#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for git_dates."""
import datetime
import os
import shutil
import StringIO
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
DEPOT_TOOLS_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
sys.path.insert(0, DEPOT_TOOLS_ROOT)
from testing_support import coverage_utils
from testing_support import git_test_utils
import git_common
class GitHyperBlameTestBase(git_test_utils.GitRepoReadOnlyTestBase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(GitHyperBlameTestBase, cls).setUpClass()
import git_hyper_blame
cls.git_hyper_blame = git_hyper_blame
def run_hyperblame(self, ignored, filename, revision):
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
ignored = [self.repo[c] for c in ignored]
retval = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.hyper_blame, ignored, filename,
revision=revision, out=stdout, err=stderr)
return retval, stdout.getvalue().rstrip().split('\n')
def blame_line(self, commit_name, rest, filename=None):
"""Generate a blame line from a commit.
commit_name: The commit's schema name.
rest: The blame line after the timestamp. e.g., '2) file2 - merged'.
short = self.repo[commit_name][:8]
start = '%s %s' % (short, filename) if filename else short
author = self.repo.show_commit(commit_name, format_string='%an %ai')
return '%s (%s %s' % (start, author, rest)
class GitHyperBlameMainTest(GitHyperBlameTestBase):
"""End-to-end tests on a very simple repo."""
'some/files/file': {'data': 'line 1\nline 2\n'},
'some/files/file': {'data': 'line 1\nline 2.1\n'},
'some/files/file': {'data': 'line 1.1\nline 2.1\n'},
# This file should be automatically considered for ignore.
'.git-blame-ignore-revs': {'data': 'tag_C'},
# This file should not be considered.
'some/files/.git-blame-ignore-revs': {'data': 'tag_B'},
def setUp(self):
super(GitHyperBlameMainTest, self).setUp()
# Most tests want to check out C (so the .git-blame-ignore-revs is not
# used).
self.repo.git('checkout', '-f', 'tag_C')
def testBasicBlame(self):
"""Tests the main function (simple end-to-end test with no ignores)."""
expected_output = [self.blame_line('C', '1) line 1.1'),
self.blame_line('B', '2) line 2.1')]
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
retval = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.main,
args=['tag_C', 'some/files/file'], stdout=stdout,
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, stdout.getvalue().rstrip().split('\n'))
self.assertEqual('', stderr.getvalue())
def testIgnoreSimple(self):
"""Tests the main function (simple end-to-end test with ignores)."""
expected_output = [self.blame_line('C', ' 1) line 1.1'),
self.blame_line('A', '2*) line 2.1')]
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
retval = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.main,
args=['-i', 'tag_B', 'tag_C', 'some/files/file'],
stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, stdout.getvalue().rstrip().split('\n'))
self.assertEqual('', stderr.getvalue())
def testBadRepo(self):
"""Tests the main function (not in a repo)."""
# Make a temp dir that has no .git directory.
curdir = os.getcwd()
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='_nogit', prefix='git_repo')
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
retval = self.git_hyper_blame.main(
args=['-i', 'tag_B', 'tag_C', 'some/files/file'], stdout=stdout,
self.assertNotEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual('', stdout.getvalue())
self.assertRegexpMatches(stderr.getvalue(), '^fatal: Not a git repository')
def testBadFilename(self):
"""Tests the main function (bad filename)."""
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
retval = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.main,
args=['-i', 'tag_B', 'tag_C', 'some/files/xxxx'],
stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
self.assertNotEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual('', stdout.getvalue())
# TODO(mgiuca): This test used to test the exact string, but it broke due to
# an upstream bug in git-blame. For now, just check the start of the string.
# A patch has been sent upstream; when it rolls out we can revert back to
# the original test logic.
stderr.getvalue().startswith('fatal: no such path some/files/xxxx in '))
def testBadRevision(self):
"""Tests the main function (bad revision to blame from)."""
