#!/usr/bin/env vpython3 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Unit tests for gclient.py. See gclient_smoketest.py for integration tests. """ import json import logging import ntpath import os import queue import sys import unittest from unittest import mock sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import metrics_utils # We have to disable monitoring before importing gclient. metrics_utils.COLLECT_METRICS = False import gclient import gclient_eval import gclient_utils from testing_support import trial_dir # TODO: Should fix these warnings. # pylint: disable=line-too-long def write(filename, content): """Writes the content of a file and create the directories as needed.""" filename = os.path.abspath(filename) dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(content) class CIPDRootMock(object): def __init__(self, root_dir, service_url): self.root_dir = root_dir self.service_url = service_url def expand_package_name(self, package_name): return package_name class SCMMock(object): unit_test = None def __init__(self, parsed_url, root_dir, name, out_fh=None, out_cb=None, print_outbuf=False): self.unit_test.assertTrue(parsed_url.startswith('svn://example.com/'), parsed_url) self.unit_test.assertTrue(root_dir.startswith(self.unit_test.root_dir), root_dir) self.name = name self.url = parsed_url def RunCommand(self, command, options, args, file_list): self.unit_test.assertEqual('None', command) self.unit_test.processed.put((self.name, self.url)) # pylint: disable=no-self-use def DoesRemoteURLMatch(self, _): return True def GetActualRemoteURL(self, _): return self.url def revinfo(self, _, _a, _b): return 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' class GclientTest(trial_dir.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(GclientTest, self).setUp() self.processed = queue.Queue() self.previous_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.root_dir) # Manual mocks. self._old_createscm = gclient.gclient_scm.GitWrapper gclient.gclient_scm.GitWrapper = SCMMock SCMMock.unit_test = self mock.patch('os.environ', {}).start() self.addCleanup(mock.patch.stopall) def tearDown(self): self.assertEqual([], self._get_processed()) gclient.gclient_scm.GitWrapper = self._old_createscm os.chdir(self.previous_dir) super(GclientTest, self).tearDown() def testDependencies(self): self._dependencies('1') def testDependenciesJobs(self): self._dependencies('1000') def _dependencies(self, jobs): """Verifies that dependencies are processed in the right order. e.g. if there is a dependency 'src' and another 'src/third_party/bar', that bar isn't fetched until 'src' is done. Args: |jobs| is the number of parallel jobs simulated. """ parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, args = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', jobs]) write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo" },\n' ' { "name": "bar", "url": "svn://example.com/bar" },\n' ' { "name": "bar/empty", "url": "svn://example.com/bar_empty" },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/dir1": "/dir1",\n' # This one will depend on dir1/dir2 in bar. ' "foo/dir1/dir2/dir3": "/dir1/dir2/dir3",\n' ' "foo/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4": "/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4",\n' '}') write( os.path.join('bar', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' # There is two foo/dir1/dir2. This one is fetched as bar/dir1/dir2. ' "foo/dir1/dir2": "/dir1/dir2",\n' '}') write(os.path.join('bar/empty', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' '}') obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self._check_requirements(obj.dependencies[0], {}) self._check_requirements(obj.dependencies[1], {}) obj.RunOnDeps('None', args) actual = self._get_processed() first_3 = [ ('bar', 'svn://example.com/bar'), ('bar/empty', 'svn://example.com/bar_empty'), ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ] if jobs != 1: # We don't care of the ordering of these items except that bar must # be before bar/empty. self.assertTrue( actual.index(('bar', 'svn://example.com/bar')) < actual.index(( 'bar/empty', 'svn://example.com/bar_empty'))) self.assertEqual(first_3, sorted(actual[0:3])) else: self.assertEqual(first_3, actual[0:3]) self.assertEqual([ ('foo/dir1', 'svn://example.com/dir1'), ('foo/dir1/dir2', 'svn://example.com/dir1/dir2'), ('foo/dir1/dir2/dir3', 'svn://example.com/dir1/dir2/dir3'), ('foo/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4', 'svn://example.com/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4'), ], actual[3:]) self.assertEqual(3, len(obj.dependencies)) self.assertEqual('foo', obj.dependencies[0].name) self.assertEqual('bar', obj.dependencies[1].name) self.assertEqual('bar/empty', obj.dependencies[2].name) self._check_requirements( obj.dependencies[0], { 'foo/dir1': ['bar', 'bar/empty', 'foo'], 'foo/dir1/dir2/dir3': ['bar', 'bar/empty', 'foo', 'foo/dir1', 'foo/dir1/dir2'], 'foo/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4': [ 'bar', 'bar/empty', 'foo', 'foo/dir1', 'foo/dir1/dir2', 'foo/dir1/dir2/dir3' ], }) self._check_requirements(obj.dependencies[1], { 'foo/dir1/dir2': ['bar', 'bar/empty', 'foo', 'foo/dir1'], }) self._check_requirements(obj.dependencies[2], {}) self._check_requirements(obj, { 'foo': [], 'bar': [], 'bar/empty': ['bar'], }) def _check_requirements(self, solution, expected): for dependency in solution.dependencies: e = expected.pop(dependency.name) a = sorted(dependency.requirements) self.assertEqual(e, a, (dependency.name, e, a)) self.assertEqual({}, expected) def _get_processed(self): """Retrieves the item in the order they were processed.""" items = [] try: while True: