#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import optparse import os import re import subprocess import sys import breakpad # pylint: disable=W0611 import gclient_utils USAGE = """ WARNING: Please use this tool in an empty directory (or at least one that you don't mind clobbering.) REQUIRES: SVN 1.5+ NOTE: NO NEED TO CHECKOUT ANYTHING IN ADVANCE OF USING THIS TOOL." Valid parameters: [Merge from trunk to branch] --merge --branch Example: %(app)s --merge 12345 --branch 187 [Merge from trunk to local copy] --merge --local Example: %(app)s --merge 12345 --local [Merge from branch to branch] --merge --sbranch --branch Example: %(app)s --merge 12345 --sbranch 248 --branch 249 [Revert from trunk] --revert Example: %(app)s --revert 12345 [Revert from branch] --revert --branch Example: %(app)s --revert 12345 --branch 187 """ export_map_ = None files_info_ = None delete_map_ = None file_pattern_ = r"[ ]+([MADUC])[ ]+/((?:trunk|branches/.*?)/src(.*)/(.*))" depot_tools_dir_ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def runGcl(subcommand): gcl_path = os.path.join(depot_tools_dir_, "gcl") if not os.path.exists(gcl_path): print "WARNING: gcl not found beside drover.py. Using system gcl instead..." gcl_path = 'gcl' command = "%s %s" % (gcl_path, subcommand) return os.system(command) def gclUpload(revision, author): command = ("upload " + str(revision) + " --send_mail --no_presubmit --reviewers=" + author) return runGcl(command) def getSVNInfo(url, revision): svn_info = gclient_utils.Popen(['svn', 'info', '%s@%s' % (url, revision)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() info = {} for line in svn_info: match = re.search(r"(.*?):(.*)", line) if match: info[match.group(1).strip()]=match.group(2).strip() return info def isSVNDirty(): svn_status = gclient_utils.Popen(['svn', 'status'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() for line in svn_status: match = re.search(r"^[^X?]", line) if match: return True return False def getAuthor(url, revision): info = getSVNInfo(url, revision) if (info.has_key("Last Changed Author")): return info["Last Changed Author"] return None def isSVNFile(url, revision): info = getSVNInfo(url, revision) if (info.has_key("Node Kind")): if (info["Node Kind"] == "file"): return True return False def isSVNDirectory(url, revision): info = getSVNInfo(url, revision) if (info.has_key("Node Kind")): if (info["Node Kind"] == "directory"): return True return False def inCheckoutRoot(path): info = getSVNInfo(path, "HEAD") if (not info.has_key("Repository Root")): return False repo_root = info["Repository Root"] info = getSVNInfo(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)), "HEAD") if (info.get("Repository Root", None) != repo_root): return True return False def getRevisionLog(url, revision): """Takes an svn url and gets the associated revision.""" svn_log = gclient_utils.Popen(['svn', 'log', url, '-r', str(revision)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() # Don't include the header lines and the trailing "---..." line and eliminate # any '\r's. return ''.join([l.replace('\r','') for l in svn_log[3:-1]]) def getSVNVersionInfo(): """Extract version information from SVN""" svn_info = gclient_utils.Popen(['svn', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() info = {} for line in svn_info: match = re.search(r"svn, version ((\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+))", line) if match: info['version'] = match.group(1) info['major'] = int(match.group(2)) info['minor'] = int(match.group(3)) info['patch'] = int(match.group(4)) return info return None def isMinimumSVNVersion(major, minor, patch=0): """Test for minimum SVN version""" return _isMinimumSVNVersion(getSVNVersionInfo(), major, minor, patch) def _isMinimumSVNVersion(version, major, minor, patch=0): """Test for minimum SVN version, internal method""" if not version: return False if (version['major'] > major): return True elif (version['major'] < major): return False if (version['minor'] > minor): return True elif (version['minor'] < minor): return False if (version['patch'] >= patch): return True else: return False def checkoutRevision(url, revision, branch_url, revert=False): files_info = getFileInfo(url, revision) paths = getBestMergePaths2(files_info, revision) export_map = getBestExportPathsMap2(files_info, revision) command = 'svn checkout -N ' + branch_url print command os.system(command) match = re.search(r"^[a-z]+://.*/(.