# Copyright (c) 2010 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/ # Copyright (c) 2010, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. import sys import os import boto import optparse import copy import boto.exception import boto.roboto.awsqueryservice import bdb import traceback try: import epdb as debugger except ImportError: import pdb as debugger def boto_except_hook(debugger_flag, debug_flag): def excepthook(typ, value, tb): if typ is bdb.BdbQuit: sys.exit(1) sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ if debugger_flag and sys.stdout.isatty() and sys.stdin.isatty(): if debugger.__name__ == 'epdb': debugger.post_mortem(tb, typ, value) else: debugger.post_mortem(tb) elif debug_flag: print traceback.print_tb(tb) sys.exit(1) else: print value sys.exit(1) return excepthook class Line(object): def __init__(self, fmt, data, label): self.fmt = fmt self.data = data self.label = label self.line = '%s\t' % label self.printed = False def append(self, datum): self.line += '%s\t' % datum def print_it(self): if not self.printed: print self.line self.printed = True class RequiredParamError(boto.exception.BotoClientError): def __init__(self, required): self.required = required s = 'Required parameters are missing: %s' % self.required boto.exception.BotoClientError.__init__(self, s) class EncoderError(boto.exception.BotoClientError): def __init__(self, error_msg): s = 'Error encoding value (%s)' % error_msg boto.exception.BotoClientError.__init__(self, s) class FilterError(boto.exception.BotoClientError): def __init__(self, filters): self.filters = filters s = 'Unknown filters: %s' % self.filters boto.exception.BotoClientError.__init__(self, s) class Encoder: @classmethod def encode(cls, p, rp, v, label=None): if p.name.startswith('_'): return try: mthd = getattr(cls, 'encode_'+p.ptype) mthd(p, rp, v, label) except AttributeError: raise EncoderError('Unknown type: %s' % p.ptype) @classmethod def encode_string(cls, p, rp, v, l): if l: label = l else: label = p.name rp[label] = v encode_file = encode_string encode_enum = encode_string @classmethod def encode_integer(cls, p, rp, v, l): if l: label = l else: label = p.name rp[label] = '%d' % v @classmethod def encode_boolean(cls, p, rp, v, l): if l: label = l else: label = p.name if v: v = 'true' else: v = 'false' rp[label] = v @classmethod def encode_datetime(cls, p, rp, v, l): if l: label = l else: label = p.name rp[label] = v @classmethod def encode_array(cls, p, rp, v, l): v = boto.utils.mklist(v) if l: label = l else: label = p.name label = label + '.%d' for i, value in enumerate(v): rp[label%(i+1)] = value class AWSQueryRequest(object): ServiceClass = None Description = '' Params = [] Args = [] Filters = [] Response = {} CLITypeMap = {'string' : 'string', 'integer' : 'int', 'int' : 'int', 'enum' : 'choice', 'datetime' : 'string', 'dateTime' : 'string', 'file' : 'string', 'boolean' : None} @classmethod def name(cls): return cls.__name__ def __init__(self, **args): self.args = args self.parser = None self.cli_options = None self.cli_args = None self.cli_output_format = None self.connection = None self.list_markers = [] self.item_markers = [] self.request_params = {} self.connection_args = None def __repr__(self): return self.name() def get_connection(self, **args): if self.connection is None: self.connection = self.ServiceClass(**args) return self.connection @property def status(self): retval = None if self.http_response is not None: retval = self.http_response.status return retval @property def reason(self): retval = None if self.http_response is not None: retval = self.http_response.reason return retval @property def request_id(self): retval = None if self.aws_response is not None: retval = getattr(self.aws_response, 'requestId') return retval def process_filters(self): filters = self.args.get('filters', []) filter_names = [f['name'] for f in self.Filters] unknown_filters = [f for f in filters if f not in filter_names] if unknown_filters: raise FilterError('Unknown filters: %s' % unknown_filters) for i, filter in enumerate(self.Filters): name = filter['name'] if name in filters: self.request_params['Filter.%d.Name' % (i+1)] = name for j, value in enumerate(boto.utils.mklist(filters[name])): Encoder.encode(filter, self.request_params, value, 'Filter.%d.Value.%d' % (i+1, j+1)) def process_args(self, **args): """ Responsible for walking through Params defined for the request and: * Matching them with keyword parameters passed to the request constructor or via the command line. * Checking to see if all required parameters have been specified and raising an exception, if not. * Encoding each value into the set of request parameters that will be sent in the request to the AWS service. """ self.args.update(args) self.connection_args = copy.copy(self.args) if 'debug' in self.args and self.args['debug'] >= 2: boto.set_stream_logger(self.name()) required = [p.name for p in self.Params+self.Args if not p.optional] for param in self.Params+self.Args: if param.long_name: python_name = param.long_name.replace('-', '_') else: python_name = boto.utils.pythonize_name(param.name, '_') value = None if python_name in self.args: value = self.args[python_name] if value is None: value = param.default if value is not None: if param.name in required: required.remove(param.name) if param.request_param: if param.encoder: param.encoder(param, self.request_params, value) else: Encoder.encode(param, self.request_params, value) if python_name in self.args: del self.connection_args[python_name] if required: l = [] for p in self.Params+self.Args: if p.name in required: if p.short_name and p.long_name: l.append('(%s, %s)' % (p.optparse_short_name, p.optparse_long_name)) elif p.short_name: l.append('(%s)' % p.optparse_short_name) else: l.append('(%s)' % p.optparse_long_name) raise RequiredParamError(','.join(l)) boto.log.debug('request_params: %s' % self.request_params) self.process_markers(self.Response) def process_markers(self, fmt, prev_name=None): if fmt and fmt['type'] == 'object': for prop in fmt['properties']: self.process_markers(prop, fmt['name']) elif fmt and fmt['type'] == 'array': self.list_markers.append(prev_name) self.item_markers.append(fmt['name']) def