#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Uploads files to Google Storage content addressed."""
import hashlib
import optparse
import os
import Queue
import re
import stat
import sys
import threading
import time
from download_from_google_storage import check_bucket_permissions
from download_from_google_storage import get_sha1
from download_from_google_storage import Gsutil
from download_from_google_storage import printer_worker
GSUTIL_DEFAULT_PATH = os.path.join(
'third_party', 'gsutil', 'gsutil')
USAGE_STRING = """%prog [options] target [target2 ...].
Target is the file intended to be uploaded to Google Storage.
If target is "-", then a list of files will be taken from standard input
This script will generate a file (original filename).sha1 containing the
sha1 sum of the uploaded file.
It is recommended that the .sha1 file is checked into the repository,
the original file removed from the repository, and a hook added to the
DEPS file to call download_from_google_storage.py.
Example usages
Scan the current directory and upload all files larger than 1MB:
find . -name .svn -prune -o -size +1000k -type f -print0 | %prog -0 -b bkt -
(Replace "bkt" with the name of a writable bucket.)
def get_md5(filename):
md5_calculator = hashlib.md5()
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
while True:
chunk = f.read(1024*1024)
if not chunk:
return md5_calculator.hexdigest()
def get_md5_cached(filename):
"""Don't calculate the MD5 if we can find a .md5 file."""
# See if we can find an existing MD5 sum stored in a file.
if os.path.exists('%s.md5' % filename):
with open('%s.md5' % filename, 'rb') as f:
md5_match = re.search('([a-z0-9]{32})', f.read())
if md5_match:
return md5_match.group(1)
md5_hash = get_md5(filename)
with open('%s.md5' % filename, 'wb') as f:
return md5_hash
def _upload_worker(
thread_num, upload_queue, base_url, gsutil, md5_lock, force,
use_md5, stdout_queue, ret_codes):
while True:
filename, sha1_sum = upload_queue.get()
if not filename:
file_url = '%s/%s' % (base_url, sha1_sum)
if gsutil.check_call('ls', file_url)[0] == 0 and not force:
# File exists, check MD5 hash.
_, out, _ = gsutil.check_call('ls', '-L', file_url)
etag_match = re.search('ETag:\s+([a-z0-9]{32})', out)
if etag_match:
remote_md5 = etag_match.group(1)
# Calculate the MD5 checksum to match it to Google Storage's ETag.
with md5_lock:
if use_md5:
local_md5 = get_md5_cached(filename)
local_md5 = get_md5(filename)
if local_md5 == remote_md5:
'%d> File %s already exists and MD5 matches, upload skipped' %
(thread_num, filename))
stdout_queue.put('%d> Uploading %s...' % (
thread_num, filename))
code, _, err = gsutil.check_call('cp', '-q', filename, file_url)
if code != 0:
'Encountered error on uploading %s to %s\n%s' %
(filename, file_url, err)))
# Mark executable files with the header "x-goog-meta-executable: 1" which
# the download script will check for to preserve the executable bit.
if not sys.platform.startswith('win'):
if os.stat(filename).st_mode & stat.S_IEXEC:
code, _, err = gsutil.check_call('setmeta', '-h',
'x-goog-meta-executable:1', file_url)
if code:
'Encountered error on setting metadata on %s\n%s' %
(file_url, err)))
def get_targets(args, parser, use_null_terminator):
if not args:
parser.error('Missing target.')
if len(args) == 1 and args[0] == '-':
# Take stdin as a newline or null seperated list of files.
if use_null_terminator:
return sys.stdin.read().split('\0')
return sys.stdin.read().splitlines()
return args
def upload_to_google_storage(
input_filenames, base_url, gsutil, force,
use_md5, num_threads, skip_hashing):
# We only want one MD5 calculation happening at a time to avoid HD thrashing.
md5_lock = threading.Lock()
# Start up all the worker threads plus the printer thread.
all_threads = []
ret_codes = Queue.Queue()
ret_codes.put((0, None))
upload_queue = Queue.Queue()
upload_timer = time.time()
stdout_queue = Queue.Queue()
printer_thread = threading.Thread(target=printer_worker, args=[stdout_queue])
printer_thread.daemon = True
for thread_num in range(num_threads):
t = threading.Thread(
args=[thread_num, upload_queue, base_url, gsutil, md5_lock,
force, use_md5, stdout_queue, ret_codes])
