You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
848 lines
29 KiB
848 lines
29 KiB
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const path = require('path')
const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");
const { uuid } = require('uuidv4');
const _ = require('lodash');
const config_api = require('./config');
const utils = require('./utils')
const logger = require('./logger');
const low = require('lowdb')
const FileSync = require('lowdb/adapters/FileSync');
const { BehaviorSubject } = require('rxjs');
let local_db = null;
let database = null;
exports.database_initialized = false;
exports.database_initialized_bs = new BehaviorSubject(false);
const tables = {
files: {
name: 'files',
primary_key: 'uid',
text_search: {
title: 'text',
uploader: 'text',
uid: 'text'
playlists: {
name: 'playlists',
primary_key: 'id'
categories: {
name: 'categories',
primary_key: 'uid'
subscriptions: {
name: 'subscriptions',
primary_key: 'id'
downloads: {
name: 'downloads'
users: {
name: 'users',
primary_key: 'uid'
roles: {
name: 'roles',
primary_key: 'key'
download_queue: {
name: 'download_queue',
primary_key: 'uid'
tasks: {
name: 'tasks',
primary_key: 'key'
notifications: {
name: 'notifications',
primary_key: 'uid'
archives: {
name: 'archives'
test: {
name: 'test'
const tables_list = Object.keys(tables);
let using_local_db = null;
function setDB(input_db, input_users_db) {
db = input_db; users_db = input_users_db;
exports.db = input_db;
exports.users_db = input_users_db
exports.initialize = (input_db, input_users_db, db_name = 'local_db.json') => {
setDB(input_db, input_users_db);
// must be done here to prevent getConfigItem from being called before init
using_local_db = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_use_local_db');
const local_adapter = new FileSync(`./appdata/${db_name}`);
local_db = low(local_adapter);
const local_db_defaults = {}
tables_list.forEach(table => {local_db_defaults[table] = []});
exports.connectToDB = async (retries = 5, no_fallback = false, custom_connection_string = null) => {
const success = await exports._connectToDB(custom_connection_string);
if (success) return true;
if (retries) {
logger.warn(`MongoDB connection failed! Retrying ${retries} times...`);
const retry_delay_ms = 2000;
for (let i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
const retry_succeeded = await exports._connectToDB();
if (retry_succeeded) {
|`Successfully connected to DB after ${i+1} attempt(s)`);
return true;
if (i !== retries - 1) {
logger.warn(`Retry ${i+1} failed, waiting ${retry_delay_ms}ms before trying again.`);
await utils.wait(retry_delay_ms);
} else {
logger.warn(`Retry ${i+1} failed.`);
if (no_fallback) {
logger.error('Failed to connect to MongoDB. Verify your connection string is valid.');
using_local_db = true;
config_api.setConfigItem('ytdl_use_local_db', true);
logger.error('Failed to connect to MongoDB, using Local DB as a fallback. Make sure your MongoDB instance is accessible, or set Local DB as a default through the config.');
return true;
exports._connectToDB = async (custom_connection_string = null) => {
const uri = !custom_connection_string ? config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_mongodb_connection_string') : custom_connection_string; // "mongodb://";
const client = new MongoClient(uri, {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
try {
await client.connect();
database = client.db('ytdl_material');
// avoid doing anything else if it's just a test
if (custom_connection_string) return true;
const existing_collections = (await database.listCollections({}, { nameOnly: true }).toArray()).map(collection =>;
const missing_tables = tables_list.filter(table => !(existing_collections.includes(table)));
missing_tables.forEach(async table => {
await database.createCollection(table);
tables_list.forEach(async table => {
const primary_key = tables[table]['primary_key'];
if (primary_key) {
await database.collection(table).createIndex({[primary_key]: 1}, { unique: true });
const text_search = tables[table]['text_search'];
if (text_search) {
await database.collection(table).createIndex(text_search);
using_local_db = false; // needs to happen for tests (in normal operation using_local_db is guaranteed false)
return true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
} finally {
// Ensures that the client will close when you finish/error
// await client.close();
exports.setVideoProperty = async (file_uid, assignment_obj) => {
// TODO: check if video exists, throw error if not
await exports.updateRecord('files', {uid: file_uid}, assignment_obj);
exports.getFileDirectoriesAndDBs = async () => {
let dirs_to_check = [];
let subscriptions_to_check = [];
const subscriptions_base_path = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_subscriptions_base_path'); // only for single-user mode
const multi_user_mode = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_multi_user_mode');