items.append(self.processed.get_nowait()) except queue.Empty: pass return items def _get_hooks(self): """Retrieves the hooks that would be run""" parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args([]) options.force = True client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) work_queue = gclient_utils.ExecutionQueue(options.jobs, None, False) for s in client.dependencies: work_queue.enqueue(s) work_queue.flush({}, None, [], options=options, patch_refs={}, target_branches={}, skip_sync_revisions={}) return client.GetHooks(options) def testAutofix(self): # Invalid urls causes pain when specifying requirements. Make sure it's # auto-fixed. url = 'proto://host/path/@revision' d = gclient.Dependency(parent=None, name='name', url=url, managed=None, custom_deps=None, custom_vars=None, custom_hooks=None, deps_file='', should_process=True, should_recurse=False, relative=False, condition=None, protocol='https', print_outbuf=True) self.assertEqual('proto://host/path@revision', d.url) def testStr(self): parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient('foo', options) obj.add_dependencies_and_close([ gclient.Dependency(parent=obj, name='foo', url='svn://example.com/foo', managed=None, custom_deps=None, custom_vars=None, custom_hooks=None, deps_file='DEPS', should_process=True, should_recurse=True, relative=False, condition=None, protocol='https', print_outbuf=True), gclient.Dependency(parent=obj, name='bar', url='svn://example.com/bar', managed=None, custom_deps=None, custom_vars=None, custom_hooks=None, deps_file='DEPS', should_process=True, should_recurse=False, relative=False, condition=None, protocol='https', print_outbuf=True), ], []) obj.dependencies[0].add_dependencies_and_close([ gclient.Dependency(parent=obj.dependencies[0], name='foo/dir1', url='svn://example.com/foo/dir1', managed=None, custom_deps=None, custom_vars=None, custom_hooks=None, deps_file='DEPS', should_process=True, should_recurse=False, relative=False, condition=None, protocol='https', print_outbuf=True), ], []) # TODO(ehmaldonado): Improve this test. # Make sure __str__() works fine. # pylint: disable=protected-access obj.dependencies[0]._file_list.append('foo') str_obj = str(obj) self.assertEqual(322, len(str_obj), '%d\n%s' % (len(str_obj), str_obj)) def testHooks(self): hooks = [{'pattern': '.', 'action': ['cmd1', 'arg1', 'arg2']}] write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [{\n' ' "name": "top",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/top"\n' '}]') write(os.path.join('top', 'DEPS'), 'hooks = %s' % repr(hooks)) write(os.path.join('top', 'fake.txt'), "bogus content") self.assertEqual([h.action for h in self._get_hooks()], [tuple(x['action']) for x in hooks]) def testCustomHooks(self): extra_hooks = [{ 'name': 'append', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['supercmd'] }] write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' {\n' ' "name": "top",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/top",\n' + (' "custom_hooks": %s' % repr(extra_hooks + [{ 'name': 'skip' }])) + ' },\n' ' {\n' ' "name": "bottom",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/bottom"\n' ' }\n' ']') hooks = [ { 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['cmd1', 'arg1', 'arg2'] }, { 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['cmd2', 'arg1', 'arg2'] }, ] skip_hooks = [ { 'name': 'skip', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['cmd3', 'arg1', 'arg2'] }, { 'name': 'skip', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['cmd4', 'arg1', 'arg2'] }, ] write(os.path.join('top', 'DEPS'), 'hooks = %s' % repr(hooks + skip_hooks)) # Make sure the custom hooks for that project don't affect the next one. sub_hooks = [ { 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['response1', 'yes1', 'yes2'] }, { 'name': 'skip', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['response2', 'yes', 'sir'] }, ] write(os.path.join('bottom', 'DEPS'), 'hooks = %s' % repr(sub_hooks)) write(os.path.join('bottom', 'fake.txt'), "bogus content") self.assertEqual( [h.action for h in self._get_hooks()], [tuple(x['action']) for x in hooks + extra_hooks + sub_hooks]) def testRecurseDepsAndHooks(self): """Verifies that hooks in recursedeps are ran.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo" },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'use_relative_paths = True\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}\n' 'recursedeps = ["bar"]') write( os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'DEPS'), 'hooks = [{\n' ' "name": "toto",\n' ' "pattern": ".",\n' ' "action": ["tata", "titi"]\n' '}]\n') write(os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'fake.txt'), "bogus content") self.assertEqual([h.action for h in self._get_hooks()], [('tata', 'titi')]) def testRecurseDepsAndHooksCwd(self): """Verifies that hooks run in the correct directory with our without use_relative_paths""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo" },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'use_relative_paths = True\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' ' "baz": "/baz",\n' '}\n' 'recursedeps = ["bar", "baz"]') write( os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'DEPS'), 'hooks = [{\n' ' "name": "toto",\n' ' "pattern": ".",\n' ' "action": ["tata", "titi"]\n' '}]\n') write(os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'fake.txt'), "bogus content") write( os.path.join('foo', 'baz', 'DEPS'), 'use_relative_paths=True\n' 'hooks = [{\n' ' "name": "lazors",\n' ' "pattern": ".",\n' ' "action": ["fire", "lazors"]\n' '}]\n') write(os.path.join('foo', 'baz', 'fake.txt'), "bogus content") self.assertEqual( [(h.action, h.effective_cwd) for h in self._get_hooks()], [(('tata', 'titi'), os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'foo')), (('fire', 'lazors'), os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'foo/baz'))]) def testTargetOS(self): """Verifies that specifying a target_os pulls in all relevant dependencies. The target_os variable allows specifying the name of an additional OS which should be considered when selecting dependencies from a DEPS' deps_os. The value will be appended to the _enforced_os tuple. