Fixes issue with bogus secret bytes being included when running
`led get-build`. The server would return "<REDACTED>".encode("base64"),
and led would pass this along to the task, which would fail to decode
it as a proto.,
Change-Id: Ie8b33a2dc1f05ddb163465d72ea461f9e6833363
Auto-Submit: Robbie Iannucci <>
Reviewed-by: Nodir Turakulov <>
Reviewed-by: Vadim Shtayura <>
Commit-Queue: Vadim Shtayura <>
The most notable change is in how the integrity of the tag cache file is
checked. Once deployed, existing tag cache files will be considered invalid and
The only observable side effect is the following line in the log:
"can't deserialize tag cache - no sha256 is recorded in the file",
Change-Id: I7ea300a4e7ad8be0c1d42ae561c5202420d2db62
Reviewed-by: Robbie Iannucci <>
Commit-Queue: Vadim Shtayura <>
Together with already committed cipd_client_version.digests file, this
cryptographically binds contents of CIPD packages used by depot_tools
with depot_tool's git revision (assuming the CIPD client pinned by
cipd_client_version.digests is trusted too, which can presumably be
verified when it is being pinned).
This holds true even if the CIPD backend is compromised. The worst that
can happen is a denial of service (e.g. if the backend refuses to serve
packages at all).
If a bad backend tries to serve a malicious (unexpected) CIPD client,
'cipd' bootstrap script (and its powershell counterpart) will detect
a mismatch between SHA256 of the fetched binary and what's specified in
cipd_client_version.digests, and will refuse to run the untrusted binary.
Similarly, if the bad backend tries to serve some other unexpected
package (in place of a package specified in cipd_manifest.txt), the CIPD
client (already verified and trusted as this point) will detect a mismatch
between what was fetched and what's pinned in cipd_manifest.versions, and
will refuse to install untrusted files.
cipd_manifest.versions was generated from cipd_manifest.txt by:
$ cipd ensure-file-resolve -ensure-file cipd_manifest.txt
This will have to be rerun each time cipd_manifest.txt is updated. There's
a presubmit check that verifies *.versions file is up-to-date (it's part
of 'cipd ensure-file-verify').
Change-Id: I25314adf0a9b05c69cd16e75aff01dbc79c87aa5
Commit-Queue: Vadim Shtayura <>
Reviewed-by: Andrii Shyshkalov <>