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# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Client-side script to send a try job to the try server. It communicates to
the try server by either writting to a svn repository or by directly connecting
to the server by HTTP.
import datetime
import getpass
import logging
import optparse
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
import urllib
import gcl
import gclient
import upload
__version__ = '1.1'
# Constants
HELP_STRING = "Sorry, Tryserver is not available."
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.join('tools', 'tryserver', '')
USAGE = r"""%prog [options]
Client-side script to send a try job to the try server. It communicates to
the try server by either writting to a svn repository or by directly connecting
to the server by HTTP.
A git patch off a web site (git inserts a/ and b/) and fix the base dir:
%prog --url http://url/to/patch.diff --patchlevel 1 --root src
Use svn to store the try job, specify an alternate email address and use a
premade diff file on the local drive:
%prog --email
--svn_repo svn:// --diff foo.diff
Running only on a 'mac' slave with revision src@123 and clobber first; specify
manually the 3 source files to use for the try job:
%prog --bot mac --revision src@123 --clobber -f src/ -f src/a.h
-f include/b.h
class InvalidScript(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return self.args[0] + '\n' + HELP_STRING
class NoTryServerAccess(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return self.args[0] + '\n' + HELP_STRING
def PathDifference(root, subpath):
"""Returns the difference subpath minus root."""
if subpath.find(root) != 0:
return None
# If the root does not have a trailing \ or /, we add it so the returned path
# starts immediately after the seperator regardless of whether it is provided.
if not root.endswith(os.sep):
root += os.sep
return subpath[len(root):]
def GetSourceRoot():
"""Returns the absolute directory one level up from the repository root."""
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(gcl.GetRepositoryRoot(), '..'))
def ExecuteTryServerScript():
"""Locates the tryserver script, executes it and returns its dictionary.
The try server script contains the repository-specific try server commands."""
script_locals = {}
# gcl.GetRepositoryRoot() may throw an exception.
script_path = os.path.join(gcl.GetRepositoryRoot(), SCRIPT_PATH)
except Exception:
return script_locals
if os.path.exists(script_path):
exec(gcl.ReadFile(script_path), script_locals)
except Exception, e:
# TODO(maruel): Need to specialize the exception trapper.
raise InvalidScript('%s is invalid.' % script_path)
return script_locals
def EscapeDot(name):
return name.replace('.', '-')
def RunCommand(command):
output, retcode = gcl.RunShellWithReturnCode(command)
if retcode:
raise NoTryServerAccess(' '.join(command) + '\nOuput:\n' + output)
return output
class SCM(object):
"""Simplistic base class to implement one function: ProcessOptions."""
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
def ProcessOptions(self):
raise Unimplemented
class SVN(SCM):
"""Gathers the options and diff for a subversion checkout."""
def GenerateDiff(self, files, root):
"""Returns a string containing the diff for the given file list.
The files in the list should either be absolute paths or relative to the
given root. If no root directory is provided, the repository root will be
previous_cwd = os.getcwd()
if root is None:
diff = []
for file in files:
# Use svn info output instead of os.path.isdir because the latter fails
# when the file is deleted.
if gclient.CaptureSVNInfo(file).get("Node Kind") in ("dir", "directory"):
# If the user specified a custom diff command in their svn config file,
# then it'll be used when we do svn diff, which we don't want to happen
# since we want the unified diff. Using --diff-cmd=diff doesn't always
# work, since they can have another diff executable in their path that
# gives different line endings. So we use a bogus temp directory as the
# config directory, which gets around these problems.
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
parent_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
parent_dir = sys.path[0] # tempdir is not secure.
bogus_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "temp_svn_config")
if not os.path.exists(bogus_dir):
# Grabs the diff data.
data = gcl.RunShell(["svn", "diff", "--config-dir", bogus_dir, file])
# We know the diff will be incorrectly formatted. Fix it.
if gcl.IsSVNMoved(file):
# The file is "new" in the patch sense. Generate a homebrew diff.
# We can't use ReadFile() since it's not using binary mode.
file_handle = open(file, 'rb')
file_content =
# Prepend '+ ' to every lines.
file_content = ['+ ' + i for i in file_content.splitlines(True)]
nb_lines = len(file_content)
# We need to use / since patch on unix will fail otherwise.
file = file.replace('\\', '/')
data = "Index: %s\n" % file
data += ("============================================================="
# Note: Should we use /dev/null instead?
data += "--- %s\n" % file
data += "+++ %s\n" % file
data += "@@ -0,0 +1,%d @@\n" % nb_lines
data += ''.join(file_content)
return "".join(diff)
def ProcessOptions(self):
if not self.options.diff:
# Generate the diff with svn and write it to the submit queue path. The
# files are relative to the repository root, but we need patches relative
# to one level up from there (i.e., 'src'), so adjust both the file
# paths and the root of the diff.
source_root = GetSourceRoot()
prefix = PathDifference(source_root, gcl.GetRepositoryRoot())
adjusted_paths = [os.path.join(prefix, x) for x in self.options.files]
self.options.diff = self.GenerateDiff(adjusted_paths, root=source_root)
class GIT(SCM):
"""Gathers the options and diff for a git checkout."""
