@echo off :: Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. :: Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be :: found in the LICENSE file. setlocal :: To allow this powershell script to run if it was a byproduct of downloading :: and unzipping the depot_tools.zip distribution, we clear the Zone.Identifier :: alternate data stream. This is equivalent to clicking the "Unblock" button :: in the file's properties dialog. set errorlevel= if not exist "%~dp0.cipd_client.exe" ( echo.>%~dp0cipd.ps1:Zone.Identifier powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command "%~dp0cipd.ps1" < nul if not errorlevel 0 goto :END ) set /p CIPD_CLIENT_VER=<%~dp0cipd_client_version "%~dp0.cipd_client.exe" selfupdate -version "%CIPD_CLIENT_VER%" if not errorlevel 0 goto :END "%~dp0.cipd_client.exe" %* :END endlocal & ( set ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL% ) exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%