t.daemon = True
# We want to hash everything in a single thread since its faster.
# The bottleneck is in disk IO, not CPU.
hashing_start = time.time()
for filename in input_filenames:
if not os.path.exists(filename):
stdout_queue.put('Main> Error: %s not found, skipping.' % filename)
if os.path.exists('%s.sha1' % filename) and skip_hashing:
'Main> Found hash for %s, sha1 calculation skipped.' % filename)
with open(filename + '.sha1', 'rb') as f:
sha1_file = f.read(1024)
if not re.match('^([a-z0-9]{40})$', sha1_file):
print >> sys.stderr, 'Invalid sha1 hash file %s.sha1' % filename
return 1
upload_queue.put((filename, sha1_file))
stdout_queue.put('Main> Calculating hash for %s...' % filename)
sha1_sum = get_sha1(filename)
with open(filename + '.sha1', 'wb') as f:
stdout_queue.put('Main> Done calculating hash for %s.' % filename)
upload_queue.put((filename, sha1_sum))
hashing_duration = time.time() - hashing_start
# Wait for everything to finish.
for _ in all_threads:
upload_queue.put((None, None)) # To mark the end of the work queue.
for t in all_threads:
# Print timing information.
print 'Hashing %s files took %1f seconds' % (
len(input_filenames), hashing_duration)
print 'Uploading took %1f seconds' % (time.time() - upload_timer)
# See if we ran into any errors.
max_ret_code = 0
for ret_code, message in ret_codes.queue:
max_ret_code = max(ret_code, max_ret_code)
if message:
print >> sys.stderr, message
if not max_ret_code:
print 'Success!'
return max_ret_code
def main(args):
parser = optparse.OptionParser(USAGE_STRING)
parser.add_option('-b', '--bucket',
help='Google Storage bucket to upload to.')
parser.add_option('-e', '--boto', help='Specify a custom boto file.')
parser.add_option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
help='Force upload even if remote file exists.')
parser.add_option('-g', '--gsutil_path', default=GSUTIL_DEFAULT_PATH,
help='Path to the gsutil script.')
parser.add_option('-m', '--use_md5', action='store_true',
help='Generate MD5 files when scanning, and don\'t check '
'the MD5 checksum if a .md5 file is found.')
parser.add_option('-t', '--num_threads', default=1, type='int',
help='Number of uploader threads to run.')
parser.add_option('-s', '--skip_hashing', action='store_true',
help='Skip hashing if .sha1 file exists.')
parser.add_option('-0', '--use_null_terminator', action='store_true',
help='Use \\0 instead of \\n when parsing '
'the file list from stdin. This is useful if the input '
'is coming from "find ... -print0".')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Enumerate our inputs.
input_filenames = get_targets(args, parser, options.use_null_terminator)
# Make sure we can find a working instance of gsutil.
if os.path.exists(GSUTIL_DEFAULT_PATH):
Adds SSO auth to gsutil
Code path:
1. plugins.sso_auth is imported, which adds the AuthHandler class to the global state.
2. HasConfiguredCredentials() in gslib/utils.py is called by gsutil, and will return true if "prodaccess" exists on the system, which tells the system that we don't want a no-op auth handler.
3. When a command is called, all the auth handlers are cycled through and sso_auth.SSOAuth is called, which calls a stubby command to emit a gaiamint'ed oauth2 access token, which is then used as the Authorization Header
if --bypass_prodaccess is passed in, then:
1. HasConfiguredCredentials() will bypass the check for prodaccess, as if it didn't exist.
2. plugins.sso_auth does not get imported.
Which will essentially cause gsutil to behave as if this patch never existed.
So the expected behavior is:
=.boto file does not exist, prodaccess exists, but unauthenticated=
Failure: No handler was ready to authenticate. 3 handlers were checked. ['OAuth2Auth', 'HmacAuthV1Handler', 'SSOAuth'] Check your credentials.
=.boto file exists, prodaccess exists, but unauthenticated=
sso_auth will raise NotReadyToAuthenticate, and the .boto file will be used instead
=.boto file exists, prodaccess exists, authenticated=
sso_auth will be run _after_ the default gsutil authenticator, which causes the sso_auth to be used over whatever the default authentication is.
bypass_prodaccess is passed in by default to upload_to_google_storage because we expect people who use upload_to_google_storage to not need prodaccess and have their own boto file already. Also the sso_auth plugin will only request a readonlyi token, which will not work for uploading.
Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/86123002
git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/tools/depot_tools@240266 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
11 years ago
gsutil = Gsutil(GSUTIL_DEFAULT_PATH, boto_path=options.boto,
gsutil = None
for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
if os.path.exists(path) and 'gsutil' in os.listdir(path):
gsutil = Gsutil(os.path.join(path, 'gsutil'), boto_path=options.boto)
if not gsutil:
parser.error('gsutil not found in %s, bad depot_tools checkout?' %
# Check we have a valid bucket with valid permissions.
base_url, code = check_bucket_permissions(options.bucket, gsutil)
if code:
return code
return upload_to_google_storage(
input_filenames, base_url, gsutil, options.force, options.use_md5,
options.num_threads, options.skip_hashing)
if __name__ == '__main__':