const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg'); const archiver = require('archiver'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const ProgressBar = require('progress'); const config_api = require('./config'); const logger = require('./logger'); const CONSTS = require('./consts'); const is_windows = process.platform === 'win32'; // replaces .webm with appropriate extension function getTrueFileName(unfixed_path, type) { let fixed_path = unfixed_path; const new_ext = (type === 'audio' ? 'mp3' : 'mp4'); let unfixed_parts = unfixed_path.split('.'); const old_ext = unfixed_parts[unfixed_parts.length-1]; if (old_ext !== new_ext) { unfixed_parts[unfixed_parts.length-1] = new_ext; fixed_path = unfixed_parts.join('.'); } return fixed_path; } async function getDownloadedFilesByType(basePath, type, full_metadata = false) { // return empty array if the path doesn't exist if (!(await fs.pathExists(basePath))) return []; let files = []; const ext = type === 'audio' ? 'mp3' : 'mp4'; var located_files = await recFindByExt(basePath, ext); for (let i = 0; i < located_files.length; i++) { let file = located_files[i]; var file_path = file.substring(basePath.includes('\\') ? basePath.length+1 : basePath.length, file.length); var stats = await fs.stat(file); var id = file_path.substring(0, file_path.length-4); var jsonobj = await getJSONByType(type, id, basePath); if (!jsonobj) continue; if (full_metadata) { jsonobj['id'] = id; files.push(jsonobj); continue; } var upload_date = formatDateString(jsonobj.upload_date); var isaudio = type === 'audio'; var file_obj = new File(id, jsonobj.title, jsonobj.thumbnail, isaudio, jsonobj.duration, jsonobj.webpage_url, jsonobj.uploader, stats.size, file, upload_date, jsonobj.description, jsonobj.view_count, jsonobj.height, jsonobj.abr); files.push(file_obj); } return files; } async function createContainerZipFile(file_name, container_file_objs) { const container_files_to_download = []; for (let i = 0; i < container_file_objs.length; i++) { const container_file_obj = container_file_objs[i]; container_files_to_download.push(container_file_obj.path); } return await createZipFile(path.join('appdata', file_name + '.zip'), container_files_to_download); } async function createZipFile(zip_file_path, file_paths) { let output = fs.createWriteStream(zip_file_path); var archive = archiver('zip', { gzip: true, zlib: { level: 9 } // Sets the compression level. }); archive.on('error', function(err) { logger.error(err); throw err; }); // pipe archive data to the output file archive.pipe(output); for (let file_path of file_paths) { const file_name = path.parse(file_path).base; archive.file(file_path, {name: file_name}) } await archive.finalize(); // wait a tiny bit for the zip to reload in fs await wait(100); return zip_file_path; } function getJSONMp4(name, customPath, openReadPerms = false) { var obj = null; // output if (!customPath) customPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_video_folder_path'); var jsonPath = path.join(customPath, name + ".info.json"); var alternateJsonPath = path.join(customPath, name + ""); if (fs.existsSync(jsonPath)) { obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, 'utf8')); } else if (fs.existsSync(alternateJsonPath)) { obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(alternateJsonPath, 'utf8')); } else obj = 0; return obj; } function getJSONMp3(name, customPath, openReadPerms = false) { var obj = null; if (!customPath) customPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_audio_folder_path'); var jsonPath = path.join(customPath, name + ".info.json"); var alternateJsonPath = path.join(customPath, name + ""); if (fs.existsSync(jsonPath)) { obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, 'utf8')); } else if (fs.existsSync(alternateJsonPath)) { obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(alternateJsonPath, 'utf8')); } else obj = 0; return obj; } function getJSON(file_path, type) { const ext = type === 'audio' ? '.mp3' : '.mp4'; let obj = null; var jsonPath = removeFileExtension(file_path) + '.info.json'; var