# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from recipe_engine import recipe_api class RevisionResolver(object): """Resolves the revision based on build properties.""" def resolve(self, properties): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError() class RevisionFallbackChain(RevisionResolver): """Specify that a given project's sync revision follows the fallback chain.""" def __init__(self, default=None): self._default = default def resolve(self, properties): """Resolve the revision via the revision fallback chain. If the given revision was set using the revision_fallback_chain() function, this function will follow the chain, looking at relevant build properties until it finds one set or reaches the end of the chain and returns the default. If the given revision was not set using revision_fallback_chain(), this function just returns it as-is. """ return (properties.get('parent_got_revision') or properties.get('orig_revision') or properties.get('revision') or self._default) class ProjectRevisionResolver(RevisionResolver): """Revision resolver that takes into account the project.""" def __init__(self, project, parent_got_revision=None): self.project = project self.parent_got_revision = parent_got_revision or 'parent_got_revision' # TODO(phajdan.jr): Move to proper repo and add coverage. def resolve(self, properties): # pragma: no cover """Resolve the revision if project matches, otherwise default to HEAD.""" if properties.get('project') == self.project: return (properties.get(self.parent_got_revision) or properties.get('revision') or 'HEAD') return (properties.get(self.parent_got_revision) or 'HEAD') def jsonish_to_python(spec, is_top=False): """Turn a json spec into a python parsable object. This exists because Gclient specs, while resembling json, is actually ingested using a python "eval()". Therefore a bit of plumming is required to turn our newly constructed Gclient spec into a gclient-readable spec. """ ret = '' if is_top: # We're the 'top' level, so treat this dict as a suite. ret = '\n'.join( '%s = %s' % (k, jsonish_to_python(spec[k])) for k in sorted(spec) ) else: if isinstance(spec, dict): ret += '{' ret += ', '.join( "%s: %s" % (repr(str(k)), jsonish_to_python(spec[k])) for k in sorted(spec) ) ret += '}' elif isinstance(spec, list): ret += '[' ret += ', '.join(jsonish_to_python(x) for x in spec) ret += ']' elif isinstance(spec, basestring): ret = repr(str(spec)) else: ret = repr(spec) return ret class GclientApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi): # Singleton object to indicate to checkout() that we should run a revert if # we detect that we're on the tryserver. RevertOnTryserver = object() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GclientApi, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.USE_MIRROR = None self._spec_alias = None def __call__(self, name, cmd, infra_step=True, **kwargs): """Wrapper for easy calling of gclient steps.""" assert isinstance(cmd, (list, tuple)) prefix = 'gclient ' if self.spec_alias: prefix = ('[spec: %s] ' % self.spec_alias) + prefix kwargs.setdefault('env', {}) kwargs['env'].setdefault('PATH', '%(PATH)s') kwargs['env']['PATH'] = self.m.path.pathsep.join([ kwargs['env']['PATH'], str(self._module.PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT)]) return self.m.python(prefix + name, self.package_repo_resource('gclient.py'), cmd, infra_step=infra_step, **kwargs) @property def use_mirror(self): """Indicates if gclient will use mirrors in its configuration.""" if self.USE_MIRROR is None: self.USE_MIRROR = self.m.properties.get('use_mirror', True) return self.USE_MIRROR @use_mirror.setter def use_mirror(self, val): # pragma: no cover self.USE_MIRROR = val @property def spec_alias(self): """Optional name for the current spec for step naming.""" return self._spec_alias @spec_alias.setter def spec_alias(self, name): self._spec_alias = name @spec_alias.deleter def spec_alias(self): self._spec_alias = None def get_config_defaults(self): return { 'USE_MIRROR': self.use_mirror, 'CACHE_DIR': self.m.path['git_cache'], } @staticmethod def