commit_git('repo_3', { 'origin': "git/repo_3@1\n" }) self._commit_git('repo_3', { 'origin': "git/repo_3@2\n" }) self._commit_git('repo_4', { 'origin': "git/repo_4@1\n" }) self._commit_git('repo_4', { 'origin': "git/repo_4@2\n" }) self._commit_git('repo_1', { 'DEPS': """ deps = { 'src/repo2': 'git://%(host)s/git/repo_2@%(hash)s', 'src/repo2/repo_renamed': '/repo_3', } # I think this is wrong to have the hooks run from the base of the gclient # checkout. It's maybe a bit too late to change that behavior. hooks = [ { 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['python', '-c', 'open(\\'src/git_hooked1\\', \\'w\\').write(\\'git_hooked1\\')'], }, { # Should not be run. 'pattern': 'nonexistent', 'action': ['python', '-c', 'open(\\'src/git_hooked2\\', \\'w\\').write(\\'git_hooked2\\')'], }, ] """ % { # TODO(maruel): http://crosbug.com/3591 We need to strip the hash.. duh. 'host': '', 'hash': self.git_hashes['repo_2'][0][0][:7] }, 'origin': "git/repo_1@2\n" }) # Start the daemon. cmd = ['git', 'daemon', '--export-all', '--base-path=' + self.repos_dir] if self.local_only: cmd.append('--listen=') logging.debug(cmd) self.gitdaemon.append(Popen(cmd, cwd=self.repos_dir)) def _commit_svn(self, tree): self._genTree(self.svn_root, tree) commit_svn(self.svn_root) if self.svn_revs and self.svn_revs[-1]: new_tree = self.svn_revs[-1].copy() new_tree.update(tree) else: new_tree = tree.copy() self.svn_revs.append(new_tree) def _commit_git(self, repo, tree): repo_root = join(self.git_root, repo) self._genTree(repo_root, tree) hash = commit_git(repo_root) if self.git_hashes[repo]: new_tree = self.git_hashes[repo][-1][1].copy() new_tree.update(tree) else: new_tree = tree.copy() self.git_hashes[repo].append((hash, new_tree)) def main(argv): leak = '-l' in argv if leak: argv.remove('-l') verbose = '-v' in argv if verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) argv.remove('-v') assert len(argv) == 1, argv trial_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '_trial') print 'Using %s' % trial_dir fake = FakeRepos(trial_dir, leak, True) try: fake.setUp() print('Fake setup, press enter to quit or Ctrl-C to keep the checkouts.') sys.stdin.readline() except KeyboardInterrupt: fake.leak = True finally: fake.tearDown() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))