Refactor ChangeInfo.Load() to make it possible to switch to a new format more easily.

The new format will be introduced in the next change.

TEST=not much, mostly manually tested.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
experimental/szager/collated-output 15 years ago
parent 79b7ef0500
commit 8a8ea02a22

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
@ -442,30 +442,16 @@ class ChangeInfo(object):
ErrorExit("Changelist " + changename + " not found.")
return ChangeInfo(changename, 0, 0, '', None, local_root,
split_data = gclient_utils.FileRead(info_file, 'r').split(
ChangeInfo._SEPARATOR, 2)
if len(split_data) != 3:
content = gclient_utils.FileRead(info_file, 'r')
save = False
values = ChangeInfo._LoadOldFormat(content)
except ValueError:
('Changelist file %s is corrupt.\n'
'Either run "gcl delete %s" or manually edit the file') % (
info_file, changename))
items = split_data[0].split(', ')
issue = 0
patchset = 0
needs_upload = False
if items[0]:
issue = int(items[0])
if len(items) > 1:
patchset = int(items[1])
if len(items) > 2:
needs_upload = (items[2] == "dirty")
files = []
for line in split_data[1].splitlines():
status = line[:7]
filename = line[7:]
files.append((status, filename))
description = split_data[2]
save = False
files = values['files']
if update_status:
for item in files[:]:
filename = os.path.join(local_root, item[1])
@ -479,12 +465,38 @@ class ChangeInfo(object):
if status != item[0]:
save = True
files[files.index(item)] = (status, item[1])
change_info = ChangeInfo(changename, issue, patchset, description, files,
local_root, needs_upload)
change_info = ChangeInfo(changename, values['issue'], values['patchset'],
values['description'], files,
local_root, values['needs_upload'])
if save:
return change_info
def _LoadOldFormat(content):
split_data = content.split(ChangeInfo._SEPARATOR, 2)
if len(split_data) != 3:
raise ValueError('Bad change format')
values = {
'issue': 0,
'patchset': 0,
'needs_upload': False,
'files': [],
items = split_data[0].split(', ')
if items[0]:
values['issue'] = int(items[0])
if len(items) > 1:
values['patchset'] = int(items[1])
if len(items) > 2:
values['needs_upload'] = (items[2] == "dirty")
for line in split_data[1].splitlines():
status = line[:7]
filename = line[7:]
values['files'].append((status, filename))
values['description'] = split_data[2]
return values
def GetChangelistInfoFile(changename):
"""Returns the file that stores information about a changelist."""
