@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ class BaseGitWrapperTestCase(GCBaseTestCase, StdoutCheck, TestCaseUtils,
self . patch_ref = None
self . patch_repo = None
self . rebase_patch_ref = True
self . reset_patch_ref = True
sample_git_import = """ blob
mark : 1
@ -1011,12 +1012,18 @@ class GerritChangesFakeRepo(fake_repos.FakeReposBase):
def populateGit ( self ) :
# Creates a tree that looks like this:
# 6 refs/changes/35/1235/1
# /
# 5 refs/changes/34/1234/1
# /
# 6 refs/changes/35/1235/1
# |
# 5 refs/changes/34/1234/1
# |
# 1--2--3--4 refs/heads/master
# | |
# | 11(5)--12 refs/heads/master-with-5
# |
# 7--8--9 refs/heads/feature
# |
# 10 refs/changes/36/1236/1
self . _commit_git ( ' repo_1 ' , { ' commit 1 ' : ' touched ' } )
self . _commit_git ( ' repo_1 ' , { ' commit 2 ' : ' touched ' } )
@ -1035,6 +1042,30 @@ class GerritChangesFakeRepo(fake_repos.FakeReposBase):
' change ' : ' 1235 ' } )
self . _create_ref ( ' repo_1 ' , ' refs/changes/35/1235/1 ' , 6 )
# Create a refs/heads/feature branch on top of commit 2, consisting of three
# commits.
self . _commit_git ( ' repo_1 ' , { ' commit 7 ' : ' touched ' } , base = 2 )
self . _commit_git ( ' repo_1 ' , { ' commit 8 ' : ' touched ' } )
self . _commit_git ( ' repo_1 ' , { ' commit 9 ' : ' touched ' } )
self . _create_ref ( ' repo_1 ' , ' refs/heads/feature ' , 9 )
# Create a change of top of commit 8.
self . _commit_git ( ' repo_1 ' ,
{ ' commit 10 ' : ' touched ' ,
' change ' : ' 1236 ' } ,
base = 8 )
self . _create_ref ( ' repo_1 ' , ' refs/changes/36/1236/1 ' , 10 )
# Create a refs/heads/master-with-5 on top of commit 3 which is a branch
# where refs/changes/34/1234/1 (commit 5) has already landed as commit 11.
self . _commit_git ( ' repo_1 ' ,
# This is really commit 11, but has the changes of commit 5
{ ' commit 5 ' : ' touched ' ,
' change ' : ' 1234 ' } ,
base = 3 )
self . _commit_git ( ' repo_1 ' , { ' commit 12 ' : ' touched ' } )
self . _create_ref ( ' repo_1 ' , ' refs/heads/master-with-5 ' , 12 )
class GerritChangesTest ( fake_repos . FakeReposTestBase ) :
FAKE_REPOS_CLASS = GerritChangesFakeRepo
@ -1052,6 +1083,18 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
self . addCleanup ( rmtree , self . mirror )
self . addCleanup ( git_cache . Mirror . SetCachePath , None )
def assertCommits ( self , commits ) :
""" Check that all, and only |commits| are present in the current checkout.
for i in commits :
name = os . path . join ( self . root_dir , ' commit ' + str ( i ) )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . exists ( name ) )
all_commits = set ( range ( 1 , len ( self . FAKE_REPOS . git_hashes [ ' repo_1 ' ] ) ) )
for i in all_commits - set ( commits ) :
name = os . path . join ( self . root_dir , ' commit ' + str ( i ) )
self . assertFalse ( os . path . exists ( name ) )
def testCanCloneGerritChange ( self ) :
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
@ -1080,6 +1123,201 @@ class GerritChangesTest(fake_repos.FakeReposTestBase):
self . setUpMirror ( )
self . testCanSyncToGerritChange ( )
def testAppliesPatchOnTopOfMasterByDefault ( self ) :
""" Test the default case, where we apply a patch on top of master. """
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
# Make sure we don't specify a revision.
self . options . revision = None
scm . update ( self . options , None , file_list )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 4 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/35/1235/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
self . assertCommits ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 4 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
def testCheckoutOlderThanPatchBase ( self ) :
""" Test applying a patch on an old checkout.
We first checkout commit 1 , and try to patch refs / changes / 35 / 1235 / 1 , which
contains commits 5 and 6 , and is based on top of commit 3.
The final result should contain commits 1 , 5 and 6 , but not commits 2 or 3.
