#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. set -e . ./test-lib.sh setup_initgit setup_gitgit ( set -e cd git-git git checkout -q --track -b work origin echo "some work done on a branch" >> test git add test; git commit -q -m "branch work" echo "some other work done on a branch" >> test git add test; git commit -q -m "branch work" test_expect_success "git-cl upload wants a server" \ "$GIT_CL upload 2>&1 | grep -q 'You must configure'" git config rietveld.server localhost:8080 test_expect_success "git-cl status has no issue" \ "$GIT_CL status | grep -q 'no issue'" # Prevent the editor from coming up when you upload. export EDITOR=$(which true) test_expect_success "upload succeeds (needs a server running on localhost)" \ "$GIT_CL upload -m test master | grep -q 'Issue created'" test_expect_success "git-cl status now knows the issue" \ "$GIT_CL status | grep -q 'Issue number'" # Push a description to this URL. URL=$($GIT_CL status | sed -ne '/Issue number/s/[^(]*(\(.*\))/\1/p') curl --cookie dev_appserver_login="test@example.com:False" \ --data-urlencode subject="test" \ --data-urlencode description="foo-quux" \ --data-urlencode xsrf_token="$(print_xsrf_token)" \ $URL/edit test_expect_success "Base URL contains branch name" \ "curl -s $($GIT_CL status --field=url) | grep 'URL:' | grep -q '@master'" test_expect_success "git-cl push ok" \ "$GIT_CL push -f" git checkout -q master > /dev/null 2>&1 git pull -q > /dev/null 2>&1 test_expect_success "committed code has proper description" \ "git show | grep -q 'foo-quux'" test_expect_success "issue no longer has a branch" \ "git cl status | grep -q 'work: None'" cd $GITREPO_PATH test_expect_success "upstream repo has our commit" \ "git log master 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'foo-quux'" ) SUCCESS=$? cleanup if [ $SUCCESS == 0 ]; then echo PASS fi