const usersFileFolder = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_users_base_path');
const subscriptions_enabled = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_allow_subscriptions');
if (multi_user_mode) {
const users = await exports.getRecords('users');
for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
const user = users[i];
// add user's audio dir to check list
basePath: path.join(usersFileFolder, user.uid, 'audio'),
user_uid: user.uid,
type: 'audio',
archive_path: utils.getArchiveFolder('audio', user.uid)
// add user's video dir to check list
basePath: path.join(usersFileFolder, user.uid, 'video'),
user_uid: user.uid,
type: 'video',
archive_path: utils.getArchiveFolder('video', user.uid)
} else {
const audioFolderPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_audio_folder_path');
const videoFolderPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_video_folder_path');
// add audio dir to check list
basePath: audioFolderPath,
type: 'audio',
archive_path: utils.getArchiveFolder('audio')
// add video dir to check list
basePath: videoFolderPath,
type: 'video',
archive_path: utils.getArchiveFolder('video')
if (subscriptions_enabled) {
const subscriptions = await exports.getRecords('subscriptions');
subscriptions_to_check = subscriptions_to_check.concat(subscriptions);
// add subscriptions to check list
for (let i = 0; i < subscriptions_to_check.length; i++) {
let subscription_to_check = subscriptions_to_check[i];
if (! {
// TODO: Remove subscription as it'll never complete
basePath: subscription_to_check.user_uid ? path.join(usersFileFolder, subscription_to_check.user_uid, 'subscriptions', subscription_to_check.isPlaylist ? 'playlists/' : 'channels/',
: path.join(subscriptions_base_path, subscription_to_check.isPlaylist ? 'playlists/' : 'channels/',,
user_uid: subscription_to_check.user_uid,
type: subscription_to_check.type,
sub_id: subscription_to_check['id'],
archive_path: utils.getArchiveFolder(subscription_to_check.type, subscription_to_check.user_uid, subscription_to_check)
return dirs_to_check;
// Basic DB functions
// Create
exports.insertRecordIntoTable = async (table, doc, replaceFilter = null) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
if (replaceFilter) local_db.get(table).remove((doc) => _.isMatch(doc, replaceFilter)).write();
return true;
if (replaceFilter) {
const output = await database.collection(table).bulkWrite([
deleteMany: {
filter: replaceFilter
insertOne: {
document: doc
logger.debug(`Inserted doc into ${table} with filter: ${JSON.stringify(replaceFilter)}`);
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
const output = await database.collection(table).insertOne(doc);
logger.debug(`Inserted doc into ${table}`);
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
exports.insertRecordsIntoTable = async (table, docs, ignore_errors = false) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
const records_limit = 30000;
if (docs.length < records_limit) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; i+=records_limit) {
const records_to_push = docs.slice(i, i+records_limit > docs.length ? docs.length : i+records_limit)
return true;
const output = await database.collection(table).insertMany(docs, {ordered: !ignore_errors});
logger.debug(`Inserted ${output.insertedCount} docs into ${table}`);
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
exports.bulkInsertRecordsIntoTable = async (table, docs) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
return await exports.insertRecordsIntoTable(table, docs);
// not a necessary function as insertRecords does the same thing but gives us more control on batch size if needed
const table_collection = database.collection(table);
let bulk = table_collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); // Initialize the Ordered Batch
for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
const output = await bulk.execute();
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
// Read
exports.getRecord = async (table, filter_obj) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
return exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'find').value();
return await database.collection(table).findOne(filter_obj);
exports.getRecords = async (table, filter_obj = null, return_count = false, sort = null, range = null) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
let cursor = filter_obj ? exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'filter').value() : local_db.get(table).value();
if (sort) {
cursor = cursor.sort((a, b) => (a[sort['by']] > b[sort['by']] ? sort['order'] : sort['order']*-1));
if (range) {
cursor = cursor.slice(range[0], range[1]);
return !return_count ? cursor : cursor.length;
const cursor = filter_obj ? database.collection(table).find(filter_obj) : database.collection(table).find();
if (sort) {
cursor.sort({[sort['by']]: sort['order']});
if (range) {
