@ -39,10 +39,7 @@ import breakpad # pylint: disable=W0611
# gcl now depends on gclient.
from scm import SVN
import gclient_utils
import owners
import presubmit_support
__version__ = ' 1.2 '
@ -73,7 +70,6 @@ FILES_CACHE = {}
DEFAULT_LINT_REGEX = r " (.* \ .cpp|.* \ .cc|.* \ .h) "
REVIEWERS_REGEX = r ' \ s*R=(.+) '
def CheckHomeForFile ( filename ) :
""" Checks the users home dir for the existence of the given file. Returns
@ -290,10 +286,7 @@ class ChangeInfo(object):
self . name = name
self . issue = int ( issue )
self . patchset = int ( patchset )
self . _description = None
self . _subject = None
self . _reviewers = None
self . _set_description ( description )
self . description = description
if files is None :
files = [ ]
self . _files = files
@ -305,44 +298,6 @@ class ChangeInfo(object):
# Set the default value.
self . rietveld = GetCodeReviewSetting ( ' CODE_REVIEW_SERVER ' )
def _get_description ( self ) :
return self . _description
def _set_description ( self , description ) :
# TODO(dpranke): Cloned from git_cl.py. These should be shared.
if not description :
self . _description = description
parsed_lines = [ ]
reviewers_re = re . compile ( REVIEWERS_REGEX )
reviewers = ' '
subject = ' '
for l in description . splitlines ( ) :
if not subject :
subject = l
matched_reviewers = reviewers_re . match ( l )
if matched_reviewers :
reviewers = matched_reviewers . group ( 1 )
parsed_lines . append ( l )
if len ( subject ) > 100 :
subject = subject [ : 97 ] + ' ... '
self . _subject = subject
self . _reviewers = reviewers
self . _description = ' \n ' . join ( parsed_lines )
description = property ( _get_description , _set_description )
def reviewers ( self ) :
return self . _reviewers
def subject ( self ) :
return self . _subject
def NeedsUpload ( self ) :
return self . needs_upload
@ -759,16 +714,10 @@ def GenerateDiff(files, root=None):
def OptionallyDoPresubmitChecks ( change_info , committing , args ) :
if FilterFlag ( args , " --no_presubmit " ) or FilterFlag ( args , " --force " ) :
return presubmit_support . PresubmitOutput ( )
return True
return DoPresubmitChecks ( change_info , committing , True )
def suggest_reviewers ( change_info , affected_files ) :
owners_db = owners . Database ( change_info . GetLocalRoot ( ) , fopen = file ,
os_path = os . path )
return owners_db . reviewers_for ( affected_files )
def defer_attributes ( a , b ) :
""" Copy attributes from an object (like a function) to another. """
for x in dir ( a ) :
@ -848,9 +797,7 @@ def CMDupload(change_info, args):
if not change_info . GetFiles ( ) :
print " Nothing to upload, changelist is empty. "
return 0
output = OptionallyDoPresubmitChecks ( change_info , False , args )
if not output . should_continue ( ) :
if not OptionallyDoPresubmitChecks ( change_info , False , args ) :
return 1
no_watchlists = ( FilterFlag ( args , " --no_watchlists " ) or
FilterFlag ( args , " --no-watchlists " ) )
@ -861,13 +808,6 @@ def CMDupload(change_info, args):
upload_arg = [ " upload.py " , " -y " ]
upload_arg . append ( " --server= %s " % change_info . rietveld )
reviewers = change_info . reviewers or output . reviewers
if ( reviewers and
not any ( arg . startswith ( ' -r ' ) or arg . startswith ( ' --reviewer ' ) for
arg in args ) ) :
upload_arg . append ( ' --reviewers= %s ' % ' , ' . join ( reviewers ) )
upload_arg . extend ( args )
desc_file = " "
@ -901,8 +841,15 @@ def CMDupload(change_info, args):
if cc_list :
upload_arg . append ( " --cc= " + cc_list )
upload_arg . append ( " --description_file= " + desc_file + " " )
if change_info . subject :
upload_arg . append ( " --message= " + change_info . subject )
if change_info . description :
subject = change_info . description [ : 77 ]
if subject . find ( " \r \n " ) != - 1 :
subject = subject [ : subject . find ( " \r \n " ) ]
if subject . find ( " \n " ) != - 1 :
subject = subject [ : subject . find ( " \n " ) ]
if len ( change_info . description ) > 77 :
subject = subject + " ... "
upload_arg . append ( " --message= " + subject )
if GetCodeReviewSetting ( " PRIVATE " ) == " True " :
upload_arg . append ( " --private " )
@ -1034,7 +981,7 @@ def CMDcommit(change_info, args):
revision = re . compile ( " .*? \n Committed revision ( \ d+) " ,
re . DOTALL ) . match ( output ) . group ( 1 )
viewvc_url = GetCodeReviewSetting ( " VIEW_VC " )
change_info . description += ' \n '
change_info . description = change_info . description + ' \n '
if viewvc_url :
change_info . description + = " \n Committed: " + viewvc_url + revision
change_info . CloseIssue ( )
@ -1096,13 +1043,6 @@ def CMDchange(args):
affected_files = [ x for x in other_files if file_re . match ( x [ 0 ] ) ]
unaffected_files = [ x for x in other_files if not file_re . match ( x [ 0 ] ) ]
suggested_reviewers = suggest_reviewers ( change_info , affected_files )
if suggested_reviewers :
reviewers_re = re . compile ( REVIEWERS_REGEX )
if not any (
reviewers_re . match ( l ) for l in description . splitlines ( ) ) :
description + = ' \n R= ' + ' , ' . join ( suggested_reviewers ) + ' \n '
separator1 = ( " \n ---All lines above this line become the description. \n "
" ---Repository Root: " + change_info . GetLocalRoot ( ) + " \n "
" ---Paths in this changelist ( " + change_info . name + " ): \n " )
@ -1224,6 +1164,8 @@ def CMDlint(change_info, args):
def DoPresubmitChecks ( change_info , committing , may_prompt ) :
""" Imports presubmit, then calls presubmit.DoPresubmitChecks. """
# Need to import here to avoid circular dependency.
import presubmit_support
root_presubmit = GetCachedFile ( ' PRESUBMIT.py ' , use_root = True )
change = presubmit_support . SvnChange ( change_info . name ,
change_info . description ,
@ -1237,14 +1179,13 @@ def DoPresubmitChecks(change_info, committing, may_prompt):
output_stream = sys . stdout ,
input_stream = sys . stdin ,
default_presubmit = root_presubmit ,
may_prompt = may_prompt ,
tbr = False ,
host_url = change_info . rietveld )
may_prompt = may_prompt )
if not output . should_continue ( ) and may_prompt :
# TODO(dpranke): move into DoPresubmitChecks(), unify cmd line args.
print " \n Presubmit errors, can ' t continue (use --no_presubmit to bypass) "
return output
# TODO(dpranke): Return the output object and make use of it.
return output . should_continue ( )