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' }]\n' 'target_os = ["baz"]') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/dir1": "/dir1",' '}\n' 'deps_os = {\n' ' "unix": { "foo/dir2": "/dir2", },\n' ' "baz": { "foo/dir3": "/dir3", },\n' '}') parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = "unix" obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(['baz', 'unix'], sorted(obj.enforced_os)) def testTargetOsWithTargetOsOnly(self): """Verifies that specifying a target_os and target_os_only pulls in only the relevant dependencies. The target_os variable allows specifying the name of an additional OS which should be considered when selecting dependencies from a DEPS' deps_os. With target_os_only also set, the _enforced_os tuple will be set to only the target_os value. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' }]\n' 'target_os = ["baz"]\n' 'target_os_only = True') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/dir1": "/dir1",' '}\n' 'deps_os = {\n' ' "unix": { "foo/dir2": "/dir2", },\n' ' "baz": { "foo/dir3": "/dir3", },\n' '}') parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = "unix" obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(['baz'], sorted(obj.enforced_os)) def testTargetOsOnlyWithoutTargetOs(self): """Verifies that specifying a target_os_only without target_os_only raises an exception. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' }]\n' 'target_os_only = True') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/dir1": "/dir1",' '}\n' 'deps_os = {\n' ' "unix": { "foo/dir2": "/dir2", },\n' '}') parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = "unix" exception_raised = False try: gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) except gclient_utils.Error: exception_raised = True self.assertTrue(exception_raised) def testTargetOsInDepsFile(self): """Verifies that specifying a target_os value in a DEPS file pulls in all relevant dependencies. The target_os variable in a DEPS file allows specifying the name of an additional OS which should be considered when selecting dependencies from a DEPS' deps_os. The value will be appended to the _enforced_os tuple. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' },\n' ' { "name": "bar",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/bar",\n' ' }]\n') write(os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'target_os = ["baz"]\n') write(os.path.join('bar', 'DEPS'), '') parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = 'unix' obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual(['unix'], sorted(obj.enforced_os)) self.assertEqual([['baz', 'unix'], ['unix']], [sorted(dep.target_os) for dep in obj.dependencies]) self.assertEqual([('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('bar', 'svn://example.com/bar')], self._get_processed()) def testTargetOsForHooksInDepsFile(self): """Verifies that specifying a target_os value in a DEPS file runs the right entries in hooks_os. """ write( 'DEPS', 'hooks = [\n' ' {\n' ' "name": "a",\n' ' "pattern": ".",\n' ' "action": [ "python", "do_a" ],\n' ' },\n' ']\n' '\n' 'hooks_os = {\n' ' "blorp": [' ' {\n' ' "name": "b",\n' ' "pattern": ".",\n' ' "action": [ "python", "do_b" ],\n' ' },\n' ' ],\n' '}\n') write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": ".",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/",\n' ' }]\n') # Test for an OS not in hooks_os. parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, args = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = 'zippy' obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', args) self.assertEqual(['zippy'], sorted(obj.enforced_os)) all_hooks = obj.GetHooks(options) self.assertEqual([ ('.', 'svn://example.com/'), ], sorted(self._get_processed())) self.assertEqual([h.action for h in all_hooks], [('python', 'do_a'), ('python', 'do_b')]) self.assertEqual([h.condition for h in all_hooks], [None, 'checkout_blorp']) def testOverride(self): """Verifies expected behavior of URL overrides.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "custom_deps": {\n' ' "foo/bar": "svn://example.com/override",\n' ' "foo/skip2": None,\n' ' "foo/new": "svn://example.com/new",\n' ' },\n' ' },]\n') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'vars = {\n' ' "origin": "svn://example.com",\n' '}\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/skip": None,\n' ' "foo/bar": "{origin}/bar",\n' ' "foo/baz": "{origin}/baz",\n' ' "foo/skip2": "{origin}/skip2",\n' ' "foo/rel": "/rel",\n' '}') parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) sol = obj.dependencies[0] self.assertEqual([ ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('foo/bar', 'svn://example.com/override'), ('foo/baz', 'svn://example.com/baz'), ('foo/new', 'svn://example.com/new'), ('foo/rel', 'svn://example.com/rel'), ], self._get_processed()) self.assertEqual(6, len(sol.dependencies)) self.assertEqual([ ('foo/bar', 'svn://example.com/override'), ('foo/baz', 'svn://example.com/baz'), ('foo/new', 'svn://example.com/new'), ('foo/rel', 'svn://example.com/rel'), ('foo/skip', None), ('foo/skip2', None), ], [(dep.name, dep.url) for dep in sol.dependencies]) def testVarOverrides(self): """Verifies expected behavior of variable overrides.