#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Tool to update all branches to have the latest changes from their upstreams. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import collections import logging import sys import textwrap import os from fnmatch import fnmatch from pprint import pformat import git_common as git STARTING_BRANCH_KEY = 'depot-tools.rebase-update.starting-branch' STARTING_WORKDIR_KEY = 'depot-tools.rebase-update.starting-workdir' def find_return_branch_workdir(): """Finds the branch and working directory which we should return to after rebase-update completes. These values may persist across multiple invocations of rebase-update, if rebase-update runs into a conflict mid-way. """ return_branch = git.get_config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY) workdir = git.get_config(STARTING_WORKDIR_KEY) if not return_branch: workdir = os.getcwd() git.set_config(STARTING_WORKDIR_KEY, workdir) return_branch = git.current_branch() if return_branch != 'HEAD': git.set_config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY, return_branch) return return_branch, workdir def fetch_remotes(branch_tree): """Fetches all remotes which are needed to update |branch_tree|.""" fetch_tags = False remotes = set() tag_set = git.tags() fetchspec_map = {} all_fetchspec_configs = git.get_config_regexp(r'^remote\..*\.fetch') for fetchspec_config in all_fetchspec_configs: key, _, fetchspec = fetchspec_config.partition(' ') dest_spec = fetchspec.partition(':')[2] remote_name = key.split('.')[1] fetchspec_map[dest_spec] = remote_name for parent in branch_tree.values(): if parent in tag_set: fetch_tags = True else: full_ref = git.run('rev-parse', '--symbolic-full-name', parent) for dest_spec, remote_name in fetchspec_map.items(): if fnmatch(full_ref, dest_spec): remotes.add(remote_name) break fetch_args = [] if fetch_tags: # Need to fetch all because we don't know what remote the tag comes from :( # TODO(iannucci): assert that the tags are in the remote fetch refspec fetch_args = ['--all'] else: fetch_args.append('--multiple') fetch_args.extend(remotes) # TODO(iannucci): Should we fetch git-svn? if not fetch_args: # pragma: no cover print('Nothing to fetch.') else: git.run_with_stderr('fetch', *fetch_args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) def remove_empty_branches(branch_tree): tag_set = git.tags() ensure_root_checkout = git.once(lambda: git.run('checkout', git.root())) deletions = {} reparents = {} downstreams = collections.defaultdict(list) for branch, parent in git.topo_iter(branch_tree, top_down=False): if git.is_dormant(branch): continue downstreams[parent].append(branch) # If branch and parent have the same tree, then branch has to be marked # for deletion and its children and grand-children reparented to parent. if git.hash_one(branch+":") == git.hash_one(parent+":"): ensure_root_checkout() logging.debug('branch %s merged to %s', branch, parent) # Mark branch for deletion while remembering the ordering, then add all # its children as grand-children of its parent and record reparenting # information if necessary. deletions[branch] = len(deletions) for down in downstreams[branch]: if down in deletions: continue # Record the new and old parent for down, or update such a record # if it already exists. Keep track of the ordering so that reparenting # happen in topological order. downstreams[parent].append(down) if down not in reparents: reparents[down] = (len(reparents), parent, branch) else: order, _, old_parent = reparents[down] reparents[down] = (order, parent, old_parent) # Apply all reparenting recorded, in order. for branch, value in sorted(reparents.items(), key=lambda x:x[1][0]): _, parent, old_parent = value if parent in tag_set: git.set_branch_config(branch, 'remote', '.') git.set_branch_config(branch, 'merge', 'refs/tags/%s' % parent) print('Reparented %s to track %s [tag] (was tracking %s)' % (branch, parent, old_parent)) else: git.run('branch', '--set-upstream-to', parent, branch) print('Reparented %s to track %s (was tracking %s)' % (branch, parent, old_parent)) # Apply all deletions recorded, in order. for branch, _ in sorted(deletions.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): print(git.run('branch', '-d', branch)) def rebase_branch(branch, parent, start_hash, no_squash): logging.debug('considering %s(%s) -> %s(%s) : %s', branch, git.hash_one(branch), parent, git.hash_one(parent), start_hash) # If parent has FROZEN commits, don't base branch on top of them. Instead, # base branch on top of whatever commit is before them. back_ups = 0 orig_parent = parent while git.run('log', '-n1', '--format=%s', parent, '--').startswith(git.FREEZE): back_ups += 1 parent = git.run('rev-parse', parent+'~') if back_ups: logging.debug('Backed parent up by %d from %s to %s', back_ups, orig_parent, parent) if git.hash_one(parent) != start_hash: # Try a plain rebase first print('Rebasing:', branch) rebase_ret = git.rebase(parent, start_hash, branch, abort = not no_squash) if not rebase_ret.success: if no_squash: print(textwrap.dedent("""\ Your working copy is in mid-rebase. Either: * completely resolve like a normal git-rebase; OR * abort the rebase and mark this branch as dormant: git config branch.