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
# Sync to commit 1
self . options . revision = self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 1 )
scm . update ( self . options , None , file_list )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 1 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/35/1235/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
self . assertCommits ( [ 1 , 5 , 6 ] )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 1 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
def testCheckoutOriginFeature ( self ) :
""" Tests that we can apply a patch on a branch other than master. """
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
# Sync to origin/feature
self . options . revision = ' origin/feature '
scm . update ( self . options , None , file_list )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 9 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/36/1236/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
self . assertCommits ( [ 1 , 2 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ] )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 9 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
def testCheckoutOriginFeatureOnOldRevision ( self ) :
""" Tests that we can apply a patch on an old checkout, on a branch other
than master . """
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
# Sync to origin/feature on an old revision
self . options . revision = self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 7 )
scm . update ( self . options , None , file_list )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 7 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/36/1236/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
# We shouldn't have rebased on top of 2 (which is the merge base between
# origin/master and the change) but on top of 7 (which is the merge base
# between origin/feature and the change).
self . assertCommits ( [ 1 , 2 , 7 , 10 ] )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 7 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
def testDoesntRebasePatchMaster ( self ) :
""" Tests that we can apply a patch without rebasing it.
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
self . options . rebase_patch_ref = False
scm . update ( self . options , None , file_list )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 4 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/35/1235/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
self . assertCommits ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 ] )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 4 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
def testDoesntRebasePatchOldCheckout ( self ) :
""" Tests that we can apply a patch without rebasing it on an old checkout.
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
# Sync to commit 1
self . options . revision = self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 1 )
self . options . rebase_patch_ref = False
scm . update ( self . options , None , file_list )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 1 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
# Apply the change on top of that.
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/35/1235/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
self . assertCommits ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 ] )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 1 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
def testDoesntSoftResetIfNotAskedTo ( self ) :
""" Test that we can apply a patch without doing a soft reset. """
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
self . options . reset_patch_ref = False
scm . update ( self . options , None , file_list )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 4 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/35/1235/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
self . assertCommits ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] )
# The commit hash after cherry-picking is not known, but it must be
# different from what the repo was synced at before patching.
self . assertNotEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 4 ) ,
self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
def testRecoversAfterPatchFailure ( self ) :
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
self . options . revision = ' refs/changes/34/1234/1 '
scm . update ( self . options , None , file_list )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 5 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
# Checkout 'refs/changes/34/1234/1' modifies the 'change' file, so trying to
# patch 'refs/changes/36/1236/1' creates a patch failure.
with self . assertRaises ( subprocess2 . CalledProcessError ) as cm :
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/36/1236/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
self . assertEqual ( cm . exception . cmd [ : 2 ] , [ ' git ' , ' cherry-pick ' ] )
self . assertIn ( ' error: could not apply ' , cm . exception . stderr )
# Try to apply 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', which doesn't have a merge
# conflict.
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/35/1235/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
self . assertCommits ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 ] )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 5 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
def testIgnoresAlreadyMergedCommits ( self ) :
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
self . options . revision = ' refs/heads/master-with-5 '
scm . update ( self . options , None , file_list )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 12 ) ,
self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
# When we try 'refs/changes/35/1235/1' on top of 'refs/heads/feature',
# 'refs/changes/34/1234/1' will be an empty commit, since the changes were
# already present in the tree as commit 11.
# Make sure we deal with this gracefully.
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/35/1235/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
self . assertCommits ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 12 ] )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 12 ) ,
self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
def testRecoversFromExistingCherryPick ( self ) :
scm = gclient_scm . GitWrapper ( self . url , self . root_dir , ' . ' )
file_list = [ ]
self . options . revision = ' refs/changes/34/1234/1 '
scm . update ( self . options , None , file_list )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 5 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
# Checkout 'refs/changes/34/1234/1' modifies the 'change' file, so trying to
# cherry-pick 'refs/changes/36/1236/1' raises an error.
scm . _Run ( [ ' fetch ' , ' origin ' , ' refs/changes/36/1236/1 ' ] , self . options )
with self . assertRaises ( subprocess2 . CalledProcessError ) as cm :
scm . _Run ( [ ' cherry-pick ' , ' FETCH_HEAD ' ] , self . options )
self . assertEqual ( cm . exception . cmd [ : 2 ] , [ ' git ' , ' cherry-pick ' ] )
# Try to apply 'refs/changes/35/1235/1', which doesn't have a merge
# conflict.
scm . apply_patch_ref ( self . url , ' refs/changes/35/1235/1 ' , self . options ,
file_list )
self . assertCommits ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 ] )
self . assertEqual ( self . githash ( ' repo_1 ' , 5 ) , self . gitrevparse ( self . root_dir ) )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
level = logging . DEBUG if ' -v ' in sys . argv else logging . FATAL