@ -3,17 +3,49 @@
# found in the LICENSE file.
import ast
import cStringIO
import collections
import tokenize
from third_party import schema
class _NodeDict ( collections . Mapping ) :
""" Dict-like type that also stores information on AST nodes and tokens. """
def __init__ ( self , data , tokens = None ) :
self . data = collections . OrderedDict ( data )
self . tokens = tokens
def __str__ ( self ) :
return str ( { k : v [ 0 ] for k , v in self . data . iteritems ( ) } )
def __getitem__ ( self , key ) :
return self . data [ key ] [ 0 ]
def __iter__ ( self ) :
return iter ( self . data )
def __len__ ( self ) :
return len ( self . data )
def GetNode ( self , key ) :
return self . data [ key ] [ 1 ]
def _SetNode ( self , key , value , node ) :
self . data [ key ] = ( value , node )
def _NodeDictSchema ( dict_schema ) :
""" Validate dict_schema after converting _NodeDict to a regular dict. """
return lambda d : schema . Schema ( dict_schema ) . validate ( dict ( d ) )
# See https://github.com/keleshev/schema for docs how to configure schema.
_GCLIENT_DEPS_SCHEMA = _NodeDictSchema ( {
schema . Optional ( basestring ) : schema . Or (
None ,
basestring ,
_NodeDictSchema ( {
# Repo and revision to check out under the path
# (same as if no dict was used).
' url ' : basestring ,
@ -23,25 +55,25 @@ _GCLIENT_DEPS_SCHEMA = {
schema . Optional ( ' condition ' ) : basestring ,
schema . Optional ( ' dep_type ' , default = ' git ' ) : basestring ,
} ,
} ) ,
# CIPD package.
_NodeDictSchema ( {
' packages ' : [
_NodeDictSchema ( {
' package ' : basestring ,
' version ' : basestring ,
} )
] ,
schema . Optional ( ' condition ' ) : basestring ,
schema . Optional ( ' dep_type ' , default = ' cipd ' ) : basestring ,
} ,
} ) ,
) ,
} )
_GCLIENT_HOOKS_SCHEMA = [ _NodeDictSchema ( {
# Hook action: list of command-line arguments to invoke.
' action ' : [ basestring ] ,
@ -59,9 +91,9 @@ _GCLIENT_HOOKS_SCHEMA = [{
# Optional condition string. The hook will only be run
# if the condition evaluates to True.
schema . Optional ( ' condition ' ) : basestring ,
} ]
} ) ]
_GCLIENT_SCHEMA = schema . Schema ( {
_GCLIENT_SCHEMA = schema . Schema ( _NodeDictSchema ( {
# List of host names from which dependencies are allowed (whitelist).
# NOTE: when not present, all hosts are allowed.
# NOTE: scoped to current DEPS file, not recursive.
@ -79,9 +111,9 @@ _GCLIENT_SCHEMA = schema.Schema({
# Similar to 'deps' (see above) - also keyed by OS (e.g. 'linux').
# Also see 'target_os'.
schema . Optional ( ' deps_os ' ) : {
schema . Optional ( ' deps_os ' ) : _NodeDictSchema ( {
schema . Optional ( basestring ) : _GCLIENT_DEPS_SCHEMA ,
} ,
} ) ,
# Path to GN args file to write selected variables.
schema . Optional ( ' gclient_gn_args_file ' ) : basestring ,
@ -95,9 +127,9 @@ _GCLIENT_SCHEMA = schema.Schema({
schema . Optional ( ' hooks ' ) : _GCLIENT_HOOKS_SCHEMA ,
# Similar to 'hooks', also keyed by OS.
schema . Optional ( ' hooks_os ' ) : {
schema . Optional ( ' hooks_os ' ) : _NodeDictSchema ( {
schema . Optional ( basestring ) : _GCLIENT_HOOKS_SCHEMA
} ,
} ) ,
# Rules which #includes are allowed in the directory.
# Also see 'skip_child_includes' and 'specific_include_rules'.
@ -123,9 +155,9 @@ _GCLIENT_SCHEMA = schema.Schema({
# Mapping from paths to include rules specific for that path.
# See 'include_rules' for more details.
schema . Optional ( ' specific_include_rules ' ) : {
schema . Optional ( ' specific_include_rules ' ) : _NodeDictSchema ( {
schema . Optional ( basestring ) : [ basestring ]
