const fs = require('fs-extra'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const logger = require('./logger'); const utils = require('./utils'); const CONSTS = require('./consts'); const config_api = require('./config.js'); const OUTDATED_VERSION = "2020.00.00"; const is_windows = process.platform === 'win32'; const download_sources = { 'youtube-dl': { 'tags_url': '', 'func': downloadLatestYoutubeDLBinary }, 'youtube-dlc': { 'tags_url': '', 'func': downloadLatestYoutubeDLCBinary }, 'yt-dlp': { 'tags_url': '', 'func': downloadLatestYoutubeDLPBinary } } exports.checkForYoutubeDLUpdate = async () => { return new Promise(async resolve => { const default_downloader = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_default_downloader'); const tags_url = download_sources[default_downloader]['tags_url']; // get current version let current_app_details_exists = fs.existsSync(CONSTS.DETAILS_BIN_PATH); if (!current_app_details_exists) { logger.warn(`Failed to get youtube-dl binary details at location '${CONSTS.DETAILS_BIN_PATH}'. Generating file...`); fs.writeJSONSync(CONSTS.DETAILS_BIN_PATH, {"version": OUTDATED_VERSION, "downloader": default_downloader}); } let current_app_details = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(CONSTS.DETAILS_BIN_PATH)); let current_version = current_app_details['version']; let current_downloader = current_app_details['downloader']; let stored_binary_path = current_app_details['path']; if (!stored_binary_path || typeof stored_binary_path !== 'string') { //`INFO: Failed to get youtube-dl binary path at location: ${CONSTS.DETAILS_BIN_PATH}, attempting to guess actual path...`); const guessed_base_path = 'node_modules/youtube-dl/bin/'; const guessed_file_path = guessed_base_path + 'youtube-dl' + (is_windows ? '.exe' : ''); if (fs.existsSync(guessed_file_path)) { stored_binary_path = guessed_file_path; //'INFO: Guess successful! Update process continuing...') } else { logger.error(`Guess '${guessed_file_path}' is not correct. Cancelling update check. Verify that your youtube-dl binaries exist by running npm install.`); resolve(null); return; } } // got version, now let's check the latest version from the youtube-dl API fetch(tags_url, {method: 'Get'}) .then(async res => res.json()) .then(async (json) => { // check if the versions are different if (!json || !json[0]) { logger.error(`Failed to check ${default_downloader} version for an update.`) resolve(null); return; } const latest_update_version = json[0]['name']; if (current_version !== latest_update_version || default_downloader !== current_downloader) { // versions different or different downloader is being used, download new update resolve(latest_update_version); } else { resolve(null); } return; }) .catch(err => { logger.error(`Failed to check ${default_downloader} version for an update.`) logger.error(err); resolve(null); return; }); }); } exports.updateYoutubeDL = async (latest_update_version) => { const default_downloader = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_default_downloader'); await download_sources[default_downloader]['func'](latest_update_version); } exports.verifyBinaryExistsLinux = () => { const details_json = fs.readJSONSync(CONSTS.DETAILS_BIN_PATH); if (!is_windows && details_json && (!details_json['path'] || details_json['path'].includes('.exe'))) { details_json['path'] = 'node_modules/youtube-dl/bin/youtube-dl'; details_json['exec'] = 'youtube-dl'; details_json['version'] = OUTDATED_VERSION; fs.writeJSONSync(CONSTS.DETAILS_BIN_PATH, details_json); utils.restartServer(); } } async function downloadLatestYoutubeDLBinary(new_version) { const file_ext = is_windows ? '.exe' : ''; const download_url = `${file_ext}`; const output_path = `node_modules/youtube-dl/bin/youtube-dl${file_ext}`; await utils.fetchFile(download_url, output_path, `youtube-dl ${new_version}`); updateDetailsJSON(new_version, 'youtube-dl'); } async function downloadLatestYoutubeDLCBinary(new_version) { const file_ext = is_windows ? '.exe' : ''; const download_url = `${file_ext}`; const output_path = `node_modules/youtube-dl/bin/youtube-dl${file_ext}`; await utils.fetchFile(download_url, output_path, `youtube-dlc ${new_version}`); updateDetailsJSON(new_version, 'youtube-dlc'); } async function downloadLatestYoutubeDLPBinary(new_version) { const file_ext = is_windows ? '.exe' : ''; const download_url = `${file_ext}`; const output_path = `node_modules/youtube-dl/bin/youtube-dl${file_ext}`; await utils.fetchFile(download_url, output_path, `yt-dlp ${new_version}`); updateDetailsJSON(new_version, 'yt-dlp'); } function updateDetailsJSON(new_version, downloader) { const details_json = fs.readJSONSync(CONSTS.DETAILS_BIN_PATH); if (new_version) details_json['version'] = new_version; details_json['downloader'] = downloader; fs.writeJSONSync(CONSTS.DETAILS_BIN_PATH, details_json); }