@ -323,18 +323,15 @@ def CreateHttpConn(host, path, reqtype='GET', headers=None, body=None):
return conn
def ReadHttpResponse ( conn , expect_status= 200 , ignore_404 = True ) :
def ReadHttpResponse ( conn , accept_statuses= frozenset ( [ 200 , 404 ] ) ) :
""" Reads an http response from a connection into a string buffer.
Args :
conn : An Http object created by CreateHttpConn above .
expect_status : Success is indicated by this status in the response .
ignore_404 : For many requests , gerrit - on - borg will return 404 if the request
doesn ' t match the database contents. In most such cases, we
want the API to return None rather than raise an Exception .
accept_statuses : Treat any of these statuses as success . Default : [ 200 , 404 ]
Common additions include 204 and 400.
Returns : A string buffer containing the connection ' s reply.
sleep_time = 0.5
for idx in range ( TRY_LIMIT ) :
response , contents = conn . request ( * * conn . req_params )
@ -345,7 +342,7 @@ def ReadHttpResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True):
www_authenticate ) :
auth_match = re . search ( ' realm= " ([^ " ]+) " ' , www_authenticate , re . I )
host = auth_match . group ( 1 ) if auth_match else conn . req_host
reason = ( ' Authentication failed. Please make sure your . netrc file '
reason = ( ' Authentication failed. Please make sure your . gitcookies file '
' has credentials for %s ' % host )
raise GerritAuthenticationError ( response . status , reason )
@ -365,9 +362,7 @@ def ReadHttpResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True):
LOGGER . warn ( ' ... will retry %d more times. ' , TRY_LIMIT - idx - 1 )
time . sleep ( sleep_time )
sleep_time = sleep_time * 2
if ignore_404 and response . status == 404 :
return StringIO ( )
if response . status != expect_status :
if response . status not in accept_statuses :
if response . status in ( 401 , 403 ) :
print ( ' Your Gerrit credentials might be misconfigured. Try: \n '
' git cl creds-check ' )
@ -376,10 +371,9 @@ def ReadHttpResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True):
return StringIO ( contents )
def ReadHttpJsonResponse ( conn , expect_status= 200 , ignore_404 = True ) :
def ReadHttpJsonResponse ( conn , accept_statuses= frozenset ( [ 200 , 404 ] ) ) :
""" Parses an https response as json. """
fh = ReadHttpResponse (
conn , expect_status = expect_status , ignore_404 = ignore_404 )
fh = ReadHttpResponse ( conn , accept_statuses )
# The first line of the response should always be: )]}'
s = fh . readline ( )
if s and s . rstrip ( ) != " )]} ' " :
@ -417,7 +411,7 @@ def QueryChanges(host, param_dict, first_param=None, limit=None, o_params=None,
if o_params :
path = ' %s & %s ' % ( path , ' & ' . join ( [ ' o= %s ' % p for p in o_params ] ) )
# Don't ignore 404; a query should always return a list, even if it's empty.
return ReadHttpJsonResponse ( CreateHttpConn ( host , path ) , ignore_404= False )
return ReadHttpJsonResponse ( CreateHttpConn ( host , path ) , accept_statuses= [ 200 ] )
def GenerateAllChanges ( host , param_dict , first_param = None , limit = 500 ,
@ -500,7 +494,8 @@ def MultiQueryChanges(host, param_dict, change_list, limit=None, o_params=None,
q . extend ( [ ' o= %s ' % p for p in o_params ] )
path = ' changes/? %s ' % ' & ' . join ( q )
try :
result = ReadHttpJsonResponse ( CreateHttpConn ( host , path ) , ignore_404 = False )
result = ReadHttpJsonResponse (
CreateHttpConn ( host , path ) , accept_statuses = [ 200 ] )
except GerritError as e :
msg = ' %s : \n %s ' % ( e . message , path )
raise GerritError ( e . http_status , msg )
@ -528,13 +523,13 @@ def GetChange(host, change):
return ReadHttpJsonResponse ( CreateHttpConn ( host , path ) )
def GetChangeDetail ( host , change , o_params = None , ignore_404= Tru e) :
def GetChangeDetail ( host , change , o_params = None , accept_statuses= Non e) :
""" Query a gerrit server for extended information about a single change. """