%s.dormant true And then run `git rebase-update` again to resume. """ % branch)) return False # TODO(iannucci): Find collapsible branches in a smarter way? print("Failed! Attempting to squash", branch, "...", end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() squash_branch = branch+"_squash_attempt" git.run('checkout', '-b', squash_branch) git.squash_current_branch(merge_base=start_hash) # Try to rebase the branch_squash_attempt branch to see if it's empty. squash_ret = git.rebase(parent, start_hash, squash_branch, abort=True) empty_rebase = git.hash_one(squash_branch) == git.hash_one(parent) git.run('checkout', branch) git.run('branch', '-D', squash_branch) if squash_ret.success and empty_rebase: print('Success!') git.squash_current_branch(merge_base=start_hash) git.rebase(parent, start_hash, branch) else: print("Failed!") print() # rebase and leave in mid-rebase state. # This second rebase attempt should always fail in the same # way that the first one does. If it magically succeeds then # something very strange has happened. second_rebase_ret = git.rebase(parent, start_hash, branch) if second_rebase_ret.success: # pragma: no cover print("Second rebase succeeded unexpectedly!") print("Please see: http://crbug.com/425696") print("First rebased failed with:") print(rebase_ret.stderr) else: print("Here's what git-rebase (squashed) had to say:") print() print(squash_ret.stdout) print(squash_ret.stderr) print(textwrap.dedent("""\ Squashing failed. You probably have a real merge conflict. Your working copy is in mid-rebase. Either: * completely resolve like a normal git-rebase; OR * abort the rebase and mark this branch as dormant: git rebase --abort && \\ git config branch.%s.dormant true And then run `git rebase-update -n` to resume. """ % branch)) return False else: print('%s up-to-date' % branch) git.remove_merge_base(branch) git.get_or_create_merge_base(branch) return True def main(args=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--keep-going', '-k', action='store_true', help='Keep processing past failed rebases.') parser.add_argument('--no_fetch', '--no-fetch', '-n', action='store_true', help='Skip fetching remotes.') parser.add_argument( '--current', action='store_true', help='Only rebase the current branch.') parser.add_argument('branches', nargs='*', help='Branches to be rebased. All branches are assumed ' 'if none specified.') parser.add_argument('--keep-empty', '-e', action='store_true', help='Do not automatically delete empty branches.') parser.add_argument( '--no-squash', action='store_true', help='Will not try to squash branches when rebasing fails.') opts = parser.parse_args(args) if opts.verbose: # pragma: no cover logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # TODO(iannucci): snapshot all branches somehow, so we can implement # `git rebase-update --undo`. # * Perhaps just copy packed-refs + refs/ + logs/ to the side? # * commit them to a secret ref? # * Then we could view a summary of each run as a # `diff --stat` on that secret ref. if git.in_rebase(): # TODO(iannucci): Be able to resume rebase with flags like --continue, # etc. print('Rebase in progress. Please complete the rebase before running ' '`git rebase-update`.') return 1 return_branch, return_workdir = find_return_branch_workdir() os.chdir(git.run('rev-parse', '--show-toplevel')) if git.current_branch() == 'HEAD': if git.run('status', '--porcelain'): print('Cannot rebase-update with detached head + uncommitted changes.') return 1 else: git.freeze() # just in case there are any local changes. branches_to_rebase = set(opts.branches) if opts.current: branches_to_rebase.add(git.current_branch()) skipped, branch_tree = git.get_branch_tree(use_limit=not opts.current) if branches_to_rebase: skipped = set(skipped).intersection(branches_to_rebase) for branch in skipped: print('Skipping %s: No upstream specified' % branch) if not opts.no_fetch: fetch_remotes(branch_tree) merge_base = {} for branch, parent in branch_tree.items(): merge_base[branch] = git.get_or_create_merge_base(branch, parent) logging.debug('branch_tree: %s' % pformat(branch_tree)) logging.debug('merge_base: %s' % pformat(merge_base)) retcode = 0 unrebased_branches = [] # Rebase each branch starting with the root-most branches and working # towards the leaves. for branch, parent in git.topo_iter(branch_tree): # Only rebase specified branches, unless none specified. if branches_to_rebase and branch not in branches_to_rebase: continue if git.is_dormant(branch): print('Skipping dormant branch', branch) else: ret = rebase_branch(branch, parent, merge_base[branch], opts.no_squash) if not ret: retcode = 1 if opts.keep_going: print('--keep-going set, continuing with next branch.') unrebased_branches.append(branch) if git.in_rebase(): git.run_with_retcode('rebase', '--abort') if git.in_rebase(): # pragma: no cover print('Failed to abort rebase. Something is really wrong.') break else: break if unrebased_branches: print() print('The following branches could not be cleanly rebased:') for branch in unrebased_branches: print(' %s' % branch) if not retcode: if not opts.keep_empty: remove_empty_branches(branch_tree) # return_branch may not be there any more. if return_branch in git.branches(use_limit=False): git.run('checkout', return_branch) git.thaw() else: root_branch = git.root() if return_branch != 'HEAD': print("%s was merged with its parent, checking out %s instead." % (git.unicode_repr(return_branch), git.unicode_repr(root_branch))) git.run('checkout', root_branch) # return_workdir may also not be there any more. if return_workdir: try: os.chdir(return_workdir) except OSError as e: print( "Unable to return to original workdir %r: %s" % (return_workdir, e)) git.set_config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY, '') git.set_config(STARTING_WORKDIR_KEY, '') print() print("Running `git gc --auto` - Ctrl-C to abort is OK.") git.run('gc', '--auto') return retcode if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write('interrupted\n') sys.exit(1)