# copyright 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This file is part of astroid. # # astroid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # astroid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with astroid. If not, see . """this module contains a set of functions to create astroid trees from scratch (build_* functions) or from living object (object_build_* functions) """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" import sys from os.path import abspath from inspect import (getargspec, isdatadescriptor, isfunction, ismethod, ismethoddescriptor, isclass, isbuiltin, ismodule) import six from astroid.node_classes import CONST_CLS from astroid.nodes import (Module, Class, Const, const_factory, From, Function, EmptyNode, Name, Arguments) from astroid.bases import BUILTINS, Generator from astroid.manager import AstroidManager MANAGER = AstroidManager() _CONSTANTS = tuple(CONST_CLS) # the keys of CONST_CLS eg python builtin types def _io_discrepancy(member): # _io module names itself `io`: http://bugs.python.org/issue18602 member_self = getattr(member, '__self__', None) return (member_self and ismodule(member_self) and member_self.__name__ == '_io' and member.__module__ == 'io') def _attach_local_node(parent, node, name): node.name = name # needed by add_local_node parent.add_local_node(node) _marker = object() def attach_dummy_node(node, name, object=_marker): """create a dummy node and register it in the locals of the given node with the specified name """ enode = EmptyNode() enode.object = object _attach_local_node(node, enode, name) def _has_underlying_object(self): return hasattr(self, 'object') and self.object is not _marker EmptyNode.has_underlying_object = _has_underlying_object def attach_const_node(node, name, value): """create a Const node and register it in the locals of the given node with the specified name """ if not name in node.special_attributes: _attach_local_node(node, const_factory(value), name) def attach_import_node(node, modname, membername): """create a From node and register it in the locals of the given node with the specified name """ from_node = From(modname, [(membername, None)]) _attach_local_node(node, from_node, membername) def build_module(name, doc=None): """create and initialize a astroid Module node""" node = Module(name, doc, pure_python=False) node.package = False node.parent = None return node def build_class(name, basenames=(), doc=None): """create and initialize a astroid Class node""" node = Class(name, doc) for base in basenames: basenode = Name() basenode.name = base node.bases.append(basenode) basenode.parent = node return node def build_function(name, args=None, defaults=None, flag=0, doc=None): """create and initialize a astroid Function node""" args, defaults = args or [], defaults or [] # first argument is now a list of decorators func = Function(name, doc) func.args = argsnode = Arguments() argsnode.args = [] for arg in args: argsnode.args.append(Name()) argsnode.args[-1].name = arg argsnode.args[-1].parent = argsnode argsnode.defaults = [] for default in defaults: argsnode.defaults.append(const_factory(default)) argsnode.defaults[-1].parent = argsnode argsnode.kwarg = None argsnode.vararg = None argsnode.parent = func if args: register_arguments(func) return func def build_from_import(fromname, names): """create and initialize an astroid From import statement""" return From(fromname, [(name, None) for name in names]) def register_arguments(func, args=None): """add given arguments to local args is a list that may contains nested lists (i.e. def func(a, (b, c, d)): ...) """ if args is None: args = func.args.args if func.args.vararg: func.set_local(func.args.vararg, func.args) if func.args.kwarg: func.set_local(func.args.kwarg, func.args) for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Name): func.set_local(arg.name, arg) else: register_arguments(func, arg.elts) def object_build_class(node, member, localname): """create astroid for a living class object""" basenames = [base.__name__ for base in member.__bases__] return _base_class_object_build(node, member, basenames, localname=localname) def object_build_function(node, member, localname): """create astroid for a living function object""" args, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec(member) if varargs is not None: args.append(varargs) if varkw is not None: args.append(varkw) func = build_function(getattr(member, '__name__', None) or localname, args, defaults, member.func_code.co_flags, member.__doc__) node.add_local_node(func, localname) def object_build_datadescriptor(node, member, name): """create astroid for a living data descriptor object""" return _base_class_object_build(node, member, [], name) def object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, localname): """create astroid for a living method descriptor object""" # FIXME get arguments ? func = build_function(getattr(member, '__name__', None) or localname, doc=member.__doc__) # set node's arguments to None to notice that we have no information, not # and empty argument list func.args.args = None node.add_local_node(func, localname) def _base_class_object_build(node, member, basenames, name=None, localname=None): """create astroid for a living class object, with a given set of base names (e.g. ancestors) """ klass = build_class(name or getattr(member, '__name__', None) or localname, basenames, member.__doc__) klass._newstyle = isinstance(member, type) node.add_local_node(klass, localname) try: # limit the instantiation trick since it's too dangerous # (such as infinite test execution...) # this at least resolves common case such as Exception.args, # OSError.errno if issubclass(member, Exception): instdict = member().