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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script will try to sync the bootstrap directories and then defer control.
if [ "$USER" == "root" ];
echo Running depot tools as root is sad.
# Test if this script is running under a MSYS install. This is likely an error
# if it is, so we warn the user accordingly.
OUTPUT="$(uname | grep 'MSYS')"
if [ $MSYS = 0 ]; then
echo 'WARNING: It looks like you are running these tools from an MSYS shell'
echo '(as opposed to a MinGW shell). This shell is not supported and may'
echo 'fail in mysterious ways.'
echo 'To run the supported MinGW shell, use `git bash`, or use `bin/bash.exe`'
echo 'in your MinGW installation, as opposed to `usr/bin/bash.exe`.'
# Test if this script is running under a MinGW install. If it is, we will
# hardcode the paths to Git where possible.
OUTPUT="$(uname | grep 'MINGW')"
if [ $MINGW = 0 ]; then
base_dir=$(dirname "$0")
if [ -L "$base_dir" ]; then
base_dir=`cd "$base_dir" && pwd -P`
if [ -e $base_dir/.disable_auto_update ]; then
# We want to update the bundled tools even under MinGW.
if [ $MINGW = 0 ]; then
$COMSPEC /c `cygpath -w "$base_dir/bootstrap/win/win_tools.bat"`
case $? in
# msys environment was upgraded, need to quit.
exit 123
exit $?
if [ -e "$base_dir/git.bat" -a $MINGW = 0 ]; then
GIT="cmd.exe //c \"$base_dir\\git.bat\""
# Test git and git --version.
function test_git {
local GITV
GITV="$(eval "$GIT" --version)" || {
echo "git isn't installed, please install it"
exit 1
GITV="${GITV##* }" # Only examine last word (i.e. version number)
local GITD=( ${GITV//./ } ) # Split version number into decimals
if ((GITD[0] < 1 || (GITD[0] == 2 && GITD[1] < 8) )); then
echo "git version is ${GITV}, please update to a version later than 2.8"
exit 1
Handle updating depot_tools repos that are git cloned. Until recently, no proper Git clone of depot_tools existed. All Git clones were set up locally via git svn clone. The way repos of that type are updated is via 'git svn rebase'. Now, a supported Git clone of depot_tools exists. The update process for repos of this type is via 'git fetch' and 'git rebase'. Modify the update_depot_tools* scripts so they can update depot_tools for git cloned or git svn cloned methods. This also means that git svn is no longer required, so move that test after we check for git cloned repos. TEST=Linux + git clone: on Linux, git clone Apply and commit this patch locally. Note commit hash of HEAD. Run 'git reset --hard "HEAD^^^"'. Run 'git cherry-pick HASH_OF_UPDATE_CHANGE'. Run './update_depot_tools'. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Linux + git svn clone: on Linux, git svn clone svn:// Apply and commit this patch locally. Note commit hash of HEAD. Run 'git reset --hard "HEAD^^^"'. Run 'git cherry-pick HASH_OF_UPDATE_CHANGE'. Run './update_depot_tools'. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows command prompt + git clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git clone test, except use update_depot_tools.bat. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows command prompt + git svn clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git svn clone test, except use update_depot_tools.bat. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows cygwin + git clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git clone test. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows cygwin + git svn clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git svn clone test. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
13 years ago
function update_git_repo {
remote_url=$(eval "$GIT" config --get remote.origin.url)
if [ -n "$remote_url" -a "$remote_url" != "$CANONICAL_GIT_URL" ]; then
echo "Your copy of depot_tools is configured to fetch from an obsolete URL:"
echo " $remote_url"
read -t 60 -p "OK to update it to $CANONICAL_GIT_URL ? [Y/n] " -n 1
if [[ $STATUS -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Timeout; not updating remote URL."
elif [ -z "$REPLY" -o "$REPLY" = "Y" -o "$REPLY" = "y" ]; then
eval "$GIT" config remote.origin.url "$CANONICAL_GIT_URL"
echo "Remote URL updated."
git fetch -q origin &> /dev/null
REBASE_TXT=$(git rebase -q origin/master 2>&1)
if [[ $STATUS -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "depot_tools update failed. Conflict in $base_dir" >&2
echo "$REBASE_TXT" >&2
git rebase --abort 2> /dev/null
Handle updating depot_tools repos that are git cloned. Until recently, no proper Git clone of depot_tools existed. All Git clones were set up locally via git svn clone. The way repos of that type are updated is via 'git svn rebase'. Now, a supported Git clone of depot_tools exists. The update process for repos of this type is via 'git fetch' and 'git rebase'. Modify the update_depot_tools* scripts so they can update depot_tools for git cloned or git svn cloned methods. This also means that git svn is no longer required, so move that test after we check for git cloned repos. TEST=Linux + git clone: on Linux, git clone Apply and commit this patch locally. Note commit hash of HEAD. Run 'git reset --hard "HEAD^^^"'. Run 'git cherry-pick HASH_OF_UPDATE_CHANGE'. Run './update_depot_tools'. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Linux + git svn clone: on Linux, git svn clone svn:// Apply and commit this patch locally. Note commit hash of HEAD. Run 'git reset --hard "HEAD^^^"'. Run 'git cherry-pick HASH_OF_UPDATE_CHANGE'. Run './update_depot_tools'. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows command prompt + git clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git clone test, except use update_depot_tools.bat. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows command prompt + git svn clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git svn clone test, except use update_depot_tools.bat. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows cygwin + git clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git clone test. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows cygwin + git svn clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git svn clone test. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
13 years ago
return $STATUS
# Update git checkouts.
if [ "X$DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE" != "X0" -a -e "$base_dir/.git" ]
cd $base_dir
Handle updating depot_tools repos that are git cloned. Until recently, no proper Git clone of depot_tools existed. All Git clones were set up locally via git svn clone. The way repos of that type are updated is via 'git svn rebase'. Now, a supported Git clone of depot_tools exists. The update process for repos of this type is via 'git fetch' and 'git rebase'. Modify the update_depot_tools* scripts so they can update depot_tools for git cloned or git svn cloned methods. This also means that git svn is no longer required, so move that test after we check for git cloned repos. TEST=Linux + git clone: on Linux, git clone Apply and commit this patch locally. Note commit hash of HEAD. Run 'git reset --hard "HEAD^^^"'. Run 'git cherry-pick HASH_OF_UPDATE_CHANGE'. Run './update_depot_tools'. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Linux + git svn clone: on Linux, git svn clone svn:// Apply and commit this patch locally. Note commit hash of HEAD. Run 'git reset --hard "HEAD^^^"'. Run 'git cherry-pick HASH_OF_UPDATE_CHANGE'. Run './update_depot_tools'. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows command prompt + git clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git clone test, except use update_depot_tools.bat. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows command prompt + git svn clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git svn clone test, except use update_depot_tools.bat. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows cygwin + git clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git clone test. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. TEST=Windows cygwin + git svn clone: on Windows command prompt, run Linux+git svn clone test. Verify depot_tools is updated to latest available revision + this change. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
13 years ago
cd - > /dev/null
find "$base_dir" -iname "*.pyc" -exec rm -f {} \;