python_version: "2.7"
# The default set of platforms vpython checks for does not yet include mac-arm64.
# Setting `verify_pep425_tag` to the list of platforms we explicitly must support
# allows us to ensure that vpython specs stay mac-arm64-friendly
verify_pep425_tag: [
{python: "cp27", abi: "cp27mu", platform: "manylinux1_x86_64"},
{python: "cp27", abi: "cp27mu", platform: "linux_arm64"},
{python: "cp27", abi: "cp27mu", platform: "linux_armv6l"},
{python: "cp27", abi: "cp27m", platform: "macosx_10_10_intel"},
{python: "cp27", abi: "cp27m", platform: "macosx_11_0_arm64"},
{python: "cp27", abi: "cp27m", platform: "win32"},
{python: "cp27", abi: "cp27m", platform: "win_amd64"}
# Used by:
# auth.py
# gerrit_util.py
# git_cl.py
# my_activity.py
# TODO(crbug.com/1002153): Add ninjalog_uploader.py
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/httplib2-py2_py3"
version: "version:0.10.3"
# Used by:
# presubmit_support.py
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/requests-py2_py3"
version: "version:2.13.0"
# Used by:
# my_activity.py
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/python-dateutil-py2_py3"
version: "version:2.7.3"
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/six-py2_py3"
version: "version:1.10.0"
# Used by:
# tests/auth_test.py
# tests/detect_host_arch_test.py
# tests/gclient_scm_test.py
# tests/gclient_test.py
# tests/gclient_utils_test.py
# tests/gerrit_util_test.py
# tests/git_cl_test.py
# tests/git_footers_test.py
# tests/metrics_test.py
# tests/presubmit_unittest.py
# tests/scm_unittest.py
# tests/subprocess2_test.py
# tests/watchlists_unittest.py
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/mock-py2_py3"
version: "version:2.0.0"
wheel <
name: "infra/python/wheels/funcsigs-py2_py3"
version: "version:1.0.2"
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/pbr-py2_py3"
version: "version:3.0.0"
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/six-py2_py3"
version: "version:1.10.0"