cursor.skip(range[0]).limit(range[1] - range[0]);
return !return_count ? await cursor.toArray() : await cursor.count();
// Update
exports.updateRecord = async (table, filter_obj, update_obj, nested_mode = false) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
if (nested_mode) {
// if object is nested we need to handle it differently
update_obj = utils.convertFlatObjectToNestedObject(update_obj);
exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'find').merge(update_obj).write();
return true;
exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'find').assign(update_obj).write();
return true;
// sometimes _id will be in the update obj, this breaks mongodb
if (update_obj['_id']) delete update_obj['_id'];
const output = await database.collection(table).updateOne(filter_obj, {$set: update_obj});
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
exports.updateRecords = async (table, filter_obj, update_obj) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'filter').each((record) => {
const props_to_update = Object.keys(update_obj);
for (let i = 0; i < props_to_update.length; i++) {
const prop_to_update = props_to_update[i];
const prop_value = update_obj[prop_to_update];
record[prop_to_update] = prop_value;
return true;
const output = await database.collection(table).updateMany(filter_obj, {$set: update_obj});
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
exports.removePropertyFromRecord = async (table, filter_obj, remove_obj) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
const props_to_remove = Object.keys(remove_obj);
exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'find').unset(props_to_remove).write();
return true;
const output = await database.collection(table).updateOne(filter_obj, {$unset: remove_obj});
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
exports.bulkUpdateRecordsByKey = async (table, key_label, update_obj) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
local_db.get(table).each((record) => {
const item_id_to_update = record[key_label];
if (!update_obj[item_id_to_update]) return;
const props_to_update = Object.keys(update_obj[item_id_to_update]);
for (let i = 0; i < props_to_update.length; i++) {
const prop_to_update = props_to_update[i];
const prop_value = update_obj[item_id_to_update][prop_to_update];
record[prop_to_update] = prop_value;
return true;
const table_collection = database.collection(table);
let bulk = table_collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); // Initialize the Ordered Batch
const item_ids_to_update = Object.keys(update_obj);
for (let i = 0; i < item_ids_to_update.length; i++) {
const item_id_to_update = item_ids_to_update[i];
bulk.find({[key_label]: item_id_to_update }).updateOne({
"$set": update_obj[item_id_to_update]
const output = await bulk.execute();
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
exports.pushToRecordsArray = async (table, filter_obj, key, value) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'find').get(key).push(value).write();
return true;
const output = await database.collection(table).updateOne(filter_obj, {$push: {[key]: value}});
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
exports.pullFromRecordsArray = async (table, filter_obj, key, value) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'find').get(key).pull(value).write();
return true;
const output = await database.collection(table).updateOne(filter_obj, {$pull: {[key]: value}});
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
// Delete
exports.removeRecord = async (table, filter_obj) => {
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'remove').write();
return true;
const output = await database.collection(table).deleteOne(filter_obj);
return !!(output['result']['ok']);
// exports.removeRecordsByUIDBulk = async (table, uids) => {
// // local db override
// if (using_local_db) {
// exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'remove').write();
// return true;
// }
// const table_collection = database.collection(table);
// let bulk = table_collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); // Initialize the Ordered Batch
// const item_ids_to_remove =
// for (let i = 0; i < item_ids_to_update.length; i++) {
// const item_id_to_update = item_ids_to_update[i];
// bulk.find({[key_label]: item_id_to_update }).updateOne({
// "$set": update_obj[item_id_to_update]
// });
// }
// const output = await bulk.execute();
// return !!(output['result']['ok']);
// }
exports.findDuplicatesByKey = async (table, key) => {
let duplicates = [];
if (using_local_db) {
// this can probably be optimized
const all_records = await exports.getRecords(table);
const existing_records = {};
for (let i = 0; i < all_records.length; i++) {
const record = all_records[i];
const value = record[key];
if (existing_records[value]) {
existing_records[value] = true;
return duplicates;
const duplicated_values = await database.collection(table).aggregate([
