Reland "Refactor ReadHttpResponse to be error-friendlier"

Gerrit sometimes returns a full response json object at
the same time as returning a non-200 status code. This
refactor makes it easier for calling code to request
access to that object and handle error cases on its own.

The original version of this commit had a bug where
ReadHttpResponse properly set the default value for
accept_statuses, but all calls which came through
ReadHttpJsonResponse were setting None instead.

Bug: 710028
Change-Id: I8cee435d8acd487fb777b3fd69b5e48e19d2e5a3
Reviewed-by: Robbie Iannucci <>
Reviewed-by: Andrii Shyshkalov <>
Commit-Queue: Aaron Gable <>
Aaron Gable 8 years ago committed by Commit Bot
parent a28592e50a
commit 19ee16c860

@ -323,18 +323,15 @@ def CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='GET', headers=None, body=None):
return conn
def ReadHttpResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True):
def ReadHttpResponse(conn, accept_statuses=frozenset([200, 404])):
"""Reads an http response from a connection into a string buffer.
conn: An Http object created by CreateHttpConn above.
expect_status: Success is indicated by this status in the response.
ignore_404: For many requests, gerrit-on-borg will return 404 if the request
doesn't match the database contents. In most such cases, we
want the API to return None rather than raise an Exception.
accept_statuses: Treat any of these statuses as success. Default: [200, 404]
Common additions include 204 and 400.
Returns: A string buffer containing the connection's reply.
sleep_time = 0.5
for idx in range(TRY_LIMIT):
response, contents = conn.request(**conn.req_params)
@ -345,7 +342,7 @@ def ReadHttpResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True):
auth_match ='realm="([^"]+)"', www_authenticate, re.I)
host = if auth_match else conn.req_host
reason = ('Authentication failed. Please make sure your .netrc file '
reason = ('Authentication failed. Please make sure your .gitcookies file '
'has credentials for %s' % host)
raise GerritAuthenticationError(response.status, reason)
@ -365,9 +362,7 @@ def ReadHttpResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True):
LOGGER.warn('... will retry %d more times.', TRY_LIMIT - idx - 1)
sleep_time = sleep_time * 2
if ignore_404 and response.status == 404:
return StringIO()
if response.status != expect_status:
if response.status not in accept_statuses:
if response.status in (401, 403):
print('Your Gerrit credentials might be misconfigured. Try: \n'
' git cl creds-check')
@ -376,10 +371,9 @@ def ReadHttpResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True):
return StringIO(contents)
def ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True):
def ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, accept_statuses=frozenset([200, 404])):
"""Parses an https response as json."""
fh = ReadHttpResponse(
conn, expect_status=expect_status, ignore_404=ignore_404)
fh = ReadHttpResponse(conn, accept_statuses)
# The first line of the response should always be: )]}'
s = fh.readline()
if s and s.rstrip() != ")]}'":
@ -417,7 +411,7 @@ def QueryChanges(host, param_dict, first_param=None, limit=None, o_params=None,
if o_params:
path = '%s&%s' % (path, '&'.join(['o=%s' % p for p in o_params]))
# Don't ignore 404; a query should always return a list, even if it's empty.
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path), ignore_404=False)
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path), accept_statuses=[200])
def GenerateAllChanges(host, param_dict, first_param=None, limit=500,
@ -500,7 +494,8 @@ def MultiQueryChanges(host, param_dict, change_list, limit=None, o_params=None,
q.extend(['o=%s' % p for p in o_params])
path = 'changes/?%s' % '&'.join(q)
result = ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path), ignore_404=False)
result = ReadHttpJsonResponse(
CreateHttpConn(host, path), accept_statuses=[200])
except GerritError as e:
msg = '%s:\n%s' % (e.message, path)
raise GerritError(e.http_status, msg)
@ -528,13 +523,13 @@ def GetChange(host, change):
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path))
def GetChangeDetail(host, change, o_params=None, ignore_404=True):
def GetChangeDetail(host, change, o_params=None, accept_statuses=None):
"""Query a gerrit server for extended information about a single change."""
# TODO(tandrii): cahnge ignore_404 to False by default.
path = 'changes/%s/detail' % change
if o_params:
path += '?%s' % '&'.join(['o=%s' % p for p in o_params])
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path), ignore_404=ignore_404)
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(
CreateHttpConn(host, path), accept_statuses=accept_statuses)
def GetChangeCommit(host, change, revision='current'):
@ -571,7 +566,7 @@ def AbandonChange(host, change, msg=''):
path = 'changes/%s/abandon' % change
body = {'message': msg} if msg else {}
conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='POST', body=body)
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, ignore_404=False)
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, accept_statuses=[200])
def RestoreChange(host, change, msg=''):
@ -579,7 +574,7 @@ def RestoreChange(host, change, msg=''):
path = 'changes/%s/restore' % change
body = {'message': msg} if msg else {}
conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='POST', body=body)
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, ignore_404=False)
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, accept_statuses=[200])
def SubmitChange(host, change, wait_for_merge=True):
@ -587,31 +582,26 @@ def SubmitChange(host, change, wait_for_merge=True):
path = 'changes/%s/submit' % change
body = {'wait_for_merge': wait_for_merge}
conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='POST', body=body)
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, ignore_404=False)
return ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, accept_statuses=[200])
def HasPendingChangeEdit(host, change):
conn = CreateHttpConn(host, 'changes/%s/edit' % change)
ReadHttpResponse(conn, ignore_404=False)
ReadHttpResponse(conn, accept_statuses=[200])
except GerritError as e:
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; anything else is an error.
if e.http_status != 204:
return False
return True
# 204 No Content means no pending change.
if e.http_status == 204:
return False
return True
def DeletePendingChangeEdit(host, change):
conn = CreateHttpConn(host, 'changes/%s/edit' % change, reqtype='DELETE')
ReadHttpResponse(conn, ignore_404=False)
except GerritError as e:
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; if the edit was already deleted it
# returns 404. Anything else is an error.
if e.http_status not in (204, 404):
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; if the edit was already deleted it
# returns 404. Anything else is an error.
ReadHttpResponse(conn, accept_statuses=[204, 404])
def SetCommitMessage(host, change, description, notify='ALL'):
@ -623,29 +613,24 @@ def SetCommitMessage(host, change, description, notify='ALL'):
body = {'message': description}
conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='PUT', body=body)
ReadHttpResponse(conn, ignore_404=False)
ReadHttpResponse(conn, accept_statuses=[204])
except GerritError as e:
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; anything else is an error.
if e.http_status != 204:
raise GerritError(
'Unexpectedly received a 200 http status while editing message in '
'change %s' % change)
'Received unexpected http status while editing message '
'in change %s' % change)
# And then publish it.
path = 'changes/%s/edit:publish' % change
conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='POST', body={'notify': notify})
ReadHttpResponse(conn, ignore_404=False)
ReadHttpResponse(conn, accept_statuses=[204])
except GerritError as e:
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; anything else is an error.
if e.http_status != 204:
raise GerritError(
'Unexpectedly received a 200 http status while publishing message '
'change in %s' % change)
'Received unexpected http status while publishing message '
'in change %s' % change)
except (GerritError, KeyboardInterrupt) as e:
# Something went wrong with one of the two calls, so we want to clean up
# after ourselves before returning.
@ -688,7 +673,7 @@ def AddReviewers(host, change, add=None, is_reviewer=True, notify=True):
conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='POST', body=body)
_ = ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, ignore_404=False)
_ = ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, accept_statuses=[200])
except GerritError as e:
if e.http_status == 422: # "Unprocessable Entity"
LOGGER.warn('Note: "%s" not added as a %s' % (r, state.lower()))
@ -708,15 +693,12 @@ def RemoveReviewers(host, change, remove=None):
path = 'changes/%s/reviewers/%s' % (change, r)
conn = CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='DELETE')
ReadHttpResponse(conn, ignore_404=False)
ReadHttpResponse(conn, accept_statuses=[204])
except GerritError as e:
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; anything else is an error.
if e.http_status != 204:
raise GerritError(
'Unexpectedly received a 200 http status while deleting reviewer "%s"'
' from change %s' % (r, change))
'Received unexpected http status while deleting reviewer "%s" '
'from change %s' % (r, change))
def SetReview(host, change, msg=None, labels=None, notify=None):

