# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """This helper provides a build context that handles the reclient lifecycle safely. It will automatically start reproxy before running ninja and stop reproxy when build stops for any reason e.g. build completion, keyboard interrupt etc.""" import contextlib import datetime import hashlib import os import shutil import socket import subprocess import sys import time import uuid import gclient_paths import reclient_metrics THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) RECLIENT_LOG_CLEANUP = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, 'reclient_log_cleanup.py') def find_reclient_bin_dir(): tools_path = gclient_paths.GetBuildtoolsPath() if not tools_path: return None reclient_bin_dir = os.path.join(tools_path, 'reclient') if os.path.isdir(reclient_bin_dir): return reclient_bin_dir return None def find_reclient_cfg(): tools_path = gclient_paths.GetBuildtoolsPath() if not tools_path: return None reclient_cfg = os.path.join(tools_path, 'reclient_cfgs', 'reproxy.cfg') if os.path.isfile(reclient_cfg): return reclient_cfg return None def run(cmd_args): if os.environ.get('NINJA_SUMMARIZE_BUILD') == '1': print(' '.join(cmd_args)) return subprocess.call(cmd_args) def start_reproxy(reclient_cfg, reclient_bin_dir): return run([ os.path.join(reclient_bin_dir, 'bootstrap' + gclient_paths.GetExeSuffix()), '--re_proxy=' + os.path.join(reclient_bin_dir, 'reproxy' + gclient_paths.GetExeSuffix()), '--cfg=' + reclient_cfg ]) def stop_reproxy(reclient_cfg, reclient_bin_dir): return run([ os.path.join(reclient_bin_dir, 'bootstrap' + gclient_paths.GetExeSuffix()), '--shutdown', '--cfg=' + reclient_cfg ]) def find_ninja_out_dir(args): # Ninja uses getopt_long, which allows to intermix non-option arguments. # To leave non supported parameters untouched, we do not use getopt. for index, arg in enumerate(args[1:]): if arg == '-C': # + 1 to get the next argument and +1 because we trimmed off args[0] return args[index + 2] if arg.startswith('-C'): # Support -Cout/Default return arg[2:] return '.' def find_cache_dir(tmp_dir): """Helper to find the correct cache directory for a build. tmp_dir should be a build specific temp directory within the out directory. If this is called from within a gclient checkout, the cache dir will be: /.reproxy_cache/md5(tmp_dir)/ If this is not called from within a gclient checkout, the cache dir will be: tmp_dir/cache """ gclient_root = gclient_paths.FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd()) if gclient_root: return os.path.join(gclient_root, '.reproxy_cache', hashlib.md5(tmp_dir.encode()).hexdigest()) return os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'cache') def auth_cache_status(): cred_file = os.path.join(os.environ["RBE_cache_dir"], "reproxy.creds") if not os.path.isfile(cred_file): return "missing", "UNSPECIFIED" try: with open(cred_file) as f: status = "valid" mechanism = "UNSPECIFIED" for line in f.readlines(): if "seconds:" in line: exp = int(line.strip()[len("seconds:"):].strip()) if exp < (time.time() + 5 * 60): status = "expired" elif "mechanism:" in line: mechanism = line.strip()[len("mechanism:"):].strip() return status, mechanism except OSError: return "missing", "UNSPECIFIED" def get_hostname(): hostname = socket.gethostname() # In case that returned an address, make a best effort attempt to get # the hostname and ignore any errors. try: return socket.gethostbyaddr(hostname)[0] except Exception: return hostname def set_reproxy_metrics_flags(tool): """Helper to setup metrics collection flags for reproxy. The following env vars are set if not already set: RBE_metrics_project=chromium-reclient-metrics RBE_invocation_id=$AUTONINJA_BUILD_ID RBE_metrics_table=rbe_metrics.builds RBE_metrics_labels=source=developer,tool={tool} RBE_metrics_prefix=go.chromium.org """ autoninja_id = os.environ.get("AUTONINJA_BUILD_ID") if autoninja_id is not None: os.environ.setdefault("RBE_invocation_id", "%s/%s" % (get_hostname(), autoninja_id)) os.environ.setdefault("RBE_metrics_project", "chromium-reclient-metrics") os.environ.setdefault("RBE_metrics_table", "rbe_metrics.builds") labels = "source=developer,tool=" + tool auth_status, auth_mechanism = auth_cache_status() labels += ",creds_cache_status=" + auth_status labels += ",creds_cache_mechanism=" + auth_mechanism os.environ.setdefault("RBE_metrics_labels", labels) os.environ.setdefault("RBE_metrics_prefix", "go.chromium.org") def remove_mdproxy_from_path(): os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join( d for d in os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep) if "mdproxy" not