config_to_pythonish(cfg): return jsonish_to_python(cfg.as_jsonish(), True) def resolve_revision(self, revision): if hasattr(revision, 'resolve'): return revision.resolve(self.m.properties) return revision def sync(self, cfg, with_branch_heads=False, **kwargs): revisions = [] self.set_patch_project_revision(self.m.properties.get('patch_project'), cfg) for i, s in enumerate(cfg.solutions): if s.safesync_url: # prefer safesync_url in gclient mode continue if i == 0 and s.revision is None: s.revision = RevisionFallbackChain() if s.revision is not None and s.revision != '': fixed_revision = self.resolve_revision(s.revision) if fixed_revision: revisions.extend(['--revision', '%s@%s' % (s.name, fixed_revision)]) for name, revision in sorted(cfg.revisions.items()): fixed_revision = self.resolve_revision(revision) if fixed_revision: revisions.extend(['--revision', '%s@%s' % (name, fixed_revision)]) test_data_paths = set(cfg.got_revision_mapping.keys() + [s.name for s in cfg.solutions]) step_test_data = lambda: ( self.test_api.output_json(test_data_paths, cfg.GIT_MODE)) try: if not cfg.GIT_MODE: args = ['sync', '--nohooks', '--force', '--verbose'] if cfg.delete_unversioned_trees: args.append('--delete_unversioned_trees') if with_branch_heads: args.append('--with_branch_heads') self('sync', args + revisions + ['--output-json', self.m.json.output()], step_test_data=step_test_data, **kwargs) else: # clean() isn't used because the gclient sync flags passed in checkout() # do much the same thing, and they're more correct than doing a separate # 'gclient revert' because it makes sure the other args are correct when # a repo was deleted and needs to be re-cloned (notably # --with_branch_heads), whereas 'revert' uses default args for clone # operations. # # TODO(mmoss): To be like current official builders, this step could # just delete the whole /build/ directory and start each # build from scratch. That might be the least bad solution, at least # until we have a reliable gclient method to produce a pristine working # dir for git-based builds (e.g. maybe some combination of 'git # reset/clean -fx' and removing the 'out' directory). j = '-j2' if self.m.platform.is_win else '-j8' args = ['sync', '--verbose', '--with_branch_heads', '--nohooks', j, '--reset', '--force', '--upstream', '--no-nag-max'] if cfg.delete_unversioned_trees: args.append('--delete_unversioned_trees') self('sync', args + revisions + ['--output-json', self.m.json.output()], step_test_data=step_test_data, **kwargs) finally: result = self.m.step.active_result data = result.json.output for path, info in data['solutions'].iteritems(): # gclient json paths always end with a slash path = path.rstrip('/') if path in cfg.got_revision_mapping: propname = cfg.got_revision_mapping[path] result.presentation.properties[propname] = info['revision'] return result def inject_parent_got_revision(self, gclient_config=None, override=False): """Match gclient config to build revisions obtained from build_properties. Args: gclient_config (gclient config object) - The config to manipulate. A value of None manipulates the module's built-in config (self.c). override (bool) - If True, will forcibly set revision and custom_vars even if the config already contains values for them. """ cfg = gclient_config or self.c for prop, custom_var in cfg.parent_got_revision_mapping.iteritems(): val = str(self.m.properties.get(prop, '')) # TODO(infra): Fix coverage. if val: # pragma: no cover # Special case for 'src', inject into solutions[0] if custom_var is None: # This is not covered because we are deprecating this feature and # it is no longer used by the public recipes. if cfg.solutions[0].revision is None or override: # pragma: no cover cfg.solutions[0].revision = val else: if custom_var not in cfg.solutions[0].custom_vars or override: cfg.solutions[0].custom_vars[custom_var] = val def checkout(self, gclient_config=None, revert=RevertOnTryserver, inject_parent_got_revision=True, with_branch_heads=False, **kwargs): """Return a step generator function for gclient checkouts.""" cfg = gclient_config or self.c