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "custom_vars": {\n' ' "path": "c-d",\n' ' },\n' ' },]\n') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'vars = {\n' ' "path": Str("a-b"),\n' '}\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/bar": "svn://example.com/foo/" + Var("path"),\n' '}') parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) sol = obj.dependencies[0] self.assertEqual([ ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('foo/bar', 'svn://example.com/foo/c-d'), ], self._get_processed()) self.assertEqual(1, len(sol.dependencies)) self.assertEqual([ ('foo/bar', 'svn://example.com/foo/c-d'), ], [(dep.name, dep.url) for dep in sol.dependencies]) def testDepsOsOverrideDepsInDepsFile(self): """Verifies that a 'deps_os' path cannot override a 'deps' path. Also see testUpdateWithOsDeps above. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' },]\n') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'target_os = ["baz"]\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "foo/src": "/src",\n' # This path is to be overridden by similar path # in deps_os['unix']. '}\n' 'deps_os = {\n' ' "unix": { "foo/unix": "/unix",' ' "foo/src": "/src_unix"},\n' ' "baz": { "foo/baz": "/baz",\n' ' "foo/src": None},\n' ' "jaz": { "foo/jaz": "/jaz", },\n' '}') parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1']) options.deps_os = 'unix' obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) with self.assertRaises(gclient_utils.Error): obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual(['unix'], sorted(obj.enforced_os)) self.assertEqual([ ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ], sorted(self._get_processed())) def testRecursedepsOverride(self): """Verifies gclient respects the |recursedeps| var syntax. This is what we mean to check here: - |recursedeps| = [...] on 2 levels means we pull exactly 3 deps (up to /fizz, but not /fuzz) - pulling foo/bar with no recursion (in .gclient) is overridden by a later pull of foo/bar with recursion (in the dep tree) - pulling foo/tar with no recursion (in .gclient) is no recursively pulled (taz is left out) """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo" },\n' ' { "name": "foo/bar", "url": "svn://example.com/bar" },\n' ' { "name": "foo/tar", "url": "svn://example.com/tar" },\n' ']') write(os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}\n' 'recursedeps = ["bar"]') write(os.path.join('bar', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "baz": "/baz",\n' '}\n' 'recursedeps = ["baz"]') write(os.path.join('baz', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "fizz": "/fizz",\n' '}') write(os.path.join('fizz', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "fuzz": "/fuzz",\n' '}') write(os.path.join('tar', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "taz": "/taz",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual([ ('bar', 'svn://example.com/bar'), ('baz', 'svn://example.com/baz'), ('fizz', 'svn://example.com/fizz'), ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('foo/bar', 'svn://example.com/bar'), ('foo/tar', 'svn://example.com/tar'), ], sorted(self._get_processed())) def testRecursedepsOverrideWithRelativePaths(self): """Verifies gclient respects |recursedeps| with relative paths.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo" },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'use_relative_paths = True\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}\n' 'recursedeps = ["bar"]') write(os.path.join('foo/bar', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "baz": "/baz",\n' '}') write(os.path.join('baz', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "fizz": "/fizz",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual([ ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('foo/bar', 'svn://example.com/bar'), ('foo/baz', 'svn://example.com/baz'), ], self._get_processed()) def testRecursedepsCustomdepsOverride(self): """Verifies gclient overrides deps within recursedeps using custom deps""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo",\n' ' "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "custom_deps": {\n' ' "foo/bar": "svn://example.com/override",\n' ' },\n' ' },]\n') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'use_relative_paths = True\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}\n' 'recursedeps = ["bar"]') write(os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "baz": "/baz",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertCountEqual([ ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('foo/bar', 'svn://example.com/override'), ('foo/foo/bar', 'svn://example.com/override'), ('foo/baz', 'svn://example.com/baz'), ], self._get_processed()) def testRelativeRecursion(self): """Verifies that nested use_relative_paths is always respected.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo" },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'use_relative_paths = True\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}\n' 'recursedeps = ["bar"]') write( os.path.join('foo/bar', 'DEPS'), 'use_relative_paths = True\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "baz": "/baz",\n' '}') write(os.path.join('baz', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "fizz": "/fizz",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual([ ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('foo/bar', 'svn://example.com/bar'), ('foo/bar/baz', 'svn://example.com/baz'), ], self._get_processed()) def testRelativeRecursionInNestedDir(self): """Verifies a gotcha of relative recursion where the parent uses relative paths but not the dependency being recursed in. In that case the recursed dependencies will only take into account the first directory of its path. In this test it can be seen in baz being placed in foo/third_party.