def GenerateDiff(self):
"""Get the diff we'll send to the try server. We ignore the files list."""
branch = upload.RunShell(['git', 'cl', 'upstream']).strip()
diff = upload.RunShell(['git', 'diff-tree', '-p', '--no-prefix',
branch, 'HEAD']).splitlines(True)
for i in range(len(diff)):
# In the case of added files, replace /dev/null with the path to the
# file being added.
if diff[i].startswith('--- /dev/null'):
diff[i] = '--- %s' % diff[i+1][4:]
return ''.join(diff)
def GetEmail(self):
# TODO: check for errors here?
return upload.RunShell(['git', 'config', '']).strip()
def GetPatchName(self):
"""Construct a name for this patch."""
# TODO: perhaps include the hash of the current commit, to distinguish
# patches?
branch = upload.RunShell(['git', 'symbolic-ref', 'HEAD']).strip()
if not branch.startswith('refs/heads/'):
raise "Couldn't figure out branch name"
branch = branch[len('refs/heads/'):]
return branch
def ProcessOptions(self):
if not self.options.diff:
self.options.diff = self.GenerateDiff()
if not = self.GetPatchName()
if not = self.GetEmail()
def _ParseSendChangeOptions(options):
"""Parse common options passed to _SendChangeHTTP and _SendChangeSVN."""
values = {}
values['email'] =
values['user'] = options.user
values['name'] =
values['bot'] = ','.join(
if options.revision:
values['revision'] = options.revision
if options.clobber:
values['clobber'] = 'true'
if options.tests:
values['tests'] = ','.join(options.tests)
if options.root:
values['root'] = options.root
if options.patchlevel:
values['patchlevel'] = options.patchlevel
if options.issue:
values['issue'] = options.issue
if options.patchset:
values['patchset'] = options.patchset
return values
def _SendChangeHTTP(options):
"""Send a change to the try server using the HTTP protocol."""
script_locals = ExecuteTryServerScript()
if not = script_locals.get('try_server_http_host', None)
if not
raise NoTryServerAccess('Please use the --host option to specify the try '
'server host to connect to.')
if not options.port:
options.port = script_locals.get('try_server_http_port', None)
if not options.port:
raise NoTryServerAccess('Please use the --port option to specify the try '
'server port to connect to.')
values = _ParseSendChangeOptions(options)
values['patch'] = options.diff
url = 'http://%s:%s/send_try_patch' % (, options.port)
proxies = None
if options.proxy:
if options.proxy.lower() == 'none':
# Effectively disable HTTP_PROXY or Internet settings proxy setup.
proxies = {}
proxies = {'http': options.proxy, 'https': options.proxy}
connection = urllib.urlopen(url, urllib.urlencode(values), proxies=proxies)
except IOError, e:
# TODO(thestig) this probably isn't quite right.
if values.get('bot') and e[2] == 'got a bad status line':
raise NoTryServerAccess('%s is unaccessible. Bad --bot argument?' % url)
raise NoTryServerAccess('%s is unaccessible.' % url)
if not connection:
raise NoTryServerAccess('%s is unaccessible.' % url)
if != 'OK':
raise NoTryServerAccess('%s is unaccessible.' % url)
def _SendChangeSVN(options):
"""Send a change to the try server by committing a diff file on a subversion
script_locals = ExecuteTryServerScript()
if not options.svn_repo:
options.svn_repo = script_locals.get('try_server_svn', None)
if not options.svn_repo:
raise NoTryServerAccess('Please use the --svn_repo option to specify the'
' try server svn repository to connect to.')
values = _ParseSendChangeOptions(options)
description = ''
for (k,v) in values.iteritems():
description += "%s=%s\n" % (k,v)
# Do an empty checkout.
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
temp_file_name =
RunCommand(['svn', 'checkout', '--depth', 'empty', '--non-interactive',
options.svn_repo, temp_dir])
# TODO(maruel): Use a subdirectory per user?
current_time = str(':', '.')
file_name = (EscapeDot(options.user) + '.' + EscapeDot( +
'.%s.diff' % current_time)
full_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, file_name)
full_url = options.svn_repo + '/' + file_name
file_found = False
RunCommand(['svn', 'ls', '--non-interactive', full_url])
file_found = True
except NoTryServerAccess:
if file_found:
# The file already exists in the repo. Note that commiting a file is a
# no-op if the file's content (the diff) is not modified. This is why the
# file name contains the date and time.
RunCommand(['svn', 'update', '--non-interactive', full_path])
file = open(full_path, 'wb')
# Add the file to the repo
file = open(full_path, 'wb')
RunCommand(["svn", "add", '--non-interactive', full_path])
RunCommand(["svn", "commit", '--non-interactive', full_path, '--file',
shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, True)
def GuessVCS(options):
"""Helper to guess the version control system.