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
retval = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.main,
args=['-i', 'tag_B', 'xxxx', 'some/files/file'],
stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
self.assertNotEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual('', stdout.getvalue())
'^fatal: ambiguous argument \'xxxx\': unknown '
'revision or path not in the working tree.')
def testBadIgnore(self):
"""Tests the main function (bad revision passed to -i)."""
expected_output = [self.blame_line('C', '1) line 1.1'),
self.blame_line('B', '2) line 2.1')]
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
retval = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.main,
args=['-i', 'xxxx', 'tag_C', 'some/files/file'],
stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, stdout.getvalue().rstrip().split('\n'))
self.assertEqual('warning: unknown revision \'xxxx\'.\n', stderr.getvalue())
def testIgnoreFile(self):
"""Tests passing the ignore list in a file."""
expected_output = [self.blame_line('C', ' 1) line 1.1'),
self.blame_line('A', '2*) line 2.1')]
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', prefix='ignore') as ignore_file:
ignore_file.write('# Line comments are allowed.\n'.format(self.repo['B']))
# A revision that is not in the repo (should be ignored).
retval = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.main,
args=['--ignore-file', ignore_file.name, 'tag_C',
stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, stdout.getvalue().rstrip().split('\n'))
self.assertEqual('warning: unknown revision \'xxxx\'.\n', stderr.getvalue())
def testDefaultIgnoreFile(self):
"""Tests automatically using a default ignore list."""
# Check out revision D. We expect the script to use the default ignore list
# that is checked out, *not* the one committed at the given revision.
self.repo.git('checkout', '-f', 'tag_D')
expected_output = [self.blame_line('A', '1*) line 1.1'),
self.blame_line('B', ' 2) line 2.1')]
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
retval = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.main,
args=['tag_D', 'some/files/file'],
stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, stdout.getvalue().rstrip().split('\n'))
self.assertEqual('', stderr.getvalue())
# Test blame from a different revision. Despite the default ignore file
# *not* being committed at that revision, it should still be picked up
# because D is currently checked out.
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
retval = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.main,
args=['tag_C', 'some/files/file'],
stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, stdout.getvalue().rstrip().split('\n'))
self.assertEqual('', stderr.getvalue())
def testNoDefaultIgnores(self):
"""Tests the --no-default-ignores switch."""
# Check out revision D. This has a .git-blame-ignore-revs file, which we
# expect to be ignored due to --no-default-ignores.
self.repo.git('checkout', '-f', 'tag_D')
expected_output = [self.blame_line('C', '1) line 1.1'),
self.blame_line('B', '2) line 2.1')]
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
retval = self.repo.run(
args=['tag_D', 'some/files/file', '--no-default-ignores'],
stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, stdout.getvalue().rstrip().split('\n'))
self.assertEqual('', stderr.getvalue())
class GitHyperBlameSimpleTest(GitHyperBlameTestBase):
'some/files/file1': {'data': 'file1'},
'some/files/file2': {'data': 'file2'},
'some/files/empty': {'data': ''},
'some/other/file': {'data': 'otherfile'},
'some/files/file2': {
'mode': 0o755,
'data': 'file2 - vanilla\n'},
'some/files/empty': {'data': 'not anymore'},
'some/files/file3': {'data': 'file3'},
'some/files/file2': {'data': 'file2 - merged\n'},
'some/files/file2': {'data': 'file2 - vanilla\nfile2 - merged\n'},
'some/files/file2': {'data': 'file2 - vanilla\nfile_x - merged\n'},
'some/files/file2': {'data': 'file2 - vanilla\nfile_y - merged\n'},
# Move file2 from files to other.
'some/files/file2': {'data': None},
'some/other/file2': {'data': 'file2 - vanilla\nfile_y - merged\n'},
'some/other/file2': {'data': 'file2 - vanilla\nfile_z - merged\n'},
def testBlameError(self):
"""Tests a blame on a non-existent file."""
expected_output = ['']
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame([], 'some/other/file2', 'tag_D')
self.assertNotEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
def testBlameEmpty(self):
"""Tests a blame of an empty file with no ignores."""
expected_output = ['']
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame([], 'some/files/empty', 'tag_A')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
def testBasicBlame(self):
"""Tests a basic blame with no ignores."""
# Expect to blame line 1 on B, line 2 on C.
expected_output = [self.blame_line('B', '1) file2 - vanilla'),
self.blame_line('C', '2) file2 - merged')]
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame([], 'some/files/file2', 'tag_D')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
def testBlameRenamed(self):
"""Tests a blame with no ignores on a renamed file."""
# Expect to blame line 1 on B, line 2 on H.
# Because the file has a different name than it had when (some of) these
# lines were changed, expect the filenames to be displayed.
expected_output = [self.blame_line('B', '1) file2 - vanilla',
self.blame_line('H', '2) file_z - merged',
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame([], 'some/other/file2', 'tag_H')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
def testIgnoreSimpleEdits(self):
"""Tests a blame with simple (line-level changes) commits ignored."""