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo" },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'use_relative_paths = True\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "third_party/bar": "/bar",\n' '}\n' 'recursedeps = ["third_party/bar"]') write(os.path.join('foo/third_party/bar', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "baz": "/baz",\n' '}') write(os.path.join('baz', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "fizz": "/fizz",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual([ ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('foo/third_party/bar', 'svn://example.com/bar'), ('foo/third_party/baz', 'svn://example.com/baz'), ], self._get_processed()) def testRecursedepsAltfile(self): """Verifies gclient respects the |recursedeps| var syntax with overridden target DEPS file. This is what we mean to check here: - Naming an alternate DEPS file in recursedeps pulls from that one. """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo" },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}\n' 'recursedeps = [("bar", "DEPS.alt")]') write(os.path.join('bar', 'DEPS'), 'ERROR ERROR ERROR') write(os.path.join('bar', 'DEPS.alt'), 'deps = {\n' ' "baz": "/baz",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual([ ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('bar', 'svn://example.com/bar'), ('baz', 'svn://example.com/baz'), ], self._get_processed()) def testGitDeps(self): """Verifies gclient respects a .DEPS.git deps file. Along the way, we also test that if both DEPS and .DEPS.git are present, that gclient does not read the DEPS file. This will reliably catch bugs where gclient is always hitting the wrong file (DEPS). """ write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write(os.path.join('foo', '.DEPS.git'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}') write(os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "baz": "/baz",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual([ ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('bar', 'svn://example.com/bar'), ], self._get_processed()) def testGitDepsFallback(self): """Verifies gclient respects fallback to DEPS upon missing deps file.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write(os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.assertEqual([ ('foo', 'svn://example.com/foo'), ('bar', 'svn://example.com/bar'), ], self._get_processed()) def testIgnoresGitDependenciesWhenFlagIsSet(self): """Verifies that git deps are ignored if --ignore-dep-type git is set.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "https://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'vars = {\n' ' "lemur_version": "version:1234",\n' '}\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' ' "baz": {\n' ' "packages": [{\n' ' "package": "lemur",\n' ' "version": Var("lemur_version"),\n' ' }],\n' ' "dep_type": "cipd",\n' ' }\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) options.ignore_dep_type = 'git' obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj._cipd_root = CIPDRootMock('src', 'https://example.com') self.assertEqual(1, len(obj.dependencies)) sol = obj.dependencies[0] sol._condition = 'some_condition' sol.ParseDepsFile() self.assertEqual(1, len(sol.dependencies)) dep = sol.dependencies[0] self.assertIsInstance(dep, gclient.CipdDependency) self.assertEqual('https://example.com/lemur@version:1234', dep.url) def testDepsFromNotAllowedHostsUnspecified(self): """Verifies gclient works fine with DEPS without allowed_hosts.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write(os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) dep = obj.dependencies[0] self.assertEqual([], dep.findDepsFromNotAllowedHosts()) self.assertEqual(frozenset(), dep.allowed_hosts) self._get_processed() def testDepsFromNotAllowedHostsOK(self): """Verifies gclient works fine with DEPS with proper allowed_hosts.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', '.DEPS.git'), 'allowed_hosts = ["example.com"]\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "svn://example.com/bar",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) dep = obj.dependencies[0] self.assertEqual([], dep.findDepsFromNotAllowedHosts()) self.assertEqual(frozenset(['example.com']), dep.allowed_hosts) self._get_processed() def testDepsFromNotAllowedHostsBad(self): """Verifies gclient works fine with DEPS with proper allowed_hosts.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', '.DEPS.git'), 'allowed_hosts = ["other.com"]\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "svn://example.com/bar",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) dep = obj.dependencies[0] self.assertEqual(frozenset(['other.com']), dep.allowed_hosts) self.assertEqual([dep.dependencies[0]], dep.findDepsFromNotAllowedHosts()) self._get_processed() def testDepsParseFailureWithEmptyAllowedHosts(self): """Verifies gclient fails with defined but empty allowed_hosts.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write(os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'allowed_hosts = []\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) try: obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.fail() except gclient_utils.Error as e: self.assertIn('allowed_hosts must be', str(e)) finally: self._get_processed() def testDepsParseFailureWithNonIterableAllowedHosts(self): """Verifies gclient fails with defined but non-iterable allowed_hosts.