*)", branch_url) if match: os.chdir(match.group(1)) # This line is extremely important due to the way svn behaves in the # set-depths action. If parents aren't handled before children, the child # directories get clobbered and the merge step fails. paths.sort() # Checkout the directories that already exist for path in paths: if (export_map.has_key(path) and not revert): print "Exclude new directory " + path continue subpaths = path.split('/') subpaths.pop(0) base = '' for subpath in subpaths: base += '/' + subpath # This logic ensures that you don't empty out any directories if not os.path.exists("." + base): command = ('svn update --depth empty ' + "." + base) print command os.system(command) if (revert): files = getAllFilesInRevision(files_info) else: files = getExistingFilesInRevision(files_info) for f in files: # Prevent the tool from clobbering the src directory if (f == ""): continue command = ('svn up ".' + f + '"') print command os.system(command) def mergeRevision(url, revision): paths = getBestMergePaths(url, revision) export_map = getBestExportPathsMap(url, revision) for path in paths: if export_map.has_key(path): continue command = ('svn merge -N -r ' + str(revision-1) + ":" + str(revision) + " ") command += " --ignore-ancestry " command += " -x --ignore-eol-style " command += url + path + "@" + str(revision) + " ." + path print command os.system(command) def exportRevision(url, revision): paths = getBestExportPathsMap(url, revision).keys() paths.sort() for path in paths: command = ('svn export -N ' + url + path + "@" + str(revision) + " ." + path) print command os.system(command) command = 'svn add .' + path print command os.system(command) def deleteRevision(url, revision): paths = getBestDeletePathsMap(url, revision).keys() paths.sort() paths.reverse() for path in paths: command = "svn delete ." + path print command os.system(command) def revertExportRevision(url, revision): paths = getBestExportPathsMap(url, revision).keys() paths.sort() paths.reverse() for path in paths: command = "svn delete ." + path print command os.system(command) def revertRevision(url, revision): paths = getBestMergePaths(url, revision) for path in paths: command = ('svn merge -N -r ' + str(revision) + ":" + str(revision-1) + " " + url + path + " ." + path) print command os.system(command) def getFileInfo(url, revision): global files_info_ if (files_info_ != None): return files_info_ svn_log = gclient_utils.Popen(['svn', 'log', url, '-r', str(revision), '-v'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() info = [] for line in svn_log: # A workaround to dump the (from .*) stuff, regex not so friendly in the 2nd # pass... match = re.search(r"(.*) \(from.*\)", line) if match: line = match.group(1) match = re.search(file_pattern_, line) if match: info.append([match.group(1).strip(), match.group(2).strip(), match.group(3).strip(),match.group(4).strip()]) files_info_ = info return info def getBestMergePaths(url, revision): """Takes an svn url and gets the associated revision.""" return getBestMergePaths2(getFileInfo(url, revision), revision) def getBestMergePaths2(files_info, revision): """Takes an svn url and gets the associated revision.""" return list(set([f[2] for f in files_info])) def getBestExportPathsMap(url, revision): return getBestExportPathsMap2(getFileInfo(url, revision), revision) def getBestExportPathsMap2(files_info, revision): """Takes an svn url and gets the associated revision.""" global export_map_ if export_map_: return export_map_ result = {} for file_info in files_info: if (file_info[0] == "A"): if(isSVNDirectory("svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/" + file_info[1], revision)): result[file_info[2] + "/" + file_info[3]] = "" export_map_ = result return result def getBestDeletePathsMap(url, revision): return getBestDeletePathsMap2(getFileInfo(url, revision), revision) def getBestDeletePathsMap2(files_info, revision): """Takes an svn url and gets the associated revision.""" global delete_map_ if delete_map_: return delete_map_ result = {} for file_info in files_info: if (file_info[0] == "D"): if(isSVNDirectory("svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/" + file_info[1], revision)): result[file_info[2] + "/" + file_info[3]] = "" delete_map_ = result return result def getExistingFilesInRevision(files_info): """Checks for existing files in the revision. Anything that's A will require special treatment (either a merge or an export + add) """ return ['%s/%s' % (f[2], f[3]) for f in files_info if f[0] != 'A'] def getAllFilesInRevision(files_info): """Checks for existing files in the revision. Anything that's A will require special treatment (either a merge or an export + add) """ return ['%s/%s' % (f[2], f[3]) for f in files_info] def prompt(question): while True: print question + " [y|n]:", answer = sys.stdin.readline() if answer.lower().startswith('n'): return False elif answer.lower().startswith('y'): return True def text_prompt(question, default): print question + " [" + default + "]:" answer = sys.stdin.readline() if answer.strip() == "": return default return answer def drover(options, args): revision = options.revert or options.merge # Initialize some variables used below. They can be overwritten by # the drover.properties file. BASE_URL = "svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome" TRUNK_URL = BASE_URL + "/trunk/src" BRANCH_URL = BASE_URL + "/branches/$branch/src" SKIP_CHECK_WORKING = True PROMPT_FOR_AUTHOR = False DEFAULT_WORKING = "drover_" + str(revision) if