You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
351 lines
13 KiB
351 lines
13 KiB
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const path = require('path')
const { uuid } = require('uuidv4');
const config_api = require('./config');
const db_api = require('./db');
const archive_api = require('./archive');
const utils = require('./utils')
const logger = require('./logger');
exports.registerFileDB = async (file_path, type, user_uid = null, category = null, sub_id = null, cropFileSettings = null, file_object = null) => {
if (!file_object) file_object = generateFileObject(file_path, type);
if (!file_object) {
logger.error(`Could not find associated JSON file for ${type} file ${file_path}`);
return false;
utils.fixVideoMetadataPerms(file_path, type);
// add thumbnail path
file_object['thumbnailPath'] = utils.getDownloadedThumbnail(file_path);
// if category exists, only include essential info
if (category) file_object['category'] = {name: category['name'], uid: category['uid']};
// modify duration
if (cropFileSettings) {
file_object['duration'] = (cropFileSettings.cropFileEnd || file_object.duration) - cropFileSettings.cropFileStart;
if (user_uid) file_object['user_uid'] = user_uid;
if (sub_id) file_object['sub_id'] = sub_id;
const file_obj = await registerFileDBManual(file_object);
// remove metadata JSON if needed
if (!config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_include_metadata')) {
utils.deleteJSONFile(file_path, type)
return file_obj;
async function registerFileDBManual(file_object) {
// add additional info
file_object['uid'] = uuid();
file_object['registered'] =;
const path_object = path.parse(file_object['path']);
file_object['path'] = path.format(path_object);
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('files', file_object, {path: file_object['path']})
return file_object;
function generateFileObject(file_path, type) {
const jsonobj = utils.getJSON(file_path, type);
if (!jsonobj) {
return null;
} else if (!jsonobj['_filename']) {
logger.error(`Failed to get filename from info JSON! File ${jsonobj['title']} could not be added.`);
return null;
const true_file_path = utils.getTrueFileName(jsonobj['_filename'], type);
// console.
const stats = fs.statSync(true_file_path);
const file_id = utils.removeFileExtension(path.basename(file_path));
const title = jsonobj.title;
const url = jsonobj.webpage_url;
const uploader = jsonobj.uploader;
const upload_date = utils.formatDateString(jsonobj.upload_date);
const size = stats.size;
const thumbnail = jsonobj.thumbnail;
const duration = jsonobj.duration;
const isaudio = type === 'audio';
const description = jsonobj.description;
const file_obj = new utils.File(file_id, title, thumbnail, isaudio, duration, url, uploader, size, true_file_path, upload_date, description, jsonobj.view_count, jsonobj.height, jsonobj.abr);
return file_obj;
exports.importUnregisteredFiles = async () => {
const imported_files = [];
const dirs_to_check = await db_api.getFileDirectoriesAndDBs();
// run through check list and check each file to see if it's missing from the db
for (let i = 0; i < dirs_to_check.length; i++) {
const dir_to_check = dirs_to_check[i];
// recursively get all files in dir's path
const files = await utils.getDownloadedFilesByType(dir_to_check.basePath, dir_to_check.type);
for (let j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
const file = files[j];
// check if file exists in db, if not add it
const files_with_same_url = await db_api.getRecords('files', {url: file.url, sub_id: dir_to_check.sub_id});
const file_is_registered = !!(files_with_same_url.find(file_with_same_url => path.resolve(file_with_same_url.path) === path.resolve(file.path)));
if (!file_is_registered) {
// add additional info
const file_obj = await exports.registerFileDB(file['path'], dir_to_check.type, dir_to_check.user_uid, null, dir_to_check.sub_id, null);
if (file_obj) {
logger.verbose(`Added discovered file to the database: ${}`);
} else {
logger.error(`Failed to import ${file['path']} automatically.`);
return imported_files;
exports.addMetadataPropertyToDB = async (property_key) => {
try {
const dirs_to_check = await db_api.getFileDirectoriesAndDBs();
const update_obj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < dirs_to_check.length; i++) {
const dir_to_check = dirs_to_check[i];
// recursively get all files in dir's path
const files = await utils.getDownloadedFilesByType(dir_to_check.basePath, dir_to_check.type, true);
for (let j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
const file = files[j];
if (file[property_key]) {
update_obj[file.uid] = {[property_key]: file[property_key]};
return await db_api.bulkUpdateRecordsByKey('files', 'uid', update_obj);
} catch(err) {
return false;
exports.createPlaylist = async (playlist_name, uids, user_uid = null) => {
const first_video = await exports.getVideo(uids[0]);
const thumbnailToUse = first_video['thumbnailURL'];
let new_playlist = {
name: playlist_name,
uids: uids,
id: uuid(),
thumbnailURL: thumbnailToUse,
randomize_order: false
new_playlist.user_uid = user_uid ? user_uid : undefined;
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('playlists', new_playlist);
const duration = await exports.calculatePlaylistDuration(new_playlist);
await db_api.updateRecord('playlists', {id:}, {duration: duration});
return new_playlist;
exports.getPlaylist = async (playlist_id, user_uid = null, require_sharing = false) => {
let playlist = await db_api.getRecord('playlists', {id: playlist_id});
if (!playlist) {
playlist = await db_api.getRecord('categories', {uid: playlist_id});
if (playlist) {
