#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Wrapper for chromite tools. The script is intend to be symlinked to any number of chromite tools, attempts to find the path for chromite, and hands off to the right tool via exec if possible. It is intended to used strictly outside of the chroot. """ import enum import os from pathlib import Path import subprocess import sys from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple # Min version of Python that we *want*. We warn for older versions. MIN_PYTHON_VER_SOFT = (3, 11) # Min version of Python that we *require*. We abort for older versions. MIN_PYTHON_VER_HARD = (3, 8) DEPOT_TOOLS_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent # Directory where cros-specific CIPD packages are installed. CIPD_CACHE_DIR = DEPOT_TOOLS_DIR / '.cipd_bin_cros_python2' class Checkout(NamedTuple): """Some details about this checkout.""" root: Path chromite_dir: Path def _FindChromite(path: Path) -> Optional[Checkout]: """Find the chromite dir in a repo, gclient, or submodule checkout.""" path = path.resolve() # Depending on the checkout type (whether repo chromeos or gclient chrome) # Chromite lives in a different location. roots = ( # CrOS checkout using normal manifest. ('.repo', 'chromite/.git'), # CrOS checkout using CitC. ('../.citc', 'chromite/__init__.py'), # Chromium checkout using gclient+DEPS. ('.gclient', 'src/third_party/chromite/.git'), # Chromium checkout using git submodules (submodules at root). ('.gitmodules', 'chromite/.git'), # Chromium checkout using git submodules. ('src/.gitmodules', 'src/third_party/chromite/.git'), # Chromium checkout using CitC. ('../.citc', 'third_party/chromite/__init__.py'), ) while path != Path("/"): for root, chromite_git_dir in roots: if all((path / x).exists() for x in [root, chromite_git_dir]): return Checkout(path, (path / chromite_git_dir).parent) path = path.parent return None def _MissingErrorOut(target): sys.stderr.write("""ERROR: Couldn't find the chromite tool %s. Please change to a directory inside your ChromiumOS source tree and retry. If you need to setup a ChromiumOS source tree, see https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/docs/+/HEAD/developer_guide.md """ % target) return 127 def _CheckPythonVersion(): """Verify active Python is new enough.""" if sys.version_info >= MIN_PYTHON_VER_SOFT: return progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print('%s: ChromiumOS requires Python-%s+, but "%s" is "%s"' % (progname, '.'.join(str(x) for x in MIN_PYTHON_VER_SOFT), sys.executable, sys.version.replace('\n', ' ')), file=sys.stderr) if sys.version_info < MIN_PYTHON_VER_HARD: print('%s: fatal: giving up since Python is too old.' % (progname, ), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) print( 'warning: temporarily continuing anyways; you must upgrade soon to ' 'maintain support.', file=sys.stderr) def _BootstrapVpython27(): """Installs the vpython2.7 packages into the cipd cache directory.""" subprocess.run([ 'cipd', 'ensure', '-log-level', 'info', '-ensure-file', DEPOT_TOOLS_DIR / 'cipd_manifest_cros_python2.txt', '-root', CIPD_CACHE_DIR ], check=True) def main(): _CheckPythonVersion() result = _FindChromite(Path.cwd()) target = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if result is None: return _MissingErrorOut(target) root, chromite_dir = result is_citc = (root.parent / ".citc").is_dir() if is_citc: # citc workspaces don't like dirty files like pyc. os.environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1" path = chromite_dir / "bin" / target # Check to see if this is a script requiring vpython2.7. with path.open("rb") as fp: shebang = next(fp).strip() interpreter = shebang.split()[-1] if interpreter in (b'python', b'python2', b'python2.7', b'vpython'): _BootstrapVpython27() vpython = CIPD_CACHE_DIR / 'vpython' args = [vpython] if interpreter != b'vpython': args.extend( ['-vpython-spec', DEPOT_TOOLS_DIR / 'cros_python2.vpython']) args.append(path) path = vpython else: args = [path] os.execv(path, args + sys.argv[1:]) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())