assert cfg.complete() if revert is self.RevertOnTryserver: revert = self.m.tryserver.is_tryserver if inject_parent_got_revision: self.inject_parent_got_revision(cfg, override=True) self('setup', ['config', '--spec', self.config_to_pythonish(cfg)], **kwargs) sync_step = None try: if not cfg.GIT_MODE: try: if revert: self.revert(**kwargs) finally: sync_step = self.sync(cfg, with_branch_heads=with_branch_heads, **kwargs) else: sync_step = self.sync(cfg, with_branch_heads=with_branch_heads, **kwargs) cfg_cmds = [ ('user.name', 'local_bot'), ('user.email', 'local_bot@example.com'), ] for var, val in cfg_cmds: name = 'recurse (git config %s)' % var self(name, ['recurse', 'git', 'config', var, val], **kwargs) finally: cwd = kwargs.get('cwd', self.m.path['slave_build']) if 'checkout' not in self.m.path: self.m.path['checkout'] = cwd.join( *cfg.solutions[0].name.split(self.m.path.sep)) return sync_step def revert(self, **kwargs): """Return a gclient_safe_revert step.""" # Not directly calling gclient, so don't use self(). alias = self.spec_alias prefix = '%sgclient ' % (('[spec: %s] ' % alias) if alias else '') return self.m.python(prefix + 'revert', self.m.path['build'].join('scripts', 'slave', 'gclient_safe_revert.py'), ['.', self.m.path['depot_tools'].join('gclient', platform_ext={'win': '.bat'})], infra_step=True, **kwargs ) def runhooks(self, args=None, name='runhooks', **kwargs): args = args or [] assert isinstance(args, (list, tuple)) kwargs.setdefault('cwd', self.m.path['checkout']) return self( name, ['runhooks'] + list(args), infra_step=False, **kwargs) @property def is_blink_mode(self): """ Indicates wether the caller is to use the Blink config rather than the Chromium config. This may happen for one of two reasons: 1. The builder is configured to always use TOT Blink. (factory property top_of_tree_blink=True) 2. A try job comes in that applies to the Blink tree. (patch_project is blink) """ return ( self.m.properties.get('top_of_tree_blink') or self.m.properties.get('patch_project') == 'blink') def break_locks(self): """Remove all index.lock files. If a previous run of git crashed, bot was reset, etc... we might end up with leftover index.lock files. """ self.m.python.inline( 'cleanup index.lock', """ import os, sys build_path = sys.argv[1] if os.path.exists(build_path): for (path, dir, files) in os.walk(build_path): for cur_file in files: if cur_file.endswith('index.lock'): path_to_file = os.path.join(path, cur_file) print 'deleting %s' % path_to_file os.remove(path_to_file) """, args=[self.m.path['slave_build']], infra_step=True, ) def calculate_patch_root(self, patch_project, gclient_config=None): """Returns path where a patch should be applied to based patch_project. Maps "patch_project" to a path of directories relative to checkout's root, which describe where to place the patch. For now, considers only first solution (c.solutions[0]), but in theory can be extended to all of them. See patch_projects solution config property. Returns: Relative path, including solution's root. If patch_project is not given or not recognized, it'll be just first solution root. """ cfg = gclient_config or self.c root, _ = cfg.patch_projects.get(patch_project, ('', '')) if root: # Note, that c.patch_projects contains patch roots as # slash(/)-separated path, which are roots of the respective project repos # and include actual solution name in them. return self.m.path.join(*root.split('/')) # Default case - assume patch is for first solution, as this is what most # projects rely on. return cfg.solutions[0].name def set_patch_project_revision(self, patch_project, gclient_config=None): """Updates config revision corresponding to patch_project. Useful for bot_update only, as this is the only consumer of gclient's config revision map. This doesn't overwrite the revision if it was already set. """ assert patch_project is None or isinstance(patch_project, basestring) cfg = gclient_config or self.c path, revision = cfg.patch_projects.get(patch_project, (None, None)) if path and revision and path not in cfg.revisions: cfg.revisions[path] = revision