@ -2641,8 +2641,8 @@ class _GerritChangelistImpl(_ChangelistCodereviewBase):
return data
data = gerrit_util.GetChangeDetail(self._GetGerritHost(), str(issue),
options, ignore_404=False)
data = gerrit_util.GetChangeDetail(
self._GetGerritHost(), str(issue), options, accept_statuses=[200])
except gerrit_util.GerritError as e:
if e.http_status == 404:
raise GerritChangeNotExists(issue, self.GetCodereviewServer())

@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class GerritAccessor(object):
return gerrit_util.GetChangeDetail(, str(issue),
except gerrit_util.GerritError as e:
if e.http_status == 404:
raise Exception('Either Gerrit issue %s doesn\'t exist, or '

@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class GerritTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
path = 'projects/%s' % urllib.quote(name, '')
conn = gerrit_util.CreateHttpConn(
cls.gerrit_instance.gerrit_host, path, reqtype='PUT', body=body)
jmsg = gerrit_util.ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, expect_status=201)
jmsg = gerrit_util.ReadHttpJsonResponse(conn, accept_statuses=[200, 201])
assert jmsg['name'] == name

@ -2200,7 +2200,7 @@ class TestGitCl(TestCase):
def test_patch_gerrit_not_exists(self):
def notExists(_issue, *_, **kwargs):
self.assertNotIn(404, kwargs['accept_statuses'])
raise git_cl.gerrit_util.GerritError(404, '')
self.mock(git_cl.gerrit_util, 'GetChangeDetail', notExists)