options.branch: DEFAULT_WORKING += ("_" + options.branch) if not isMinimumSVNVersion(1, 5): print "You need to use at least SVN version 1.5.x" return 1 # Override the default properties if there is a drover.properties file. global file_pattern_ if os.path.exists("drover.properties"): FILE_PATTERN = file_pattern_ f = open("drover.properties") exec(f) f.close() if FILE_PATTERN: file_pattern_ = FILE_PATTERN if options.revert and options.branch: url = BRANCH_URL.replace("$branch", options.branch) elif options.merge and options.sbranch: url = BRANCH_URL.replace("$branch", options.sbranch) else: url = TRUNK_URL working = options.workdir or DEFAULT_WORKING if options.local: working = os.getcwd() if not inCheckoutRoot(working): print "'%s' appears not to be the root of a working copy" % working return 1 if (isSVNDirty() and not prompt("Working copy contains uncommitted files. Continue?")): return 1 command = 'svn log ' + url + " -r "+str(revision) + " -v" os.system(command) if not (options.revertbot or prompt("Is this the correct revision?")): return 0 if (os.path.exists(working)) and not options.local: if not (options.revertbot or SKIP_CHECK_WORKING or prompt("Working directory: '%s' already exists, clobber?" % working)): return 0 gclient_utils.RemoveDirectory(working) if not options.local: os.makedirs(working) os.chdir(working) if options.merge: action = "Merge" if not options.local: branch_url = BRANCH_URL.replace("$branch", options.branch) # Checkout everything but stuff that got added into a new dir checkoutRevision(url, revision, branch_url) # Merge everything that changed mergeRevision(url, revision) # "Export" files that were added from the source and add them to branch exportRevision(url, revision) # Delete directories that were deleted (file deletes are handled in the # merge). deleteRevision(url, revision) elif options.revert: action = "Revert" if options.branch: url = BRANCH_URL.replace("$branch", options.branch) checkoutRevision(url, revision, url, True) revertRevision(url, revision) revertExportRevision(url, revision) # Check the base url so we actually find the author who made the change if options.auditor: author = options.auditor else: author = getAuthor(url, revision) if not author: author = getAuthor(TRUNK_URL, revision) filename = str(revision)+".txt" out = open(filename,"w") out.write(action +" " + str(revision) + " - ") out.write(getRevisionLog(url, revision)) if (author): out.write("\nTBR=" + author) out.close() change_cmd = 'change ' + str(revision) + " " + filename if options.revertbot: change_cmd += ' --silent' runGcl(change_cmd) os.unlink(filename) if options.local: return 0 print author print revision print ("gcl upload " + str(revision) + " --send_mail --no_presubmit --reviewers=" + author) if options.revertbot or prompt("Would you like to upload?"): if PROMPT_FOR_AUTHOR: author = text_prompt("Enter new author or press enter to accept default", author) if options.revertbot and options.revertbot_reviewers: author += "," author += options.revertbot_reviewers gclUpload(revision, author) else: print "Deleting the changelist." print "gcl delete " + str(revision) runGcl("delete " + str(revision)) return 0 # We commit if the reverbot is set to commit automatically, or if this is # not the revertbot and the user agrees. if options.revertbot_commit or (not options.revertbot and prompt("Would you like to commit?")): print "gcl commit " + str(revision) + " --no_presubmit --force" return runGcl("commit " + str(revision) + " --no_presubmit --force") else: return 0 def main(): option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE % {"app": sys.argv[0]}) option_parser.add_option('-m', '--merge', type="int", help='Revision to merge from trunk to branch') option_parser.add_option('-b', '--branch', help='Branch to revert or merge from') option_parser.add_option('-l', '--local', action='store_true', help='Local working copy to merge to') option_parser.add_option('-s', '--sbranch', help='Source branch for merge') option_parser.add_option('-r', '--revert', type="int", help='Revision to revert') option_parser.add_option('-w', '--workdir', help='subdir to use for the revert') option_parser.add_option('-a', '--auditor', help='overrides the author for reviewer') option_parser.add_option('', '--revertbot', action='store_true', default=False) option_parser.add_option('', '--revertbot-commit', action='store_true', default=False) option_parser.add_option('', '--revertbot-reviewers') options, args = option_parser.parse_args() if not options.merge and not options.revert: option_parser.error("You need at least --merge or --revert") return 1 if options.merge and not options.branch and not options.local: option_parser.error("--merge requires either --branch or --local") return 1 if options.local and (options.revert or options.branch): option_parser.error("--local cannot be used with --revert or --branch") return 1 return drover(options, args) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())