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write(os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'allowed_hosts = None\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) try: obj.RunOnDeps('None', []) self.fail() except gclient_utils.Error as e: self.assertIn('Key \'allowed_hosts\' error:', str(e)) finally: self._get_processed() def testCreatesCipdDependencies(self): """Verifies that CIPD deps are created correctly.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "svn://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'vars = {\n' ' "lemur_version": "version:1234",\n' '}\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": {\n' ' "packages": [{\n' ' "package": "lemur",\n' ' "version": Var("lemur_version"),\n' ' }],\n' ' "dep_type": "cipd",\n' ' }\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) obj._cipd_root = CIPDRootMock('src', 'https://example.com') self.assertEqual(1, len(obj.dependencies)) sol = obj.dependencies[0] sol._condition = 'some_condition' sol.ParseDepsFile() self.assertEqual(1, len(sol.dependencies)) dep = sol.dependencies[0] self.assertIsInstance(dep, gclient.CipdDependency) self.assertEqual('https://example.com/lemur@version:1234', dep.url) def testIgnoresCipdDependenciesWhenFlagIsSet(self): """Verifies that CIPD deps are ignored if --ignore-dep-type cipd is set.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "https://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'vars = {\n' ' "lemur_version": "version:1234",\n' '}\n' 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "/bar",\n' ' "baz": {\n' ' "packages": [{\n' ' "package": "lemur",\n' ' "version": Var("lemur_version"),\n' ' }],\n' ' "dep_type": "cipd",\n' ' }\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) options.ignore_dep_type = 'cipd' obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(1, len(obj.dependencies)) sol = obj.dependencies[0] sol._condition = 'some_condition' sol.ParseDepsFile() self.assertEqual(1, len(sol.dependencies)) dep = sol.dependencies[0] self.assertIsInstance(dep, gclient.GitDependency) self.assertEqual('https://example.com/bar', dep.url) def testParseDepsFile_FalseShouldSync_WithCustoms(self): """Only process custom_deps/hooks when should_sync is False.""" solutions = [{ 'name': 'chicken', 'url': 'https://example.com/chicken', 'deps_file': '.DEPS.git', 'custom_deps': { 'override/foo': 'https://example.com/overridefoo@123', 'new/foo': 'https://example.come/newfoo@123' }, 'custom_hooks': [{ 'name': 'overridehook', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['echo', 'chicken'] }, { 'name': 'newhook', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['echo', 'chick'] }], }] write('.gclient', 'solutions = %s' % repr(solutions)) deps = { 'override/foo': 'https://example.com/override.git@bar_version', 'notouch/foo': 'https://example.com/notouch.git@bar_version' } hooks = [{ 'name': 'overridehook', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['echo', 'cow'] }, { 'name': 'notouchhook', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['echo', 'fail'] }] pre_deps_hooks = [{ 'name': 'runfirst', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['echo', 'prehook'] }] write( os.path.join('chicken', 'DEPS'), 'deps = %s\n' 'hooks = %s\n' 'pre_deps_hooks = %s' % (repr(deps), repr(hooks), repr(pre_deps_hooks))) expected_dep_names = ['override/foo', 'new/foo'] expected_hook_names = ['overridehook', 'newhook'] options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(1, len(client.dependencies)) sol = client.dependencies[0] sol._should_sync = False sol.ParseDepsFile() self.assertEqual(1, len(sol.pre_deps_hooks)) self.assertCountEqual(expected_dep_names, [d.name for d in sol.dependencies]) self.assertCountEqual(expected_hook_names, [h.name for h in sol._deps_hooks]) def testParseDepsFile_FalseShouldSync_NoCustoms(self): """Parse DEPS when should_sync is False and no custom hooks/deps.""" solutions = [{ 'name': 'chicken', 'url': 'https://example.com/chicken', 'deps_file': '.DEPS.git', }] write('.gclient', 'solutions = %s' % repr(solutions)) deps = { 'override/foo': 'https://example.com/override.git@bar_version', 'notouch/foo': 'https://example.com/notouch.git@bar_version' } hooks = [{ 'name': 'overridehook', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['echo', 'cow'] }, { 'name': 'notouchhook', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['echo', 'fail'] }] pre_deps_hooks = [{ 'name': 'runfirst', 'pattern': '.', 'action': ['echo', 'prehook'] }] write( os.path.join('chicken', 'DEPS'), 'deps = %s\n' 'hooks = %s\n' 'pre_deps_hooks = %s' % (repr(deps), repr(hooks), repr(pre_deps_hooks))) options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(1, len(client.dependencies)) sol = client.dependencies[0] sol._should_sync = False sol.ParseDepsFile() self.assertFalse(sol.pre_deps_hooks) self.assertFalse(sol.dependencies) self.assertFalse(sol._deps_hooks) def testParseGitSubmodules_NoSubmodules(self): """ParseGitSubmodules should return {} when the dep doesn't have submodules.""" solutions = [{ 'name': 'foobar', 'url': 'https://example.com/foobar', 'deps_file': '.DEPS.git', }] write('.gclient', 'solutions = %s' % repr(solutions)) options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(1, len(client.dependencies)) sol = client.dependencies[0] self.assertEqual(sol.ParseGitSubmodules(), {}) def testParseGitSubmodules_ParsesSubmodules(self): """ParseGitSubmodules returns submodules when present.""" solutions = [{ 'name': 'foobar', 'url': 'https://example.com/foobar', 'deps_file': '.DEPS.git', }] write('.gclient', 'solutions = %s' % repr(solutions)) ls_files = """160000 be8c5114d606692dc783b60cf256690b62fbad17 0\tfoo/bar 160000 3ad3b564f8ae456f286446d091709f5a09fa4a93 