const uids = (await db_api.getRecords('files', {'category.uid': playlist_id})).map(file => file.uid);
playlist['uids'] = uids;
playlist['auto'] = true;
// converts playlists to new UID-based schema
if (playlist && playlist['fileNames'] && !playlist['uids']) {
playlist['uids'] = [];
logger.verbose(`Converting playlist ${playlist['name']} to new UID-based schema.`);
for (let i = 0; i < playlist['fileNames'].length; i++) {
const fileName = playlist['fileNames'][i];
const uid = await exports.getVideoUIDByID(fileName, user_uid);
if (uid) playlist['uids'].push(uid);
else logger.warn(`Failed to convert file with name ${fileName} to its UID while converting playlist ${playlist['name']} to the new UID-based schema. The original file is likely missing/deleted and it will be skipped.`);
exports.updatePlaylist(playlist, user_uid);
// prevent unauthorized users from accessing the file info
if (require_sharing && !playlist['sharingEnabled']) return null;
return playlist;
exports.updatePlaylist = async (playlist) => {
let playlistID =;
const duration = await exports.calculatePlaylistDuration(playlist);
playlist.duration = duration;
return await db_api.updateRecord('playlists', {id: playlistID}, playlist);
exports.setPlaylistProperty = async (playlist_id, assignment_obj, user_uid = null) => {
let success = await db_api.updateRecord('playlists', {id: playlist_id}, assignment_obj);
if (!success) {
success = await db_api.updateRecord('categories', {uid: playlist_id}, assignment_obj);
if (!success) {
logger.error(`Could not find playlist or category with ID ${playlist_id}`);
return success;
exports.calculatePlaylistDuration = async (playlist, playlist_file_objs = null) => {
if (!playlist_file_objs) {
playlist_file_objs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < playlist['uids'].length; i++) {
const uid = playlist['uids'][i];
const file_obj = await exports.getVideo(uid);
if (file_obj) playlist_file_objs.push(file_obj);
return playlist_file_objs.reduce((a, b) => a + utils.durationStringToNumber(b.duration), 0);
exports.deleteFile = async (uid, blacklistMode = false) => {
const file_obj = await exports.getVideo(uid);
const type = file_obj.isAudio ? 'audio' : 'video';
const folderPath = path.dirname(file_obj.path);
const name =;
const filePathNoExtension = utils.removeFileExtension(file_obj.path);
var jsonPath = `${file_obj.path}.info.json`;
var altJSONPath = `${filePathNoExtension}.info.json`;
var thumbnailPath = `${filePathNoExtension}.webp`;
var altThumbnailPath = `${filePathNoExtension}.jpg`;
jsonPath = path.join(__dirname, jsonPath);
altJSONPath = path.join(__dirname, altJSONPath);
let jsonExists = await fs.pathExists(jsonPath);
let thumbnailExists = await fs.pathExists(thumbnailPath);
if (!jsonExists) {
if (await fs.pathExists(altJSONPath)) {
jsonExists = true;
jsonPath = altJSONPath;
if (!thumbnailExists) {
if (await fs.pathExists(altThumbnailPath)) {
thumbnailExists = true;
thumbnailPath = altThumbnailPath;
let fileExists = await fs.pathExists(file_obj.path);
if (config_api.descriptors[uid]) {
try {
for (let i = 0; i < config_api.descriptors[uid].length; i++) {
} catch(e) {
let useYoutubeDLArchive = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_use_youtubedl_archive');
if (useYoutubeDLArchive || file_obj.sub_id) {
// get id/extractor from JSON
const info_json = await (type === 'audio' ? utils.getJSONMp3(name, folderPath) : utils.getJSONMp4(name, folderPath));
let retrievedID = null;
let retrievedExtractor = null;
if (info_json) {
retrievedID = info_json['id'];
retrievedExtractor = info_json['extractor'];
// Remove file ID from the archive file, and write it to the blacklist (if enabled)
if (!blacklistMode) {
await archive_api.removeFromArchive(retrievedExtractor, retrievedID, type, file_obj.user_uid, file_obj.sub_id)
} else {
const exists_in_archive = await archive_api.existsInArchive(retrievedExtractor, retrievedID, type, file_obj.user_uid, file_obj.sub_id);
if (!exists_in_archive) {
await archive_api.addToArchive(retrievedExtractor, retrievedID, type, file_obj.title, file_obj.user_uid, file_obj.sub_id);
if (jsonExists) await fs.unlink(jsonPath);
if (thumbnailExists) await fs.unlink(thumbnailPath);
await db_api.removeRecord('files', {uid: uid});
if (fileExists) {
await fs.unlink(file_obj.path);
if (await fs.pathExists(jsonPath) || await fs.pathExists(file_obj.path)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
// TODO: tell user that the file didn't exist
return true;
// Video ID is basically just the file name without the base path and file extension - this method helps us get away from that
exports.getVideoUIDByID = async (file_id, uuid = null) => {
const file_obj = await db_api.getRecord('files', {id: file_id});
return file_obj ? file_obj['uid'] : null;
exports.getVideo = async (file_uid) => {
return await db_api.getRecord('files', {uid: file_uid});
exports.getAllFiles = async (sort, range, text_search, file_type_filter, favorite_filter, sub_id, uuid) => {
const filter_obj = {user_uid: uuid};
const regex = true;
if (text_search) {
if (regex) {
filter_obj['title'] = {$regex: `.*${text_search}.*`, $options: 'i'};
} else {
filter_obj['$text'] = { $search: utils.createEdgeNGrams(text_search) };
if (favorite_filter) {
filter_obj['favorite'] = true;
if (sub_id) {
filter_obj['sub_id'] = sub_id;
if (file_type_filter === 'audio_only') filter_obj['isAudio'] = true;
else if (file_type_filter === 'video_only') filter_obj['isAudio'] = false;
const files = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(await db_api.getRecords('files', filter_obj, false, sort, range, text_search)));
const file_count = await db_api.getRecords('files', filter_obj, true);
return {files, file_count};