alternateJsonPath = removeFileExtension(file_path) + `${ext}.info.json`; if (fs.existsSync(jsonPath)) { obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, 'utf8')); } else if (fs.existsSync(alternateJsonPath)) { obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(alternateJsonPath, 'utf8')); } else obj = 0; return obj; } function getJSONByType(type, name, customPath, openReadPerms = false) { return type === 'audio' ? getJSONMp3(name, customPath, openReadPerms) : getJSONMp4(name, customPath, openReadPerms) } function getDownloadedThumbnail(file_path) { const file_path_no_extension = removeFileExtension(file_path); let jpgPath = file_path_no_extension + '.jpg'; let webpPath = file_path_no_extension + '.webp'; let pngPath = file_path_no_extension + '.png'; if (fs.existsSync(jpgPath)) return jpgPath; else if (fs.existsSync(webpPath)) return webpPath; else if (fs.existsSync(pngPath)) return pngPath; else return null; } function getExpectedFileSize(input_info_jsons) { // treat single videos as arrays to have the file sizes checked/added to. makes the code cleaner const info_jsons = Array.isArray(input_info_jsons) ? input_info_jsons : [input_info_jsons]; let expected_filesize = 0; info_jsons.forEach(info_json => { const formats = info_json['format_id'].split('+'); let individual_expected_filesize = 0; formats.forEach(format_id => { info_json.formats.forEach(available_format => { if (available_format.format_id === format_id && available_format.filesize) { individual_expected_filesize += available_format.filesize; } }); }); expected_filesize += individual_expected_filesize; }); return expected_filesize; } function fixVideoMetadataPerms(file_path, type) { if (is_windows) return; const ext = type === 'audio' ? '.mp3' : '.mp4'; const file_path_no_extension = removeFileExtension(file_path); const files_to_fix = [ // JSONs file_path_no_extension + '.info.json', file_path_no_extension + ext + '.info.json', // Thumbnails file_path_no_extension + '.webp', file_path_no_extension + '.jpg' ]; for (const file of files_to_fix) { if (!fs.existsSync(file)) continue; fs.chmodSync(file, 0o644); } } function deleteJSONFile(file_path, type) { const ext = type === 'audio' ? '.mp3' : '.mp4'; const file_path_no_extension = removeFileExtension(file_path); let json_path = file_path_no_extension + '.info.json'; let alternate_json_path = file_path_no_extension + ext + '.info.json'; if (fs.existsSync(json_path)) fs.unlinkSync(json_path); if (fs.existsSync(alternate_json_path)) fs.unlinkSync(alternate_json_path); } async function removeIDFromArchive(archive_path, id) { let data = await fs.readFile(archive_path, {encoding: 'utf-8'}); if (!data) { logger.error('Archive could not be found.'); return; } let dataArray = data.split('\n'); // convert file data in an array const searchKeyword = id; // we are looking for a line, contains, key word id in the file let lastIndex = -1; // let say, we have not found the keyword for (let index=0; index= 0; i--) { num_sum += parseInt(dur_str_parts[i])*(60**(dur_str_parts.length-1-i)); } return num_sum; } function getMatchingCategoryFiles(category, files) { return files && files.filter(file => file.category && file.category.uid === category.uid); } function addUIDsToCategory(category, files) { const files_that_match = getMatchingCategoryFiles(category, files); category['uids'] = => file.uid); return files_that_match; } function getCurrentDownloader() { const details_json = fs.readJSONSync(CONSTS.DETAILS_BIN_PATH); return details_json['downloader']; } async function recFindByExt(base, ext, files, result, recursive = true) { files = files || (await fs.readdir(base)) result = result || [] for (const file of files) { var newbase = path.join(base,file) if ( (await fs.stat(newbase)).isDirectory() ) { if (!recursive) continue; result = await recFindByExt(newbase,ext,await fs.readdir(newbase),result) } else { if ( file.substr(-1*(ext.length+1)) == '.' + ext ) { result.push(newbase) } } } return result } function removeFileExtension(filename) { const filename_parts = filename.split('.'); filename_parts.splice(filename_parts.length - 1); return filename_parts.join('.'); } function formatDateString(date_string) { return date_string ? `${date_string.substring(0, 4)}-${date_string.substring(4, 6)}-${date_string.substring(6, 8)}` : 'N/A'; } function createEdgeNGrams(str) { if (str && str.length > 3) { const minGram = 3 const maxGram = str.length return str.split(" ").reduce((ngrams, token) => { if (token.length > minGram) { for (let i = minGram; i <= maxGram && i <= token.length; ++i) { ngrams = [...ngrams, token.substr(0, i)] } } else { ngrams = [...ngrams, token] } return ngrams }, []).join(" ") } return str } // ffmpeg helper functions async function cropFile(file_path, start, end, ext) { return new Promise(resolve => { const temp_file_path = `${file_path}.cropped${ext}`; let base_ffmpeg_call = ffmpeg(file_path); if (start) { base_ffmpeg_call = base_ffmpeg_call.seekOutput(start); } if (end) { base_ffmpeg_call = base_ffmpeg_call.duration(end - start); } base_ffmpeg_call .on('end', () => { logger.verbose(`Cropping for '${file_path}' complete.`); fs.unlinkSync(file_path); fs.moveSync(temp_file_path, file_path); resolve(true); }) .on('error', (err) => { logger.error(`Failed to crop ${file_path}.`); logger.error(err); resolve(false); }).save(temp_file_path); }); } /** * setTimeout, but its a promise. * @param {number} ms */ async function wait(ms) { await new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } async function checkExistsWithTimeout(filePath, timeout) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var timer = setTimeout(function () { if (watcher) watcher.close(); reject(new Error('File did not exists and was not created during the timeout.')); }, timeout); fs.access(filePath, fs.constants.R_OK, function (err) { if (!err) { clearTimeout(timer); if (watcher) watcher.close(); resolve(); } }); var dir = path.dirname(filePath); var basename = path.basename(filePath); var watcher =, function (eventType, filename) { if (eventType === 'rename' && filename === basename) { clearTimeout(timer); if (watcher) watcher.close(); resolve(); } }); }); } // helper function to download file using fetch async function fetchFile(url, path, file_label) { var len = null; const res = await fetch(url); len = parseInt(res.headers.get("Content-Length"), 10); var bar = new ProgressBar(` Downloading ${file_label} [:bar] :percent :etas`, { complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 20, total: len }); const fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(path); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { res.body.pipe(fileStream); res.body.on("error", (err) => { reject(err); }); res.body.on('data', function (chunk) { bar.tick(chunk.length); }); fileStream.on("finish", function() { resolve(); }); }); } // objects function File(id, title, thumbnailURL, isAudio, duration, url, uploader, size, path, upload_date, description, view_count, height, abr) { = id; this.title = title; this.thumbnailURL = thumbnailURL; this.isAudio = isAudio; this.duration = duration; this.url = url; this.uploader = uploader; this.size = size; this.path = path; this.upload_date = upload_date; this.description = description; this.view_count = view_count; this.height = height; this.abr = abr; } module.exports = { getJSONMp3: getJSONMp3, getJSONMp4: getJSONMp4, getJSON: getJSON, getTrueFileName: getTrueFileName, getDownloadedThumbnail: getDownloadedThumbnail, getExpectedFileSize: getExpectedFileSize, fixVideoMetadataPerms: fixVideoMetadataPerms, deleteJSONFile: deleteJSONFile, removeIDFromArchive: removeIDFromArchive, getDownloadedFilesByType: getDownloadedFilesByType, createContainerZipFile: createContainerZipFile, durationStringToNumber: durationStringToNumber, getMatchingCategoryFiles: getMatchingCategoryFiles, addUIDsToCategory: addUIDsToCategory, getCurrentDownloader: getCurrentDownloader, recFindByExt: recFindByExt, removeFileExtension: removeFileExtension, formatDateString: formatDateString, cropFile: cropFile, createEdgeNGrams: createEdgeNGrams, wait: wait, checkExistsWithTimeout: checkExistsWithTimeout, fetchFile: fetchFile, File: File }