} ,
} ) ,
# List of additional OS names to consider when selecting dependencies
# from deps_os.
@ -136,10 +168,10 @@ _GCLIENT_SCHEMA = schema.Schema({
schema . Optional ( ' use_relative_paths ' ) : bool ,
# Variables that can be referenced using Var() - see 'deps'.
schema . Optional ( ' vars ' ) : {
schema . Optional ( ' vars ' ) : _NodeDictSchema ( {
schema . Optional ( basestring ) : schema . Or ( basestring , bool ) ,
} ,
} )
} ) ,
} ) )
def _gclient_eval ( node_or_string , global_scope , filename = ' <unknown> ' ) :
@ -159,8 +191,7 @@ def _gclient_eval(node_or_string, global_scope, filename='<unknown>'):
elif isinstance ( node , ast . List ) :
return list ( map ( _convert , node . elts ) )
elif isinstance ( node , ast . Dict ) :
return collections . OrderedDict (
( _convert ( k ) , _convert ( v ) )
return _NodeDict ( ( _convert ( k ) , ( _convert ( v ) , v ) )
for k , v in zip ( node . keys , node . values ) )
elif isinstance ( node , ast . Name ) :
if node . id not in _allowed_names :
@ -197,6 +228,7 @@ def Exec(content, global_scope, local_scope, filename='<unknown>'):
if isinstance ( node_or_string , ast . Expression ) :
node_or_string = node_or_string . body
defined_variables = set ( )
def _visit_in_module ( node ) :
if isinstance ( node , ast . Assign ) :
if len ( node . targets ) != 1 :
@ -210,12 +242,13 @@ def Exec(content, global_scope, local_scope, filename='<unknown>'):
filename , getattr ( node , ' lineno ' , ' <unknown> ' ) ) )
value = _gclient_eval ( node . value , global_scope , filename = filename )
if target . id in local_scope :
if target . id in defined_variables :
raise ValueError (
' invalid assignment: overrides var %r (file %r , line %s ) ' % (
target . id , filename , getattr ( node , ' lineno ' , ' <unknown> ' ) ) )
local_scope [ target . id ] = value
defined_variables . add ( target . id )
return target . id , ( value , node . value )
else :
raise ValueError (
' unexpected AST node: %s %s (file %r , line %s ) ' % (
@ -223,8 +256,15 @@ def Exec(content, global_scope, local_scope, filename='<unknown>'):
getattr ( node , ' lineno ' , ' <unknown> ' ) ) )
if isinstance ( node_or_string , ast . Module ) :
data = [ ]
for stmt in node_or_string . body :
_visit_in_module ( stmt )
data . append ( _visit_in_module ( stmt ) )
tokens = {
token [ 2 ] : list ( token )
for token in tokenize . generate_tokens (
cStringIO . StringIO ( content ) . readline )
local_scope = _NodeDict ( data , tokens )
else :
raise ValueError (
' unexpected AST node: %s %s (file %r , line %s ) ' % (
@ -333,3 +373,56 @@ def EvaluateCondition(condition, variables, referenced_variables=None):
' unexpected AST node: %s %s (inside %r ) ' % (
node , ast . dump ( node ) , condition ) )
return _convert ( main_node )
def RenderDEPSFile ( gclient_dict ) :
contents = sorted ( gclient_dict . tokens . values ( ) , key = lambda token : token [ 2 ] )
return tokenize . untokenize ( contents )
def _UpdateAstString ( tokens , node , value ) :
position = node . lineno , node . col_offset
tokens [ position ] [ 1 ] = repr ( value )
node . s = value
def SetVar ( gclient_dict , var_name , value ) :
node = gclient_dict [ ' vars ' ] . GetNode ( var_name )
tokens = gclient_dict . tokens
_UpdateAstString ( tokens , node , value )
gclient_dict [ ' vars ' ] . _SetNode ( var_name , value , node )
def SetCIPD ( gclient_dict , dep_name , package_name , new_version ) :
packages = [
for package in gclient_dict [ ' deps ' ] [ dep_name ] [ ' packages ' ]
if package [ ' package ' ] == package_name
assert len ( packages ) == 1
node = packages [ 0 ] . GetNode ( ' version ' )
# TODO(ehmaldonado): Support Var in package's version.
tokens = gclient_dict . tokens
new_version = ' version: ' + new_version
_UpdateAstString ( tokens , node , new_version )
packages [ 0 ] . _SetNode ( ' version ' , new_version , node )
def SetRevision ( gclient_dict , global_scope , dep_name , new_revision ) :
def _UpdateRevision ( dep_dict , dep_key ) :
dep_node = dep_dict . GetNode ( dep_key )
node = dep_node
if isinstance ( node , ast . BinOp ) :
node = node . right
if isinstance ( node , ast . Call ) :
SetVar ( gclient_dict , node . args [ 0 ] . s , new_revision )
else :
_UpdateAstString ( gclient_dict . tokens , node , new_revision )
value = _gclient_eval ( dep_node , global_scope )
dep_dict . _SetNode ( dep_key , value , dep_node )
# TODO(ehmaldonado): Support Var in dep names.
if isinstance ( gclient_dict [ ' deps ' ] [ dep_name ] , _NodeDict ) :
_UpdateRevision ( gclient_dict [ ' deps ' ] [ dep_name ] , ' url ' )
else :
_UpdateRevision ( gclient_dict [ ' deps ' ] , dep_name )