# Expect to blame line 1 on B, line 2 on E.
expected_output = [self.blame_line('B', '1) file2 - vanilla'),
self.blame_line('E', '2) file_x - merged')]
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame([], 'some/files/file2', 'tag_E')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
# Ignore E; blame line 1 on B, line 2 on C.
expected_output = [self.blame_line('B', ' 1) file2 - vanilla'),
self.blame_line('C', '2*) file_x - merged')]
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame(['E'], 'some/files/file2', 'tag_E')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
# Ignore E and F; blame line 1 on B, line 2 on C.
expected_output = [self.blame_line('B', ' 1) file2 - vanilla'),
self.blame_line('C', '2*) file_y - merged')]
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame(['E', 'F'], 'some/files/file2',
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
def testIgnoreInitialCommit(self):
"""Tests a blame with the initial commit ignored."""
# Ignore A. Expect A to get blamed anyway.
expected_output = [self.blame_line('A', '1) file1')]
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame(['A'], 'some/files/file1', 'tag_A')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
def testIgnoreFileAdd(self):
"""Tests a blame ignoring the commit that added this file."""
# Ignore A. Expect A to get blamed anyway.
expected_output = [self.blame_line('B', '1) file3')]
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame(['B'], 'some/files/file3', 'tag_B')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
def testIgnoreFilePopulate(self):
"""Tests a blame ignoring the commit that added data to an empty file."""
# Ignore A. Expect A to get blamed anyway.
expected_output = [self.blame_line('B', '1) not anymore')]
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame(['B'], 'some/files/empty', 'tag_B')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
class GitHyperBlameLineMotionTest(GitHyperBlameTestBase):
'file': {'data': 'A\ngreen\nblue\n'},
# Change "green" to "yellow".
'file': {'data': 'A\nyellow\nblue\n'},
# Insert 2 lines at the top,
# Change "yellow" to "red".
# Insert 1 line at the bottom.
'file': {'data': 'X\nY\nA\nred\nblue\nZ\n'},
# Insert 2 more lines at the top.
'file': {'data': 'earth\nfire\nX\nY\nA\nred\nblue\nZ\n'},
# Insert a line before "red", and indent "red" and "blue".
'file': {'data': 'earth\nfire\nX\nY\nA\ncolors:\n red\n blue\nZ\n'},
# Insert a line between "A" and "colors".
'file': {'data': 'earth\nfire\nX\nY\nA\nB\ncolors:\n red\n blue\nZ\n'},
def testCacheDiffHunks(self):
"""Tests the cache_diff_hunks internal function."""
expected_hunks = [((0, 0), (1, 2)),
((2, 1), (4, 1)),
((3, 0), (6, 1)),
hunks = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.cache_diff_hunks, 'tag_B',
self.assertEqual(expected_hunks, hunks)
def testApproxLinenoAcrossRevs(self):
"""Tests the approx_lineno_across_revs internal function."""
# Note: For all of these tests, the "old revision" and "new revision" are
# reversed, which matches the usage by hyper_blame.
# Test an unchanged line before any hunks in the diff. Should be unchanged.
lineno = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.approx_lineno_across_revs,
'file', 'file', 'tag_B', 'tag_A', 1)
self.assertEqual(1, lineno)
# Test an unchanged line after all hunks in the diff. Should be matched to
# the line's previous position in the file.
lineno = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.approx_lineno_across_revs,
'file', 'file', 'tag_D', 'tag_C', 6)
self.assertEqual(4, lineno)
# Test a line added in a new hunk. Should be matched to the line *before*
# where the hunk was inserted in the old version of the file.
lineno = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.approx_lineno_across_revs,
'file', 'file', 'tag_F', 'tag_E', 6)
self.assertEqual(5, lineno)
# Test lines added in a new hunk at the very start of the file. This tests
# an edge case: normally it would be matched to the line *before* where the
# hunk was inserted (Line 0), but since the hunk is at the start of the
# file, we match to Line 1.
lineno = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.approx_lineno_across_revs,
'file', 'file', 'tag_C', 'tag_B', 1)
self.assertEqual(1, lineno)
lineno = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.approx_lineno_across_revs,
'file', 'file', 'tag_C', 'tag_B', 2)
self.assertEqual(1, lineno)
