@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
:: returned.
set WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_URL=http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/tools
set GIT_BIN_DIR=git-1.8.0_bin
:: Get absolute root directory (.js scripts don't handle relative paths well).
pushd %~dp0..\..
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ if "%1" == "force" (
:: If the batch file exists, skip the git check.
if exist "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" goto :SVN_CHECK
if "%CHROME_HEADLESS%" == "1" goto :SVN_CHECK
if "%WIN_TOOLS_FORCE%" == "1" goto :GIT_INSTALL
call git --version 2>nul 1>nul
@ -36,20 +37,20 @@ goto :SVN_CHECK
echo Installing git (avg 1-2 min download) ...
:: git is not accessible; check it out and create 'proxy' files.
if exist "%~dp0git.zip" del "%~dp0git.zip"
cscript //nologo //e:jscript "%~dp0get_file.js" %WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_URL%/third_party/git_bin.zip "%~dp0git.zip"
cscript //nologo //e:jscript "%~dp0get_file.js" %WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_URL%/third_party/git-1.8.0_bin.zip "%~dp0git.zip"
if errorlevel 1 goto :GIT_FAIL
:: Cleanup svn directory if it was existing.
if exist "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git_bin\." rd /q /s "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git_bin"
:: Will create git_bin\...
:: Will create %GIT_BIN_DIR%\...
cscript //nologo //e:jscript "%~dp0unzip.js" "%~dp0git.zip" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%"
if errorlevel 1 goto :GIT_FAIL
if not exist "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git_bin\." goto :GIT_FAIL
if not exist "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\." goto :GIT_FAIL
del "%~dp0git.zip"
:: Create the batch files.
call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git_bin\git.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" 1>nul
call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git_bin\gitk.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\gitk.bat" 1>nul
call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git_bin\ssh.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\ssh.bat" 1>nul
call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git_bin\ssh-keygen.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\ssh-keygen.bat" 1>nul
call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\git.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" 1>nul
call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\gitk.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\gitk.bat" 1>nul
call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\ssh.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\ssh.bat" 1>nul
call copy /y "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\%GIT_BIN_DIR%\ssh-keygen.bat" "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\ssh-keygen.bat" 1>nul
:: Ensure autocrlf and filemode are set correctly.
call "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" config --global core.autocrlf false
call "%WIN_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR%\git.bat" config --global core.filemode false