<source>Global custom args for downloads on the home page. Args are delimited using two commas like so: ,,</source>
<source>Global custom args for downloads on the home page. (Set args for subscriptions for each subscriptions separately!) Args are delimited using two commas like so: ,,</source>
<target>Algemene aanvullende opties voor downloads op de overzichtspagina. Scheidt deze met komma's: ,,</target>
<target>Algemene aanvullende opties voor downloads op de overzichtspagina. (Stel de opties per abonnement in!) Scheidt deze met komma's: ,,</target>
<source>Global custom args for downloads on the home page. Args are delimited using two commas like so: ,,</source>
<source>Global custom args for downloads on the home page. (Set args for subscriptions for each subscriptions separately!) Args are delimited using two commas like so: ,,</source>