# Test an unchanged line in between hunks in the diff. Should be matched to
# the line's previous position in the file.
lineno = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.approx_lineno_across_revs,
'file', 'file', 'tag_C', 'tag_B', 3)
self.assertEqual(1, lineno)
# Test a changed line. Should be matched to the hunk's previous position in
# the file.
lineno = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.approx_lineno_across_revs,
'file', 'file', 'tag_C', 'tag_B', 4)
self.assertEqual(2, lineno)
# Test a line added in a new hunk at the very end of the file. Should be
# matched to the line *before* where the hunk was inserted (the last line of
# the file). Technically same as the case above but good to boundary test.
lineno = self.repo.run(self.git_hyper_blame.approx_lineno_across_revs,
'file', 'file', 'tag_C', 'tag_B', 6)
self.assertEqual(3, lineno)
def testInterHunkLineMotion(self):
"""Tests a blame with line motion in another hunk in the ignored commit."""
# Blame from D, ignoring C.
# Lines 1, 2 were added by D.
# Lines 3, 4 were added by C (but ignored, so blame A).
# Line 5 was added by A.
# Line 6 was modified by C (but ignored, so blame B). (Note: This requires
# the algorithm to figure out that Line 6 in D == Line 4 in C ~= Line 2 in
# B, so it blames B. Otherwise, it would blame A.)
# Line 7 was added by A.
# Line 8 was added by C (but ignored, so blame A).
expected_output = [self.blame_line('D', ' 1) earth'),
self.blame_line('D', ' 2) fire'),
self.blame_line('A', '3*) X'),
self.blame_line('A', '4*) Y'),
self.blame_line('A', ' 5) A'),
self.blame_line('B', '6*) red'),
self.blame_line('A', ' 7) blue'),
self.blame_line('A', '8*) Z'),
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame(['C'], 'file', 'tag_D')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
def testIntraHunkLineMotion(self):
"""Tests a blame with line motion in the same hunk in the ignored commit."""
# This test was mostly written as a demonstration of the limitations of the
# current algorithm (it exhibits non-ideal behaviour).
# Blame from E, ignoring E.
# Line 6 was added by E (but ignored, so blame C).
# Lines 7, 8 were modified by E (but ignored, so blame A).
# TODO(mgiuca): Ideally, this would blame Line 7 on C, because the line
# "red" was added by C, and this is just a small change to that line. But
# the current algorithm can't deal with line motion within a hunk, so it
# just assumes Line 7 in E ~= Line 7 in D == Line 3 in A (which was "blue").
expected_output = [self.blame_line('D', ' 1) earth'),
self.blame_line('D', ' 2) fire'),
self.blame_line('C', ' 3) X'),
self.blame_line('C', ' 4) Y'),
self.blame_line('A', ' 5) A'),
self.blame_line('C', '6*) colors:'),
self.blame_line('A', '7*) red'),
self.blame_line('A', '8*) blue'),
self.blame_line('C', ' 9) Z'),
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame(['E'], 'file', 'tag_E')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
class GitHyperBlameLineNumberTest(GitHyperBlameTestBase):
'file': {'data': 'red\nblue\n'},
# Change "blue" to "green".
'file': {'data': 'red\ngreen\n'},
# Insert 2 lines at the top,
'file': {'data': '\n\nred\ngreen\n'},
# Change "green" to "yellow".
'file': {'data': '\n\nred\nyellow\n'},
def testTwoChangesWithAddedLines(self):
"""Regression test for https://crbug.com/709831.
Tests a line with multiple ignored edits, and a line number change in
between (such that the line number in the current revision is bigger than
the file's line count at the older ignored revision).
expected_output = [self.blame_line('C', ' 1) '),
self.blame_line('C', ' 2) '),
self.blame_line('A', ' 3) red'),
self.blame_line('A', '4*) yellow'),
# Due to https://crbug.com/709831, ignoring both B and D would crash,
# because of C (in between those revisions) which moves Line 2 to Line 4.
# The algorithm would incorrectly think that Line 4 was still on Line 4 in
# Commit B, even though it was Line 2 at that time. Its index is out of
# range in the number of lines in Commit B.
retval, output = self.run_hyperblame(['B', 'D'], 'file', 'tag_D')
self.assertEqual(0, retval)
self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.path.join(DEPOT_TOOLS_ROOT, 'git_hyper_blame.py')))