NOTE: Very similar to upload.GuessVCS. Doesn't look for hg since we don't
support it yet.
This examines the current directory, guesses which SCM we're using, and
returns an instance of the appropriate class. Exit with an error if we can't
figure it out.
A SCM instance. Exits if the SCM can't be guessed.
# Subversion has a .svn in all working directories.
if os.path.isdir('.svn'):"Guessed VCS = Subversion")
return SVN(options)
# Git has a command to test if you're in a git tree.
# Try running it, but don't die if we don't have git installed.
out, returncode = gcl.RunShellWithReturnCode(["git", "rev-parse",
if returncode == 0:"Guessed VCS = Git")
return GIT(options)
except OSError, (errno, message):
if errno != 2: # ENOENT -- they don't have git installed.
raise NoTryServerAccess("Could not guess version control system. "
"Are you in a working copy directory?")
def TryChange(argv,
# Parse argv
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE,
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Result and status")
group.add_option("-u", "--user", default=getpass.getuser(),
help="Owner user name [default: %default]")
group.add_option("-e", "--email", default=os.environ.get('EMAIL_ADDRESS'),
help="Email address where to send the results. Use the "
"EMAIL_ADDRESS environment variable to set the default "
"email address [default: %default]")
group.add_option("-n", "--name", default='Unnamed',
help="Descriptive name of the try job")
group.add_option("--issue", type='int',
help="Update rietveld issue try job status")
group.add_option("--patchset", type='int',
help="Update rietveld issue try job status")
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Try job options")
group.add_option("-b", "--bot", action="append",
help="Only use specifics build slaves, ex: '--bot win' to "
"run the try job only on the 'win' slave; see the try "
"server watefall for the slave's name")
group.add_option("-r", "--revision",
help="Revision to use for the try job; default: the "
"revision will be determined by the try server; see "
"its waterfall for more info")
group.add_option("-c", "--clobber", action="store_true",
help="Force a clobber before building; e.g. don't do an "
"incremental build")
# Override the list of tests to run, use multiple times to list many tests
# (or comma separated)
group.add_option("-t", "--tests", action="append",
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Patch to run")
group.add_option("-f", "--file", default=file_list, dest="files",
metavar="FILE", action="append",
help="Use many times to list the files to include in the "
"try, relative to the repository root")
help="File containing the diff to try")
help="Url where to grab a patch")
help="Root to use for the patch; base subdirectory for "
"patch created in a subdirectory")
group.add_option("--patchlevel", type='int', metavar="LEVEL",
help="Used as -pN parameter to patch")
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Access the try server by HTTP")
group.add_option("--use_http", action="store_const", const=_SendChangeHTTP,
dest="send_patch", default=_SendChangeHTTP,
help="Use HTTP to talk to the try server [default]")
help="Host address")
help="HTTP port")
help="HTTP proxy")
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Access the try server with SVN")
group.add_option("--use_svn", action="store_const", const=_SendChangeSVN,
help="Use SVN to talk to the try server")
group.add_option("--svn_repo", metavar="SVN_URL",
help="SVN url to use to write the changes in; --use_svn is "
"implied when using --svn_repo")
options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
# Switch the default accordingly.
if options.svn_repo:
options.send_patch = _SendChangeSVN
if len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'help':
if (not options.files and (not options.issue and options.patchset) and
not options.diff and not options.url):
# TODO(maruel): It should just try the modified files showing up in a
# svn status.
print "Nothing to try, changelist is empty."
# Convert options.diff into the content of the diff.
if options.url:
options.diff = urllib.urlopen(options.url).read()
elif options.diff:
options.diff = gcl.ReadFile(options.diff)
# Process the VCS in any case at least to retrieve the email address.
options.scm = GuessVCS(options)
except NoTryServerAccess, e:
# If we got the diff, we don't care.
if not options.diff:
# Send the patch.
patch_name = options.send_patch(options)
print 'Patch \'%s\' sent to try server.' % patch_name
if patch_name == 'Unnamed':
print "Note: use --name NAME to change the try's name."
except (InvalidScript, NoTryServerAccess), e:
if swallow_exception:
print e
if __name__ == "__main__":
TryChange(None, None, False)