send(self, verb='GET', **args): self.process_args(**args) self.process_filters() conn = self.get_connection(**self.connection_args) self.http_response = conn.make_request(self.name(), self.request_params, verb=verb) self.body = self.http_response.read() boto.log.debug(self.body) if self.http_response.status == 200: self.aws_response = boto.jsonresponse.Element(list_marker=self.list_markers, item_marker=self.item_markers) h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(self.aws_response, self) h.parse(self.body) return self.aws_response else: boto.log.error('%s %s' % (self.http_response.status, self.http_response.reason)) boto.log.error('%s' % self.body) raise conn.ResponseError(self.http_response.status, self.http_response.reason, self.body) def add_standard_options(self): group = optparse.OptionGroup(self.parser, 'Standard Options') # add standard options that all commands get group.add_option('-D', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Turn on all debugging output') group.add_option('--debugger', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable interactive debugger on error') group.add_option('-U', '--url', action='store', help='Override service URL with value provided') group.add_option('--region', action='store', help='Name of the region to connect to') group.add_option('-I', '--access-key-id', action='store', help='Override access key value') group.add_option('-S', '--secret-key', action='store', help='Override secret key value') group.add_option('--version', action='store_true', help='Display version string') if self.Filters: self.group.add_option('--help-filters', action='store_true', help='Display list of available filters') self.group.add_option('--filter', action='append', metavar=' name=value', help='A filter for limiting the results') self.parser.add_option_group(group) def process_standard_options(self, options, args, d): if hasattr(options, 'help_filters') and options.help_filters: print 'Available filters:' for filter in self.Filters: print '%s\t%s' % (filter.name, filter.doc) sys.exit(0) if options.debug: self.args['debug'] = 2 if options.url: self.args['url'] = options.url if options.region: self.args['region'] = options.region if options.access_key_id: self.args['aws_access_key_id'] = options.access_key_id if options.secret_key: self.args['aws_secret_access_key'] = options.secret_key if options.version: # TODO - Where should the version # come from? print 'version x.xx' exit(0) sys.excepthook = boto_except_hook(options.debugger, options.debug) def get_usage(self): s = 'usage: %prog [options] ' l = [ a.long_name for a in self.Args ] s += ' '.join(l) for a in self.Args: if a.doc: s += '\n\n\t%s - %s' % (a.long_name, a.doc) return s def build_cli_parser(self): self.parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=self.Description, usage=self.get_usage()) self.add_standard_options() for param in self.Params: ptype = action = choices = None if param.ptype in self.CLITypeMap: ptype = self.CLITypeMap[param.ptype] action = 'store' if param.ptype == 'boolean': action = 'store_true' elif param.ptype == 'array': if len(param.items) == 1: ptype = param.items[0]['type'] action = 'append' elif param.cardinality != 1: action = 'append' if ptype or action == 'store_true': if param.short_name: self.parser.add_option(param.optparse_short_name, param.optparse_long_name, action=action, type=ptype, choices=param.choices, help=param.doc) elif param.long_name: self.parser.add_option(param.optparse_long_name, action=action, type=ptype, choices=param.choices, help=param.doc) def do_cli(self): if not self.parser: self.build_cli_parser() self.cli_options, self.cli_args = self.parser.parse_args() d = {} self.process_standard_options(self.cli_options, self.cli_args, d) for param in self.Params: if param.long_name: p_name = param.long_name.replace('-', '_') else: p_name = boto.utils.pythonize_name(param.name) value = getattr(self.cli_options, p_name) if param.ptype == 'file' and value: if value == '-': value = sys.stdin.read() else: path = os.path.expanduser(value) path = os.path.expandvars(path) if os.path.isfile(path): fp = open(path) value = fp.read() fp.close() else: self.parser.error('Unable to read file: %s' % path) d[p_name] = value for arg in self.Args: if arg.long_name: p_name = arg.long_name.replace('-', '_') else: p_name = boto.utils.pythonize_name(arg.name) value = None if arg.cardinality == 1: if len(self.cli_args) >= 1: value = self.cli_args[0] else: value = self.cli_args d[p_name] = value self.args.update(d) if hasattr(self.cli_options, 'filter') and self.cli_options.filter: d = {} for filter in self.cli_options.filter: name, value = filter.split('=') d[name] = value if 'filters' in self.args: self.args['filters'].update(d) else: self.args['filters'] = d try: response = self.main() self.cli_formatter(response) except RequiredParamError, e: print e sys.exit(1) except self.ServiceClass.ResponseError, err: print 'Error(%s): %s' % (err.error_code, err.error_message) sys.exit(1) except boto.roboto.awsqueryservice.NoCredentialsError, err: print 'Unable to find credentials.' sys.exit(1) except Exception, e: print e sys.exit(1) def _generic_cli_formatter(self, fmt, data, label=''): if fmt['type'] == 'object': for prop in fmt['properties']: if 'name' in fmt: if fmt['name'] in data: data = data[fmt['name']] if fmt['name'] in self.list_markers: label = fmt['name'] if label[-1] == 's': label = label[0:-1] label = label.upper() self._generic_cli_formatter(prop, data, label) elif fmt['type'] == 'array': for item in data: line = Line(fmt, item, label) if isinstance(item, dict): for field_name in item: line.append(item[field_name]) elif isinstance(item, basestring): line.append(item) line.print_it() def cli_formatter(self, data): """ This method is responsible for formatting the output for the command line interface. The default behavior is to call the generic CLI formatter which attempts to print something reasonable. If you want specific formatting, you should override this method and do your own thing. :type data: dict :param data: The data returned by AWS. """ if data: self._generic_cli_formatter(self.Response, data)