# TODO(tandrii): cahnge ignore_404 to False by default.
path = ' changes/ %s /detail ' % change
if o_params :
path + = ' ? %s ' % ' & ' . join ( [ ' o= %s ' % p for p in o_params ] )
return ReadHttpJsonResponse ( CreateHttpConn ( host , path ) , ignore_404 = ignore_404 )
return ReadHttpJsonResponse (
CreateHttpConn ( host , path ) , accept_statuses = accept_statuses )
def GetChangeCommit ( host , change , revision = ' current ' ) :
@ -571,7 +566,7 @@ def AbandonChange(host, change, msg=''):
path = ' changes/ %s /abandon ' % change
body = { ' message ' : msg } if msg else { }
conn = CreateHttpConn ( host , path , reqtype = ' POST ' , body = body )
return ReadHttpJsonResponse ( conn , ignore_404= False )
return ReadHttpJsonResponse ( conn , accept_statuses= [ 200 ] )
def RestoreChange ( host , change , msg = ' ' ) :
@ -579,7 +574,7 @@ def RestoreChange(host, change, msg=''):
path = ' changes/ %s /restore ' % change
body = { ' message ' : msg } if msg else { }
conn = CreateHttpConn ( host , path , reqtype = ' POST ' , body = body )
return ReadHttpJsonResponse ( conn , ignore_404= False )
return ReadHttpJsonResponse ( conn , accept_statuses= [ 200 ] )
def SubmitChange ( host , change , wait_for_merge = True ) :
@ -587,31 +582,26 @@ def SubmitChange(host, change, wait_for_merge=True):
path = ' changes/ %s /submit ' % change
body = { ' wait_for_merge ' : wait_for_merge }
conn = CreateHttpConn ( host , path , reqtype = ' POST ' , body = body )
return ReadHttpJsonResponse ( conn , ignore_404= False )
return ReadHttpJsonResponse ( conn , accept_statuses= [ 200 ] )
def HasPendingChangeEdit ( host , change ) :
conn = CreateHttpConn ( host , ' changes/ %s /edit ' % change )
try :
ReadHttpResponse ( conn , ignore_404= False )
ReadHttpResponse ( conn , accept_statuses= [ 200 ] )
except GerritError as e :
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; anything else is an error.
if e . http_status != 204 :
return False
else :
return True
# 204 No Content means no pending change.
if e . http_status == 204 :
return False
return True
def DeletePendingChangeEdit ( host , change ) :
conn = CreateHttpConn ( host , ' changes/ %s /edit ' % change , reqtype = ' DELETE ' )
try :
ReadHttpResponse ( conn , ignore_404 = False )
except GerritError as e :
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; if the edit was already deleted it
# returns 404. Anything else is an error.
if e . http_status not in ( 204 , 404 ) :
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; if the edit was already deleted it
# returns 404. Anything else is an error.
ReadHttpResponse ( conn , accept_statuses = [ 204 , 404 ] )
def SetCommitMessage ( host , change , description , notify = ' ALL ' ) :
@ -623,29 +613,24 @@ def SetCommitMessage(host, change, description, notify='ALL'):
body = { ' message ' : description }
conn = CreateHttpConn ( host , path , reqtype = ' PUT ' , body = body )
try :
ReadHttpResponse ( conn , ignore_404= False )
ReadHttpResponse ( conn , accept_statuses= [ 204 ] )
except GerritError as e :
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; anything else is an error.
if e . http_status != 204 :
else :
raise GerritError (
' Unexpectedly received a 200 http status while editing message in '
' change %s ' % change )
e . http_status ,
' Received unexpected http status while editing message '
' in change %s ' % change )
# And then publish it.
path = ' changes/ %s /edit:publish ' % change
conn = CreateHttpConn ( host , path , reqtype = ' POST ' , body = { ' notify ' : notify } )
try :
ReadHttpResponse ( conn , ignore_404= False )
ReadHttpResponse ( conn , accept_statuses= [ 204 ] )
except GerritError as e :
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; anything else is an error.
if e . http_status != 204 :
else :
raise GerritError (
' Unexpectedly received a 200 http status while publishing message '
' change in %s ' % change )
e . http_status ,
' Received unexpected http status while publishing message '
' in change %s ' % change )
except ( GerritError , KeyboardInterrupt ) as e :
# Something went wrong with one of the two calls, so we want to clean up
# after ourselves before returning.
@ -688,7 +673,7 @@ def AddReviewers(host, change, add=None, is_reviewer=True, notify=True):
try :
conn = CreateHttpConn ( host , path , reqtype = ' POST ' , body = body )
_ = ReadHttpJsonResponse ( conn , ignore_404= False )
_ = ReadHttpJsonResponse ( conn , accept_statuses= [ 200 ] )
except GerritError as e :
if e . http_status == 422 : # "Unprocessable Entity"
LOGGER . warn ( ' Note: " %s " not added as a %s ' % ( r , state . lower ( ) ) )
@ -708,15 +693,12 @@ def RemoveReviewers(host, change, remove=None):
path = ' changes/ %s /reviewers/ %s ' % ( change , r )
conn = CreateHttpConn ( host , path , reqtype = ' DELETE ' )
try :
ReadHttpResponse ( conn , ignore_404= False )
ReadHttpResponse ( conn , accept_statuses= [ 204 ] )
except GerritError as e :
# On success, gerrit returns status 204; anything else is an error.
if e . http_status != 204 :
else :
raise GerritError (
' Unexpectedly received a 200 http status while deleting reviewer " %s " '
' from change %s ' % ( r , change ) )
e . http_status ,
' Received unexpected http status while deleting reviewer " %s " '
' from change %s ' % ( r , change ) )
def SetReview ( host , change , msg = None , labels = None , notify = None ) :