@ -6,14 +6,17 @@
""" Generate fake repositories for testing. """
import atexit
import datetime
import errno
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re
import socket
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import unittest
@ -24,23 +27,43 @@ import scm
## Utility functions
def addKill ( ) :
""" Add kill() method to subprocess.Popen for python <2.6 """
if getattr ( subprocess . Popen , ' kill ' , None ) :
def kill_pid ( pid ) :
""" Kills a process by its process id. """
try :
# Unable to import 'module'
# pylint: disable=F0401
import signal
return os . kill ( pid , signal . SIGKILL )
except ImportError :
def kill_win ( process ) :
""" Kills a process with its windows handle.
Has no effect on other platforms .
try :
# Unable to import 'module'
# pylint: disable=F0401
import win32process
# Access to a protected member _handle of a client class
# pylint: disable=W0212
return win32process . TerminateProcess ( process . _handle , - 1 )
except ImportError :
def add_kill ( ) :
""" Adds kill() method to subprocess.Popen for python <2.6 """
if hasattr ( subprocess . Popen , ' kill ' ) :
# Unable to import 'module'
# pylint: disable=F0401
if sys . platform == ' win32 ' :
def kill_win ( process ) :
import win32process
# Access to a protected member _handle of a client class
# pylint: disable=W0212
return win32process . TerminateProcess ( process . _handle , - 1 )
subprocess . Popen . kill = kill_win
else :
def kill_nix ( process ) :
import signal
return os . kill ( process . pid , signal . SIGKILL )
return kill_pid ( process . pid )
subprocess . Popen . kill = kill_nix
@ -250,11 +273,14 @@ class FakeReposBase(object):
self . gitdaemon = None
self . common_init = False
self . repos_dir = None
self . git_pid_file = None
self . git_root = None
self . svn_checkout = None
self . svn_repo = None
self . git_dirty = False
self . svn_dirty = False
self . svn_port = 3690
self . git_port = 9418
def trial_dir ( self ) :
if not self . TRIAL_DIR :
@ -262,7 +288,7 @@ class FakeReposBase(object):
os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , ' _trial ' )
return self . TRIAL_DIR
def set U p( self ) :
def set _u p( self ) :
""" All late initialization comes here.
Note that it deletes all trial_dir ( ) and not only repos_dir .
@ -274,46 +300,59 @@ class FakeReposBase(object):
self . git_root = join ( self . repos_dir , ' git ' )
self . svn_checkout = join ( self . repos_dir , ' svn_checkout ' )
self . svn_repo = join ( self . repos_dir , ' svn ' )
add K ill( )
add _k ill( )
rmtree ( self . trial_dir ( ) )
os . makedirs ( self . repos_dir )
atexit . register ( self . tear D own)
atexit . register ( self . tear _d own)
def cleanup_dirt ( self ) :
""" For each dirty repository, regenerate it. """
if self . svnserve and self . svn_dirty :
if self . svn_dirty :
if not self . tear_down_svn ( ) :
logging . warning ( ' Using both leaking checkout and svn dirty checkout ' )
if self . git_dirty :
if not self . tear_down_git ( ) :
logging . warning ( ' Using both leaking checkout and git dirty checkout ' )
def tear_down ( self ) :
self . tear_down_svn ( )
self . tear_down_git ( )
if not self . SHOULD_LEAK :
logging . debug ( ' Removing %s ' % self . trial_dir ( ) )
rmtree ( self . trial_dir ( ) )
def tear_down_svn ( self ) :
if self . svnserve :
logging . debug ( ' Killing svnserve pid %s ' % self . svnserve . pid )
self . svnserve . kill ( )
self . wait_for_port_to_free ( self . svn_port )
self . svnserve = None
if not self . SHOULD_LEAK :
logging . debug ( ' Removing dirty %s ' % self . svn_repo )
logging . debug ( ' Removing %s ' % self . svn_repo )
rmtree ( self . svn_repo )
logging . debug ( ' Removing dirty %s ' % self . svn_checkout )
logging . debug ( ' Removing %s ' % self . svn_checkout )
rmtree ( self . svn_checkout )
else :
logging . warning ( ' Using both leaking checkout and dirty checkout ' )
if self . gitdaemon and self . git_dirty :
return False
return True
def tear_down_git ( self ) :
if self . gitdaemon :
logging . debug ( ' Killing git-daemon pid %s ' % self . gitdaemon . pid )
self . gitdaemon . kill ( )
self . gitdaemon = None
if self . git_pid_file :
pid = int ( self . git_pid_file . read ( ) )
self . git_pid_file . close ( )
kill_pid ( pid )
self . git_pid_file = None
self . wait_for_port_to_free ( self . git_port )
if not self . SHOULD_LEAK :
logging . debug ( ' Removing dirty %s ' % self . git_root )
logging . debug ( ' Removing %s ' % self . git_root )
rmtree ( self . git_root )
else :
logging . warning ( ' Using both leaking checkout and dirty checkout ' )
