git-squash-branch \- Takes all commits in a single branch and replaces them with a single commit\&.
\fIgit squash\-branch\fR [\-m <message>]
git squash\-branch is a simple helper command\&. It takes all the commits on the current branch from the \fImerge_base\fR to HEAD, and reduces them to a single commit\&. The new commit will contain a summary of all the commits which were squashed, preceeded by a header message indicating that it\(cqs the result of a squash (or the message you pass on the command line\&.)\&.
Squashing branches is useful when trying to rebase\-update over branches which were pushed to their upsteram (or committed by the \fICommit Queue\fR), and then conflicting changes landed in upstream on top of the push/commit\&. If you know that your branch was committed but \fBgit-rebase-update\fR(1) isn\(cqt able to automatically clean it, you can squash the troublesome branch before git rebase\-update, and then when git rebase\-update presents the conflict, you can verify that the conflict diff is what you expected (and then skip it with git rebase \-\-skip)\&.
\-m <message>, \-\-message=<message>
Optional message to use for the first line of the squashed commit\&. If omitted, it defaults to "git squash commit\&."\&.
Part of the chromium \fBdepot_tools\fR(7) suite\&. These tools are meant to assist with the development of chromium and related projects\&. Download the tools from \m[blue]\fBhere\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&.