@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ CL_SPLIT_FORCE_LIMIT = 10
def Emit ( msg : str ) :
""" Wrapper for easier mocking during tests """
print ( msg )
def EmitWarning ( msg : str ) :
print ( " Warning: " , msg )
@ -152,16 +156,15 @@ def ValidateExistingBranches(prefix: str, cl_infos: List[CLInfo]) -> bool:
CreateBranchName ( prefix , info . files ) for info in cl_infos )
if not branches_on_disk . issubset ( branches_to_be_made ) :
print (
" It seems like you ' ve already run `git cl split` on this branch. \n "
" If you ' re resuming a previous upload, you must pass in the "
" same splitting as before, using the --from-file option. \n "
" If you ' re starting a new upload, please clean up existing split "
f " branches (starting with ' { prefix } _ ' and ending with ' _split ' ), "
" and re-run the tool. " )
print ( " The following branches need to be cleaned up: \n " )
Emit ( " It seems like you ' ve already run `git cl split` on this branch. \n "
" If you ' re resuming a previous upload, you must pass in the "
" same splitting as before, using the --from-file option. \n "
" If you ' re starting a new upload, please clean up existing split "
f " branches (starting with ' { prefix } _ ' and ending with ' _split ' ), "
" and re-run the tool. " )
Emit ( " The following branches need to be cleaned up: \n " )
for branch in branches_on_disk - branches_to_be_made :
prin t( branch )
Emi t( branch )
return False
return True
@ -223,8 +226,8 @@ def UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directories, files,
# Create a branch.
if not CreateBranchForOneCL ( refactor_branch , files ,
refactor_branch_upstream ) :
prin t( ' Skipping ' + FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories ) +
' for which a branch already exists. ' )
Emi t( ' Skipping ' + FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories ) +
' for which a branch already exists. ' )
# Checkout all changes to files in |files|.
@ -262,16 +265,16 @@ def UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directories, files,
upload_args . append ( ' --enable-auto-submit ' )
if topic :
upload_args . append ( ' --topic= {} ' . format ( topic ) )
prin t( ' Uploading CL for ' + FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories ) +
' ... ' )
Emi t( ' Uploading CL for ' + FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories ) +
' ... ' )
ret = cmd_upload ( upload_args )
if ret != 0 :
prin t( ' Uploading failed. ' )
prin t( ' Note: git cl split has built-in resume capabilities. ' )
prin t( f ' Delete { git . current_branch ( ) } then run \n '
f ' git cl split --from-file= { saved_splitting_file } \n '
' to resume uploading. ' )
Emi t( ' Uploading failed. ' )
Emi t( ' Note: git cl split has built-in resume capabilities. ' )
Emi t( f ' Delete { git . current_branch ( ) } then run \n '
f ' git cl split --from-file= { saved_splitting_file } \n '
' to resume uploading. ' )
if comment :
changelist ( ) . AddComment ( FormatDescriptionOrComment (
@ -324,15 +327,15 @@ def PrintClInfo(cl_index, num_cls, directories, file_paths, description,
directories ) . splitlines ( )
indented_description = ' \n ' . join ( [ ' ' + l for l in description_lines ] )
prin t( ' CL {} / {} ' . format ( cl_index , num_cls ) )
prin t( ' Paths: {} ' . format ( FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories ) ) )
prin t( ' Reviewers: {} ' . format ( ' , ' . join ( reviewers ) ) )
prin t( ' Auto-Submit: {} ' . format ( enable_auto_submit ) )
prin t( ' CQ Dry Run: {} ' . format ( cq_dry_run ) )
prin t( ' Topic: {} ' . format ( topic ) )
prin t( ' \n ' + indented_description + ' \n ' )
prin t( ' \n ' . join ( file_paths ) )
prin t( )
Emi t( ' CL {} / {} ' . format ( cl_index , num_cls ) )
Emi t( ' Paths: {} ' . format ( FormatDirectoriesForPrinting ( directories ) ) )
Emi t( ' Reviewers: {} ' . format ( ' , ' . join ( reviewers ) ) )
Emi t( ' Auto-Submit: {} ' . format ( enable_auto_submit ) )
Emi t( ' CQ Dry Run: {} ' . format ( cq_dry_run ) )
Emi t( ' Topic: {} ' . format ( topic ) )
Emi t( ' \n ' + indented_description + ' \n ' )
Emi t( ' \n ' . join ( file_paths ) )
Emi t( )
def LoadDescription ( description_file , dry_run ) :
@ -356,12 +359,12 @@ def PrintSummary(cl_infos, refactor_branch):
to the files and directories assigned to them .
for info in cl_infos :
prin t( f ' Reviewers: { info . reviewers } , files: { len ( info . files ) } , ' ,
f ' directories: { info . directories } ' )
Emi t( f ' Reviewers: { info . reviewers } , files: { len ( info . files ) } , ' ,
f ' directories: { info . directories } ' )
num_cls = len ( cl_infos )
prin t( f ' \n Will split branch { refactor_branch } into { num_cls } CLs. '
' Please quickly review them before proceeding. \n ' )
Emi t( f ' \n Will split branch { refactor_branch } into { num_cls } CLs. '
' Please quickly review them before proceeding. \n ' )
if ( num_cls > CL_SPLIT_FORCE_LIMIT ) :
EmitWarning (
@ -412,7 +415,7 @@ def SplitCl(description_file, comment_file, changelist, cmd_upload, dry_run,
for action , f in scm . GIT . CaptureStatus ( repository_root , upstream ) ]
if not files :
prin t( ' Cannot split an empty CL. ' )
Emi t( ' Cannot split an empty CL. ' )
return 1
author = git . run ( ' config ' , ' user.email ' ) . strip ( ) or None
@ -474,9 +477,9 @@ def SplitCl(description_file, comment_file, changelist, cmd_upload, dry_run,
reviewer_rankings = sorted ( cls_per_reviewer . items ( ) ,
key = lambda item : item [ 1 ] ,
reverse = True )
prin t( ' The top reviewers are: ' )
Emi t( ' The top reviewers are: ' )
for reviewer , count in reviewer_rankings [ : CL_SPLIT_TOP_REVIEWERS ] :
prin t( f ' { reviewer } : { count } CLs ' )
Emi t( f ' { reviewer } : { count } CLs ' )
if dry_run :
# Wait until now to save the splitting so the file name doesn't get
@ -559,7 +562,7 @@ def SaveSplittingToFile(cl_infos: List[CLInfo], filename: str, silent=False):
cl_string = " \n \n " . join ( [ info . FormatForPrinting ( ) for info in cl_infos ] )
gclient_utils . FileWrite ( filename , preamble + cl_string )
if not silent :
prin t( f " Saved splitting to { filename } " )
Emi t( f " Saved splitting to { filename } " )
def SaveSplittingToTempFile ( cl_infos : List [ CLInfo ] , silent = False ) :