0\taaaaaa 160000 956df937508b65b5e72a4cf02696255be3631b78 0\ta.a.a/a 160000 b9f77763f0fab67eeeb6371492166567a8b7a3d2 0\ta_b/c 160000 b9f77763f0fab67eeeb6371492166567a8b7a3d2 0\ta b/c""" git_config = """submodule.foo/bar.path=foo/bar submodule.foo/bar.url=http://example.com/foo/bar submodule.foo/bar.gclient-condition=checkout_linux submodule.aaaaaa.path=aaaaaa submodule.aaaaaa.url=http://example.com/aaaaaa submodule.a.a.a/a.path=a.a.a/a submodule.a.a.a/a.url=http://example.com/a.a.a/a submodule.a_b/c.path=a_b/c submodule.a_b/c.url=http://example.com/a_b/c submodule.a b/c.path=a b/c submodule.a b/c.url=http://example.com/a%20b/c""" os_path_isfile_mock = mock.MagicMock(return_value=True) subprocess2_check_output_mock = mock.MagicMock( side_effect=[git_config.encode(), ls_files.encode()]) options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(1, len(client.dependencies)) sol = client.dependencies[0] sol._use_relative_paths = True with mock.patch('os.path.isfile', os_path_isfile_mock), mock.patch( 'subprocess2.check_output', subprocess2_check_output_mock): self.assertEqual( sol.ParseGitSubmodules(), { 'foo/bar': { 'dep_type': 'git', 'url': ('http://example.com/foo/bar@' + 'be8c5114d606692dc783b60cf256690b62fbad17'), 'condition': 'checkout_linux', }, 'aaaaaa': { 'dep_type': 'git', 'url': ('http://example.com/aaaaaa@' + '3ad3b564f8ae456f286446d091709f5a09fa4a93'), }, 'a.a.a/a': { 'dep_type': 'git', 'url': ('http://example.com/a.a.a/a@' + '956df937508b65b5e72a4cf02696255be3631b78'), }, 'a_b/c': { 'dep_type': 'git', 'url': ('http://example.com/a_b/c@' + 'b9f77763f0fab67eeeb6371492166567a8b7a3d2') }, 'a b/c': { 'dep_type': 'git', 'url': ('http://example.com/a%20b/c@' + 'b9f77763f0fab67eeeb6371492166567a8b7a3d2'), } }) subprocess2_check_output_mock.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(['git', 'config', '--file', mock.ANY, '-l']), mock.call([ 'git', 'ls-files', '-s', '--', 'foo/bar', 'aaaaaa', 'a.a.a/a', 'a_b/c', 'a b/c' ], cwd=mock.ANY) ]) def testParseGitSubmodules_UsesAbsolutePath(self): """ParseGitSubmodules uses absolute path when use_relative_path is not set.""" solutions = [{ 'name': 'foobar', 'url': 'https://example.com/foobar', 'deps_file': '.DEPS.git', }] write('.gclient', 'solutions = %s' % repr(solutions)) ls_files = """160000 be8c5114d606692dc783b60cf256690b62fbad17 0\tfoo/bar 160000 3ad3b564f8ae456f286446d091709f5a09fa4a93 0\taaaaaa 160000 956df937508b65b5e72a4cf02696255be3631b78 0\ta.a.a/a 160000 b9f77763f0fab67eeeb6371492166567a8b7a3d2 0\ta_b/c 160000 b9f77763f0fab67eeeb6371492166567a8b7a3d2 0\ta b/c""" git_config = """submodule.foo/bar.path=foo/bar submodule.foo/bar.url=http://example.com/foo/bar submodule.foo/bar.gclient-condition=checkout_linux submodule.aaaaaa.path=aaaaaa submodule.aaaaaa.url=http://example.com/aaaaaa submodule.a.a.a/a.path=a.a.a/a submodule.a.a.a/a.url=http://example.com/a.a.a/a submodule.a_b/c.path=a_b/c submodule.a_b/c.url=http://example.com/a_b/c submodule.a b/c.path=a b/c submodule.a b/c.url=http://example.com/a%20b/c""" os_path_isfile_mock = mock.MagicMock(return_value=True) subprocess2_check_output_mock = mock.MagicMock( side_effect=[git_config.encode(), ls_files.encode()]) options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(1, len(client.dependencies)) sol = client.dependencies[0] with mock.patch('os.path.isfile', os_path_isfile_mock), mock.patch( 'subprocess2.check_output', subprocess2_check_output_mock): self.assertEqual( sol.ParseGitSubmodules(), { 'foobar/foo/bar': { 'dep_type': 'git', 'url': ('http://example.com/foo/bar@' + 'be8c5114d606692dc783b60cf256690b62fbad17'), 'condition': 'checkout_linux', }, 'foobar/aaaaaa': { 'dep_type': 'git', 'url': ('http://example.com/aaaaaa@' + '3ad3b564f8ae456f286446d091709f5a09fa4a93'), }, 'foobar/a.a.a/a': { 'dep_type': 'git', 'url': ('http://example.com/a.a.a/a@' + '956df937508b65b5e72a4cf02696255be3631b78'), }, 'foobar/a_b/c': { 'dep_type': 'git', 'url': ('http://example.com/a_b/c@' + 'b9f77763f0fab67eeeb6371492166567a8b7a3d2') }, 'foobar/a b/c': { 'dep_type': 'git', 'url': ('http://example.com/a%20b/c@' + 'b9f77763f0fab67eeeb6371492166567a8b7a3d2'), } }) subprocess2_check_output_mock.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(['git', 'config', '--file', mock.ANY, '-l']), mock.call([ 'git', 'ls-files', '-s', '--', 'foo/bar', 'aaaaaa', 'a.a.a/a', 'a_b/c', 'a b/c' ], cwd=mock.ANY) ]) def testSameDirAllowMultipleCipdDeps(self): """Verifies gclient allow multiple cipd deps under same directory.""" parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient('foo', options) cipd_root = CIPDRootMock(os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'dir1'), 'https://example.com') obj.add_dependencies_and_close([ gclient.Dependency(parent=obj, name='foo', url='svn://example.com/foo', managed=None, custom_deps=None, custom_vars=None, custom_hooks=None, deps_file='DEPS', should_process=True, should_recurse=True, relative=False, condition=None, protocol='https', print_outbuf=True), ], []) obj.dependencies[0].add_dependencies_and_close([ gclient.CipdDependency(parent=obj.dependencies[0], name='foo', dep_value={ 'package': 'foo_package', 'version': 'foo_version' }, cipd_root=cipd_root, custom_vars=None, should_process=True, relative=False, condition='fake_condition'), gclient.CipdDependency(parent=obj.dependencies[0], name='bar', dep_value={ 'package': 'bar_package', 'version': 'bar_version' }, cipd_root=cipd_root, custom_vars=None, should_process=True, relative=False, condition='fake_condition'), ], []) dep0 = obj.dependencies[0].dependencies[0] dep1 = obj.dependencies[0].dependencies[1] self.assertEqual('https://example.com/foo_package@foo_version', dep0.url) self.assertEqual('https://example.com/bar_package@bar_version', dep1.url) def _testPosixpathImpl(self): parser = gclient.OptionParser() options, _ = parser.parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient('src', options) cipd_root = CIPDRootMock('src', 'https://example.com') cipd_dep = gclient.CipdDependency(parent=obj, name='src/foo/bar/baz', dep_value={ 'package': 'baz_package', 'version': 'baz_version', }, cipd_root=cipd_root, custom_vars=None, should_process=True, relative=False, condition=None) self.assertEqual(cipd_dep._cipd_subdir, 'src/foo/bar/baz') def testPosixpathCipdSubdir(self): self._testPosixpathImpl() # CIPD wants posixpath separators for subdirs, even on windows. # See crbug.com/854219. def testPosixpathCipdSubdirOnWindows(self): with mock.patch('os.path', new=ntpath), (mock.patch('os.sep', new=ntpath.sep)): self._testPosixpathImpl() def testFuzzyMatchUrlByURL(self): write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "https://example.com/foo.git",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "https://example.com/bar.git@bar_version",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) foo_sol = obj.dependencies[0] self.assertEqual( 'https://example.com/foo.git', foo_sol.FuzzyMatchUrl(['https://example.com/foo.git', 'foo'])) def testFuzzyMatchUrlByURLNoGit(self): write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "https://example.com/foo.git",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "https://example.com/bar.git@bar_version",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) foo_sol = obj.dependencies[0] self.assertEqual( 'https://example.com/foo', foo_sol.FuzzyMatchUrl(['https://example.com/foo', 'foo'])) def testFuzzyMatchUrlByName(self): write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo", "url": "https://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "https://example.com/bar.git@bar_version",\n' '}') options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) foo_sol = obj.dependencies[0] self.assertEqual('foo', foo_sol.FuzzyMatchUrl(['foo'])) def testEnforceSkipSyncRevisions_DepsPatchRefs(self): """Patch_refs for any deps removes all skip_sync_revisions.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "foo/src", "url": "https://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('foo/src', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "https://example.com/bar.git@bar_version",\n' '}') write(gclient.PREVIOUS_SYNC_COMMITS_FILE, json.dumps({'foo/src': '1234'})) options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) patch_refs = {'foo/src': '1222', 'somedeps': '1111'} self.assertEqual({}, client._EnforceSkipSyncRevisions(patch_refs)) def testEnforceSkipSyncRevisions_CustomVars(self): """Changes in a sol's custom_vars removes its revisions.""" write( '.gclient', 'solutions = [\n' ' { "name": "samevars", "url": "https://example.com/foo",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' "custom_vars" : { "checkout_foo": "true" },\n' ' },\n' ' { "name": "diffvars", "url": "https://example.com/chicken",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' "custom_vars" : { "checkout_chicken": "true" },\n' ' },\n' ' { "name": "novars", "url": "https://example.com/cow",\n' ' "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git",\n' ' },\n' ']') write( os.path.join('samevars', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "bar": "https://example.com/bar.git@bar_version",\n' '}') write( os.path.join('diffvars', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "moo": "https://example.com/moo.git@moo_version",\n' '}') write( os.path.join('novars', 'DEPS'), 'deps = {\n' ' "poo": "https://example.com/poo.git@poo_version",\n' '}') previous_custom_vars = { 'samevars': { 'checkout_foo': 'true' }, 'diffvars': { 'checkout_chicken': 'false' }, } write(gclient.PREVIOUS_CUSTOM_VARS_FILE, json.dumps(previous_custom_vars)) previous_sync_commits = { 'samevars': '10001', 'diffvars': '10002', 'novars': '10003' } write(gclient.PREVIOUS_SYNC_COMMITS_FILE, json.dumps(previous_sync_commits)) options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([]) patch_refs = {'samevars': '1222'} expected_skip_sync_revisions = {'samevars': '10001', 'novars': '10003'} client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options) self.assertEqual(expected_skip_sync_revisions, client._EnforceSkipSyncRevisions(patch_refs)) class MergeVarsTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_merge_vars(self): merge_vars = gclient.merge_vars Str = gclient_eval.ConstantString l = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': True} merge_vars(l, {'foo': Str('quux')}) self.assertEqual(l, {'foo': 'quux', 'baz': True}) l = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': True} merge_vars(l, {'foo': 'quux'}) self.assertEqual(l, {'foo': 'quux', 'baz': True}) l = {'foo': Str('bar'), 'baz': True} merge_vars(l, {'foo': Str('quux')}) self.assertEqual(l, {'foo': Str('quux'), 'baz': True}) l = {'foo': Str('bar'), 'baz': True} merge_vars(l, {'foo': Str('quux')}) self.assertEqual(l, {'foo': Str('quux'), 'baz': True}) l = {'foo': 'bar'} merge_vars(l, {'baz': True}) self.assertEqual(l, {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': True}) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.stdout = gclient_utils.MakeFileAutoFlush(sys.stdout) sys.stdout = gclient_utils.MakeFileAnnotated(sys.stdout) sys.stderr = gclient_utils.MakeFileAutoFlush(sys.stderr) sys.stderr = gclient_utils.MakeFileAnnotated(sys.stderr) logging.basicConfig( level=[logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG][min(sys.argv.count('-v'), 3)], format='%(relativeCreated)4d %(levelname)5s %(module)13s(' '%(lineno)d) %(message)s') unittest.main()