Creates a new branch\&. By default the new branch will track the configured upstream for the repo (defaults to \fIorigin/master\fR)\&. If one of the other options is specified, it will track that other ref instead\&.
Conceptually, each branch in your repo represents one \fIChange List (CL)\fR\&. If you have many independent CLs (i\&.e\&. the changes in one do not interact with/depend on the changes in another), then you should create them as new branches tracking the default upstream (i\&.e\&. git new\-branch <branch_name>)\&. If you have features which depend on each other, you should create stacked branches using git new\-branch \-\-upstream_current <branch_name>\&.
Set the tracking (upstream) branch to the currently\-checked\-out branch\&.
\-\-uptstream <REF>
Set the tracking (upstream) branch to <REF>\&. <REF> may be a local branch, remote branch, or a tag\&.
Alias for
\-\-upstream lkgr\&.
The name for the new branch\&.
This configures the default \fIupstream\fR for all new branches\&. If it is unset, it defaults to \fIorigin/master\fR\&. This is considered to be the \fIroot\fR branch\&.
Part of the chromium \fBdepot_tools\fR(7) suite\&. These tools are meant to assist with the development of chromium and related projects\&. Download the tools from \m[blue]\fBhere\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&.