{"$group" : { "_id": `$${key}`, "count": { "$sum": 1 } } },
{"$match": {"_id" :{ "$ne" : null } , "count" : {"$gt": 1} } },
{"$project": {[key] : "$_id", "_id" : 0} }
for (let i = 0; i < duplicated_values.length; i++) {
const duplicated_value = duplicated_values[i];
const duplicated_records = await exports.getRecords(table, duplicated_value, false);
if (duplicated_records.length > 1) {
duplicates = duplicates.concat(duplicated_records.slice(1, duplicated_records.length));
return duplicates;
exports.removeAllRecords = async (table = null, filter_obj = null) => {
// local db override
const tables_to_remove = table ? [table] : tables_list;
logger.debug(`Removing all records from: ${tables_to_remove} with filter: ${JSON.stringify(filter_obj)}`)
if (using_local_db) {
for (let i = 0; i < tables_to_remove.length; i++) {
const table_to_remove = tables_to_remove[i];
if (filter_obj) exports.applyFilterLocalDB(local_db.get(table), filter_obj, 'remove').write();
else local_db.assign({[table_to_remove]: []}).write();
logger.debug(`Successfully removed records from ${table_to_remove}`);
return true;
let success = true;
for (let i = 0; i < tables_to_remove.length; i++) {
const table_to_remove = tables_to_remove[i];
const output = await database.collection(table_to_remove).deleteMany(filter_obj ? filter_obj : {});
logger.debug(`Successfully removed records from ${table_to_remove}`);
success &= !!(output['result']['ok']);
return success;
// Stats
exports.getDBStats = async () => {
const stats_by_table = {};
for (let i = 0; i < tables_list.length; i++) {
const table = tables_list[i];
if (table === 'test') continue;
stats_by_table[table] = await getDBTableStats(table);
return {stats_by_table: stats_by_table, using_local_db: using_local_db};
const getDBTableStats = async (table) => {
const table_stats = {};
// local db override
if (using_local_db) {
table_stats['records_count'] = local_db.get(table).value().length;
} else {
const stats = await database.collection(table).stats();
table_stats['records_count'] = stats.count;
return table_stats;
// JSON to DB
exports.generateJSONTables = async (db_json, users_json) => {
// create records
let files = db_json['files'] || [];
let playlists = db_json['playlists'] || [];
let categories = db_json['categories'] || [];
let subscriptions = db_json['subscriptions'] || [];
const users = users_json['users'];
for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
const user = users[i];
if (user['files']) {
user['files'] = user['files'].map(file => ({ ...file, user_uid: user['uid'] }));
files = files.concat(user['files']);
if (user['playlists']) {
user['playlists'] = user['playlists'].map(playlist => ({ ...playlist, user_uid: user['uid'] }));
playlists = playlists.concat(user['playlists']);
if (user['categories']) {
user['categories'] = user['categories'].map(category => ({ ...category, user_uid: user['uid'] }));
categories = categories.concat(user['categories']);
if (user['subscriptions']) {
user['subscriptions'] = user['subscriptions'].map(subscription => ({ ...subscription, user_uid: user['uid'] }));
subscriptions = subscriptions.concat(user['subscriptions']);
const tables_obj = {};
// TODO: use create*Records funcs to strip unnecessary properties
tables_obj.files = createFilesRecords(files, subscriptions);
tables_obj.playlists = playlists;
tables_obj.categories = categories;
tables_obj.subscriptions = createSubscriptionsRecords(subscriptions);
tables_obj.users = createUsersRecords(users);
tables_obj.roles = createRolesRecords(users_json['roles']);
tables_obj.downloads = createDownloadsRecords(db_json['downloads'])
return tables_obj;
exports.importJSONToDB = async (db_json, users_json) => {
await fs.writeFile(`appdata/db.json.${}.bak`, JSON.stringify(db_json, null, 2));
await fs.writeFile(`appdata/users_db.json.${}.bak`, JSON.stringify(users_json, null, 2));
await exports.removeAllRecords();
const tables_obj = await exports.generateJSONTables(db_json, users_json);
const table_keys = Object.keys(tables_obj);
let success = true;
for (let i = 0; i < table_keys.length; i++) {
const table_key = table_keys[i];
if (!tables_obj[table_key] || tables_obj[table_key].length === 0) continue;
success &= await exports.insertRecordsIntoTable(table_key, tables_obj[table_key], true);
return success;
const createFilesRecords = (files, subscriptions) => {
for (let i = 0; i < subscriptions.length; i++) {
const subscription = subscriptions[i];
if (!subscription['videos']) continue;
subscription['videos'] = subscription['videos'].map(file => ({ ...file, sub_id: subscription['id'], user_uid: subscription['user_uid'] ? subscription['user_uid'] : undefined}));
files = files.concat(subscriptions[i]['videos']);
return files;
const createPlaylistsRecords = async (playlists) => {
const createCategoriesRecords = async (categories) => {
const createSubscriptionsRecords = (subscriptions) => {
for (let i = 0; i < subscriptions.length; i++) {
delete subscriptions[i]['videos'];