__dict__ else: raise TypeError except: pass else: for name, obj in instdict.items(): valnode = EmptyNode() valnode.object = obj valnode.parent = klass valnode.lineno = 1 klass.instance_attrs[name] = [valnode] return klass class InspectBuilder(object): """class for building nodes from living object this is actually a really minimal representation, including only Module, Function and Class nodes and some others as guessed. """ # astroid from living objects ############################################### def __init__(self): self._done = {} self._module = None def inspect_build(self, module, modname=None, path=None): """build astroid from a living module (i.e. using inspect) this is used when there is no python source code available (either because it's a built-in module or because the .py is not available) """ self._module = module if modname is None: modname = module.__name__ try: node = build_module(modname, module.__doc__) except AttributeError: # in jython, java modules have no __doc__ (see #109562) node = build_module(modname) node.file = node.path = path and abspath(path) or path node.name = modname MANAGER.cache_module(node) node.package = hasattr(module, '__path__') self._done = {} self.object_build(node, module) return node def object_build(self, node, obj): """recursive method which create a partial ast from real objects (only function, class, and method are handled) """ if obj in self._done: return self._done[obj] self._done[obj] = node for name in dir(obj): try: member = getattr(obj, name) except AttributeError: # damned ExtensionClass.Base, I know you're there ! attach_dummy_node(node, name) continue if ismethod(member): member = six.get_method_function(member) if isfunction(member): # verify this is not an imported function filename = getattr(six.get_function_code(member), 'co_filename', None) if filename is None: assert isinstance(member, object) object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name) elif filename != getattr(self._module, '__file__', None): attach_dummy_node(node, name, member) else: object_build_function(node, member, name) elif isbuiltin(member): if (not _io_discrepancy(member) and self.imported_member(node, member, name)): continue object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name) elif isclass(member): if self.imported_member(node, member, name): continue if member in self._done: class_node = self._done[member] if not class_node in node.locals.get(name, ()): node.add_local_node(class_node, name) else: class_node = object_build_class(node, member, name) # recursion self.object_build(class_node, member) if name == '__class__' and class_node.parent is None: class_node.parent = self._done[self._module] elif ismethoddescriptor(member): assert isinstance(member, object) object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name) elif isdatadescriptor(member): assert isinstance(member, object) object_build_datadescriptor(node, member, name) elif type(member) in _CONSTANTS: attach_const_node(node, name, member) else: # create an empty node so that the name is actually defined attach_dummy_node(node, name, member) def imported_member(self, node, member, name): """verify this is not an imported class or handle it""" # /!\ some classes like ExtensionClass doesn't have a __module__ # attribute ! Also, this may trigger an exception on badly built module # (see http://www.logilab.org/ticket/57299 for instance) try: modname = getattr(member, '__module__', None) except: # XXX use logging print('unexpected error while building astroid from living object') import traceback traceback.print_exc() modname = None if modname is None: if name in ('__new__', '__subclasshook__'): # Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Sep 1 2010, 22:03:14) # >>> print object.__new__.__module__ # None modname = BUILTINS else: attach_dummy_node(node, name, member) return True if {'gtk': 'gtk._gtk'}.get(modname, modname) != self._module.__name__: # check if it sounds valid and then add an import node, else use a # dummy node try: getattr(sys.modules[modname], name) except (KeyError, AttributeError): attach_dummy_node(node, name, member) else: attach_import_node(node, modname, name) return True return False ### astroid bootstrapping ###################################################### Astroid_BUILDER = InspectBuilder() _CONST_PROXY = {} def _astroid_bootstrapping(astroid_builtin=None): """astroid boot strapping the builtins module""" # this boot strapping is necessary since we need the Const nodes to # inspect_build builtins, and then we can proxy Const if astroid_builtin is None: from logilab.common.compat import builtins astroid_builtin = Astroid_BUILDER.inspect_build(builtins) for cls, node_cls in CONST_CLS.items(): if cls is type(None): proxy = build_class('NoneType') proxy.parent = astroid_builtin else: proxy = astroid_builtin.getattr(cls.__name__)[0] if cls in (dict, list, set, tuple): node_cls._proxied = proxy else: _CONST_PROXY[cls] = proxy _astroid_bootstrapping() # TODO : find a nicer way to handle this situation; # However __proxied introduced an # infinite recursion (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/pylint/+bug/456870) def _set_proxied(const): return _CONST_PROXY[const.value.__class__] Const._proxied = property(_set_proxied) from types import GeneratorType Generator._proxied = Class(GeneratorType.__name__, GeneratorType.__doc__) Astroid_BUILDER.object_build(Generator._proxied, GeneratorType)