@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import StringIO
# Fixes include path.
from super_mox import mox , SuperMoxTestBase
import owners
import presubmit_support as presubmit
# Shortcut.
presubmit_canned_checks = presubmit . presubmit_canned_checks
@ -1035,8 +1036,8 @@ class OuputApiUnittest(PresubmitTestsBase):
def testMembersChanged ( self ) :
self . mox . ReplayAll ( )
members = [
' MailTextResult ' , ' Presubmit Error' , ' PresubmitNotifyResult ' ,
' Presubmit PromptWarning' , ' PresubmitResult ' ,
' MailTextResult ' , ' Presubmit AddText' , ' PresubmitError ' ,
' Presubmit NotifyResult' , ' Presubmit PromptWarning' , ' PresubmitResult ' ,
# If this test fails, you should add the relevant test.
self . compareMembers ( presubmit . OutputApi ( ) , members )
@ -1053,10 +1054,20 @@ class OuputApiUnittest(PresubmitTestsBase):
self . failIf ( presubmit . OutputApi . PresubmitNotifyResult ( ' ' ) . IsFatal ( ) )
self . failIf ( presubmit . OutputApi . PresubmitNotifyResult ( ' ' ) . ShouldPrompt ( ) )
self . failIf ( presubmit . OutputApi . PresubmitAddText ( ' foo ' ) . IsFatal ( ) )
self . failIf ( presubmit . OutputApi . PresubmitAddText ( ' foo ' ) . ShouldPrompt ( ) )
# TODO(joi) Test MailTextResult once implemented.
def testOutputApiHandling ( self ) :
self . mox . ReplayAll ( )
output = StringIO . StringIO ( )
unused_input = StringIO . StringIO ( )
added_text = presubmit . OutputApi . PresubmitAddText ( ' R=ben@example.com ' )
self . failUnless ( added_text . _Handle ( output , unused_input ) )
self . failUnlessEqual ( output . getvalue ( ) , ' ADD: R=ben@example.com \n ' )
output = StringIO . StringIO ( )
unused_input = StringIO . StringIO ( )
error = presubmit . OutputApi . PresubmitError ( ' !!! ' )
@ -1840,6 +1851,59 @@ mac|success|blew
self . assertEquals ( results [ 0 ] . __class__ ,
presubmit . OutputApi . PresubmitNotifyResult )
def OwnersTest ( self , is_committing , change_tags = None ,
suggested_reviewers = None , approvers = None ,
uncovered_files = None , expected_results = None ) :
affected_file = self . mox . CreateMock ( presubmit . SvnAffectedFile )
affected_file . LocalPath ( ) . AndReturn ( ' foo.cc ' )
change = self . mox . CreateMock ( presubmit . Change )
change . AffectedFiles ( None ) . AndReturn ( [ affected_file ] )
input_api = self . MockInputApi ( change , False )
fake_db = self . mox . CreateMock ( owners . Database )
input_api . owners_db = fake_db
input_api . is_committing = is_committing
if is_committing :
change . approvers = approvers
fake_db . files_not_covered_by ( set ( [ ' foo.cc ' ] ) , approvers ) . AndReturn (
uncovered_files )
else :
change . tags = change_tags
if not change_tags . get ( ' R ' ) :
fake_db . reviewers_for ( set ( [ ' foo.cc ' ] ) ) . AndReturn ( suggested_reviewers )
self . mox . ReplayAll ( )
results = presubmit_canned_checks . CheckOwners ( input_api ,
presubmit . OutputApi , None )
self . assertEquals ( len ( results ) , len ( expected_results ) )
if results and expected_results :
output = StringIO . StringIO ( )
unused_input = StringIO . StringIO ( )
results [ 0 ] . _Handle ( output , unused_input )
self . assertEquals ( output . getvalue ( ) , expected_results [ 0 ] )
def testCannedCheckOwners_WithReviewer ( self ) :
self . OwnersTest ( is_committing = False , change_tags = { ' R ' : ' ben@example.com ' } ,
expected_results = [ ] )
def testCannedCheckOwners_NoReviewer ( self ) :
self . OwnersTest ( is_committing = False , change_tags = { } ,
suggested_reviewers = [ ' ben@example.com ' ] ,
expected_results = [ ' ADD: R=ben@example.com \n ' ] )
def testCannedCheckOwners_CommittingWithoutOwnerLGTM ( self ) :
self . OwnersTest ( is_committing = True ,
approvers = set ( ) ,
uncovered_files = set ( [ ' foo.cc ' ] ) ,
expected_results = [ ' Missing owner LGTM for: foo.cc \n ' ] )
def testCannedCheckOwners_CommittingWithLGTMs ( self ) :
self . OwnersTest ( is_committing = True ,
approvers = set ( ' ben@example.com ' ) ,
uncovered_files = set ( ) ,
expected_results = [ ] )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
import unittest