return subscriptions;
const createUsersRecords = (users) => {
users.forEach(user => {
delete user['files'];
delete user['playlists'];
delete user['subscriptions'];
return users;
const createRolesRecords = (roles) => {
const new_roles = [];
Object.keys(roles).forEach(role_key => {
key: role_key,
return new_roles;
const createDownloadsRecords = (downloads) => {
const new_downloads = [];
Object.keys(downloads).forEach(session_key => {
key: session_key,
return new_downloads;
exports.backupDB = async () => {
const backup_dir = path.join('appdata', 'db_backup');
const backup_file_name = `${using_local_db ? 'local' : 'remote'}_db.json.${}.bak`;
const path_to_backups = path.join(backup_dir, backup_file_name);
|`Backing up ${using_local_db ? 'local' : 'remote'} DB to ${path_to_backups}`);
const table_to_records = {};
for (let i = 0; i < tables_list.length; i++) {
const table = tables_list[i];
table_to_records[table] = await exports.getRecords(table);
fs.writeJsonSync(path_to_backups, table_to_records);
return backup_file_name;
exports.restoreDB = async (file_name) => {
const path_to_backup = path.join('appdata', 'db_backup', file_name);
logger.debug('Reading database backup file.');
const table_to_records = fs.readJSONSync(path_to_backup);
if (!table_to_records) {
logger.error(`Failed to restore DB! Backup file '${path_to_backup}' could not be read.`);
return false;
logger.debug('Clearing database.');
await exports.removeAllRecords();
logger.debug('Database cleared! Beginning restore.');
let success = true;
for (let i = 0; i < tables_list.length; i++) {
const table = tables_list[i];
if (!table_to_records[table] || table_to_records[table].length === 0) continue;
success &= await exports.bulkInsertRecordsIntoTable(table, table_to_records[table]);
logger.debug('Restore finished!');
return success;
exports.transferDB = async (local_to_remote) => {
const table_to_records = {};
for (let i = 0; i < tables_list.length; i++) {
const table = tables_list[i];
table_to_records[table] = await exports.getRecords(table);
|'Backup up DB...');
await exports.backupDB(); // should backup always
using_local_db = !local_to_remote;
if (local_to_remote) {
const db_connected = await exports.connectToDB(5, true);
if (!db_connected) {
logger.error('Failed to transfer database - could not connect to MongoDB. Verify that your connection URL is valid.');
return false;
success = true;
logger.debug('Clearing new database before transfer...');
await exports.removeAllRecords();
logger.debug('Database cleared! Beginning transfer.');
for (let i = 0; i < tables_list.length; i++) {
const table = tables_list[i];
if (!table_to_records[table] || table_to_records[table].length === 0) continue;
success &= await exports.bulkInsertRecordsIntoTable(table, table_to_records[table]);
config_api.setConfigItem('ytdl_use_local_db', using_local_db);
logger.debug('Transfer finished!');
return success;
This function is necessary to emulate mongodb's ability to search for null or missing values.
A filter of null or undefined for a property will find docs that have that property missing, or have it
null or undefined. We want that same functionality for the local DB as well
error: {$ne: null}
^ ^
| |
filter_prop filter_prop_value
exports.applyFilterLocalDB = (db_path, filter_obj, operation) => {
const filter_props = Object.keys(filter_obj);
const return_val = db_path[operation](record => {
if (!filter_props) return true;
let filtered = true;
for (let i = 0; i < filter_props.length; i++) {
const filter_prop = filter_props[i];
const filter_prop_value = filter_obj[filter_prop];
if (filter_prop_value === undefined || filter_prop_value === null) {
filtered &= record[filter_prop] === undefined || record[filter_prop] === null;
} else {
if (typeof filter_prop_value === 'object') {
if ('$regex' in filter_prop_value) {
filtered &= (record[filter_prop].search(new RegExp(filter_prop_value['$regex'], filter_prop_value['$options'])) !== -1);
} else if ('$ne' in filter_prop_value) {
filtered &= filter_prop in record && record[filter_prop] !== filter_prop_value['$ne'];
} else if ('$lt' in filter_prop_value) {
filtered &= filter_prop in record && record[filter_prop] < filter_prop_value['$lt'];
} else if ('$gt' in filter_prop_value) {
filtered &= filter_prop in record && record[filter_prop] > filter_prop_value['$gt'];
} else if ('$lte' in filter_prop_value) {
filtered &= filter_prop in record && record[filter_prop] <= filter_prop_value['$lt'];
} else if ('$gte' in filter_prop_value) {
filtered &= filter_prop in record && record[filter_prop] >= filter_prop_value['$gt'];
} else {
// handle case of nested property check
if (filter_prop.includes('.'))
filtered &= utils.searchObjectByString(record, filter_prop) === filter_prop_value;
filtered &= record[filter_prop] === filter_prop_value;
return filtered;
return return_val;
// should only be used for tests
exports.setLocalDBMode = (mode) => {
using_local_db = mode;
} |