# depot_tools Tools for working with Chromium development. It requires python 3.8. ## Tools The most important tools are: - `fetch`: A `gclient` wrapper to checkout a project. Use `fetch --help` for more details. - `gclient`: A meta-checkout tool. Think [repo](https://source.android.com/source/using-repo.html) or [git submodules](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-submodule), except that it support OS-specific rules, e.g. do not checkout Windows only dependencies when checking out for Android. Use `gclient help` for more details and [README.gclient.md](README.gclient.md). - `git cl`: A code review tool to interact with Rietveld or Gerrit. Use `git cl help` for more details and [README.git-cl.md](README.git-cl.md). - `roll-dep`: A gclient dependency management tool to submit a _dep roll_, updating a dependency to a newer revision. There are a lot of git utilities included. ## Updating `depot_tools` updates itself automatically when running `gclient` tool. To disable auto update, set the environment variable `DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE=0` or run `./update_depot_tools_toggle.py --disable`. To update package manually, run `update_depot_tools.bat` on Windows, or `./update_depot_tools` on Linux or Mac. On Windows only, running `gclient` will install `python`. ## Contributing To contribute change for review: git new-branch # Hack git add . git commit -a -m "Fixes goat teleporting" # find reviewers git cl owners git log -- # Request a review. git cl upload -r reviewer1@chromium.org,reviewer2@chromium.org --send-mail # Edit change description if needed. git cl desc # If change is approved, flag it to be committed. git cl set-commit # If change needs more work. git rebase-update ... git cl upload -t "Fixes goat teleporter destination to be Australia" See also [open bugs](https://issues.chromium.org/issues?q=status:open%20componentid:1456102), [open reviews](https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/q/status:open+project:chromium%252Ftools%252Fdepot_tools), [forum](https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!forum/infra-dev) or [report problems](https://issues.chromium.org/issues/new?component=1456102). ### cpplint.py Until 2018, our `cpplint.py` was a copy of the upstream version at https://github.com/google/styleguide/tree/gh-pages/cpplint. Unfortunately, that repository is not maintained any more. If you want to update `cpplint.py` in `depot_tools`, just upload a patch to do so. We will figure out a long-term strategy via issue https://crbug.com/916550. Note that the `cpplint.py` here is also used by the [Tricium analyzer](https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/HEAD/go/src/infra/tricium/functions/cpplint), so if the cpplint.py here changes, we should also update the copy used there.