in d) # Mockable datetime.datetime.utcnow for testing. def datetime_now(): return datetime.datetime.utcnow() def set_reproxy_path_flags(out_dir, make_dirs=True): """Helper to setup the logs and cache directories for reclient. Creates the following directory structure if make_dirs is true: If in a gclient checkout out_dir/ .reproxy_tmp/ logs/ .reproxy_cache/ md5(out_dir/.reproxy_tmp)/ If not in a gclient checkout out_dir/ .reproxy_tmp/ logs/ cache/ The following env vars are set if not already set: RBE_output_dir=out_dir/.reproxy_tmp/logs RBE_proxy_log_dir=out_dir/.reproxy_tmp/logs RBE_log_dir=out_dir/.reproxy_tmp/logs RBE_cache_dir=out_dir/.reproxy_tmp/cache *Nix Only: RBE_server_address=unix://out_dir/.reproxy_tmp/reproxy.sock Windows Only: RBE_server_address=pipe://md5(out_dir/.reproxy_tmp)/reproxy.pipe """ os.environ.setdefault("AUTONINJA_BUILD_ID", str(uuid.uuid4())) tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(out_dir, '.reproxy_tmp')) log_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'logs') run_log_dir = os.path.join( log_dir, datetime_now().strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%f') + "_" + os.environ["AUTONINJA_BUILD_ID"]) racing_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'racing') cache_dir = find_cache_dir(tmp_dir) if make_dirs: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(log_dir, "rbe_metrics.txt")): try: # Delete entire log dir if it is in the old format # which had no subdirectories for each build. shutil.rmtree(log_dir) except OSError: print( "Couldn't clear logs because reproxy did " "not shutdown after the last build", file=sys.stderr) os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(run_log_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(racing_dir, exist_ok=True) old_log_dirs = os.listdir(log_dir) if len(old_log_dirs) > 5: old_log_dirs.sort(key=lambda dir: dir.split("_"), reverse=True) for d in old_log_dirs[5:]: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(log_dir, d)) os.environ.setdefault("RBE_output_dir", run_log_dir) os.environ.setdefault("RBE_proxy_log_dir", run_log_dir) os.environ.setdefault("RBE_log_dir", run_log_dir) os.environ.setdefault("RBE_cache_dir", cache_dir) os.environ.setdefault("RBE_racing_tmp_dir", racing_dir) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): pipe_dir = hashlib.md5(tmp_dir.encode()).hexdigest() os.environ.setdefault("RBE_server_address", "pipe://%s/reproxy.pipe" % pipe_dir) else: # unix domain socket has path length limit, so use fixed size path here. # ref: https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/unix.7.html os.environ.setdefault( "RBE_server_address", "unix:///tmp/reproxy_%s.sock" % hashlib.sha256(tmp_dir.encode()).hexdigest()) def set_racing_defaults(): os.environ.setdefault("RBE_local_resource_fraction", "0.2") os.environ.setdefault("RBE_racing_bias", "0.95") @contextlib.contextmanager def build_context(argv, tool): # If use_remoteexec is set, but the reclient binaries or configs don't # exist, display an error message and stop. Otherwise, the build will # attempt to run with rewrapper wrapping actions, but will fail with # possible non-obvious problems. reclient_bin_dir = find_reclient_bin_dir() reclient_cfg = find_reclient_cfg() if reclient_bin_dir is None or reclient_cfg is None: print( 'Build is configured to use reclient but necessary binaries ' "or config files can't be found.\n" 'Please check if `"download_remoteexec_cfg": True` custom var is ' 'set in `.gclient`, and run `gclient sync`.', file=sys.stderr) yield 1 return ninja_out = find_ninja_out_dir(argv) try: set_reproxy_path_flags(ninja_out) except OSError: print("Error creating reproxy_tmp in output dir", file=sys.stderr) yield 1 return if reclient_metrics.check_status(ninja_out): set_reproxy_metrics_flags(tool) if os.environ.get('RBE_instance', None): print('WARNING: Using RBE_instance=%s\n' % os.environ.get('RBE_instance', '')) remote_disabled = os.environ.get('RBE_remote_disabled') if remote_disabled not in ('1', 't', 'T', 'true', 'TRUE', 'True'): set_racing_defaults() # TODO(b/292523514) remove this once a fix is landed in reproxy remove_mdproxy_from_path() start = time.time() reproxy_ret_code = start_reproxy(reclient_cfg, reclient_bin_dir) if os.environ.get('NINJA_SUMMARIZE_BUILD') == '1': elapsed = time.time() - start print('%1.3f s to start reproxy' % elapsed) if reproxy_ret_code != 0: yield reproxy_ret_code return try: yield finally: start = time.time() stop_reproxy(reclient_cfg, reclient_bin_dir) if os.environ.get('NINJA_SUMMARIZE_BUILD') == '1': elapsed = time.time() - start print('%1.3f s to stop reproxy' % elapsed)