def tearDown ( self ) :
if self . svnserve :
logging . debug ( ' Killing svnserve pid %s ' % self . svnserve . pid )
self . svnserve . kill ( )
self . svnserve = None
if self . gitdaemon :
logging . debug ( ' Killing git-daemon pid %s ' % self . gitdaemon . pid )
self . gitdaemon . kill ( )
self . gitdaemon = None
if not self . SHOULD_LEAK :
logging . debug ( ' Removing %s ' % self . trial_dir ( ) )
rmtree ( self . trial_dir ( ) )
return False
return True
def _genTree ( root , tree_dict ) :
@ -332,9 +371,9 @@ class FakeReposBase(object):
else :
write ( join ( root , k ) , v )
def set UpSVN ( self ) :
def set _up_svn ( self ) :
""" Creates subversion repositories and start the servers. """
self . set U p( )
self . set _u p( )
if self . svnserve :
return True
try :
@ -354,28 +393,38 @@ class FakeReposBase(object):
cmd = [ ' svnserve ' , ' -d ' , ' --foreground ' , ' -r ' , self . repos_dir ]
if self . HOST == ' ' :
cmd . append ( ' --listen-host= ' )
self . check_port_is_free ( self . svn_port )
self . svnserve = Popen ( cmd , cwd = self . svn_repo )
self . wait_for_port_to_bind ( self . svn_port , self . svnserve )
self . populateSvn ( )
self . svn_dirty = False
return True
def set UpGIT ( self ) :
def set _up_git ( self ) :
""" Creates git repositories and start the servers. """
self . set U p( )
self . set _u p( )
if self . gitdaemon :
return True
if sys . platform == ' win32 ' :
return False
assert self . git_pid_file == None
for repo in [ ' repo_ %d ' % r for r in range ( 1 , self . NB_GIT_REPOS + 1 ) ] :
check_call ( [ ' git ' , ' init ' , ' -q ' , join ( self . git_root , repo ) ] )
self . git_hashes [ repo ] = [ None ]
# Unlike svn, populate git before starting the server.
self . populateGit ( )
# Start the daemon.
cmd = [ ' git ' , ' daemon ' , ' --export-all ' , ' --base-path= ' + self . repos_dir ]
self . git_pid_file = tempfile . NamedTemporaryFile ( )
cmd = [ ' git ' , ' daemon ' ,
' --export-all ' ,
' --reuseaddr ' ,
' --base-path= ' + self . repos_dir ,
' --pid-file= ' + self . git_pid_file . name ]
if self . HOST == ' ' :
cmd . append ( ' --listen= ' )
logging . debug ( cmd )
self . check_port_is_free ( self . git_port )
self . gitdaemon = Popen ( cmd , cwd = self . repos_dir )
self . wait_for_port_to_bind ( self . git_port , self . gitdaemon )
self . git_dirty = False
return True
@ -400,6 +449,52 @@ class FakeReposBase(object):
new_tree = tree . copy ( )
self . git_hashes [ repo ] . append ( ( commit_hash , new_tree ) )
def check_port_is_free ( self , port ) :
sock = socket . socket ( )
try :
sock . connect ( ( self . HOST , port ) )
# It worked, throw.
assert False , ' %d shouldn \' t be bound ' % port
except EnvironmentError :
finally :
sock . close ( )
def wait_for_port_to_bind ( self , port , process ) :
sock = socket . socket ( )
try :
start = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
maxdelay = datetime . timedelta ( seconds = 30 )
while ( datetime . datetime . utcnow ( ) - start ) < maxdelay :
try :
sock . connect ( ( self . HOST , port ) )
logging . debug ( ' %d is now bound ' % port )
except EnvironmentError :
logging . debug ( ' %d is still not bound ' % port )
finally :
sock . close ( )
# The process failed to bind. Kill it and dump its ouput.
process . kill ( )
logging . error ( ' %s ' % process . communicate ( ) [ 0 ] )
assert False , ' %d is still not bound ' % port
def wait_for_port_to_free ( self , port ) :
start = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
maxdelay = datetime . timedelta ( seconds = 30 )
while ( datetime . datetime . utcnow ( ) - start ) < maxdelay :
try :
sock = socket . socket ( )
sock . connect ( ( self . HOST , port ) )
logging . debug ( ' %d was bound, waiting to free ' % port )
except EnvironmentError :
logging . debug ( ' %d now free ' % port )
finally :
sock . close ( )
assert False , ' %d is still bound ' % port
def populateSvn ( self ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
@ -635,7 +730,7 @@ class FakeReposTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp ( self ) :
unittest . TestCase . setUp ( self )
self . FAKE_REPOS . set U p( )
self . FAKE_REPOS . set _u p( )
# Remove left overs and start fresh.
if not self . CLASS_ROOT_DIR :
@ -720,7 +815,8 @@ def main(argv):
fake = FakeRepos ( )
print ' Using %s ' % fake . trial_dir ( )
try :
fake . setUp ( )
fake . set_up_svn ( )
fake . set_up_git ( )
print ( ' Fake setup, press enter to quit or Ctrl-C to keep the checkouts. ' )
sys . stdin . readline ( )
except KeyboardInterrupt :